The paladin on the left couldn't help but admire: "You are young and promising! I didn't expect you to reach such a level. At your age, I seem to be still studying in the academy."

"Ahem, little kid, can you remove the devouring ability of your spiritual furnace first? If you do it again, it will suck us dry." The paladin on the right said.

"Forgot, forgot. Hehe." Long Kongkong then withdrew his touch of the abyss. Without this powerful devouring ability, the expressions of the two paladins were obviously much more relaxed, but when they looked at the two young men opposite, their eyes were full of strangeness.

Xuan Hanyan looked at Long Dangdang with deep eyes and said: "Congratulations to you, you have passed this assessment."

Nan Yu on the side was hesitant to speak, but in the end he did not say anything.

According to the normal procedures of the Knights Temple, if you want to become an Adamantine Pedestal Knight, you must actually defeat the Adamantine Pedestal Knight. Although Long Dangdang and the others seemed to have suppressed the two paladins during the battle, in fact the two paladins had reservations and did not go all out to attack, nor did they use the power of the spiritual furnace.

It would definitely not be the case with other challengers. It was because the brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong were too young, making the two paladins a little embarrassed to take action. Therefore, it is somewhat reluctant to say that they passed the assessment. However, who can say that these two little brothers have no other means? Therefore, Nan Yu did not raise any objection after all.

The paladin on the left smiled bitterly and said: "It seems that the youngest adamantine base knight in the history of our Knight Temple is about to be born in front of us. Knight Commander, you are not kind! You are using the two of us as stepping stones!"

Nan Yu was also very helpless, "Who made you two useless? I originally wanted to teach these two little guys a lesson."

The paladin on the right said resentfully: "Who taught whom a lesson?"

Long Dangdang hurriedly said: "Thank you two seniors for showing mercy."

The paladin on the left waved his hand and said: "Not to mention this, you can't do this without mercy. However, I am very curious. You are my brother Long Dangdang, right? Your mount partner is the real A giant dragon? But why haven’t I heard of a three-headed dragon?”

Long Dang said: "Maybe it's because it formed a blood contract with me when it was born, so it was affected by some of my abilities, so there are multiple heads. Xiaoba is indeed a real dragon."

The paladin on the left gave a thumbs up and said: "Amazing! The dragon knight of the blood contract. Then you should be the first one. It's amazing. Lord Templar, Knight Commander, I agree to give them a fine gold base. Battle armor, young people like this need the best protection. I also believe that they will all have divine seals in the future."

The paladin on the right said: "I agree too. That big rat is a bit interesting. I feel like even I want to eat it."

Xuan Hanyan nodded and said: "Okay, in that case, on behalf of the Holy Church, I allow you to join the ranks of the Adamantine Base Knights. I hope you will improve your cultivation level as soon as possible and reach the eighth level. You must understand that this time you are breaking the rules. Those who are allowed to become Knights of the Adamantine Pedestal must guard against arrogance and impetuosity.”

"Yes." Brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong agreed in unison.

Xuan Hanyan turned to look at Nan Yu and said: "Captain Paladin, then take them to apply for the fine gold base."

"Okay." Nan Yu nodded. There is also emotion in my heart, he is really the youngest adamantine base knight! Once they possess the Adamantine Base Armor, their strength will truly be enhanced at an epic level. It wouldn't surprise me to say that they can fight against the ninth level together.

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong suddenly became excited. Skipping the mithril pedestal and directly obtaining the fine gold pedestal was something they had never dared to think about before. Especially Long Kongkong felt the deepest. When Long Dangdang said he wanted to try it before, he thought it was a fantasy, but he didn't expect it to actually succeed. Moreover, he clearly felt today that the Rat King was different from before, and could only be described as powerful.

A golden halo enveloped the place. It seemed that a full minute had passed before Long Dangdang felt the end of the transmission.

When the scenery became clear again, he found that he and his brother had followed the Holy Knight Captain into a hall.

This is a circular hall. At this time, where they are, fine and gorgeous golden light patterns are shining under their feet. Here, the light element becomes extremely rich, so rich that it seems like water is dripping out.

And the next moment, they were attracted to what was around them. Surrounding this circular golden array, there are thirty-six stone pillars about as tall as a person. Each stone pillar is also engraved with magnificent runes. Most of the stone pillars are empty, and there are only seven stone pillars, each with a seat. That's right, it's something like a seat.

However, compared to ordinary seats, these seven seats look so gorgeous. They exude a faint golden color and look very thick and solid, with a faint orange-red light shining from the center of the backrest. On top of that is a pale golden round gem. The round gem occupies the center of the seat back like a convex mirror, shining brightly. There are strange patterns with special lines on the seat. The backrest is very high, more than one meter. There are armrests on both sides of the seat that are connected to the seat. There are no traces of splicing on the surface, only those strange shapes. The texture is integrated.

There is no doubt that these seven seats without owners are the gold bases that are the treasure of the Knights Temple.

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong understood that from the moment they became the masters of the fine gold base, they were no longer the rising stars of the Knights Temple, but the real top brass of the Knights Temple.

"Captain Paladin, are all these fine gold bases the same?" Long Kongkong asked curiously.

Nan Yu turned to look at him and said: "When they were first made, they were all the same. In a sense, both the fine gold base and the mithril base were imitated to a certain extent when they were first made. The design of the Seal Throne is just that in terms of material and manufacturing, it cannot be compared with the artifact-level Divine Seal Throne. But with the baptism of time, they all once had their own masters, and each generation of masters actually relied on their Your own strength nourishes them. Therefore, over time, each fine gold base will naturally have some differences. Now you can choose from these seven fine gold bases. You have to feel them with your own heart. , try to choose the one that best suits you.”

Long Kongkong blinked his eyes and said: "So, the fine gold base is also divided into strong and weak? These are not the ones left after being selected, right?"

Long Dangdang glared at him, "Don't talk nonsense."

Nan Yu couldn't help but laugh, "It's really nonsense. Choose treasures, and treasures also choose people. Do you know how I, the leader of the Holy Knight, came to be?"

Long Kongkong asked curiously: "Is it related to the selected fine gold base?"

Nan Yu nodded and said: "Yes. Among the thirty-six fine gold bases, four are different from the others. To some extent, they are all close to the level of the Divine Seal Throne, and they have all become at least one I have been the partner of more than three Divine Seal Knights. I have been carefully nurtured by the Divine Seal Knights. It has surpassed the ordinary epic level equipment and is close to the immortal level. According to the regulations of our Knight Temple. I want to become a Paladin Leader. , you must be selected by one of them.”

Immortal level? This level is very unfamiliar to both Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong. After all, they have not seen the legendary level for a long time, and the only epic level is the cousin's powerful light pill that is integrated with the spiritual furnace.

Is the adamantine base actually at the peak of the epic level, close to the immortal level? Undoubtedly, the paladin captain in front of him owns such a fine gold base.

Long Dang said: "You mean, among these seven fine gold bases, there are other fine gold bases that are close to the immortal level?"

Nan Yu nodded and said: "Also add all two words. Four near-immortal fine gold bases, except mine, the other three are among them. So, the remaining ones are not necessarily Okay, but there is a real possibility that these three will not recognize their owners after being selected. That’s why they can be kept until now.”

Long Kongkong asked curiously: "What are the conditions to become the master of such a top-grade fine gold base?"

Nan Yu said: "It depends on fate. Epic-level equipment already has its own spiritual wisdom on its back. In a sense, it is already similar to a spiritual furnace. Immortal-level equipment, you can understand it as a spiritual furnace." Wisdom is more mature, has its own character, and is immortal. Therefore, if you want to possess it, you must have the wisdom in it to recognize you. This is not only a strength level, but also a spiritual level. Therefore, you need Try to communicate with them, and only after gaining recognition can they recognize their master. What I must tell you is that there are magic circles secretly made by the Knights Temple in the mithril base and the adamantine base. Once the user If killed in battle, they will return to the temple on their own and will not become anyone's private property. Therefore, the mithril pedestal knights and adamantine pedestal knights are only their users and do not really own them."

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong nodded, they had known this for a long time. If not, the core treasure of the Knights Temple would have been incomplete long ago.

Nan Yu said: "Okay, you can make your selection. Don't be obsessed with immortality, they are still a little short of true immortality. Apart from them, other fine gold bases can be selected directly."


After agreeing, the brothers could no longer restrain their excitement and quickly walked towards the seven fine gold bases.

Long Dangdang just wanted to release his mental power to feel the differences between these seven fine gold bases, so as to make a choice. But he found that in this place, his spiritual power could not be released at all.

Although he didn't understand why, he didn't force himself and walked directly to the fine gold pedestal closest to him.

When you get closer, you can feel the hugeness of the fine gold base, and you can also feel the heaviness contained in it. It's not just power, but also a foundation that comes from historical accumulation.

The Knights Temple has many knights, but only a handful of them can actually come here. Long Dangdang did not sit directly on it, but first stretched out his right hand and placed it on the armrest of the fine gold base.

Suddenly, a chilling aura suddenly came. Different from the murderous aura of Shura's Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace, this chilling aura was extremely thick and had a strong sense of righteousness. The eight words that washed over Long Dangdang's body and mind in an instant, sacrificing his life for righteousness, and considering death as home almost instantly filled Long Dangdang's heart. It made him feel as if his spiritual world had been baptized.

Even the spiritual power in the body seemed to be filtered in an instant, feeling indescribably comfortable. Invisibly, a strong feeling of wanting to explode began to appear in his heart. The spiritual power in the body surged.

As a disciple of Mang Knight, the last thing Long Dangdang is afraid of is an explosion! This is also the way he is most accustomed to fighting. His eyes lit up immediately, and a faint golden light rose from his body.

The murderous aura coming from the fine gold base became stronger at this moment. Long Dangdang seemed to see a knight standing in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Even though he was still facing millions of strong enemies, he did not retreat at all. Until the last drop of his own blood was shed, he still supported his body with his long sword. .

In an instant, a surge of murderous aura rushed out, heading straight towards him. Shaking his heart.

At this moment, Nan Yu's voice suddenly came to his ears, "If you choose it, you have to find a way to sit on it. Being able to sit firmly means that it recognizes you."

After hearing the reminder from the Paladin Captain, Long Dangdang immediately realized that the fine gold base he chose was actually one of the three half-step immortals. Because he has said before that other fine gold bases besides Half-Step Immortality can be directly selected. Only Half-Step Immortal has his own character, so it's not that easy to pick.

There is a three-seventh chance that I don't know whether my luck is good or bad.

However, Long Dangdang did not hesitate, nor did he retract his hand holding the armrest. He turned around directly, facing the murderous aura that fiercely attacked him. He was firm in his heart, kept his heart, and slowly sat down on this fine gold base.

As he moved, the reaction of the fine gold base became extremely strong. The terrifying murderous aura suddenly erupted like a blowout. Long Dangdang's body was so shocked that he couldn't sit down. On the surface of the fine gold base, orange-red light surged out like a tide, and there was even more determination in the murderous aura. The determination on the battlefield seemed to be the determination of the fine gold base itself. Long Dangdang even felt that it didn't seem to want to be used by others at all. Because it can never forget its last owner.

Of course Long Dangdang didn't know who its last owner was, but he could feel the deep sadness coming from this fine gold base from this determination. It has been thinking about its master who died in battle.

Sighing secretly, Long Dangdang was ready to give up. He didn't want to force it, and he respected its former owner.

But at this moment, behind Long Dangdang, a red light suddenly emitted, and a huge red lotus suddenly opened up behind him like a halo.

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