Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 305 The test of Shura Honglian?

Just when Long Dangdang was ready to give up the fine gold base around him out of respect. His Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace suddenly exploded as if it was stimulated.

The blooming red lotus petals and the huge murderous aura coming from the fine gold base behind him instantly came together. The murderous aura seemed to be diluted at this moment, but there was a special emotion blending with each other. That emotion was called: determination. .

The determination of the adamantine base comes from the fact that its former owner fought to the last moment on the battlefield and shed the last drop of blood. The determination of Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace comes from the twelve watchers who once protected the Holy Demon Continent to resist the outbreak of natural disasters.

In an instant, two different murderous auras that seemed to have the same destination quickly merged and merged with each other. The strong resistance of the fine gold base seemed to be assimilated. The original orange-red color was gradually rendered red, and the entire fine gold base turned into a strange red gold.

And at the next moment, a huge suction force suddenly came from behind. Long Dangdang felt as if he fell into a vortex instantly, and his vision went dark.

What Paladin Chang Nanyu saw was that the fine gold base suddenly bloomed with a strong red-gold light. The red lotus petals behind Long Dangdang also surged in an instant, directly melting into the red-gold color, wrapping forward, covering the dragon. Dangdang's whole person was enveloped, and only the petals could be seen, but his figure could no longer be seen.

This kind of situation has never been heard of even by the well-informed paladin captain. Subconsciously, he dodged and rushed towards the fine gold base.

But at this moment, a moon-white light and shadow flickered, and a figure blocked his way.

"Don't interfere with him. This is his spiritual furnace testing him." Behind Yuebai's figure, a white spiritual furnace hung in the air, emitting a soft halo, blocking Nan Yu's progress.

Moonlight and Canghai Spiritual Furnace? Nan Yu was stunned. Looking at the red light cocoon covering Long Dangdang again, my heart was filled with shock.

The test of the spiritual furnace? what does that mean? Spirit furnace evolution? What needs to be tested to evolve is obviously the spiritual furnace of wisdom. The thing that emitted white light before and restricted the movements of the two paladins was the evolved wisdom furnace, right? The Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace that needed to be repaired in front of him, thus delaying Long Dangdang's cultivation, was also an ancient wisdom spiritual furnace. Why else? Why does he still have a spiritual furnace of wisdom on him? Is this the third statue?

In the past, the reason why Long Dangdang was not ranked too high in the internal ranking of the Knights Temple was because of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, but before he knew it, he already owned three Wisdom Spiritual Furnaces? Coupled with the identity of the dragon knight...

Let me choke... Nan Yu doesn't know what to say at this moment. Isn’t this just the appearance of a temple? Who can refute that he is the hall master?

Moreover, this is another wisdom spiritual furnace that needs to evolve! You know, an evolution of the Wisdom Spiritual Furnace is definitely a huge improvement in terms of strength.

On the other side, Long Kongkong, who was looking east and west to choose, also felt the changes on his brother's side. He turned his head and looked over, with a look of surprise on his face, and subconsciously said: "Isn't it broken? It evolves without repairing it. , will there be any problem?"

Canghai said: "The test itself is fine. Shura borrowed this fine gold base for the test. I also want to thank you for repairing me. As I repair, I am also cultivating other spiritual furnaces. If Dangdang can pass the test, Let Shura complete an evolution and repair it will be of great help. The immortal power of this fine gold base and its fusion to a certain extent can be regarded as supporting each other. With Shura added, then it may become a real of immortality.”

Long Dangdang felt that his body was completely covered in red gold, and his skin all over his body felt a strong tingling sensation. It was as if something was drilling into his body.

This painful force seemed to be squeezing his body, becoming a part of his body.

The light flickered and the scenery in front of me suddenly became clear. At the same time, the strong tingling sensation coming from all over his body turned into burning heat. The extremely strong burning heat made him feel as if he had turned into a furnace at this time, but the tingling was transforming. After the burning, there was no pain.

In such a weird state, Long Dangdang didn't know what kind of situation he was in at this time, and the next moment, he could see everything in front of him clearly.

The air was filled with a strong aura of the undead, the sky was dark, and it was hard to tell whether it was day or night, and a strong pressure was constantly being transmitted from the air. He saw a large number of corpses around him. There was a mountain of corpses but no sea of ​​blood, because most of those who fell were undead creatures. But at the same time, he also noticed several mutilated human corpses.

Not far away, a large number of undead creatures were surrounding him in his direction. They were not moving very fast, as if they were intimidated by something.

Desperate situation, this is undoubtedly a desperate situation. And Long Dangdang immediately felt that the desperate situation he was in before seemed to be exactly what he had felt from the spiritual connection with the fine gold base.

Is this an illusion? And was it the last desperate situation faced by the senior Adamantine Pedestal Knight?

So, why is this illusion felt so clearly?

He subconsciously lowered his head to look at himself, and immediately saw the armor he was wearing. The dark golden armor presents a pleasing streamlined shape. On the chest is a pale golden semicircular transparent gemstone, which is exactly the same as the one on the back of the fine gold base that was seen before. With it as the center, metal lines radiate outward like sunlight blooming. The armor covers every corner of the body, including the head. Except for the helmet, which he couldn't see, the dark golden armor could be described as magnificent.

The streamlined shape of each piece of armor will eventually converge into a sharp-edged shape, and even the armor on the hand has a solid punch. The shoulder armors on both sides protrude sharply outwards, and there are diamond-shaped thorns on the shoulders, like the scales of a giant dragon.

The seemingly heavy armor felt no weight on his body, and the burning heat that spread throughout his body seemed to be burning, making him feel his growing strength. The light golden gemstone on his chest exuded a faint halo, and Long Dangdang suddenly felt enlightened in his heart, letting him know what the burning heat was.

The Forge of Light. The adamantine base has its own powerful abilities. It can ignite the power of the light element to amplify the master, allowing the power of light to remain explosive at all times. The effect is comparable to the knight's sacrifice skill. But this is entirely brought about by the fine gold base armor and will not cause any burden to him.

Long Dangdang also saw that right in front of him was a dark golden heavy sword about 1.8 meters long with a blade half a foot wide. The middle of the sword's jaw is also inlaid with a smaller transparent gem. This heavy sword, which was like a door panel, was definitely the largest that Long Dangdang had ever seen. The huge sword hilt has an intertwined spiral pattern.

He reached out to grab the sword hilt, and immediately felt that his fist armor seemed to have a suction force, and it was directly attached to the sword hilt. Suddenly, a feeling of blood connection came, and the entire right hand became more and more fiery. From the palm of his hand holding the sword hilt, a dazzling golden light also lit up.

"Keng!" Long Dangdang drew his sword and raised the heavy sword high into the air. He could feel the astonishing weight of the heavy sword, but under the injection of the scorching power of the Light Furnace, he picked it up easily.

Brilliant golden light burst out from the blade in an instant, and streaks of golden light burst out to the surroundings. The approaching undead army and the undead creatures with lower cultivation levels suddenly burned with golden flames, and the undead energy surged greatly. However, the undead army that was pressing forward seemed to be strongly intimidated and paused temporarily.

Is this... a ruling? Moreover, it is not a general ruling.

The name of this sword is called Judgment of Light. Weapon with adamantine base.

Long Dangdang had vaguely heard that the thirty-six fine gold bases all had matching weapons, but half were swords and half were shields. Swords are generally used as weapons to punish knights, while shields are used to protect knights. Of course, it's not absolute. Because the disciplinary knight normally has two swords, the guardian knight also has a single sword.

The set of fine gold base armor on his body is undoubtedly more inclined to attack. Judgment of Light comes with the power of judgment. When using it, it is equivalent to having a controllable judgment skill that can be released at any time by a seventh-level Templar Knight. Moreover, under the action of the Light Furnace, the power is three times that of the ordinary ruling. Because the function of the light furnace is to burn every bit of light-attributed spiritual power into three times the power for display. It is also one of the core abilities of the Adamantine Base.

So powerful! Is this epic equipment? Moreover, this fine gold base itself is close to the level of immortality.

All kinds of information belonging to the adamantine base armor poured into the depths of the soul like a tide, like a silent statement, but with a sad taste.

Its story also made Long Dangdang understand why he was here.

Its last owner was the leader of an emperor-level demon hunting group. They go deep into the Kingdom of the Undead, collect information, and find the real leader of the Kingdom of the Undead. But in the end they failed and were besieged outside the natural disaster city. All his companions had been killed in the battle, leaving him alone to fight. When he saw that all his companions were killed, he had already made up his mind to die together, gave up the chance to escape alone, and woke up to fight to the end. Because he knew that even if he died, the adamantine base armor would return with the information he had seen. He would use his own life to let the six temples learn more about these terrible undead.

"Kill, kill, kill! Kill all these undead." An almost crazy thought came from the fine gold base.

What echoed in his mind was the resignation of his ancestors, and what was burning was not only the light element in the furnace of light, but also the blood of grief and anger in his heart. The Judgment of Light in his hand shone brightly in an instant, and behind him, bright red lights also bloomed.

"Kill, kill, kill! Kill all powerful enemies." This was Shura Honglian's idea.

Long Dangdang's eyes gradually began to change color. Although he had just put on the fine gold base armor, at this moment, he seemed to have already felt that he had transformed into the ancient knight.

At this moment, eight figures rushed into the ruling area from eight different directions and rushed over at the same time.

They were eight figures completely covered in armor. The armor on their bodies looked a little broken, and the flames of their souls were burning in their eyes. The power of the ruling would bring up streaks of gray smoke when it fell on them, but they still charged forward bravely. Each one exudes gray spiritual light.

The dead are all at the eighth level of the dead.

In the past, even if he only faced one person, Long Dangdang would definitely be in a tough fight, and he would need Xiaoba's power to defeat him. But at this moment, what Long Dangdang felt was the indomitable killing intent in his heart.

"Kill -" He shouted suddenly and waved out the Judgment of Light in his hand. The red lotus light rising behind him instantly penetrated into the Judgment of Light, turning the brilliant golden light into red instantly.

Unparalleled terrifying murderous intent suddenly burst out, and the power of judgment changed at this moment. The eight dead instantly felt as if they had entered a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Their soul power was frightened, and the soul power in their eyes was The fire shrank significantly, the speed of the impact immediately slowed down significantly, and the momentum was completely suppressed.

Long Dangdang broke out at this moment, his body rushed forward instantly, the fine gold base armor burst out with intense light, and a golden halo bloomed outward from his feet first, covering all eight dead people. Immediately afterwards, the light in the halo burst out like an ascending formation, soaring straight into the sky, and also submerged all eight kings in it.

In the rising golden light, a hole seemed to be opened in the dark sky, and a large number of undead creatures fell dead around them.

Holy Judge! Another core skill of the Adamantine Base Armor. The range of the Holy Judgment is related to the user's cultivation level. All enemies within the range of the Holy Judgment will be attacked and suppressed by the Holy Strike, which has a superimposed effect with the Judgment. This is the power of the fine gold base armor. Although Long Dangdang is still only at the sixth level of peak cultivation, at this moment, he has exerted his domain-level abilities. Completely suppressed eight eighth-level dead.

"Bang!" A dead man in the front was directly thrown away by the Judgment of Light, and his body was burning with red-gold flames. The gold is the sacred fire, and the red is even more terrifying, it is the flame of Shura. Burning the body of the dead and frantically cutting apart its soul. Although the attack seemed to be blocked by the weapon in the dead man's hand, its body was rapidly collapsing.

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