Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 306 The inheritance of the fine gold base

The opponent was slashed away with one sword, allowing Long Dangdang to fully feel the dominance of the epic equipment. He is only at the sixth level of peak cultivation. Under normal circumstances, it is not easy to activate this fine gold base armor, but in this strange world, he can temporarily fit in with the fine gold base. Using this powerful equipment, the Furnace of Light caused his own spiritual power to explode three times more powerfully. Coupled with the power of Judgment and Holy Judgment, and the power of Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace, he was directly promoted to the level of A level close to the peak of the eighth level.

Long Dangdang slashed away the enemy in front of him with one sword, but the other seven eighth-level dead had already attacked. At this moment, a strange thought suddenly entered his body and soul from the adamantine base armor, causing his body to spin involuntarily. The red bursting from behind quickly condensed towards his left hand, turning into a blood-red Shura Red Lotus Sword, which complemented the Judgment of Light in his right hand. The whole person was spinning like a top in an instant. At this moment, all the eighth-level dead felt as if they were facing him alone.

"Dang-dang-dang-dang..." Amidst the series of explosions, the dead fell back one after another, each person's body shining with two different lights, gold and red.

Fight and kill the Xuan Yuan Sword! The name of the secret skill he performed at this time appeared in Long Dangdang's mind. This is undoubtedly the top secret skill of the Retribution Knight. This was also what the previous owner of this fine gold base was good at. Along with this battle that seemed to reappear in history, his body endured it and he also passed on this unique skill.

Is this the power of immortality? Immortal spiritual inheritance.

Long Dangdang's movements did not stop. He only felt that his rotation speed was getting faster and faster. Every time he collided with the enemy, part of the power would be forcibly sucked in by his sword moves. The Judgment of Light cooperated with the Furnace of Light to erupt with super explosive power, allowing him to truly feel the effect of the explosion of light that Teacher Hai Jifeng had previously told him. The terrifying killing intent bursting out from the Shura Red Lotus Sword is even more terrifying. It not only attacks the enemy's body, but also directly attacks the soul.

At this time, Long Dangdang was like a tornado. Wherever it passed, the eighth-level dead could only retreat in resistance. Although there were many in number, they were unable to fight against Long Dangdang.

"Puff, puff, puff!" A series of sword lights swayed the weapon in the hand of a deceased person, cutting into its body like lightning. The next moment, its body was torn into pieces in an instant, completely torn apart by the Shura Red Lotus Sword Intent. After killing a dead person, Shura Red Lotus Sword Intention seemed to absorb a special power from somewhere, and the sword light became more powerful. Long Dangdang only felt that his heart became calmer, and his whole person became more focused, attacking. The speed is significantly enhanced.

This is? The role of murderous intent? Can murderous intent actually improve one's concentration and at the same time enhance one's attack power?

This was the first time Long Dangdang knew that murderous intent could have such an effect, but it was obvious that the effect was excellent.

The Dousha Xuanyuan Sword seemed to be very consistent with the intention of Shura Red Lotus Sword. Its rotation speed increased sharply, and it swept away the eighth-level dead people around it like wind and residual clouds. Wherever the two swords pass, they are invincible. As the murderous aura continued to increase, Long Dangdang was spinning, and his whole body was like a blooming golden-red lotus.

As the last eighth-level deceased died, Long Dangdang felt that the murderous aura in his body had solidified. After the rotation slowed down, the air around his body seemed to have become thicker, with layers of blood red. The halo of light radiates around in the shape of a blooming lotus. The middle and low-level undead creatures did not even dare to approach him.

But the feeling of weakness also began to spread. Although the Furnace of Light could make his spiritual power burst out with powerful power, it also activated the Dousha Circular Sword, the Judgment of Light, and the core skill of the Adamantine Base. Tailoring consumes a lot of spiritual power. Long Dangdang's current cultivation level has not yet reached the seventh level. Without the support of the light element body, his own recovery speed cannot keep up with the consumption.

At this time, he sincerely missed his spiritual treasure-charged brother. If Kong Kong was here, he wouldn't need to worry about his insufficient spiritual power.

His chest was heaving violently, but the heavy swords in his hands were still shining with different lights. Underfoot, a spirit gathering array has quietly emerged, absorbing the thin light elements in the air. He does not have the ability of the Long Kong Kong Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace to use all kinds of spiritual power for his own use, and in this country of the undead, it is indeed a drop in the bucket to absorb the light element.

At this moment, Long Dangdang was not worried about his slow recovery. What he felt was the cold thoughts that were constantly washing through his body. That's murderous intent! The murderous aura gathered from just killing eight eighth-level dead.

Shura's Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace seemed to have become different. The murderous intent it absorbed did not disappear because of the short end of the battle. Instead, it became more intense, constantly washing his body and washing his spirit.

Long Dangdang gradually came to a realization. Murderous intent is not just for killing, but a kind of persistence. In this kind of persistence, one will forget fear, eliminate all negative emotions and only focus on one point, completely integrating his energy and spirit, so that the whole person is in a kind of state. Absolute explosive state.

As long as you kill the person who deserves to be killed, your heart will never waver, and the murderous intention itself can become a special force that merges with itself. Turn into the most powerful spiritual impact.

It turns out that the true meaning of Shura Red Lotus is not just the external power attached to it, but also the spiritual level. If you want to truly use its power, you must not feel hesitant at all, let alone hesitate at all. Only by moving forward courageously and without any flaw in your heart can you truly unleash your strongest power and attack with murderous intent, destroying the enemy's spiritual level.

The red halo around his body became more and more vivid, rendering the dazzling golden base armor even more vivid. And it was this terrifying murderous aura that made those undead creatures dare not approach at all. Because once they get close to a certain range of Long Dangdang, their souls seem to be impacted by the murderous aura and will be directly annihilated, and their bodies will fall to the ground.

At this moment, the undead creatures in front of Long Dangdang suddenly gave way to both sides, as if an invisible force suddenly opened up a path in it.

Then Long Dangdang saw a figure. It was a man, wearing pitch black armor. He was riding a huge war horse with only skeletons. Black flames rose from the feet of the horse, rendering his body More and more eerie.

This man has no head, only a complete body covered with armor. In his right hand, he holds a large sword as black as ink. As the bone horse moved forward, a strong pressure had fallen on Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang felt as if his heart was gripped by an invisible force, and a strong sense of fear arose spontaneously.

But at this moment, a coldness suddenly came from the spiritual platform behind him, and spread throughout his body in an instant, sweeping away the fear. In that cold feeling, Long Dangdang's energy and spirit instantly rose. The golden red light on his body also became strong and majestic.

Eliminating fear with murderous intent is the power delivered by Shura Red Lotus.

Horrible Knight! Ninth level! Moreover, he is still a strong person among the ninth level. What overwhelms itself is its innate ability.

On the battlefield in Jiyang City, Long Dangdang had seen the figure of the terrifying knight and knew how powerful this undead creature was. I didn't expect that I would face such a strong person so soon.

But at this moment, he didn't have the slightest fear, there was only persistence in his heart.

If I can't defeat the ninth-level undead creatures, how can I save my parents? Only by clearing all obstacles can we bring our loved ones back.

Thinking of this, Long Dangdang clenched the two swords in his hands, and the light of the spirit gathering array under his feet became a little brighter. The whole person's energy and spirit instantly increased to the extreme. A faint golden-red halo rose slowly, which was the power that was gathering momentum.

The bone horse under the terrifying knight is still approaching step by step, and as the distance gets closer, the fear coming from it becomes stronger and stronger, and the invisible pressure even makes the surrounding air become... Something twisted.

Fear aura, this is the innate skill of the Terror Knight, and it is also its domain.

However, the golden red color around Long Dangdang's body is still converging and stretching in the shape of lotus petals, constantly bursting out strong killing intent, diluting the oppression of fear.

It can be said that without the murderous intention of Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace to guard the heart, the fear aura alone can make Long Dangdang lose his combat effectiveness.

Despite this, Long Dangdang could still hear his heartbeat beating like a drum.

Suddenly, the bone horse under the terrifying knight suddenly accelerated, and the black flames under his feet burst out, sweeping towards the dragon first. The flames that seemed to come from hell completely distorted the battlefield, coming like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, coming elegantly.

The world in front of Long Dangdang turned completely black in an instant, surrounded by the black flames, and he raised the Judgment of Light in his hand.

The golden light of this blade of judgment shines brightly, and it suddenly swipes down, holy sword, judgment!

Black flames streaked across both sides of Long Dangdang's body, as if it had been sliced ​​open. But the huge figure of the terrifying knight was already approaching. The heavy sword in his hand fell down, and at the same time, the effect of the fear aura was also enhanced to its strongest at this moment. It was as if all the fear in the world was concentrated on Long Dangdang at this moment.

"Kill -" Long Dangdang let out a loud shout, and slashed upward with the Judgment of Light in his right hand and the Red Lotus of Shura in his left hand at the same time. He didn't retreat or try to dodge. Because at this moment, he understood that he must not retreat when facing the terrifying knight, otherwise, the fear halo effect it brought would become stronger. Only by suppressing the fear in his heart with the strong murderous intention condensed from the Asura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace can he have a glimmer of hope.


Long Dangdang's body was thrown back, but its body was shining with golden light.

Of course, his cultivation level is impossible to compete with the ninth level, but the Light Furnace has tripled his spiritual power, reaching the strength of an eighth level strongman, and the knight's divine skill, Divine Control Block, can instantly improve his defense. several times. Coupled with the protection of the adamantine base armor, he was able to block the attack forcefully.

Revenge of Light flashed on his body, and his retreating body crashed directly into the undead creatures, instantly plowing a long ditch wherever he passed. Long Dangdang landed on his toes, supporting his body and sliding backwards, but the fighting spirit in his heart did not diminish even a little bit.

"Bang!" The Shura Red Lotus behind him shone brightly, and circles of red lotus petal-like light patterns burst out crazily. The surrounding undead creatures fell down like wheat. When the fire of their souls was extinguished, Shura Red Lotus The killing potential of the Lotus Spirit Furnace will further increase.

The Shura Red Lotus Sword in Long Dangdang's left hand suddenly became more solid, and his eyes became more determined. The strong and exuberant killing intent forcibly suppressed the impact of the fear aura.

Brilliant golden light also burst out from the fine gold base armor at the same time, and the Holy Inquisitor reappeared!

The light shrouded the fear, and in fact, the power of judgment struck the opponent.

Long Dangdang is now at the peak of the sixth level. He can barely use the judgment that a seventh-level knight can learn, but he cannot use the judgment power of an eighth-level knight.

The Terror Knight was bathed in the judgment, and his body froze for a moment. But the next moment, it burst out with strong fighting spirit. Under the light of judgment, he charged towards Long Dangdang again.

Behind Long Dangdang, the red lotus in full bloom is curling up. It can be clearly seen that there is an extra layer of red lotus patterns on the surface of the fine gold base armor, making it look even more gorgeous. .

Long Dangdang's eyes brightened instantly, and his pupils were filled with blood. At this moment, he forgot all his fears and everything. There was only one obsession in his mind, kill kill kill!

He raised his hands, and the Asura Red Lotus Sword in his left hand and the Judgment of Light in his right hand came together above his head. A strange scene appeared. The two heavy swords merged into one in an instant, turning into a giant golden-red sword. sword. And the fine gold base armor on his body flowed upward like water waves at this moment, and actually poured into the giant sword, turning into a dazzling golden-red brilliance.

Behind Long Dangdang, a huge light and shadow emerged. The face of the light and shadow could not be seen clearly. It could only be seen that it was wearing a huge armor with light patterns like the sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers and sea.

The adamantine base battle armor, the skill of sacrificing oneself! Holy decision! If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent.

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