Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 307 Shura Test, Red Lotus Ascends to Heaven

Holy decision! The ultimate power of the Adamantine Base Armor!

Only in the final desperate moment will the Adamantine Base Knight completely fuse his Adamantine Base with his weapon and launch the ultimate blow. This blow was an indomitable one. No matter what kind of cultivation it is, it will be completely integrated into this blow, and even integrated into the soul and life of the Adamantine Base Knight.

At this time, Long Dangdang only felt that his entire life level was sublimating. He could feel the ultimate power coming from the fine gold base, as if he had melted and was blending with the fine gold base to become one. It was no longer a simple sense of power, but a leap in life level.

And at this moment, an extreme coldness rose in his heart, and the bright Shura Red Lotus sword light was completely integrated into the giant sword at this moment, turning into the blood-red edge of the giant sword.

If the Holy Judgment is to move forward without hesitation and regard death as returning home, even if there are thousands of people, I will go ahead. Then, what the Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace brings is the indestructible and scornful will to kill.

If the heart kills, the gods will kill, and if the gods kill, everything will be indestructible, and everything will be indestructible! As Shura's true meaning emerged in his heart, Long Dangdang's whole body burst out with dazzling blood red, and he flashed down with the huge golden sword flashing with blood.

The horror knight seemed to feel something. The nightmare horse under him slowed down significantly as if it hit a wall. The horror knight clearly felt that his fear aura was peeled away from it, and all the The power of fear poured towards both sides, pouring onto the undead creatures, causing their souls to be extinguished in fear. As for the golden red on the front, at this moment, it seemed that there was only a blood line left. The terrifying knight whose talent was fear, at this moment, the fire of the soul beat wildly.

Holy decision! Red Lotus Shura Slash!

Two figures passed each other, and Long Dangdang's body seemed to have experienced a change from reality to illusion, and then from illusion to reality. When he landed, everything around him seemed to have stopped. Behind him, it was pitch black. That was not the night sky, but the space that was cut open by the extremely sharp sword light, which could not be closed for a long time.

In the distance behind, the terror knight and the nightmare horse had stopped. The Dread Knight even raised his heavy sword to resist the attack.

"Crack!" The heavy sword broke and its tip fell to the ground. Immediately afterwards, its headless body and the nightmare hair beneath it quickly collapsed and disappeared. It broke into two halves and fell to both sides. The fracture is extremely smooth.

Long Dangdang still maintained the same posture as when he landed. At this moment, what he felt was not the weakness caused by the Holy Art, but the unparalleled coldness. Everything about him seemed to have been frozen, including his own mind, and it was in this frozen state that he could clearly feel the unity of everything.

Shura is killing, resolute, and calm. Only the resolute killing intent can truly bring out Shura's sword intent. Decision means cutting two with one sword. It's for Shura Slash!

In an instant, thousands of red lights burst out and surrounded Long Dangdang's body. Long Dangdang felt that the coldness in his body instantly turned into burning heat, rising violently. Even his own soul seemed to be sublimating at this moment.

The adamantine base reappeared, but it no longer covered the surface of Long Dangdang's body in the form of armor. The surrounding undead army gradually disappeared, leaving only one person sitting on the adamantine base.

The red lotus light blooming on the vest slowly melted into the transparent gemstone on the back of the fine gold base, rendering the gemstone blood red. All the sadness, unwillingness, and anger, at this moment, merged with the determined killing intent. A series of golden figures passed by, which were the previous owners of this fine gold base. As their figures disappeared, what was left behind was the aura of the knight's inheritance.

Knights are changing, but the only thing that remains unchanged is the spirit of knights. At this moment, the orange-red light erupting on the fine gold base gradually changed. It began to transform from the original orange-red, and a strange red-gold color rose up. The exquisitely patterned surface on the adamantine base presents every ridge as a bloody edge that cannot be looked directly at.

The Golden Base Temple.

Nan Yu has been nervously watching the huge light cocoon surrounding Long Dangdang. Even Long Kongkong has stopped selecting his fine gold base and is watching nervously.

The fine gold base, which is close to the level of immortality, is undoubtedly beyond what he and his brother can bear. Although they are so different, even though they have many secrets of their own, can they really get through this level? Long Kongkong didn't know that the only thing he could do was to pray for his brother silently in his heart. He also knew very well that whether they could obtain the fine gold base would play a decisive role in their subsequent rescue of their parents.

Time passed minute by minute, it seemed like a long time, and it seemed like it was just a moment.

The light cocoon covering the fine gold base began to tremble violently, and there were obviously strong spiritual energy fluctuations erupting inside. Especially the terrifying murderous intent that broke out at that moment made people feel even more frightened.

Brother, what exactly did you go through inside? If you really can’t bear it, forget it. As long as it's safe! Mom and Dad don't know whether they are alive or dead now, so you can't let anything happen to you again.

Ever since Long Kongkong was a child, he had never been so nervous as before. It is precisely because of cherishing that we are even more afraid of losing.

However, even Nan Yu, as the leader of the Holy Knight, must not interfere with this process at this moment. Under normal circumstances, if the Adamantine Base excludes a person, it will not give you any chance at all. But Long Dangdang's strange spiritual furnace of wisdom actually used the power of the fine gold base to assess Long Dangdang. This situation has never been recorded in the entire history of the Knights Temple.

Suddenly, the light cocoon began to fade amid violent tremors. The figure of Long Dangdang and the fine gold base reappeared in their sight.

What can be seen is that inside the light cocoon, Long Dangdang is sitting on the fine gold base. His hands are holding the armrests of the fine gold base, and circles of strong red light are continuously shooting from behind him. Emerging, Long Dangdang's own aura is constantly changing. The most terrifying thing is the murderous aura that keeps rushing like a stormy sea. Even with the isolation of the light cocoon, it still makes Nan Yu feel frightened.

What a wise spiritual furnace this is! How could it reach such an extent? This is absolutely terrible.

Long Dangdang sat there, his head hanging slightly, but his body remained motionless. The light cocoon became thinner and thinner, but the red light became stronger and stronger, and the inside was somewhat unclear again. , but at this time, the other fine gold base armors in the fine gold base temple began to vibrate slightly unconsciously.

resonance! This is the fine gold base that Long Dangdang belongs to, which resonates with other fine gold bases.

In the resonance, there were two fine gold bases that reacted particularly loudly. One fine gold base emitted incandescent light, and the gem in the middle of the backrest exuded a strange aura. It was a shocking wave of fear, fighting against That strong killing intent. The other fine gold base emits light green light, full of vitality, as if it wants to calm down the strong murderous intention.

No matter how unintelligent Long Kongkong was, he understood what was going on at this moment. Without hesitation, he stepped aside and chose the mutated fine gold base closest to him. When he sat on the fine gold base emitting white light, a strong sense of fear instantly spread throughout his body, and his spiritual world seemed to be quickly suppressed.

But at this moment, a black vortex appeared on his chest, and the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace was activated by itself. The fearful thought was directly swallowed and absorbed by the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace. White light instantly filled Long Kongkong's whole body, and his body The trembling stopped immediately.

At this moment, the light cocoon guarding Long Dangdang's body finally cracked, and a bloody light shot into the sky instantly. When the bloody light rushed out, the entire fine gold base temple was instantly covered with huge murderous intent. All the fine gold bases buzzed with a "sonorous" sound, and in an instant, murderous intent was everywhere.

Nan Yu's face was serious and he was about to take action when the scattered killing intent suddenly converged inward. Long Dangdang on the fine gold base sat up straight at this moment, and all the murderous aura rushed towards him, crashing into his body like a sea containing hundreds of rivers.

Canghai took action at this moment, and the soft blue moonlight quietly blended into Long Dangdang's body, nourishing his body and covering his entire body with a light blue.

Long Dangdang's body slowly floated up, and then, figures began to disperse from his body. Each one is him, and each one has a completely different aura. Including the main body, there are a total of six dragons hanging in mid-air.

The surface of the fine gold base he chose burst out with soft red light, slowly splitting apart and quickly turning into streams of light, covering Long Dangdang's body.

The aura of Long Dangdang's body soared, and his strength increased instantly. The power of the Light Furnace directly caused his life level and spiritual power level to jump.

But the next moment, the fine gold base was suddenly lifted from his body, and fell directly on the Fire Dragon Dangdang clone, merging equally quickly. But the red light on the fine gold base itself is a bit more intense. Then release it, then possess it, and the next one is Water Dragon Dangdang.

In this way, until we came to the final dark dragon Dangdang, the fine gold base seemed to hesitate for a moment. Long Dangdang's body and other clones also looked over at this moment, and then the fine gold base chose to fuse and cover. On the surface of Dark Dragon Dangdang's body, the light on the fine gold base became more and more strange, with six colors surrounding it and blood red in the center!

When it was lifted for the last time, the fine gold base suddenly shone brightly in mid-air, and an extremely strange aura emanated from it. The pale golden brilliance turned into circles of halo and spread outward. What is even more strange is that the transparent gems on the backrest have turned into seven colors. The central area is red, and it is surrounded by rings representing the six elements. Six different glosses.

"Immortal!" Nan Yu blurted out, his eyes filled with disbelief. Although Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace had already said before that if this assessment is successful, it may help this fine gold base evolve to immortality, but when the facts are really before your eyes, it is still so shocking.

That’s immortality!

Second only to the existence of artifacts!

You must know that most of the equipment at the level of artifacts are related to innate nourishment, and will only appear if there is a great opportunity. Equipment at the Immortal level is second only to artifacts. Compared to artifacts, it is even more valuable in terms of rarity. Almost all artifacts are transformed from immortality.

Just like in the early years, when the Knights Temple created five other divine thrones based on the divine throne of eternity and creation, they used all the strength of the temple to create five immortal-level divine thrones. With the blessing and cultivation of powerful knights, it was gradually upgraded to the level of an artifact.

At this moment, this fine gold base, even though the material is not as good as the divine seal throne originally built, can be promoted to immortality. This is definitely a great joy for the entire Knight Temple.

While Nan Yu was feeling excited, suddenly, the six dragons merged into one again. He also sat back on the immortal fine gold base that had completed his promotion. Suddenly, all the light converged towards his body, and Long Dangdang's body instantly burst out with sharpness.

He raised his hand and swiped, and a flash of red light passed by, as if something was broken. Immediately afterwards, Long Dangdang's body began to become transparent. First the gold is transparent, then red, blue, cyan, yellow, and black. Six colors alternately transform.

Along with a low dragon roar, beside him, the door to space opened in a flash. Xiaoba, with three big heads shaking, got out of it. And its body was trembling violently during the process. The two protrusions on both sides of the neck grew rapidly, and the scales on the surface began to break.

A spiritual furnace like a red lotus blooming appeared behind Long Dangdang. At this moment, Long Dangdang opened his eyes and shouted, "Broken!"

In an instant, the spiritual power fluctuations in his body suddenly increased sharply, like a gate opening. His entire body became transparent again, and various attribute elements in the air rushed toward his body crazily. At the same time, the two protrusions on both sides of Xiaoba's neck suddenly broke open, and two bloody heads came out of it.

The entire fine gold base temple was filled with extremely powerful spiritual energy fluctuations, and the blood energy fluctuations once again caused clanging sounds to be heard from all the fine gold bases.

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