Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 408 The City of the Undead

"Stop Long Dangdang, don't let him leave!" Qi Mu was stunned when he received the sudden news from Marshal Xi Che.

"He just left for a while, why should I chase him now? Marshal, what happened?" Qi Mu asked in surprise.

Just now, Xi Che received urgent news from the Holy City, telling him that if he found any trace of Long Dangdang, he must stop him and prevent him from leaving the military camp and entering the Kingdom of the Undead.

But it turned out that the news came a little late. Long Dangdang had already flown away. He left the camp and disappeared without a trace, just like a mud cow entering the sea. Even the ninth-level experts patrolling the air could not find him. His traces.

Even the Magic Temple, which gave Long Dangdang the teleportation necklace, did not expect that he would use this piece of equipment to teleport directly to Jiyang City instead of running away. You know, after using it once, it needs to cool down for nine days before using it again.

After leaving the Jiyang Camp, Long Dangdang immediately opened the Soul Breathing Furnace, slowed down the flow of time around his body, and then headed straight into the depths of the Kingdom of the Undead as shown on the map.

He still had a very vivid memory of the last time he infiltrated. It was during war, so there were also large armies stationed in the Kingdom of the Undead. This time, he was also very cautious when moving forward. He directly released Xiao Xie and followed him around, conducting mental detection at all times.

It didn't take long for him to arrive at the valley where they threw a forbidden spell last time. Through Xiaoxie's mental detection, it can be sensed that there are no undead creatures in the valley at this time, but there is still a strong aura of the undead.

Long Dangdang sat down and rested behind a big rock, his eyes slightly dull. Not only was Long Kongkong not used to the days when he was not around, but he was also not used to the days when his brother was not around. With his younger brother here, he doesn't need to think about battery life at all when fighting. He doesn't even have to worry about using skills like sacrifice. His younger brother will replenish himself as soon as possible. But now, he was alone, so obviously he couldn't be so rash. Especially after going deep into the Kingdom of the Undead, you must be cautious.

After resting for a while, Long Dangdang continued to go deeper. What surprised him was that he didn't encounter any scattered undead creatures along the way. Everything seemed peaceful. Even when passing through some forests and lakes, no traces of damage were found. After going hundreds of miles deep, not even a single undead was seen.

This forced him to stop and unfold the map to check to see if he had gone the wrong way. He had not entered the kingdom of the undead, but had returned to the human world.

And judging from the map, he is indeed within the sphere of influence of the Kingdom of the Undead now. There is no garrison in the Kingdom of the Undead, and they have retreated so far?

The map in his hand does not have the exact location of the Scourge City, only a rough estimate. Previously, the Demon Hunting Group headquarters had been unable to send out missions to explore the location of the Undead Headquarters, but no definite information had been obtained. Many Demon Hunting Groups had lost information due to in-depth exploration.

After pondering for a moment, Long Dangdang decided to set off again, but this time, he did not choose to move forward directly, but took out something from his storage ring.

This piece of equipment, which his friends may not remember, has been kept by Long Dangdang, and it was specially prepared by him to rescue his parents.

The surface of the shuttle-shaped metal object, which is seven meters in length, is covered with fine magic patterns. Under the sunlight, it glows with a strange luster.

The Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle can accommodate an entire demon hunting group if squeezed tightly. It can penetrate deep into the ground and use the runes above to solidify the underground passages drilled through, solidifying the passages. The only problem with it is that it doesn't move too fast, it can move about sixty kilometers per hour. But it can penetrate hundreds of meters underground. And the earth with this thickness can almost isolate all detection methods.

No traces of the undead creatures were found, which made Long Dangdang more cautious. Therefore, he directly took out the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle and prepared to go deep into the ground and go to the depths of the undead country. Slower, slower, but at least he can ensure safety. OK.

After ducking into the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle, Long Dangdang immediately turned into two, one was the main body, and the other was naturally the Earth Dragon Dangdang. Although the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle can be controlled with any attribute of spiritual power, the earth attribute is obviously the best and can increase the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle's speed to a certain extent. And Long Dangdang can still practice on the side to restore his spiritual power and continue to control the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle.

The hatch opened, Long Dangdang and Tulong Dangdang jumped in, closed the hatch, and the conical spiral tip at the front of the Earth-Escape shuttle immediately began to rotate, and the ground under the tip began to spread to both sides, and the tip slowly Slowly sinking, driving the entire Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle to plunge into the ground at an almost upside-down angle, going deep downwards.

After about five meters deep, the silver light flashed and was re-transmitted through the Tianya Spiritual Furnace Dragon Dangdang, which was just around the corner. It erased the traces left by the previous Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle and covered it with some shrubs. Then it is transferred back to the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle. Continue to ride the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle deep into the underground.

After about a hundred meters in depth, Long Dangdang began to adjust his direction, moving forward in parallel according to the direction shown by the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle. At the same time, he summoned Xiao Xie and tried some mental detection. as expected. Being underground, even with the intensity of mental detection of the Evil Eye Tyrant, he can only detect a distance of less than a hundred meters. This distance is certainly not enough for reconnaissance, but it is enough for confirming the underground terrain.

With Xiao Xie's detection, Long Dangdang controlled the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle to go a hundred meters deeper again to ensure that it would not be discovered before continuing forward. Avoiding underground waterways and some particularly hard rock layers, the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle headed straight from the depths of the ground to the depths of the Kingdom of the Undead.

At the current forward speed, we can probably travel about 500 kilometers in one day. This speed is much slower than flying or traveling on the ground, but it is safer.

Long Dangdang also took advantage of this time to rest and adjust in the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle. It was enough for him to control the Divine Shuttle with just one clone. He could rest and recuperate himself, and at the same time think about the plan for this rescue operation.

He estimated that his brother's side was already taking action. However, after learning from their own mistakes, it would not be easy for them to break through the Jiyang Camp. The reason why Long Dangdang chose to show up at the Jiyang Camp was also for this reason. Friends who did not have the ability to teleport over long distances were unlikely to be released when facing the Jiyang Camp that they had shocked. You must know that among their team, there are six people who entered the top thirty-six in this inheritance competition. Ling Menglu is the number one in the Priest Temple, and Long Kongkong is the number one in the Knight Temple. With so many future stars, how can it be possible? They take risks at will. Long Dangdang not only ran away on his own, but also blocked the way for his friends to enter the kingdom of the dead. The most likely possibility is that the partners were left in the Jiyang camp and fought with the army. Therefore, he believed that he had enough time to look for opportunities to rescue his parents and Hepburn in the Kingdom of the Dead.

The Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle will play a very important role in this, so Long Dangdang does not hesitate to consume more spiritual power and always pays attention to the status of the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle.

The day passed quickly, and Long Dangdang controlled the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle to drill upwards and stopped about ten meters above the ground. Even at this depth, it is very difficult to detect the movement under the ground. It requires at least a seventh-level mental powerhouse to focus on this small area to have the possibility of discovering clues.

The nearby Tianya Spirit Furnace and the Qingtun Slow Breathing Spirit Furnace were activated together, and while controlling his breath not to leak, Long Dangdang teleported out silently.

He had asked Xiao Xie to use his spiritual power to detect it before, and there was no obvious spiritual power fluctuation in the surrounding area. It should still be in a wilderness or something like that.

Quietly flashing out, Long Dangdang came to the ground again, but the next moment, his pupils couldn't help but shrink, and he hurriedly knelt down.

It was already dark outside at this time, and this was the time Long Dangdang deliberately chose. However, he was immediately attracted by a piece of light in the distance.

It seemed to be a city, and even from a distance, the city walls were still brightly lit. This turned out to be a running city, a city in the Kingdom of the Undead.

Quickly unfolding the map and looking at it, combined with the direction of his previous travel, Long Dangdang immediately determined the origin of this city. It was a place called Wanning City. It was also one of the important towns of the Federation. At this time, looking far into the distance, he could vaguely see that there were many figures on the top of the city, as if human soldiers were patrolling.

Without taking back the underground escape shuttle, Long Dangdang remembered where he was at this time, his eyes exuded a faint purple color, and a dark aura shrouded him. A simple low-level dark magic night mist filled his body, and then he swallowed it lightly. The slow breathing furnace controlled the flow of time to cover up the breath, and then he quickly approached Wanning City.

This is the first undead city he has encountered. Although it is not a natural disaster city, scouting here will undoubtedly be of great help to him in understanding undead creatures.

Soon, he arrived near Wanning City, and he could see the scene above more clearly.

There were indeed patrolling figures on top of the city, but they were obviously not human beings. They were actually groups of skeleton soldiers.

The eyes of these skeleton soldiers were beating with light green soul fire, and the patrol team was actually very neat, repeating in a circular motion. The city gate was closed at this time, but Long Dangdang could vaguely feel that there was a huge amount of undead energy in this city.

Without rashly entering the city through teleportation, the fluctuations in spatial attributes are very obvious and easy to detect. He was now going deep alone, and had to be extra careful at every moment to avoid exposing himself.

He jumped lightly, put his toes on the city wall, and used his strength to move up. The next moment, Long Dangdang had already climbed to the top of the city. The body flashed again, passing through the pause between the patrols of the two groups of skeleton soldiers, climbing over the city wall, and falling to the ground.

When he fell, he was as light as a leaf. He found a dark corner and slowly fell.

In the process of falling, he was also looking towards the city. At this moment, Long Dangdang could not help but show surprise in his eyes.

Yes, what he saw in front of him really surprised him.

Originally, in his opinion, a city occupied by the undead must be dead silent and full of the aura of the undead. However, what came into view was a completely different scene.

The city is full of bustling... undead. But these undead are not as mindless as imagined, with only the instinct to kill and attack.

The patrolling skeleton soldiers were mostly dead people who looked similar to humans. What surprised Long Dangdang even more was that there were many shops on both sides of the street.

Some undead souls came in and out, and some undead souls even wore clothes that were no different from humans. If they didn't all exude the aura of the undead, they would really look no different from the human world.

Long Dangdang is absolutely certain that this is a running city, yes, a running city!

How incredible it is that the intelligence of the undead can reach the level of making the city run. He didn't know if there was any news about this in the Federation, but at least he hadn't heard of it, and he didn't even dare to think about it.

He took out a fruit from the storage ring and drank it. This was the secret fruit obtained at the auction. Quickly activating his spiritual power to activate the medicinal power, Long Dangdang suddenly exuded the same aura as the deceased. His clothes were changed into simple cloth clothes, and then he walked towards the street.

As expected, the undead creatures on the street did not recognize his human aura, which made Long Dangdang slightly relieved. He restrained his spiritual power fluctuations, and was not worried due to the double cover of the Spirit Breathing Furnace and the Hidden Sky Fruit. be found.

Then he walked along the street, observing everything around him.

There are not only clothing stores and weapons stores here, but there are even restaurants that look exactly like human cities.

The streets are patrolled by skeleton soldiers. They are obviously the lowest form of undead. When faced with the dead who look like humans but have iron-green skin, they will take the initiative to avoid them.

Along the way, Long Dangdang also saw some undead creatures of different races, but they all seemed harmonious. The only difference from humans was that they seemed to rarely speak, or had no ability to speak. But the mental fluctuations are obviously stronger than those in the human world. Apparently some undead creatures communicate through spirits.

The Kingdom of the Undead is actually running the undead into a country?

As he was walking, Long Dangdang's eyes were attracted by the name of a store.

On the plaque of the store, there are four big words "Soul Stone" written on it, and there are two small words next to it: "Specialty".

Soul Stone? what is that?

This shop is obviously much larger than other shops around it, and the people who come in and out are relatively brightly dressed and relatively high-level undead, especially the dead.

Long Dangdang hesitated for a moment, but still walked into the shop.

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