Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 409 The Secret of the Soul Stone

Under the influence of the Hidden Sky Fruit, Long Dangdang looked no different from an ordinary dead person at this time. His clothes were not gorgeous, but there was no damage. Just the more common dead.

It’s unclear what this shop was used for before it was occupied by undead creatures, but it still maintains a relatively gorgeous decoration. Except for the undead aura that made Long Dangdang a little uncomfortable, it looked no different from a luxurious human store.

As soon as he walked into the store, Long Dangdang sensed that there was a strong mental fluctuation here, but it was not the mental fluctuation of a powerful individual, but like there was a lot of strong but pure spiritual energy. The dead who come in and out all have a certain level of cultivation. There was even a bit of excitement on the face of the deceased walking out of the store. Can undead creatures have such rich emotions?

Even if the advanced undead have intelligence that is not inferior to humans, they are also very slow emotionally!

With curiosity, Long Dangdang walked inside. He wanted to see what the so-called soul stone here meant.

After passing through the front hall, which had no staff, and arriving at the main hall at the back, Long Dangdang saw that there was only a circle of counters in the entire main hall. Behind every counter, there is a dead person sitting behind it. There were deceased people queuing up in front of the counter.

The dead in line would take out some different items and hand them to the dead behind the counter, and then get a small bag from them. Even from a certain distance, Long Dangdang could feel the contents of the small bag. mental fluctuations. This should be the Soul Stone?

There are various things used by the dead in exchange for soul stones, most of which are exchanged for some energy-fluctuating minerals or plants. From a human perspective, they are some precious metals, spiritual fruits, spiritual herbs, etc. Different things have different values ​​here, and the number of soul stones obtained in exchange is also different.

Long Dangdang scanned his storage ring with his mental power, and then took out a Knight Temple standard heavy sword that he used before. He had already seen the dead using weapons-like things in exchange for soul stones. He should be able to do this, but he doesn't know how much he can get in exchange for it.

Following the dead man in line, the waiting time was not long, and soon it was his turn. Long Dangdang handed over the heavy sword in his hand. The next moment, a mental wave appeared in his mind.

"A knight's temple standard heavy sword, worth five D-level soul stones." This mental fluctuation was very clear. Long Dangdang looked at the deceased behind the counter and could clearly see the beating light in his eyes.

Long Dangdang didn't try to respond to the other party with his mental power, so as not to let the other party see through his identity. Long Dangdang just nodded. The other party handed over a small bag. Long Dangdang took the small bag and turned around and walked out.

After leaving the store, he turned around and found a remote corner before opening the bag.

There are five gray-white stones that are about the size of a fingernail. Every stone exudes not too strong spiritual fluctuations.

Long Dangdang's heart moved slightly. He had probably guessed what the so-called soul stone was used for.

If the dead want to remain active, or even maintain their strength, they also need energy. Just like humans need to eat and drink water to maintain good health. The most important energy that supports the existence of the dead is the power of the soul. The soul fire beating in the eyes of skeleton soldiers is the source of energy for their existence.

The soul stone in his hand at this time should provide something similar to the so-called soul energy, which can also be said to be spiritual energy.

Long Dangdang took out a soul stone and put it in his palm, trying to touch it with his spiritual power, but he found that he seemed to be unable to draw spiritual power from it. The spiritual power in it was special and could not be absorbed by him. .

Only undead creatures can absorb the spiritual energy?

While he was thinking secretly, a hint of excitement suddenly came from the spiritual sea. Long Dangdang felt the desire from Xiaoxie.

Xiaoxie wants to absorb the energy in this soul stone? Long Dangdang asked it and received a positive answer.

Long Dangdang will definitely not release Xiao Xie in Wanning City. Who knows if there is a particularly powerful dead person here? Undead creatures generally have strong mental powers. Once they discover Xiao Xie, his identity may be exposed.

Temporarily suppressing Xiao Xie's request, Long Dangdang searched among his storage rings and took out a spiritual enlightenment necklace that he had used to assist his cultivation in the early years. This was the equipment given to him by the Magic Temple because of his excellent talent, but he didn't use it much after that.

It can be judged from the description of the deceased behind the counter that the soul stone is divided into levels. Level D should be a relatively low-level soul stone, and the items used for exchange should be judged based on energy intensity and quality. Although the Spirit-enlightening Necklace is not too precious, it is also a spiritual-level equipment. It is still much better than the standard heavy sword. He is ready to try it again.

He entered the Soul Stone shop again and queued up again. When he placed the Spirit-Enlightening Necklace on the counter, the deceased behind the counter clearly showed a bit of surprise in his eyes. Then he lowered his head and stroked the Spirit-Enlightening Necklace. The mental fluctuation output seemed to be scanning the necklace. After a short time, it raised its head again and looked at Long Dangdang, and the mental fluctuation came out, "Very good, the magic equipment of the spirit demon level, worth three Class C soul stones." .Work hard to find good things like this, and you will get more in the future.”

As he spoke, he handed Long Dangdang a small bag again. Compared with the previous bag, this one obviously looked better, at least the fabric looked good.

Long Dangdang nodded, took the bag and left again.

Ding et al., C et al. Then there should be Class A and Class B Soul Stones on it?

A piece of spiritual-level equipment can be worth three C-grade pieces. Moreover, the Spirit Awakening Necklace is pretty good among spirit demon level equipment. I just don’t know what the use is of collecting these things in the Kingdom of the Undead. Can the dead also use weapons and equipment? Especially those with light attributes, can they do it too?

Although his parents have not yet been rescued, Long Dangdang's understanding of the deceased is rapidly deepening after coming to this city.

After leaving the Soul Stone shop, he wandered around the city again, and he found that there were quite a few dead people in Wanning City. At least as many as a million. Almost every dead person has energy fluctuations on his body. Relatively speaking, the smaller the difference from human beings, the stronger the energy fluctuations. He even encountered an eighth-level deceased. High-level undead creatures will pay more attention to their own clothing. The eighth-level undead are wearing gorgeous clothes and carrying a long sword that is at least the Brilliance level.

In addition to not being as noisy as a human city, the undead creatures in Wanning City actually look very harmonious, just like a human city. They are obviously undead, but they feel like they are living in harmony. He even saw male and female undead creatures holding hands and walking together as lovers.

Reminiscent of the scene they had seen when the ninth-level deceased and another female deceased were embracing each other, Long Dangdang vaguely felt that the deceased in the Kingdom of the Undead were probably more intelligent than the federation had judged.

These are very important discoveries, and he must find a way to pass these messages back.

Through observation, Long Dangdang discovered that some dead people would also work for high-level dead people. He also saw situations where they were paid, and the payment seemed to be soul stones. For the dead, the existence of this soul stone is like their food. However, absorbing the energy of the Soul Stone seems to be able to maintain their survival for a period of time. Perhaps, these soul energies will be consumed even more in combat situations.

Long Dangdang kept all these judgments in mind, and he quietly sneaked out of the city until dawn.

The schedule of undead creatures is exactly opposite to that of humans. Wanning City is brightly lit and very lively at night. In the morning, it was just approaching dawn, and the number of undead creatures on the streets had obviously decreased significantly, as if they had all found a place to rest.

Hiding day and night, they are still undead after all.

With these judgments in mind, Long Dangdang quietly left Wanning City again and returned to the place where he hid the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle. After returning to the divine shuttle and diving deep into the ground again, he summoned Xiao Xie and took out the soul stone he had obtained earlier.

The Soul Stone of Class C looks much better than the Soul Stone of Class D. It is still gray, but it has been presented in the shape of a crystal, and its shape is more regular, a bit like a gray gemstone.

Xiao Xie was obviously very excited, and he directly stuck a C-level soul stone with one hand. The next moment, Long Dangdang saw the surface of its huge eyeball, which began to ripple with layers of luster, and the C-level soul stone in the tentacles The soul stone quickly develops into the gray-white color of Ding and other soul stones.

It took about ten minutes for the soul stone to completely turn white, then turn into powder and scatter. Long Dangdang and Xiao Xie have a blood contract relationship. He can feel that Xiao Xie's mental fluctuations are stronger. As the Evil Eye Tyrant, its mental power itself is equivalent to its strength. An increase in mental power means an increase in cultivation.

Xiao Xie is now at the eighth level of a magical beast, which is equivalent to the seventh level of a human being. The mental power is already very strong, and being able to feel the obvious improvement proves that the mental power attached to this soul stone is really good.

Xiao Xie and Long Dangdang were not polite, and absorbed all the remaining soul stones. After it was done, it was obviously excited, but it was still a little unfinished.

As the blood-contracted Warcraft partners, whether Xiao Xie or Xiao Ba, they will always absorb the spiritual power that Long Dangdang absorbs from the outside world. At this time, Long Dangdang discovered that Xiaoxie felt like he was full and no longer received spiritual power from him for the time being.

"Senior Canghai, you are well-informed. Do you know what this Soul Stone is?" Long Dangdang asked Canghai.

The light flickered, and Canghai appeared next to Long Dangdang. Now, it looked very solid, its brilliance was restrained, and its appearance could be vaguely seen. His appearance is exactly the same as Long Dangdang, which should be the impact of the contract. Or maybe he became like this on purpose.

Canghai picked up the only Ding Soul Stone left by Long Dangdang and examined it silently for a while. Long Dangdang shook his head in surprise, "I'm sure, at least in my impression, there has never been anything like this in the entire continent. The presence."

After listening to his words, Long Dangdang couldn't help but shivered.

There has never been such a existence in the entire continent? This means that there are only two possibilities, one is that these soul stones come from other planes, and the other is that they are processed later.

Through observation, he can now basically confirm that the foundation for the existence and survival of undead creatures lies in these soul stones. In other words, if the source of the Soul Stone can be found and eliminated, will the threat posed by the Kingdom of the Undead be completely ended?

"Then why can Xiaoxie be able to absorb it, but I can't?" Long Dangdang continued to ask.

Canghai pondered for a moment, and after feeling the energy fluctuations in it again, he said: "The power here is full of the breath of death, and living things cannot absorb it normally. It may be easier for you to understand the spiritual energy of death attribute if I describe it this way. . But Xiao Xie is different. As the Evil Eye Tyrant, it has the ability similar to the Kongkong Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace. Any energy at the spiritual level that comes to it can be filtered by it and then absorbed cleanly."

Long Dangdang was moved in his heart and said: "Then if it absorbs enough spiritual energy, can it also transmit the filtered spiritual energy back to me?"

After reaching a certain level of cultivation, especially after the ninth level of the Future Avenue, wanting to continue to improve is a comprehensive issue. First of all, we must pay attention to the improvement of external spiritual power, because only when the physical strength is sufficient, the internal spiritual power can be better improved. The second is mental strength, which is also extremely important. When the spiritual power is large enough, problems will occur if there is not strong enough mental power to control it.

"Theoretically, it should be possible, but it requires enough soul stones. The higher the quality, the better. The evil eye tyrant itself can contain a huge amount of spiritual power. It can even be said that as long as there is sufficient spiritual energy, it can It can continue to advance. Therefore, if you want it to return spiritual power to you, you must first meet its own needs, and it must be promoted to at least the eighth level before it will be affected by the blood contract and enter a bottleneck."

After listening to Canghai's words, Long Dangdang nodded slightly, "I understand. Then you can continue to repair Senior Shura. What is Senior Shura's current condition?"

Canghai had previously completed the repair of the Dominate the World Spiritual Furnace, and now he had begun repairing the Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace. This is very important to Longdangdang.

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