Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 410 The Undead Princess, Contest to Recruit a Marriage

"Shura's repair is more difficult than Xiongba's. Xiongba's body is damaged, but his spiritual intelligence is still there. Shura's body is damaged, but his body is also damaged, so it is relatively more difficult to repair. It will take a certain amount of time. But I am complete now, and as long as I am here, I will have no problem assisting you in manipulating and integrating their power."

"Okay, I'll bother you then."

After the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace was repaired, its role as the most powerful auxiliary spiritual furnace had begun to emerge. For example, if Long Dangdang used the five dragons in one in the inheritance competition before, if it were used again now, there would be no situation where the energy would conflict with each other and only the power of one blow would occur. It will be much more harmonious. Canghai can help him adjust various energies, consolidate himself, and integrate more perfectly.

This is also the reason why Long Dangdang had to wait until he entered the Demon Realm again and repaired Canghai before going to the Natural Disaster City. If you don't have the strength to challenge the ninth level, then it's not a narrow escape, but ten deaths and no life.

Instead of staying outside Wanning City, after figuring out the function of the Soul Stone, Long Dangdang once again activated the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle and continued to move towards the depths of the Kingdom of the Undead.

In the next few days, he also returned to the ground once a day to observe the surrounding environment, but he did not encounter the situation of Wanning City directly as he was so lucky as before. Basically they appear in the wilderness. By observing the celestial phenomena and adjusting his position, he was getting closer and closer to the Scourge City.

The deeper he goes into the kingdom of the undead, the more Long Dangdang can feel the richer the undead energy contained in the air. It is a special energy that makes all living beings feel depressed. Other elements are affected by the undead energy, more or less. will become thin and difficult to absorb. Fortunately, Long Dangdang itself has dark attributes, and there are some similarities between dark attributes and undead attributes, so dark elements are relatively abundant in the kingdom of the undead and can be used to practice and replenish themselves.

The area currently occupied by the Kingdom of the Undead is about one-tenth of the entire continent. To travel through the entire Kingdom of the Undead, it would take about three thousand kilometers. Therefore, by relying on the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle throughout the entire journey, it would logically take up to six days to arrive. But Long Dangdang actually spent more time, because when traveling underground, there would be certain problems in grasping the direction. It was impossible to go in a straight line, and he did not know the specific location of the Natural Disaster City. There was no clear mark on the map, only a rough direction, so he still had to look for it.

It wasn't until the seventh time he emerged from the ground that Long Dangdang discovered a city again. The scale of the city was even larger than Wanning City. Long Dangdang almost thought that this was the natural disaster city. But when he saw the plaque on the city gate, he knew that he had guessed wrong.

This is also a huge city. It was originally a human city, called Shimen City, and it was an important town in the north. Among the speculations on the Temple Federation side, it was once speculated that the Scourge City might be transformed from one of the three cities including Shimen City. The other two cities are further northeast, close to the seaside.

The plaque on Shimen City has not changed. Obviously, this speculation has come to an end. Shimen City is still Shimen City, not the natural disaster city used as the capital of the Kingdom of the Undead.

However, although it has not been found yet, it should not be far away. He only needs to eliminate it one more time at most, and he will definitely be able to find the location of the Natural Disaster City. Anyway, there are only three choices.

After taking the Hiding Fruit again, Long Dangdang quietly sneaked into Shimen City. Since this place is close to Natural Disaster City, the internal situation should not be much different from that of Natural Disaster City. He wanted to observe the specific situation.

He has been traveling underground, and he has no source of information at all. With the information blocked, he now does not know whether the Federation has launched an attack on the Kingdom of the Undead. He may be able to get some information from the big cities in the Kingdom of the Undead. .

Entering Shimen City, Long Dangdang quickly felt that the atmosphere here was different from the previous Wanning City.

Shimen City is much larger than Wanning City, and there are more high-level undead creatures here. As soon as he entered the city, Long Dangdang saw a huge, high-level undead creature with a body full of fat on the street. An existence that humans call abhorrent. The fat all over its body looked like it was spliced ​​together, and its body exuded a foul smell. Even the dead on the street tried to avoid it as much as possible and were unwilling to get close.

With a height of ten meters, when it walks, its footsteps continuously make a low muffled sound, which can be heard from a long distance.

You can get a lot of Demon Hunter points by killing an abomination!

The number of undead creatures in the city is extremely large, at least ten times that of Wanning City. The biggest difference between undead creatures and humans is that everyone is a soldier. Every undead has a certain degree of lethality. The weakest skeleton soldier can be equivalent to the strength of a human knight. Moreover, they have no pain and no fear of death. As long as the undead has enough energy, it is possible to be resurrected.

What Long Dangdang was most interested in was actually the Soul Stone. After absorbing the extremely fast and low-level Soul Stone that day, Xiaoxie absorbed it all in less than half an hour, and his mental power increased significantly. , although it only increased by one line, it increased much faster than its normal cultivation. In other words, as long as there are enough soul stones, it can help it improve its immediate combat power. The improvement of Xiao Xie's strength is naturally equivalent to the improvement of Long Dangdang's strength.

Therefore, he also wanted to see if there was any way to obtain the Soul Stone in this larger city. In direct exchange, he has good things, but he is afraid of attracting attention if he comes up with something that is too good. All this must be done while ensuring safety.

After walking around the city for a long time, Long Dangdang could not find a way to explore the battle situation on the front line. Mainly because he didn't dare to take the initiative to communicate with undead creatures. Low-level undead creatures will definitely not know too much, but high-level undead creatures have wisdom that is not inferior to humans. Once they make mistakes during the communication process, their identity will be exposed immediately. In a city of this size, there must be strong people in charge, and it will not be easy to escape when the time comes.

Just as he was moving forward, suddenly, without warning, a powerful spiritual torrent suddenly swept through him.

When this huge spiritual power swept across, Long Dangdang felt his own hair stand on end, which was a shiver coming from the spiritual level. What a powerful spiritual power, which is at least comparable to the existence of the temple level!

Stopping for an instant, Long Dangdang restrained his breath as much as possible, but he soon calmed down, because it was not only him who was affected by this mental power, but also all the undead creatures around him. At this time, all the undead creatures They all subconsciously raised their heads and crossed their forearms in front of their chests, making an X-like movement. His eyes were dancing with excitement and reverence.


In the huge mental fluctuations, an idea emerged. The next moment, all the active undead creatures turned around at almost the same time and walked in the same direction.

Is this the summons of the undead strongman? Is this to mobilize the undead army to the front line?

Long Dangdang stabilized his mind first, and without much hesitation, he followed the torrent of undead creatures in that direction. If you turn around now, it will be too obvious. Moreover, he was just about to see what the powerful undead in Shimen City were up to.

Shimen City was very large, and Long Dangdang could not speed up his pace suddenly. He could only continue to move forward following the pace of other undead creatures. After walking for more than an hour, he arrived at a huge square.

He didn't know if Shimen City had such a large square before, but at least in his impression, even in the Holy City, he had never seen such a huge empty square in the city. Looking around, the whole square is densely packed with undead creatures. At a glance, there are at least one million in number. Among them, humans in the form of the dead are the most numerous.

There is a high platform in the center of the square, about thirty meters high. At this time, there are already some gorgeously dressed dead people standing on it. They are undoubtedly the leaders of Shimen City.

There are more undead creatures walking towards this square. There may be more than ten million undead creatures in Shimen City, and in just this hour, more than one-third of them may have gathered.

Compared with the human world, the world of the undead actually feels more orderly. There is no noisy sound, and all the undead creatures appear to be very quiet. What is even more strange is that among these undead creatures, there is actually something like an organization. Among the undead creatures around the high platform, there are obviously some undead with the same appearance wearing armor. The auras exuded from them are not weak. They are at least strong men of level five or above. They are a bit like the guards of the superiors in the world of the undead. Guarding the high platform.

Long Dangdang was currently among the crowd of the dead, inconspicuous, holding back his breath and waiting quietly.

About half an hour later, the square was already overcrowded. More than three million undead creatures gathered here, and the square could no longer accommodate them. More undead creatures gathered in the streets around the square. Just a spiritual summons gathered most of the undead creatures in a city. This kind of situation where orders and prohibitions are enforced and everyone is a soldier is obviously incomparable in the human world.

Long Dangdang didn't know exactly how many federal troops there were, but what was certain was that it was absolutely impossible to have tens of millions. In the world of the Kingdom of the Undead, such a big city can gather tens of millions of troops. Moreover, there are no existences of the level of skeleton soldiers gathered in the square at this time. It seems that with the mental power of the skeleton soldiers, The level was not high enough to be summoned, or the undead master did not try to summon them.

Compared with the undead army, the biggest advantage of humans is that they are more organized, disciplined, and equipped. As for the number of top experts, Long Dangdang cannot judge now.

But no matter how you say it, when humans face the army of the undead, it is bound to be a hard battle. Moreover, once a human soldier dies on the battlefield, if the body cannot be destroyed as soon as possible, it is likely to become part of the undead army. This is the most terrifying thing. As one goes, the human race will be destroyed. crisis.

Just when Long Dangdang was feeling depressed when he saw how powerful the Kingdom of the Undead was, a somewhat high-pitched voice sounded from the high platform. Through the expansion of his mental power, his voice could clearly make everyone in such a huge square The undead heard it, including Long Dangdang.

"Holy God of the Undead!" In the high-pitched voice, after hearing this sentence, the undead present all knelt down on one knee, and some undead creatures even prostrate themselves on the ground.

Long Dangdang reacted very quickly. Although he was a little caught off guard, he quickly knelt down on one knee just like the deceased beside him.

The high-pitched voice continued, "Purify the world and return the dead!"

Almost all the surrounding undead creatures burst out with strong mental fluctuations at this moment, and these mental fluctuations were repeating the eight words just now, "Purify the world, the dead return!"

Huge spiritual consciousness filled the entire square like a torrent. Long Dangdang only felt that he was in this huge mental fluctuation, just like a small boat in the vast ocean. He could only follow these undead creatures and repeat this sentence talk.

These eight words seem to be the motto of the Kingdom of the Dead? That's what they want to do. Purifying the world and returning the dead means destroying the entire human world and allowing the undead to control the entire world, right?

What is the Holy Law God of the Dead mentioned earlier? The god they believe in, or the leader of the kingdom of the dead?

Long Dangdang suppressed the shock in his heart and continued to listen.


All the undead creatures stood up in unison.

"By the order of the Holy Law God of the Dead, we are selecting a consort for Her Royal Highness the Princess. All deceased people can participate. After passing the preliminary election in the city, they will be sent to the Disaster City to be appointed by the Princess. Are you ready?"

"Buzz--" Almost all the dead responded in the affirmative.

"The non-dead can leave." The high-pitched voice gave the order.

The undead creatures at least seem to be very good at giving orders and prohibitions. No undead creatures that are not the undead have questioned it, even the very powerful undead races. They just turned around and left on their own, and the dead also tried their best to get out of the way. , let them go first.

Long Dangdang was a little stunned at this time, but he also got a lot of useful information from what he just said.

First of all, the Holy Law God of the Undead is likely to be the ruler of the entire Kingdom of the Undead, and this gathering is not to go to the front line to participate in the war, but to marry the Princess of the Undead? Is it a contest to recruit a bride? Also, those selected in Shimen City will be sent to Natural Disaster City!

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