The efficiency of this selection was really high, it was almost like using a filter to screen directly. To Long Dangdang's helplessness, he really met all the previous conditions. This is a bit helpless. The strength he is showing now is around level six. It has not reached the seventh level. Because the seventh level is a watershed, it is easier to be noticed.

Now there are only more than a thousand dead people left, what kind of selection will be next?

Just when Long Dangdang was a little curious and a little nervous at the same time. Another deceased person came forward on the stage. Judging from the previous necromancers and cross sword undead warriors, they are all ninth-level powerhouses, and they are not as simple as ordinary ninth-level warriors. This newcomer's strength is probably not too bad.

And this is a female deceased with a slender figure, extremely beautiful appearance, and fair to pale skin. In other aspects, she does not look much different from a human being.

Her eyes exuded a lavender halo, and an ethereal voice sounded in the hearts of all the candidates, "Line up."

Only then did the dead take action, moving laterally from their previous stacked positions, and then lined up.

More than a thousand people occupy a row in the city, which is more than 500 meters long and looks very neat. But the guards didn't move. They are clearly not in this category.

The female deceased did not directly go up to the high platform for screening like the two undead experts did before. Instead, she jumped down from the high platform in a flash and landed lightly on the ground. Seemingly taking just a few casual steps, she arrived in front of the candidate on the far left, scanning the candidate's face with her faint purple eyes.

Long Dangdang was shocked and took a closer look? Will it be seen? But at this time, he did not dare to act rashly. If he chose to escape directly, he would be exposed immediately. Facing so many undead strong men, he was not absolutely sure that he could escape.

The female undead walked slowly from left to right, her speed was neither fast nor slow, and she maintained an even speed. After passing more than a dozen candidates, he paused slightly and pointed at a deceased person in front of him, "The one I clicked takes a step forward."

The deceased hurriedly took a step forward.

The situation next is similar, but the frequency of selection is not very stable. Sometimes I choose two in a row, and sometimes I don’t choose dozens in a row.

Long Dangdang stood in the middle of the team, which he did deliberately. No matter which direction she chose, she would give herself a certain amount of time to react.

"What is she choosing? What are the criteria for selection?" Long Dangdang secretly speculated.

Soon, he had a judgment in his heart, and his eyes became a little strange.

Because of his special attention, Long Dangdang discovered that the female deceased did not use her mental power or undead energy to do anything to the candidate, but just glanced at her face and figure. Basically, everyone she picked out had a tall and straight figure and a decent appearance. In particular, Long Dangdang noticed that the blue-grey faces of the deceased she selected were relatively light, and they looked more similar to humans.

Therefore, Long Dangdang made a bold judgment that the deceased woman chose her appearance, yes, not her strength or anything else, but her figure and appearance.

It feels a little weird, but when you think about it, it makes sense to find a bride for the undead princess. When choosing a consort for a princess, the appearance cannot be too bad!

As Long Dangdang expected, the deceased woman soon came to him. When she passed by him, the steps of the deceased woman obviously stopped.

Long Dangdang's current height has reached about 1.9 meters, with a well-proportioned figure, ape-like arms and wasp waist, not to mention his appearance, he is one of the best in the human world. At this time, under the influence of the Hidden Sky Fruit, he had the aura of the undead, but his other appearance was indeed far incomparable to the other dead people around him.

"You!" the dead woman said, pointing at Long Dangdang, and even nodded to him.

Long Dangdang took a step forward. This brought him a little closer to the deceased woman. To his surprise, the deceased woman still had a fresh fragrance on her body, which was a bit strange. Moreover, if you look closely, you can see that this deceased woman is extremely beautiful, with a kind of handsome beauty. In the human world, her appearance is not inferior to that of Zisan Liuying.

I don't know if it was because of the selection of a candidate with outstanding appearance like Long Dangdang, but the female deceased became obviously more picky in the subsequent selections, and the number of deceased selected by her became smaller and smaller.

After she walked down the entire team, there were only more than a hundred dead people selected by her. Yes, more than 80% were eliminated directly. Among them are some seventh- and eighth-level dead.

The female deceased stood on the stage again and said something to the necromancer. The necromancer seemed to shake his head, a little dissatisfied. The deceased woman was not afraid at all and seemed to insist on her choice.

After a moment, the necromancer nodded helplessly, seemingly compromising.

"Except for those who take a step forward, everyone else leaves." The Necromancer announced.

This time, there were only more than a hundred people left.

Just when Long Dangdang thought that he would continue to select and even go on stage to fight, he heard the undead mage say: "You are all candidates selected from our Shimen City. Next, you will be sent to the Natural Disaster City. For Your Highness the Princess to choose. If you are selected by Her Highness the Princess, you will reach the sky in one step. And before that, this city will give you certain rewards."

As he was talking, a guard came over with a tray.

When the tray appeared, Long Dangdang clearly felt Xiao Xie's excitement.

On that tray, there were purple transparent gems the size of dragon's eyes, with distinct spiritual energy fluctuations on them.

There is no doubt that this is a high quality soul stone.

"Each person will be rewarded with five first-class soul stones. Absorb them as soon as possible to enhance your competitiveness."

Grade A, I don’t know if it is the highest grade soul stone, but it does seem to be quite precious! If Xiao Xie absorbs these soul stones, his mental power will probably increase. If all these soul stones were absorbed by Xiao Xie, five or six hundred soul stones would be enough for him to advance to the eighth level, and there would still be enough left to feed back to himself.

Of course, Long Dangdang just thought about it, snatching these soul stones is no different from seeking death. There were strong men at the temple level present.

Soon, the first-class soul stones belonging to everyone were distributed. Long Dangdang could feel the excitement expressed by the other dead around him. For the dead, the first-class soul stones were definitely the best treasures. The existence of the dead requires this soul power to maintain. A first-class soul stone, without considering its use to improve cultivation, can prevent a dead from thinking about the lack of soul for at least one year. The premise is that there is no high-intensity combat.

In addition to receiving five first-class soul stones, everyone also received something similar to a token. It looked a bit like it was made of some animal skeleton. It was milky white with patterns on it, and there was a faint undead energy. Fluctuate on it.

In the evening two days later, we gathered in the square and headed to the Natural Disaster City.

Long Dangdang was also happy to save trouble. He no longer had to search for it, and he had successfully penetrated into the enemy.

After leaving the square and no longer feeling the breath of those undead warriors, he breathed a sigh of relief. It was really dangerous just now! In particular, the Necromancer gave him the strongest sense of threat. This person was extremely powerful and his mental power was particularly terrifying. If you are targeted by him, there is really no way to escape.

After wandering around the city for a while, the number of undead creatures on the streets during the day was significantly smaller, and most of them were walking in the shadows, unwilling to bask in the sun.

After Long Dangdang ensured safety, he quietly left the city and returned to his Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle. Only when you go deep underground can you think you are completely safe.

Take out the first-class soul stone, release Xiao Xie and let it absorb it.

The soul power stored in an A-grade soul stone is more than a hundred times that of the previous C-grade soul stone? It takes about an hour for Xiao Xie to absorb a piece of it.

The growth rate of spiritual power has been significantly increased, and a soul stone has increased its spiritual power. At this rate, if you absorb about fifty yuan at most, you should be able to reach about the eighth level of spiritual level.

The biggest difference between the evil eye tyrant absorbing this thing and the dead is that it does not need to consider leaving energy to maintain survival, and can completely integrate it into its own mental power.

Moreover, Long Dangdang was surprised to find that after Xiao Xie absorbed the power of these souls, the aura on his body also revealed a state similar to that of the deceased. This is because when it absorbs and transforms soul energy, it is infected by the breath of death in it. Although it can digest the breath of death and transform it into the spiritual energy it needs, that breath cannot dissipate for a while.

This is actually a good thing for Long Dangdang. The number of Hidden Sky Fruits is limited. Previously, I just considered sneaking in and looking for my parents. It should be almost enough. But if I really want to participate in some kind of competition to recruit a bride, following many undead creatures Among them, the Hidden Sky Fruit may not be enough. But with the aura of death emanating from Xiao Xie, and the fact that he can switch himself to the dark attribute and disguise himself, he is not much different from the ordinary dead. He only needs to use the Sky Hiding Fruit at the critical moment, and that should be enough. use.

The only question is, how long can absorbing a first-class soul stone keep Xiao Xie with the aura of death emitting from his body, which can help cover him up.

Considering this problem, Long Dangdang did not let Xiaoxie continue to absorb it, but put away the other four first-class soul stones under the gaze of its big and resentful eyes. He wanted to observe how long Xiao Xie could last after absorbing one.

Facts have proved that the aura of death attached to a first-class soul stone is very strong, and it shows no sign of weakening until two days later. Xiao Xie has actually transformed all the absorbed spiritual power into himself. It seems that it will take longer for this breath of death to completely dissipate, which is of course a good thing. But considering the precautions, we still need to find ways to prepare more soul stones.

If he did not consider rescuing his parents, his infiltration this time was considered very successful, and he obtained a lot of information about the country of the undead that humans did not know before. Long Dangdang kept all these in mind. Even if you can't go back alive, you still have to find a way to pass this information back.

It was almost time to gather. Long Dangdang entered Shimen City again two hours earlier. Instead of going directly to the square, he found the largest soul stone shop. He was going to observe and see if there was any way to get a certain amount of soul stones from here. This thing seems to be really useful so far!

This store was much larger than the one he had been to before. Long Dangdang strolled around the store, and then quickly found a dark corner to hide his figure.

The light around him flickered, and Xiaoxie was released by him. Through the blood contract, Xiaoxie could also cover Long Dangdang's body with the aura of death, but when it came out, the aura of death became more intense.

"Feel it." Long Dangdang gave the order to Xiao Xie.

Xiao Xie's huge pupils shrank, exuding a faint lavender halo. Since absorbing the energy of the Soul Stone, its eyes have become more sinister. But the mental power is also more solid.

He didn't release too much mental power to avoid being discovered. He just used mental exploration to quietly search the situation in the store.

Long Dangdang was spiritually connected to it, and soon felt the strong soul energy fluctuations in the store. Many of them are from the store and should be used for trading. But as the direction of the mental exploration changed, Long Dangdang immediately felt a strong fluctuation in Xiao Xie's mood. Because an extremely large soul energy fluctuation attracted its attention almost instantly.

This wave of soul energy is too strong, and it seems to be released with some obstruction. It is so rich that it is slightly looming, but it is definitely a very pure soul energy. According to the detection of spiritual power, this place is actually deep underground in this Soul Stone store. The isolation and protection circles are very tightly guarded.

Xiao Xie's big eyes immediately turned to Long Dangdang and blinked, full of desire.

Long Dangdang secretly calculated the time. It was now less than an hour before the group set off. From here to the square, it would normally take less than half an hour to walk. If you use your strength to hurry, it would be no problem.

His eyes narrowed slightly, he already had a decision in his mind. As the saying goes, wealth can be found in danger, and if there are reasonable channels to leave, this vote is done!

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