With a plan in mind, Long Dangdang was not in a hurry, but quietly circled around the shop again. It was afternoon, and the number of undead creatures on the streets was still very small. Only after dusk will the undead creatures become active. This has been learned from previous investigations.

A faint smile appeared on Long Dangdang's face, and he soon had a plan in mind. He found a corner more remote from the store. The soft white halo spreads outward, which is the slow time of the Turing Furnace.

Immediately afterwards, he released the huge Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle. The size of the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle was really not small. Long Dangdang did not hesitate and immediately entered it, controlled the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle, and burrowed into the ground under the cover of the Qingtuo Lingtuo Furnace.

He entered the city this time and brought the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle with him because he would follow the marriage-seeking team to the Natural Disaster City. The Escape Divine Shuttle can be said to be an important trump card for his escape after rescuing his parents. It must be carried with you for sure. As for the specific location of the passage that had been opened by the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle, Long Dangdang remembered it very clearly and would not forget it. When the time comes to return to Shimen Town, you can leave directly through the passage. If there is a passage, the speed of the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle is more than twice as fast as that of burrowing forward.

There was still a lot of noise when the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle penetrated the ground, but under the cover of the Qingtuo Lingtuo Furnace, these were not a problem. The outside world could not hear any sound at all, and the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle had already disappeared into the ground. Then Long Dangdang was re-transported back to the ground. By gently slowing down the control of the Turing Furnace, the sound of drilling into the ground was released bit by bit at a very slow speed. As long as it was not within 20 meters nearby, nothing would happen. After hearing this, he then used the old method to directly use earth magic to restore the ground to its original state. It looked no different from before it was drilled into the ground.

Returning to the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle, while letting Xiao Xie release his mental detection, he controlled the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle to slowly approach the place with rich soul energy, minimizing the impact of the sound as much as possible. It is really not an easy task to find him underground under the cover of the slow breathing furnace.

I have to say that this store stores these soul stones in a very hidden place. It goes nearly twenty meters deep into the ground. This place was probably not built by the undead creatures themselves, but was already there when it originally belonged to humans, similar to a treasury.

Because when Long Dangdang got closer, he discovered that the protective arrays above all belonged to the category of normal magic and did not belong to undead magic.

The protective magic circle is not ordinary, it is nested. Long Dangdang is a magician himself, so he naturally knows something about this kind of magic circle. The so-called nested array is to nest multiple arrays inside it, including protective arrays, alarm arrays, etc., plus granite with a thickness of at least one meter and a half. If you want to explore without being discovered, It's almost impossible to get into it.

After silently feeling the strength of the protection for a while, Long Dangdang began to control the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle to shuttle in a small area underground. Soon, through the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle's ground-burrowing ability, he expanded a sufficiently spacious area underground. Stick it next to the treasure place. Only then did he teleport out of the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle.

The white halo spread, and the Spirit Breathing Furnace silently controlled all the sounds here. Then Long Dangdang began to undergo radiant changes, and the fine gold base battle armor possessed him. Then, along with There was a low dragon roar, and dragon-shaped lights and shadows surrounded him.

Now, what he can perform is no longer five dragons in one, but six dragons in one. Under the control of the already complete version of Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, Xiao Ba's power quickly merged with Long Dangdang's. Coupled with the increase in the Light Furnace of the Adamantine Base Battle Armor, he has reached his peak state at this time.

A strange streak of blood rose from behind and poured into the Judgment of Light in his hand. Long Dangdang did not hesitate and held the sword with both hands. At the same time, white light surged from his body, and the soul-breathing furnace was activated in an instant.

Long Dangdang's process of lifting the heavy sword seemed very slow, but when he slashed out with a sword that mixed the attributes of the six elements and the power of the Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace, it was almost like lightning passing by.

"Keng, boom——"

The front turned into an open and smooth road almost instantly.

Long Dangdang had already discovered through careful observation that the strongest defensive ability of the nested magic circle in the treasure place was around level nine. This level of protection can be said to have reached its peak, and almost no one can make a difference under this kind of protection. Because it also comes with an alarm device, with such protection, there must be strong people of the same level to defend it. However, this is based on the situation when this place was used as a similar treasury.

Falling into the hands of the undead, the protection here is still being used, but it is difficult to say whether there is a ninth-level strong defense here, at least in the previous spiritual exploration, it was not found. Therefore, Long Dangdang prefers to believe that the undead creatures have enough trust in the defense of the underground vault. Therefore, there are not too powerful people guarding the interior of the vault. Even if they are guarding, they are outside. After all, this is the soul stone stored in it. Who can guarantee that undead creatures will not guard it and steal it?

Therefore, he chose the simplest and most direct method, the reckless knight's method, which was to attack by force and break through the protection directly. It is impossible to teleport in. If you want to gain something, this is the only way.

With Long Dangdang's current ability to slow down the Spirit Breathing Furnace, the time it can cover up such a nine-level blow is only three seconds.

Therefore, when the magic circle is just broken, there is no response from the outside. Unless you focus on protecting the magic circle, you will find that the energy of the magic circle is weakening. And after three seconds, the roar and destruction of the magic circle will be heard.

What Long Dangdang took advantage of was this short time difference.

The moment the magic circle and granite wall were blasted away, it meant that all obstacles had disappeared. The nearby Tianya Spiritual Furnace sent Long Dangdang into the treasure room in the next moment.

The blue vortex swept wildly with Long Dangdang's body as the center, and the powerful suction force sucked everything in the entire treasure room, so that Long Dangdang had no time to observe how much he had absorbed. He just said silently in his heart, one, two, three!

The next moment after the three counts, the silver light on his body flashed again, and he was instantly teleported directly into the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle outside. At the same time, the earth magic that had been prepared before activation was activated. The void outside suddenly collapsed and buried. And Long Dangdang has already controlled the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle to flee crazily.

From activation to escape, the entire process takes less than ten seconds.

As for this Soul Stone store, when they heard the huge roar underground and the guardians reacted, six or seven seconds had passed.

When the strong guardians rushed into the treasure room, they saw a mess, as if they had been swept by a storm. By the time they found the big hole in the wall, it was completely blocked.

Waves of powerful mental fluctuations swept around crazily. However, in a place like the underground, even with the strength and mental strength of a ninth-level expert, it is difficult to detect a hundred meters. And it is even more difficult to pursue them underground.

Long Dangdang controlled the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle and crazily dived deep into the ground. Quickly escaping far away, he could faintly feel the turmoil of his spiritual power, but with the cover of the slow breathing furnace and the fact that his movements were too fast, he didn't feel locked.

He controlled the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle to move forward laterally and continued to accelerate, without having to consider the consumption of spiritual energy. At the same time, the equipment on the body and the six-dragon-in-one state are released, although the consumption is a bit high. But it's all worth it. Although he still doesn't know how much he has harvested, he is absolutely sure that he has absorbed a lot of soul stones in the short two seconds just now.

That is Canghai's ability. Canghai Boundless is no longer as simple as just storing spiritual power before. The full version of Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace can be said to be almost all-round in terms of auxiliary capabilities.

After escaping for about three kilometers, the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle quietly re-emerged from the ground under the protection of the Qingtun Lingtuo Furnace. This place was also chosen by Longdangdang in advance. As for the traces left by the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle in the underground, it is definitely too late to deal with it now.

Putting away the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle, Long Dangdang controlled the Spirit Breathing Furnace lightly and slowly to cover up his own aura. To be on the safe side, he took another Heaven-Hiding Fruit. Coupled with the aura of death on Xiao Xie's body, it must be foolproof. Then he quickly walked towards the square.

And just half a minute after he left, the huge spiritual power filled with anger had already overwhelmed the whole city.

When this terrifying spiritual power swept over, Long Dangdang stood there tremblingly like other undead creatures. At the same time, he also took out the domino and remained silent.

He knew what this huge spiritual power was looking for. The soul power possessed by the Soul Stone was so huge that even if it was robbed, it would not be able to be absorbed in a short while. As long as he discovered the huge energy fluctuations of the Soul Stone, he could Find the thief.

Regarding this, Long Dangdang was not worried at all. With the isolation of the Moonlight Canghai Spiritual Furnace, it’s a wonder you can find it.

After the huge mental power passed by, Long Dangdang stayed on the spot for a while, then started again and continued to gather in the square.

There is no doubt that if such a big thing happened, a city-wide manhunt would be inevitable. Looting the Soul Stone treasure room is definitely a big deal. But what does it have to do with him who is about to go to the Natural Disaster City to participate in the selection of the undead princess's husband?

Long Dangdang will not check how many soul stones he has harvested now. He will wait until it is absolutely safe.

When he arrived at the central square of Shimen City, most of the more than a hundred selected dead had already arrived. Long Dangdang held the domino in his hand, and after being inspected by the guards, he walked into the team on his own, stood with the other dead, and waited silently.

Soon, the appointed time had arrived, and a total of twenty carriages pulled by bone horses stepping on blue hellfire came to the square.

These carriages looked a little rough, but they were very spacious. Under the command of the guards, the dead who were selected to go to the natural disaster city to choose their husbands got on the carriages respectively. When getting on the bus, the domino inspection was done again.

The dead appear to be very silent. Compared with normal humans, all their actions, including mental activities, consume the power of the soul. Therefore, under normal circumstances, when not necessary, although the dead have certain wisdom, some even They retain high-end wisdom, but they still rarely communicate.

Long Dangdang was naturally happy. After getting on the carriage, he sat down in the corner. Waiting silently.

It was slower than expected and the wait took longer. About a quarter of an hour passed before the agreed time. Suddenly, a huge spiritual power suddenly enveloped the entire convoy. Long Dangdang could clearly feel that when a powerful spiritual power swept over him, he felt like he had nothing to hide.

At this time, his own spiritual furnace, coupled with the Hidden Sky Fruit and the death aura released by Xiao Xie, played a decisive role. Long Dangdang directly emptied himself, letting Xiao Xie's death aura fill his body, and then Coupled with the effect of the Hidden Sky Fruit, now he cannot be said to be similar, but indistinguishable from the undead.

This huge mental power lasted for nearly a minute before it gradually subsided. The high-pitched voice of the necromancer he saw last time came from outside, "Let's go!"

The carriage moved, first accelerating, and then Long Dangdang felt the carriage tilt. Looking out through the window, he saw that the carriage had been driven into the sky.

It is indeed a nightmare horse! This is directly taken away.

Flying is definitely more comfortable than driving on the ground, at least there are less bumps and the speed is faster. This is definitely the most efficient progress Long Dangdang has made since arriving in the Kingdom of the Undead.

We are finally going to the Natural Disaster City. Dad, Mom, and Hepburn, you must all be well. Long Dangdang took a deep breath, all the responsibilities undoubtedly rested on his shoulders.

Jiyang City.

Riding three flying monsters, they fell from the sky and landed outside Jiyang Camp.

At this time, guards from Jiyang City had already rushed over.

The three monsters quickly walked into the light door and disappeared without a trace after landing, revealing their identities as summoned beasts.

Long Kongkong, Ling Menglu, Tao Linlin, Wang Changxin, Yue Li, and Ming Xi gathered together, the expressions on their faces were not very good.

Long Dangdang's departure was so sudden that he didn't even take his younger brother with him. This was unexpected by everyone and caught them off guard. After Long Kongkong confirmed that Long Dangdang had escaped, they had no choice but to report to the temple headquarters.

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