Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 414 Arriving at Natural Disaster City

The temple headquarters was naturally shocked when they learned that Long Dangdang, the champion of the inheritance competition, was missing. After Ling Menglu and the others guessed that Long Dangdang was heading to the Kingdom of the Undead, they also notified the Jiyang City Camp as soon as possible. Long Dangdang must prevent him from leaving. However, it also takes time to deliver the message and requires information transfer. By the time the message arrived, Long Dangdang had already left, and must have entered the kingdom of the undead.

This news made everyone feel bad. It was obvious that Long Dang had been prepared for it, and it could even be said that he had calculated everything.

In desperation, everyone could only apply to go to Jiyang Camp to rescue Long Dangdang. They also ruled over Gou Knight Na Ye, Mang Knight Hai Jifeng and Feng Zhi Listening to Zi Tian Wu.

But what left everyone speechless was that the temple headquarters did not immediately agree to their visit, but asked them to wait for news. After all, among their team, except for Ming Xi, they were all at the top of the inheritance competition! Each one of them is a figure of the future temple. If something happens to them all, what's the point?

But Ling Menglu and the others can't wait! Long Dangdang goes deep into the kingdom of the dead alone, and the dangers he faces can be imagined. There is no backup, no partner, everything can only rely on him.

Ling Menglu immediately launched an attack inside the priest's temple, trying to convince her grandfather, and everyone else also found their own high-level temple officials.

After lobbying for three days, they were allowed to go to Jiyang Camp to wait for news, and were clearly ordered to never enter the Kingdom of the Dead without an order.

Long Dangdang is not here, and naturally there is no Xiaoba to support them. They can only rely on Tao Linlin to summon flying monsters and bring everyone here. The time for summoning monsters is limited, and they need to be summoned again every once in a while, and the speed is not too fast, so they didn't come here until today.

There is no doubt that Long Dangdang has already penetrated deeply into the Kingdom of the Undead. The only thing they can be sure of now is that because Long Kongkong and Long Dangdang are connected by blood, they can be sure that at least until now, Long Dangdang should still be safe. But that's about it.

Hai Jifeng, Zi Tianwu and Na Ye actually arrived at Jiyang Camp earlier than them, but the purpose was not to help them rescue Long Dangdang, but to keep an eye on them and prevent them from leaving the team. . Without the ability to teleport over long distances, it would be absolutely impossible for them to break out of Jiyang Camp.

What's more, the Jiyang Camp is now gathering an army, and it is about to prepare for a head-on battle against the Kingdom of the Undead.

"Cousin, is there really nothing you can do?" Compared with the time when he always had a smile on his face, Long Kongkong now looked a little haggard and his mood was obviously depressed.

Ling Menglu smiled bitterly and said: "This is Dangdang's conspiracy. He knows that we can't keep up with him, and once he leaves, the Federation will definitely keep an eye on us, making it impossible for us to help him. We want to leave Jiyang Camp is simply impossible. Unless each of us really has the strength of the ninth level, we can not be controlled. What we can do now is, I am afraid, as Dangdang said, try our best to Putting pressure on the Kingdom of the Undead here will make it easier for him. What else can we do except believe in his ability?"

Long Kongkong was silent, but his fists were clenched unconsciously. I thought to myself, Long Dangdang, you know, I don’t need you to do this for me, I would rather be by your side, if I am here, it will be better.

At this time, an officer from the Jiyang Camp had arrived. He was a knight, and his mount was a unicorn. A knight who can ride a unicorn is obviously no ordinary being.

"Are you guys from the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group?" the knight asked politely.

Ling Menglu nodded to him and said: "Hello, I am Ling Menglu, the deputy leader of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group. We have been ordered to come to support."

"Okay, please come with me." The knight gave her a knightly salute.

Under the leadership of the knight, everyone settled down in the Jiyang City camp, and they soon met the three teachers.

"Teacher, is there any news?" Long Kongkong almost rushed to Na Ye.

Na Ye smiled bitterly and said: "Your brother is considered a capable man. After leaving Jiyang Camp, he disappeared without a trace, and no news came back. In fact, the Holy Church has always been concerned about rescuing your parents. There is controversy. You and your brother were originally allowed to go there, which is why he was not rewarded with artifacts after the competition. We also provided you with enough teleportation scrolls. But after discussion, I decided not to let you take risks. The talents you have shown are too important to the temple. Especially the devouring ability of your Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace, which has natural restraint against undead creatures. Therefore, after knowing that your brother has If you go there, there is almost no chance that you will be let out now. We have also been given strict orders."

"Then we can only wait here? Teacher, is there any way you can let me out? I..." Long Kongkong said eagerly.

Na Ye's face darkened, "Let's not talk about whether I can let you go, but what can you do if I let you out? Tell me, what are you going to do after entering the kingdom of the dead? How to find your brother, how to rescue your parents , tell me what detailed plans you have."

"I..." Long Kongkong was a little confused by the teacher's question, wasn't he? Although he was eager to enter the kingdom of the dead to save his brother, when he really asked what he should do after entering, he found that he had never considered this issue at all.

Because he has been following Long Dangdang all this time. He can just keep up with him no matter what he does. He doesn't need to use his brain at all. Now that he was asked this question, he was really dumbfounded, because he really didn't know what he should do. The Kingdom of the Undead is a completely strange world, a world full of hostility. Moreover, the Kingdom of the Undead now occupies a very large area. Looking for a person in such a place is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. What's more, he can't even smell his own breath. Can't cover it up. I am afraid that soon after entering the Kingdom of the Undead, I will be directly surrounded by the undead.

The other members of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group were also listening, with bitter expressions on their faces unconsciously. Ling Menglu was no exception.

When Long Dangdang was there, they actually had no special feelings, but when Long Dangdang left, they discovered that as the leader, he was not only the person who always stood at the front of the team, but also the brains of the team. Even with Ling Menglu's intelligence, as long as Long Dangdang was around, she was too lazy to use her brain and relied on Long Dangdang to direct everything.

That's right, even if they are allowed to enter the kingdom of the dead now, what can they do? They have no means of cover and no ability to escape from the battlefield. There are just six people, no matter how talented they are, they can only serve as food when facing the undead army.

Ling Menglu had considered what Ye said, and it was precisely because she knew there was nothing she could do that she felt even more helpless. Long Kongkong didn't realize this problem until this moment.

Naye sighed deeply and said: "Stay here. Don't say, what if you are us? Entering the kingdom of the undead is entering another world. Your brother has many ways to protect himself, including teleportation equipment and scrolls, now we can only choose to believe him. He has always been a calm enough person. Even if he cannot save your parents, I believe he can return safely. We can only believe him now. And what we can do The purpose is to cooperate with the army to launch a war against the Kingdom of the Undead, and try to contain the strong men of the Kingdom of the Undead here. If we can achieve certain results on the battlefield, then the pressure on your brother will naturally be less."

Everyone nodded slowly, yes, this is the best response now. What Long Kongkong is most worried about now is that his blood will react and sense that his brother is in danger. And at least so far, it shouldn't be.

Ling Menglu said: "We are willing to join the fight at any time. And, I promise you, we will not do anything impulsive. Dangdang chose to leave by himself so that we can be safe, and what we can do for him now Yes, as you said, try to contain the main force of the Kingdom of the Undead on the battlefield here. But I don’t know when the war will start?"

Naye said: "Facing the war in the Kingdom of the Undead is a matter of great impact, but the preparations should be almost done. Especially when going deep behind enemy lines, the Holy Church attaches great importance to it, and the war should be advanced. Recently, This week.”

"Is it another week?" Long Kongkong asked anxiously.

Hai Jifeng, a reckless knight on the side, said in a deep voice: "This is not a matter of urgency. However, we have now made a move to launch a war, and the Kingdom of the Undead has begun to concentrate its military strength. Kong Kong, with the improvement of his cultivation Growth, your Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace plays a very important role on the battlefield and can really weaken the strength of the Kingdom of the Undead. Therefore, after the war begins, you must stay with us to ensure safety. Use your strength as much as possible Specialties.”

Long Kongkong now only feels that his heart is very messy, really messy. After Long Dangdang is no longer around, he feels like a headless fly. He didn't feel it when they were together every day. Only after they were separated did he realize how dependent he had been on his brother.

Long Dangdang was sitting on the nightmare carriage and kept pretending. In fact, his mental power was always observing everything in the outside world and feeling the changes in the outside world all the time. He needs to remember clearly the location of the Scourge City. This information will be of great use to the Federation.

Although the flying speed of the Nightmare Pegasus cannot be compared with Xiao Ba, it is still relatively stable. The dark element fluctuations in the air carry the Nightmare Pegasus and the carriage behind it to shuttle quickly in the dark night.

This should be the reason why we set off in the evening. Judging from the distance, we should be able to reach it in one day.

The night did not affect his mental judgment. The specific location and flight path were all firmly remembered by Long Dangdang. At the same time, he was also thinking about whether he really wanted to participate in the undead princess's marriage recruitment, or whether he would quietly disappear from the team after arriving in the natural disaster city, and then quickly search for traces of his parents.

After thinking for a moment, Long Dangdang has come to a conclusion. Even in a place like Shimen City, there are strong men at the temple level. So, as the core of the capital of the Kingdom of the Undead, there will definitely be more strong men in the Scourge City. That's not it. The level that I can compete with now. If you leave the blind date team rashly, you will definitely be alerted. There will be no inexplicable disappearances, right?

Therefore, he decided to follow the blind date team first. With so many people going on a blind date with the princess, it would not be completed in a short time. Moreover, there should not be a blind date team in only Shimen City. The screening should also take some time. And hiding in the blind date team must be the safest. In this way, you have the possibility to find your parents. At the same time, time can also last for nine days. After nine days, it is possible for him to teleport long distances again. You can advance to attack and retreat to defend.

As for the final moment of the blind date, if you haven't been eliminated yet, then you can act according to the situation. At worst, you can just run away secretly by then.

Long Dangdang felt that he was lucky, at least he had found such an opportunity. If it had not been for such an opportunity, he would not even be able to search safely in Tianji City.

The flight lasted for about three hours. The height of the nightmare carriage began to decrease. At this time, Long Dangdang also restrained his mental exploration and approached the natural disaster city. Who knows what level of undead powerhouses there will be. Drive carefully. New Year Ship.

After about a quarter of an hour, the slight feeling of weightlessness gradually disappeared, and the nightmare carriage landed smoothly on the ground. Long Dangdang quietly used his mental power to explore outside for a moment. Sure enough, a huge city lay in front of him, and the carriage did not stop. He did not enter the city directly, but landed outside the city. This should be the rule of the natural disaster city.

At the same time, he already had a definite judgment in his mind. Natural Disaster City was the former Beihai City, the most important town in the northern part of the Federation, adjacent to the North Sea and rich in fishery resources. There are also a large number of islands east of the North Sea. The birthplace of undead creatures should be in this area.

Gathering his mind, Long Dang clenched his fists subconsciously, Dad, Mom, I'm here, and Hepburn, I will do my best to rescue you.

At this time, the city gate of the Scourge City opened wide, and a pair of undead knights wearing neat armors slowly walked out of it, leaving a path forward. In the center, a headless fear knight rode a huge nightmare horse. The magic horse slowly walked out.

"Fear, long time no see." The high-pitched voice of the Necromancer sounded. Undoubtedly, this was the leader of the blind date team in Shimen City.

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