Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 415 Huge amount of soul stones

Long Dangdang took a deep breath, and the expression on his face became a little more solemn. Fortunately, he was careful enough when he was exploring before. This necromancer of the Dharma God level did not pay too much attention. He did not stay in Shimen City to search for the theft of the Soul Stone. Instead, he followed the blind date team. Obviously, the blind date should be very important to the undead creatures. more important. Now he was a little curious in his heart, what kind of undead princess could have such great influence.

Faint mental fluctuations came from the Dread Knight, "Netherworld Witch, you are late."

The Necromancer, known as the Dark Witch, said angrily: "Forget it, something happened in Shimen City. Our largest Soul Stone store was robbed."

"Been robbed? What's going on?" The fear knight's mental fluctuations came again.

The Dark Witch seemed to be afraid of this person, and replied: "It's not clear what happened, but judging from the remaining spiritual power fluctuations, it should be related to human magicians. The other party has a well-planned plan, and it should be at the ninth level. The existence of the raid may be at the level of the six major human temples. Otherwise, don't think about getting away from my exploration. It's a bit like a magician based on the earth element."

"So he wasn't caught? You don't know the specific situation?" the Dread Knight said indifferently.

The Dark Witch seemed to be a little anxious, "Let's not talk about this for now. It's okay to throw some soul stones. Some flies don't dare to show up. Let's finish the important things of your Majesty first."

"Come in." The Dread Knight turned his horse's head and headed towards the Scourge City first.

Only then did the blind date team from Shimen City catch up and followed him into the Natural Disaster City.

Natural Disaster City finally came in. But at this time, Long Dangdang did not dare to investigate at all. The two outside were existences that were comparable to the level of the human temple. The fear knight seemed to be the existence that fought against the archangel in the Jiyang camp last time. I am afraid that he was at least the ninth level and the second level. , even a ninth-level and third-level existence.

In front of an opponent of this level, his strength is really not enough, so it is better to be honest.

The carriage entered the city, and Long Dangdang relied on his hearing to judge the situation outside. The sounds outside were obviously noisier than Shimen City, and it was obviously more lively than there. Beihaicheng itself was also a larger city than Shimen City. The Kingdom of the Undead seems to be on the verge of becoming a country, and it is not as simple as the tide of the undead bringing disaster. There is no doubt that their ultimate goal is to completely destroy the human world and let the undead rule the entire world.

Long Dangdang became more and more convinced that it was the right choice for the Federation to make prompt preparations for a decisive battle with the Kingdom of the Undead. Otherwise, the more humans are infected by the undead, especially the more resurrected dead, the more detrimental it will be to the federation. I just don’t know how far the high-end combat power of the Kingdom of the Undead can reach now, and whether the Federation can completely suppress it.

With mixed emotions, Long Dangdang followed the convoy through the city for about half an hour before the convoy stopped. At the same time, the voice of the Necromancer Mage came.

"Everyone get out of the car!"

Long Dangdang was the fifth one to get out of the carriage where he was. He didn't move forward or backward, and his breath was restrained. He didn't even use his eyes to look at the surrounding situation, but just lowered his head slightly. Now is not the time to be anxious. After entering the Natural Disaster City, everything needs to be more careful and there is no room for any mistakes. Once there is the slightest deviation, he knows exactly what will greet him.

They were taken to a place similar to a hotel. The place was large, but after entering, it was obviously a bit rundown. This should have been a good hotel in the human world, but in the hands of undead creatures, it was not easy to clean it. At least there was no sign of repair. It was shabby but clean.

Next, each deceased person was assigned a separate room and allowed to rest there. Because it will be dawn soon, which is the standard practice time for the dead. As for how to conduct the subsequent blind date selection, there is no explanation. Obviously, we can only wait.

The room Long Dangdang was assigned was about fifty square meters and had a bathroom. There is also a new suit of clothes on the bed, both inside and outside. The new clothes are white and look a bit like the knight uniforms worn by knights in the human world. It's just that the production seems a little rough.

Does the Kingdom of the Dead even have tailors? Or can the resurrected dead tailor still retain some memories of his life?

Although it was just a simple set of clothes, Long Dangdang's expression became serious unconsciously. If it's the latter, it's even more troublesome. Because this means that after the dead are resurrected, they can even retain part of their spiritual intelligence, so the kingdom of the undead will definitely become more healthy as a result. He didn't know exactly how long the dead could live, but if there were enough Soul Stones, it was almost certain that they would live longer than humans. It was even theoretically possible to live forever. The fire of the soul is immortal, and even if the body is corrupted, the soul can be transferred again. Under the huge attraction of eternal life, one can imagine the degree of loyalty that the Kingdom of the Dead has gained from these dead people.

Feeling a little heavy, Long Dangdang sat down in the room, like a real dead person, seeming to be practicing at dawn.

Even if he really absorbs the undead souls through the sea, he will absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the spiritual light of the sun and the moon that carries the aura of death.

It’s a complete show, it’s a new arrival, you must not rush for success now.

It wasn't until the sky outside was completely bright and the sounds in the city had weakened significantly that Long Dangdang opened his eyes.

The curtains in the room were closed. He quietly got out of bed, came to the window, opened a gap from the side and looked out.

Outside is a wide street with many houses on both sides of the street. Judging from the architecture of the entire city, you can clearly feel the prosperity of the past. As the most important town in the north, Beihai City thrives on the resources of the North Sea and is an extremely powerful place.

However, everything has now fallen into the hands of the Kingdom of the Undead. The only good thing is that the Kingdom of the Undead does not seem to have caused too much damage to the city. The first time he entered this city, Long Dangdang had actually felt that the aura of the undead here was so strong that it was almost like substance. All other elemental attributes were suppressed under this breath of death. It's like surrendering.

The natural disaster city is very, very big. The room where Long Dangdang was located was on the third floor. Part of his view was blocked by buildings of the same height, but he could still see some of it. The house felt like he couldn't see the edge at a glance.

In this case, trying to find parents in such a city is no different from finding a needle in a haystack. They are connected by blood, so if they are at a certain distance, he should be able to sense the presence of his parents. But this distance cannot be too far. Relatively speaking, if it is between him and Kong Kong, they can sense each other even at a longer distance. Perhaps this is the tacit understanding between the twins.

Long Dangdang understood that it might take longer than previously expected to find his parents. Once you come, make peace with them, try to ensure your own safety first, and then find ways to find them.

Back on the bed, Long Dangdang lay down. He couldn't meditate easily, but he could adjust and rest through sleep.

It was only then that he chose to contact Canghai and look inwards to check on what he had gained in Shimen City.

With his spiritual power probing in, Long Dangdang couldn't help but take a breath when he saw the soul stone that Endless Canghai had just obtained.

That was not just a tiny bit of soul stone. Canghai tried his best to suck it in at that time. At the same time that the repair was completed, the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace had naturally been promoted to the second level.

The advancement of the Wisdom Spiritual Furnace generally requires testing the host to ensure that the host can withstand the load brought about by its own advancement. The Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace must go through this process again. What could be more difficult than the test of injecting two hundred thousand spiritual power? It can be said that without the existence of Long Kongkong, it would be difficult for Long Dangdang to achieve this goal before he was thirty years old. This would only be possible if he, his brother, and his cousin practiced together. Otherwise, why has this spiritual furnace not been repaired for so many years?

The first-class spiritual stone dragon Dangdang had obtained several pieces before, so he naturally recognized them clearly. As for the number of first-class spiritual stones in the endless sea, at a glance, there are at least three thousand pieces. It's not too late. There is also a soul stone that is slightly smaller than the first-class spirit stone and slightly less clear. The number of this stone is even greater, more than 20,000. Better than Class C, worse than Class A, it is undoubtedly the Soul Stone of Class B.

As for the soul stone at a lower level, there is no such thing at all. In that heavily defended treasure house, Class C soul stones are not even qualified to enter.

In addition to these soul stones, Long Dangdang also found that he had also obtained more than a hundred pieces of equipment. Yes, equipment, equipment belonging to the six major temples of mankind, and they were all at least Glory level or above. It also includes five pieces of epic equipment and one piece of legendary equipment. There are no high-level ones anymore, but this is undoubtedly a huge fortune!

The value of so many equipment and soul stones in the Kingdom of the Undead is simply immeasurable. This robbery is really developed! And there is no need to put any psychological burden on it.

Isolated by the vast sea, Xiao Xie could not sense the number of these soul stones. Otherwise, he would have gone crazy. With these things, it should be no problem to help Xiaoxie advance to a tenth-level monster that is comparable to a ninth-level human being, allowing him to be directly promoted from the evil-eyed tyrant to the evil-eyed tyrant master.

Of course, this premise is that Long Dangdang himself must advance to the ninth level. The existence of the Soul Stone has made Xiao Xie's advancement smooth, but now it is Long Dangdang, the host, that is slowing down his progress. But at least promotion to the eighth level is no problem. But the ninth level has to wait for Long Dangdang's cultivation to improve. Before that, it can also transform the absorbed soul power into spiritual power and feed it back to Long Dangdang. It can be said that with these soul stones, Long Dangdang no longer needs to consider the problem that his mental power cannot keep up with his spiritual power before he gets entangled, only more.

The only pity is that in this place, he cannot let Xiao Xie absorb it without restraint. This is a natural disaster city, and it is still too dangerous. Only when it is safe can you absorb and practice.

The feeling of getting rich is actually quite good.

Taking out a first-class soul stone, Long Dangdang silently injected the soul energy contained in it into his body, and then passed it on to Xiao Xie through the blood contract. Although it cannot be absorbed unscrupulously, it is still possible to absorb part of it. After all, the dark wizard in Shimen City gave each of their candidates five first-class soul stones. For the dead, normal absorption of this thing should take a while. Not for a short period of time.

Now he can only wait and wait for the next step of the blind date to come, so that he can follow the team to learn more about the Scourge City. When he first arrived, Shimen City had problems before, and now he needed to be more careful.

The day passed quickly, but no orders came. When night fell, the deceased was notified. Those who participated in the recruitment could go out at night, but not for more than two hours. Failure to return after the time limit would be considered as elimination.

This news immediately made Long Dangdang overjoyed. Being able to leave at will without too much control is naturally the best situation. In this way, he can walk in the city and look for the breath of his parents.

Not all the dead chose to go out for a walk. Many of the dead still stayed in the hotel, whether they were practicing or doing other things.

Long Dangdang walked out of the hotel and came to the street outside.

There are even more undead creatures on the streets than expected. Although they are not blocking the road, it is difficult to walk fast. But what made him feel a little strange was that almost all the undead creatures he saw here were dead, and it was rare to see undead creatures other than the dead.

Occasionally, if you encounter an undead creature that is not the dead, it is someone who has a high level of cultivation and is following the dead. Not a single large undead creature that hated the smell was seen.

It seems that the leader of the Kingdom of the Undead also prefers the human form of the dead? In other words, he was also a human before? It was only after he turned into an undead that he established the Kingdom of the Undead?

Various speculations quickly emerged in Long Dangdang's mind. These speculations were also very important information for the Temple Federation. He firmly imprinted these in his memory, and at the same time began to move forward along the street, silently feeling the surrounding atmosphere.

Of course, he would not think that his parents would exist in the surrounding shops. He could roughly judge where he was at this time by sensing the spiritual communication of the undead creatures around him.

The hotel where they were arranged to live should be on the south side of Natural Disaster City. Since it is on the south side, walking north should be the direction to the core area of ​​Natural Disaster City.

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