Long Dangdang began to speed up his pace quietly, shuttling among the undead. He only had two hours to go out and move around, and he didn't know how big the natural disaster city was. But what can be judged is that if his parents are imprisoned, they must be in the core area of ​​the Natural Disaster City, or in a place similar to a prison.

Now he actually hopes that this blind date will be delayed longer, because only in this way will he have enough time to find traces of his parents.

While marching, he can determine the direction by mentally sensing the spiritual communication between the surrounding undead creatures, and then make adjustments himself. Gradually, Long Dangdang began to approach the central area of ​​the Scourge City.

The closer to the central area, the wider the streets and the greater the number of undead creatures. The number of strong ones among them also frightened Long Dang. He even saw seven levels. The bones all over his body were bright silver skulls, and the soul fire beating in his eyes was also silver.

Long Dangdang asked himself that he still had considerable strength at the seventh level, but facing this person, he felt obviously dangerous.

After marching for nearly an hour, just when Long Dangdang was about to start his return trip, suddenly, he turned a corner and a huge building in front of him caught his attention.

Even if it was just the first time he saw it, he would definitely think that this was not the original building in Beihai Chengzhong, but that it was rebuilt after the Kingdom of the Undead occupied it.

It was a tall stone castle, and it was impossible to accurately judge the distance from him. This castle stands on a huge stone mountain. I don't know if this stone mountain originally existed, but the stone mountain is not made of ordinary stone. It exudes a faint silver color and looks a bit like a mithril mine. .

Although the proportion of mithril extracted from mithril mines is very small, it is still an extremely precious ore. How many mithril mines are needed to build up such a stone mountain that looks at least three hundred meters tall?

On such a rocky mountain stands a castle. The castle looked majestic, with spiers standing tall, and the brilliant silver light shining brightly even in the night. This actually looks like a castle made entirely of mithril. If this is the case, then its value is completely immeasurable.

Long Dangdang took a breath. He knew without guessing that this was undoubtedly where the ruler of the Kingdom of the Dead lived. He really didn't expect that this person would actually build such a terrifying fortress in the Natural Disaster City. If it is all mithril, how much mithril is needed? It's hard to say whether the entire human world has that much mithril in reserve.

The Knights Temple is already the first of the six temples. For many years, the number of Mithril Pedestal Knights has only remained at seventy-two. And how many mithril bases can be built in such a mithril castle?

All along, both he and the six major temples subconsciously thought that the Kingdom of the Dead was relatively barren, but now it seems that it is not so accurate! With so much mithril that can build such a castle, who dares to say that the Kingdom of the Dead cannot build a sufficient amount of powerful weapons and equipment.

This information was too important. If he was not trying to rescue his parents, but just found such a castle, he should go back and pass the news to the federal military headquarters as soon as possible.

Looking at the castle, Long Dangdang's eyes were full of shock, and at this moment, his heartbeat suddenly skipped a beat, his whole body suddenly stiffened, and the next moment, his eyes There was an uncontrollable joy in his eyes.

Yes, he confirmed, he sensed it. As he continued to stare at the castle, he felt the extremely familiar and friendly atmosphere. A breath that only close relatives can have.

Dad, Mom!

Long Dangdang's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. He never expected that on the first day he entered the Natural Disaster City, he would actually feel the aura of his parents. What could be more important than this?

This means that the parents are in that castle!

Before coming to the Natural Disaster City, in fact, both he and Kong Kong had only one question in their hearts that they were most worried about, that is, what should they do if their parents have been killed by the Kingdom of the Undead? That is the situation they least want to face.

Just now, Long Dangdang was completely sure that he sensed the breath of his close relative. Although it was very weak, he was almost certain that it should be his mother's breath. Mom is still alive, at least still alive! As long as you live, you have a chance. No matter how powerful the Mithril Castle was, no matter how solid it was, and how many strong men there were, he would never look back.

Taking a deep breath, Long Dangdang tried his best to control his emotions at this time. He knew that the more he was at this time, the less he could be impulsive.

The fact that his parents are still there means that the Kingdom of the Undead has always been hoping to use their parents to deceive him and his younger brother. Now that he is here, he must find a way to rescue his parents.

Long Dangdang once again looked deeply at Mithril Castle and turned away resolutely. He already had a decision in his mind.

All furniture and utensils in the luxurious room are made of fine gold.

At this time, in the room, a figure was sitting cross-legged on the bed. Gold and silver colors echoed around her body. She has no skin and flesh, only bones. The bones are a strange blue-gold color, and the blue-gold flames are also beating in her pupils. Judging from the bone shape, she should have been a woman during her lifetime, but she only had one arm.

Suddenly, the blue-gold flames in her eyes jumped slightly. She quickly stood up, walked to the window, and looked into the distance.

Outside the window, she could almost overlook all the bright lights of the entire city, but at this time, she was only looking in one direction. At this moment, a head of black hair began to grow from the top of his head and quickly fell down behind him. On the surface of the blue-gold bones, meridians and flesh began to appear, and soon he outlined a beautiful figure. .

Long Dangdang returned to the hotel in almost two hours. After returning, he entered the room directly.

All the way back, his mood has basically calmed down. The harvest of this trip was huge for him. Not only did he see the magnificent castle, but most importantly, he felt his mother's breath. Once you have a goal, then you have to work hard in the direction of the goal.

He has decided that he will not escape. Not only will he participate in the competition to find a bride, but he will also strive to be selected by the undead princess. Only in this way can he possibly enter any castle.

There is no doubt that the risk involved is huge. He can't judge now whether his human identity will be discovered. The multiple effects of the Hidden Sky Fruit, Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, Slow Swallowing Spiritual Furnace, and Evil Eye Tyrant Can the cover-up pass smoothly in front of those powerful undead creatures? However, he had no other choice.

Even if he were the master of the temple, it would be almost impossible to storm into that castle. If you want to enter it, the only possibility is to integrate. Only through blind date can you have a chance to get in. As for whether he could successfully rescue and escape after entering, he didn't know and had no answer. But now that he's here, he only has this choice. He will never be timid or retreat.

Once we have a plan, everything must be done in this direction.

How to gain the favor of the Undead Princess becomes particularly important. Judging from the previous selections, strength is definitely a very important part, and then there is the appearance.

Long Dangdang recalled that the undead creature that assassinated him had seen himself and his brother before, but through the improvement of the Hidden Sky Fruit and his control of muscles, his appearance had been adjusted. He was not recognized in Shimen City or the earlier Wanning City. Therefore, there should be no problem with appearance. At the same time, although he has changed his appearance, he is still very handsome among humans. Therefore, as long as he is strong enough, the possibility of being selected will increase.

So, here comes the problem. In the human world, among peers and professionals of the same level, there is no doubt about his strength, and the inheritance competition has proven this. However, when he came to the Kingdom of the Undead, everything became different. In order not to reveal his identity, almost most of his abilities could not be used. This becomes a huge constraint. Therefore, he needs to integrate now to find out what powers he can use here.

In terms of attributes, he has all seven attributes: water, fire, earth, wind, light, darkness, and space. Among the seven attributes, the dark attribute can definitely be used. Among undead creatures, this kind of darkness and death attributes are the most common. The other attributes are not absent, but they all come with the aura of the undead, and they are not that strong.

To be on the safe side, only use dark attributes, which are relatively safest and least likely to be exposed. As for the aura of death, Xiao Xie should be able to improve it to a certain extent by attaching the aura of death emitted when he absorbs the Soul Stone to his own dark attributes.

The knight's fighting style is not a problem. Among the undead, there are many dead who were knights in life, but they cannot use the light attribute. As for his own weapons and equipment, almost all of them are unusable. Whether it is the Adamantine Base Battle Armor or the Blue Rain Light Hibiscus, these are famous weapons and equipment in the human world. Once used, flaws will immediately be revealed.

Therefore, what can be used now is the seven levels of dark attributes, which are the basis, and then Xiao Xie's spiritual power. It is very normal for undead creatures to use psychic abilities to attack. If his mental strength is different from ordinary people and surpasses ordinary undead, this can be explained. Therefore, the use of mental attributes becomes very important. After all, just relying on a dark attribute is definitely not enough.

As for the spiritual attribute skills, Long Dangdang is not worried. With Xiao Xie around, even if he doesn't summon it, he can still use its skills.

Therefore, if you want to improve your competitiveness in a short period of time, the best way is to improve Xiaoxie's mental strength and level.

After thinking about this clearly, Long Dangdang knew what he should do.

Originally, he didn't plan to take the risk, so at this time, he let Xiao Xie absorb a large amount of soul stones. But now it seems that we have to take risks. If he couldn't stand out from the marriage search, he wouldn't be able to enter the castle, and everything would be meaningless.

While thinking about it, Long Dangdang once again took out a first-class soul stone and silently began to assist Xiao Xie in digesting and absorbing it.

In this hotel, it can only be absorbed slowly. What will really speed up Xiao Xie's improvement will have to wait until the two hours of release tomorrow. When the time comes, he will find a place to let Xiao Xie absorb as much power of the Soul Stone as possible. With Xiao Xie's mental strength, it shouldn't be a big problem to absorb thirty first-class soul stones a day. With a maximum of three hundred yuan, you can push its strength to the eighth level. That is the level of a ninth-level monster. At that time, you can start to feed back your own spiritual power.

Another day passed in the blink of an eye, and they had not yet been notified to attend the blind date, so they continued to wait in the hotel. Undead creatures do not need to eat. What maintains their bodies is the energy of yin and yang mixed with the breath of death and the power of the soul. But Long Dangdang can't do it. He is a human being. Although he can go without food for a period of time and sustain himself by absorbing spiritual power, he still can't do it without eating for a long time. Fortunately, he received quite a lot of supplies from Jiyang Camp, with plenty of food and drinking water. He secretly ate something during the day to replenish himself every day.

When night fell again, it was time to go out for a walk. Long Dangdang left again. This time, he did not move towards the center of the city, but towards the edge of the natural disaster city, looking for a suitable place for Xiao Xie to practice. The place.

It can be seen from the layout of the Scourge City that this is an urban planning model with the Mithril Castle as the core and radiating outwards. In other words, the closer you get to Mithril Castle, the more powerful people there may be. However, there is also an advantage, that is, it is unlikely that a large-scale mental scan will occur here like in Shimen City, because isn't wanton mental scanning an act of provoking the undead monarch?

There are a huge number of undead in the natural disaster city, but it is not too difficult to find a dark corner. Using the time distortion of the spiritual furnace, Long Dangdang released the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle and drilled directly into the ground. And use earth magic to restore the surface to normal.

Controlling the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle to go deep underground until it was about a hundred meters deep, he turned and headed towards the outside of the city. He not only wanted to create a place for cultivation, but also opened up this passage first. If Yu can successfully rescue his parents in the future, he will pick them up.

While controlling the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle, Long Dangdang summoned Xiaoxie and directly threw a bunch of first-class soul stones to it, letting it absorb it on its own.

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