When Long Dangdang saw the huge figure descending from the sky, his first reaction was that this was the leader of the Kingdom of the Undead. After all, all the undead warriors present are surrendering to him! The aura erupting from this body was beyond the scope of his cognition. At least, he had not felt this level of energy anywhere. Perhaps, the hall master, the master of the Magic Temple, and others can be compared to them, but at least they have to rely on artifacts. The giant sword next to him even caused the Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace behind him to tremble slightly. It was an exciting oscillation. Judging from various feedbacks, it was undoubtedly a divine weapon.

"Greetings to the Lich King!"

All the dead people saluted together, letting Long Dangdang know this person's name. Lich King? Not the Holy Law God of the Dead? Does that mean that the Holy Law God of the Dead is just the object of their faith?

Just when he was wondering, the Lich King had already spoken, and a very soft voice echoed, "Everyone, get up. Under the orders of the Holy Dharma God, we will find a bride for the princess. No matter whether the marriage is successful or not, there will be a reward."

No, this is not the monarch of the kingdom of the dead yet. Long Dangdang was shocked.

From the Bone Dragon Knight to the Lich King, the levels continued to rise, and they all brought him unparalleled powerful existences. He was not even the undead monarch. The undead man who was revered as the Holy God of the Dead How much more powerful does a monarch need to be?

Long Dangdang tried his best to relax his body, just like the dead around him, not to be noticed by such a powerful existence. At the same time, he sighed secretly in his heart. In front of such a powerful undead creature, he wanted to sneak into the Mithril Castle. Is it really possible to rescue my parents?

At this time, the Lich King had slowly landed on the ground, and his eyes with dancing blue flames swept over the dead people present. When you are swept by his eyes, you will feel as if your body has become transparent. Long Dangdang didn't even know whether his Heaven-Hiding Fruit and the aura of death could cover up this investigation.

Just when his mind was tense, the Lich King had already withdrew his gaze, nodded slightly and said, "You city lords have done your best, you can leave first. The humans in Jiyang City are gathering troops and will launch a full-scale attack soon. You each return to the city, gather your troops, and go to the front line to support us. After I preside over the blind date, I will soon go to the front line and personally lead the army."

"Yes!" The twelve city lords standing at the front bowed and saluted. The next moment, the bone dragon took off, and the major city lords also left quickly in their own way, disappearing in the blink of an eye, except for the dead who were about to participate in the blind date. Stayed.

There is only one Lich King left among the top undead powerhouses at this time, but this does not allow Long Dangdang to relax at all. This person's strength is likely to be above the ninth level and fifth level, making him the real top powerhouse.

Teacher Hai Jifeng, the reckless knight, once told him that after any professional reaches the ninth level, every level he improves is a watershed, and the ninth and fifth levels are a huge bottleneck. In the tens of thousands of years of human history, only a hundred people have been able to reach this level or above. One hundred people sounds like a lot, but you have to know that it is in the tens of thousands of years of human history! In other words, it takes hundreds of years on average for one to appear.

As for the legendary million-spiritual power to become a god, in the legends of human history, it seems that only the first-generation Federation Chairman who led mankind to defeat the demons has ever touched the threshold. After him, no one can reach that threshold. To this extent, no one can awaken the throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation, the head of the Twelve Watchers' Spiritual Furnace and the only super-artifact in the entire human world.

Although Long Dangdang didn't know how to judge the ninth and fifth levels, at this moment, in his heart, he felt strongly that the Lich King in front of him had already reached a level above this level. That is a top power with a total spiritual power of over 500,000!

Long Dangdang's spiritual power is now close to 20,000, which is one-twenty-fifth of others. As for the increase in equipment, it is no longer considered. The big sword next to him is a magic weapon! What equipment does he have that can compare with others? In the Temple Federation, I am afraid that only six temple masters have the possibility to reach this level, and not everyone can achieve it. It is even possible that only the hall master exists at this level. The Kingdom of the Dead is really more powerful than imagined.

"In the first step of the blind date, I will personally check your talents. Only those with outstanding talents can follow the princess's footsteps. Those with insufficient talents will be eliminated." The Lich King spoke again.

Check talent? Long Dangdang couldn't help but secretly complained, it would be better to let him compete directly with other dead people. Doesn’t checking talent require careful observation of physical condition? Can I still be able to stop the Heaven-Hiding Fruit and the aura of death?

But by this time, he had no choice but to run. It was impossible to run because he couldn't run. All we can do is bite the bullet and wait.

I saw the Lich King slowly raising his right hand, and the giant sword floating beside him suddenly flew towards him. He grabbed the huge sword hilt with his backhand and suddenly inserted it on the ground in front of him with one hand. .

Suddenly, a faint blue halo centered on the place where the giant sword was inserted into the ground, and quickly spread outward. Wherever the halo passed, it covered all the dead present almost instantly, causing every dead person to emit a faint blue halo.

Long Dangdang felt a chill all over his body. It was as if his whole body was being grasped by an invisible big hand. His whole body was being kneaded. The huge pressure forced him to use his spiritual power to support his body and forcefully support it. , and won’t be crushed to death by this big hand.

The other dead seemed to be facing the same pressure, and then Long Dangdang saw that not far from him, the body of the dead exploded with a "bang" and turned into pieces of flesh.

This process lasted five minutes. About one-tenth of the dead were directly crushed by this huge pressure, and when the pressure disappeared, another third of the dead collapsed to the ground.

The flames in the Lich King's eyes twitched slightly, and with a wave of his free left hand, a surging air flow swept out, accurately finding every limp dead person, and sweeping away the pieces of flesh along with them. .

I don't know when an undead warrior appeared in the distance, cleaning everything up.

At this time, the number of remaining dead was only about five hundred.

"Yes, you have passed the preliminary assessment. Each of you will be rewarded with ten first-class soul stones."

Yes, there are no rewards for those who are eliminated. Only those who persevere and withstand the test are rewarded. However, the rewards were not distributed on the spot.

"You are all carefully selected from each city. However, the one who can finally stand in front of the princess and be selected by her as the consort must be the true warrior of my country of the undead. Next, you will be divided into groups of ten , from each group, only one can come out and enter the final selection. Defeating other opponents and coming out is your assessment task. Go!"

As he spoke, the Lich King raised his left hand and pointed in one direction.

That was the other side of the circular square, where a large group of undead warriors were already waiting.

The remaining dead people walked over in a fairly neat line. The Lich King fulfilled his promise of rewards, and perhaps in order to allow them to better demonstrate their strength in the next competition, each of the remaining dead who participated in the blind date received ten soul stones from the undead warriors. After passing through the team, they saw the grids at the back divided by undead warriors.

Yes, a grid-like space. Each space is a square with a side of one hundred meters. Each square is blocked by undead warriors who are tall and powerful. Here, there are at least 20,000 undead warriors who are covered in armor and have strong auras. They are neatly dressed in armor and possess sophisticated weapons. At first glance, they are the true elites of the undead kingdom. Every undead warrior has an aura that is no lower than the fifth level. The weapons and equipment are different in different areas, and they are obviously divided into different types of soldiers.

How to choose one out of ten? Only by defeating the other dead, or rather destroying the other dead, can one stand out.

The Kingdom of the Undead does not seem to value the lives of these dead people so much. The dead people who were directly crushed to death had strong undead energy that rose up with their death, dissipated in the air, or was pulled to other places. place.

Long Dangdang was slightly relieved at this time. He would rather be in a fighting state than be detected at close range, especially by a strong person like the Lich King. It seemed that he had at least passed the previous level.

Entering the "grid" in order, Long Dangdang naturally walked into a grid. After the other nine deceased entered, they immediately reacted less calmly than before. Almost every dead person quickly ran to a corner on one side and looked at the other dead people warily, but no dead person chose to take action at the first time.

Those who can be selected for a blind date are more or less those who have some residual wisdom. They all know that whoever makes the first move will most likely become the target of public criticism. The more low-key this kind of melee situation is, the more likely it is that it will come to an end.

Of course, Long Dangdang would not make the first move. He also ducked into a corner and took out an epee, a dark-attributed brilliance-level equipment that was not so conspicuous. This is obtained from the treasure house of Stone Gate City. He dared to use even the Dark Witch here. He didn't believe that the Dark Witch could know everything in the treasure house in Shimen City.

The other dead also took out their own weapons one after another, and some of them were distinguished at this time. Some of the dead didn't even have a piece of spirit-level equipment. The Glory-level heavy sword in Long Dangdang's hand was actually one of the ten of them. The best of them all.

The deceased was quite poor! Long Dangdang thought to himself, feeling helpless at the same time. Because when the other dead saw the glorious heavy sword in his hand, the soul fire beating in their eyes changed, and he also became the object of attention.


At this moment, the undead warriors surrounding the outer circle suddenly let out a loud roar, and then took a step forward at the same time, pointing their weapons forward. This approach immediately reduced the area of ​​the entire grid by a circle. Although it was only a small circle, it undoubtedly revealed to the dead present that the circle would become smaller if they did not do anything, and the final result of shrinking it can be imagined And know.

Long Dangdang was the one who reacted the fastest. He almost moved the moment the undead warrior took that step.

Because of the brilliant heavy sword in his hand, he was already hostile to the other dead. The dead present could withstand the previous round of "tests" and were basically at level seven or above. Since there was a possibility of being targeted, then It would be better to strike first.

Long Dangdang's body rushed out horizontally, using the most basic skill of a knight, sliding.

His skating was learned from Na Ye, the number one skating player in the Knights Temple. Not only was he extremely fast, but he also had no warning. No movement can be seen on the upper body, but the entire body has moved out. At the same time, the dark elements suddenly erupted, and a jet-black sword light burst out from the Brilliance-level heavy sword in his hand, which was directly like a dark version of the holy sword.

They are also at the seventh level, but in terms of the use and control of spiritual power and combat experience, Long Dangdang is obviously far superior to Tongji. After all, he has been fighting across levels.

Therefore, before other undead creatures could pounce on him, his sword had already struck the dead man's weapon, which was also a heavy sword.

This explosion was very sudden. Long Dangdang even used deflagration skills, and detonated the moment he was about to hit the opponent. Therefore, the low roar and the clang of the weapon collision almost appeared at the same time.

"Boom -" The sword broke and the undead flew away. The whole body of the undead was covered in black smoke, and he was immediately sent flying. He hit the guarding undead warrior, and was cut with a large gash from his shoulder to his lower abdomen. The undead aura spread wildly. Yong, it looked like he was seriously injured.

At the same time, Long Dangdang swung the glorious sword in his hand, and a large black mist surged out, directly covering the entire scene. The third level of dark magic is covered by dark clouds. This is a magic that condenses dark elements while blocking the enemy's perception. With his level of cultivation, using such a magic is completely instantaneous. Since it is a melee, it will be chaotic. How can we be besieged by other dead! Although he is not afraid, once he is besieged, he will definitely be exposed more.

The Lich King was already hanging high in the sky at this time. When Long Dangdang's battlefield was filled with black mist, his eyes turned over. Naturally, this low-level magic could not obscure his perception. He could feel that inside The battle has begun, but only one king huddled in the corner, his breath restrained, and did not participate. Very stubborn, but also very smart.

Long Dangdang learned recklessness and stubbornness from Hai Jifeng and Na Ye respectively. The summary of his experience is that when you should be reckless, you should be reckless, and when you should be stubborn, you should be stubborn.

He is not afraid of being seen by the Lich King. What happened to me hiding? As long as there is a winner in the end, there is no telling how to win.

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