Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 419 Entering Mithril Castle

Can third-level magic interfere with high-level powerhouses above level seven? The answer is of course no. Therefore, Long Dangdang's dark magic cannot affect the dead of the same level under normal circumstances. But the question is, when all the dead are mentally tense and have to be careful of the opponents around them at any time, what is the first reaction when vision and perception are suddenly blocked? Self-preservation, or offense.

Therefore, at the moment when the black mist shrouded, Long Dangdang's group was already in chaos, and almost all the dead launched an attack immediately. They all have only one purpose, to deal with the opponents around them as much as possible.

After Long Dangdang released his magic, he slid again, changed directions three times, and avoided the attacks of the two dead men. He dwarfed his body, restrained his breath, and crouched in the corner.

The surrounding undead warriors follow orders and take a step forward every once in a while to reduce the fighting area. But Long Dangdang's group obviously doesn't need it much. The battle was surprisingly fierce amid the black mist. When the black mist dissipated, only Long Dangdang was still standing, and all the other dead had fallen to the ground.

Most of them fell down because they killed each other. Of course, many of them were seriously injured, and Long Dangdang was just the last touch up. Easy and freehand. Compared with these dead people, his biggest advantage is not his strength, but his flexibility of mind.

Through the battle, Long Dangdang also discovered that the fighting instincts of these dead are no worse than those of human warriors of the same level, but the equipment is not good enough. At the same time, their thinking should still be relatively rigid. I am afraid that higher-level dead are needed to have higher wisdom. . When you reach level nine or above, you should be no less inferior to humans.

There are fifty groups in total, and Long Dangdang standing out means entering the top fifty. This kind of selection is really simple and direct, much faster than the Federation's inheritance competition. Moreover, the Kingdom of the Undead obviously does not care about casualties. After this round, many people were seriously injured and even more died. A large amount of undead energy surged and fluctuated over the circular square.

Long Dangdang thought to himself, it is so easy to choose a consort in this country of the undead, will he directly enter the top fifty? So far, the princess has not appeared. There is no way that a few people will be selected and then let the princess choose. In that case, the princess will be quite sad.

I just don’t know that undead creatures don’t have the ability to give birth to offspring. What does the princess want from a consort?

After winning the championship, naturally an undead warrior walked out with Long Dangdang and was taken to one side to wait.

He was basically the first one to be selected in this kind of indiscriminate killing. When the other dead fought their way out of the siege to win the championship of this group, most of them were injured or even disabled. Relatively speaking, only Long Dangdang and a few The body of the deceased, who already had an eighth level of cultivation, remained in good condition.

Moreover, not every group has a winner. Eight groups of players have no winner at all. In the end, both sides suffer losses.

Therefore, there were only forty-two dead, including Long Dangdang, who were finally selected.

"The disabled will be eliminated!" The Lich King's huge figure fell from the sky and landed in front of a group of dead people, and immediately cruelly eliminated another batch.

There are nine disabled people, which shows how tragic the previous battle was. Unlike the human world, there is no argument. The decision of the undead superior is an order that must be obeyed. The nine disabled dead quit on their own initiative. As for what compensation there will be, Long Dangdang does not know. And he has now entered the final top thirty-three.

"Very good, from now on, you are the final candidate seeds. You can accept the next round of assessment."

And the next round? Another round, how many are left?

Long Dangdang was surprised.

The Lich King waved his hand, turned and walked in one direction, followed by the thirty-three selected dead. The next moment, Long Dangdang became a little excited, because the direction the Lich King was heading towards was unexpectedly Mithril Mountain!

Going to Mithril Castle! While Long Dangdang was in a state of excitement, he tried to relax as much as possible without showing any unusual behavior. If you can enter it, it is best to stay there. Then, when the federal army and the undead army start a war on the front line and the rear is empty, it will be your best chance. At that time, maybe not only can they rescue their parents, but they can even do something for the Federation. At the very least, they can also bring back some precious information.

This is all a matter for later. For him, the most important thing now is to stay safely in Mithril Castle.

At the moment they entered Mithril Mountain, all the dead straightened their backs unconsciously. It was not that there was any glory in their hearts, but as soon as they entered this range, a pure and huge energy rushed in instantly. Into their bodies, this was an extremely pure elemental power. What shocked Long Dangdang even more was that this elemental power was not undead energy, but more like the energy produced by Long Kongkong after being filtered through the Yuanvortex Spirit Furnace. That elemental power without attributes. The only difference is that the filtered energy will contain some life breath, and the energy in the Mithril Mountain is pure elemental power. This kind of energy can be absorbed and practiced by Long Dangdang. Of course, the dead can also do it. Therefore, when they are impacted by the energy of these elements, their bodies will unconsciously begin to absorb them. During the absorption process, they will naturally feel the beauty brought by them. With the spiritual energy in his body filled, he naturally stood upright, and the previous consumption caused by the battle was quickly restored.

The elemental energy here is extremely pure. Long Dangdang has seen a lot, but he still wants to say that he has only seen it in his life. Walking on Mithril Mountain, there was an invisible resistance, not to prevent them from entering, but because the elemental energy here was too sticky. If an ordinary person, a low-level professional, or an undead entered this range, they would probably not be able to withstand this level of elemental baptism, and there would be a direct possibility of their body exploding to death.

Is this an assessment? Probably not. The dead person who can stand out is not only the eighth level but also the seventh level peak. Although the spiritual power here is extremely abundant, it cannot stop their progress.

Long Dangdang silently absorbed the power of the elements while climbing upwards with the dead.

The elemental energy contained in Mithril Mountain seemed to be rising upwards, so that as they climbed upward, Long Dangdang clearly felt that the quality of the elemental energy was still improving and its concentration was also increasing. If you let yourself practice in a place like this, although the effect is not as good as the joint practice with your brother and Monroe, the speed will increase by about half. No wonder there are so many strong men in the Kingdom of the Undead. As long as they can practice in this Mithril Mountain, their strength will definitely increase.

After feeling this, he unconsciously felt a sense of awe towards the real monarch of the country of the undead. What a strong man he is, who can single-handedly establish the kingdom of the dead and create a place like this! However, this kind of strong man actually valued himself and his younger brother so much that he even captured their parents here in order to hunt them down.

He was also secretly glad in his heart. Fortunately, he did not bring his brother and friends into the Kingdom of the Undead. Facing this level of existence, what difference did it make if he came by himself and everyone else?

Gradually, we are getting closer and closer to the Mithril Castle. When we were in the outside world, we could see the Mithril Castle more clearly. Looking at the Mithril Castle from the Mithril Mountain, perhaps it was because of the strong non-attributed elements around our bodies. Because of the energy, I felt that there were energy fluctuations similar to rippling water around the castle, making everything seem a bit unreal.

Under the leadership of the Lich King, they finally arrived in front of the main entrance of Mithril Castle. At this time, the elemental energy here was so rich that they felt like they were practicing even when they breathed. All the dead exuded obvious energy. elements fluctuate. The consumption in the previous battle has been restored to its peak state during this climb.

Long Dangdang took a deep breath and was about to go in? He had been quietly feeling the aura fluctuations of Mithril Castle, looking for the aura of his parents. To his disappointment, he found nothing during the entire previous climb.

But this did not discourage him. Now that he was sure that his parents were here, he had to break through even if it was a dragon's pool or a tiger's den!

The Lich King stopped, turned to look at the selected dead, and said in a deep voice: "This is the holy land of my kingdom of the dead. It is your greatest honor that you can come here and enter here. From now on, obey everything. I tell you to do whatever you are told, do you understand?"

"Yes!" All the dead agreed in unison.

The Lich King turned and walked towards the gate of Mithril Castle, and the giant sword beside him disappeared silently at this moment. He seemed to be chanting a spell in his mouth, and his voice was very low, and it seemed that there was something covering it, making it impossible to hear clearly. But Long Dangdang and the other dead could clearly see that as the Lich King chanted a spell, a layer of strange blue ripples quickly rippled on the surface of the Mithril Castle gate in front of them. Wherever the ripples pass, you can clearly see that there are fine and dense runes on the outer layer of the Mithril Castle gate and even on the outer layer of the entire castle.

The next moment, the castle gate slowly opened to both sides. The moment it opened, the attributeless energy elements contained in the air immediately swarmed in and poured directly into the castle. At this moment, Long Dangdang instantly felt the familiar aura coming from his blood.

Mother! Long Dangdang's eyes froze for an instant. Yes, he was absolutely sure now, that was his mother's aura! Compared to how I felt outside that day, this time it was so clear.

The Lich King crossed his right fist across his chest, bowed slightly, and made a gesture similar to that of a human knight. Then he strode towards the castle. The thirty-three dead did not dare to neglect and hurriedly followed his footsteps. Entered the highest palace of this mysterious and powerful kingdom of the dead.

Long Dangdang almost used all his strength to suppress his urge to explore the specific location of his mother through blood connection. He knew that he had to stay calm at this time, but after his parents had been arrested for so long, he finally felt his mother's breath again. How could he calm down so easily?

But no matter what, he can now completely confirm that his induction that day was correct, and his mother was here. Although I haven't felt my father's breath yet, at least there is hope.

Everything in Mithril Castle is made of Mithril. When you enter here, the first thing you feel is that you are magnified. Unlike the attributeless energy elements on Mithril Mountain outside Mithril Castle, there are extremely rich elemental fluctuations in Mithril Castle, with elements of all attributes present. And any elemental energy is amplified many times here.

If a normal light element is the size of a soybean, then here it will become the size of a cherry. It will increase several times. This is also the reason why after entering it, you will feel that your power is amplified.

Long Dangdang can even be sure that this mithril castle itself is an incredible piece of equipment, no less inferior to any artifact, and can even be said to be superior to all artifacts he has seen. With its increase, I am afraid that a ninth-level powerhouse can exert power several times his own.

The castle hall is supported by a total of seven giant pillars. Each pillar is different in height and thickness because of its different location. There are ridges on it that go straight upward, supporting the entire Mithril Castle.

There are no other decorations, everything is so simple, but its material fully illustrates how luxurious it is. How much mithril is this! Only then can such a castle be built.

The Lich King walked to the middle of the hall and stopped, and the dead also stopped after him.

The Lich Dynasty stood directly in front, bowing slightly in the direction of the thickest pillar in the castle, and said: "Lord Holy Law God, the chosen one has been brought here, please give your instructions."

The Holy Dharma God is indeed the undead monarch. Are we finally going to meet this person? Even the temples of the Temple Federation have never seen the true ruler of the Kingdom of the Dead, or the initiator of this disaster. There is a very high-level task at the headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group, which is to obtain accurate information about the ruler of the Kingdom of the Undead. Just the meritorious service rewarded by this mission is enough for the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group to upgrade to the King Level Demon Hunting Group. It is one of the highest-level tasks in the entire Demon Hunting Group headquarters.

Just as Long Dangdang waited with bated breath, a leisurely voice sounded, "Very good, thank you to the Lich King for your hard work. Let the princess choose. She will also complete the next assessment."

This voice came from all directions. It was impossible to identify the direction. It sounded very pleasant, but it was impossible to distinguish between men and women. However, it did not bring any pressure. It was like an ordinary person talking, but it could be heard in the entire castle. echoed in it.

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