Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 420 The Undead Princess’ Truth or Dare

This was the first time Long Dangdang heard the voice of the Holy God of the Dead. What surprised him was that after hearing this voice, his tense emotions seemed to relax.

"Yes!" The Lich King promised in a deep voice.

The next moment, the slimmest of the seven mithril pillars suddenly lit up with a brilliant silver light. The light was very bright, giving people a dazzling feeling. What was even more strange was that when this light appeared , the entire Mithril Castle lit up with strange runes. It was as if the castle had come alive at this moment.

A figure appeared in front of him, as if he had stepped out of the mithril pillar, slowly moving forward.

The graceful figure was shrouded in a silver robe, and the silver cloak completely covered her figure. Her beautiful figure could only be vaguely seen when walking forward. The cloak covered her head. When she looked up, what could be seen was that she also had a silver mask on her face, and her face could not be seen.

"Your Highness Princess." The Lich King nodded to her.

Is this the undead princess? That is, she wants to choose her consort.

"Thank you for your hard work, Lich King." The Undead Princess bowed slightly to the Lich King. Her voice was very soft, making people feel like a spring breeze. For some reason, this voice even sounded slightly familiar to Long Dangdang's ears, as if it was echoing from the depths of his heart.

If he hadn't known that he was in the Kingdom of the Undead, he would have felt that the princess in front of him was no different from a human being in terms of appearance and voice. He is indeed a high-level undead! It's just that this undead princess doesn't have obvious spiritual power fluctuations, unlike the Lich King, whose terrifying strength can be felt immediately.

It can also be seen from the attitude of the Undead Princess towards the Lich King that the Lich King has a very high status in the entire Kingdom of the Undead, and is even superior to the princess. It seems that he is only interested in the Holy Law God of the Undead. Respectfully.

At this time, the eyes of the thirty-three dead were all focused on the princess, and the moment to decide their fate had arrived. The high-level dead are wise, and they certainly understand that after being selected, their status will rise straight up. Subconsciously, every deceased person straightened his back and tried to look as heroic as possible.

The undead princess did not look at them, but walked directly to the Lich King.

The Lich King said: "These thirty-three dead are selected from major cities and are more suitable for the dead warriors who have been selected previously. Your Highness, the princess, can choose whether there is one you like. If not, let us Choose again.”

"Thank you Lich King." The undead princess nodded slightly and then turned her attention to the dead present.

It was only at this time that Long Dangdang saw her eyes. What surprised him was that in the eyes of this undead princess, there was no soul fire beating, only a pair of extremely clear eyes, as if they could reflect the whole world. 's eyes. If he hadn't known this person's identity, he would have thought that these were human eyes, not those of the undead. Is this the existence of the top undead?

The Princess of the Undead's eyes swept across the thirty-three dead, her eyes never pausing from the beginning to the end. The next moment, she slowly raised her hand and said, "I will conduct a final assessment on you."

As she spoke, she made an upward lifting movement with her right hand. The next moment, the ground in front of each deceased person underwent strange changes. Mithril squirmed, and tables rose up, quickly condensing in front of them. forming.

Immediately afterwards, another piece of paper floated above the desk, with clear human characters on it, and a pen next to it.

"Answer the question above." The undead princess said calmly.

Long Dangdang was in shock at this time. Before he came this time, he had thought about many possible tests for choosing a son-in-law in the Kingdom of the Undead, and they were basically related to combat. However, he never expected that this last test would actually happen. It's a literary test. What the hell is this? What if the deceased did not know how to read?

Subconsciously, he raised his head and looked at the dead people around him. Not to mention, he actually saw blank expressions in the eyes of several dead people. Some of them really didn't know how to read!

Long Dangdang gathered his thoughts and lowered his head to look at the piece of paper.

On this piece of paper, there are not many questions. There are three questions in total, all of which are question and answer questions.

The first question is, if you were given a choice, would you rather be dead or resurrected as a human being?

Regardless of the subsequent questions, this first question made Long Dangdang feel a little numb, because this question was really difficult to answer. If he answers from the heart, his answer is unquestionable. No matter how long the deceased lives, how can it be compared with human beings who have flesh and blood, family, love and friendship?

However, will his identity be exposed by answering like this? Moreover, this is the country of the undead, will he be directly regarded as a traitor?

Without giving him much time to think, the voice of the Undead Princess sounded again, "I will ask you these questions one by one. I have a way to test whether you are telling the truth. Those who cannot answer the questions or do not answer from the heart If you do, you will receive a combat-type punishment. If you pass the punishment, you will have the opportunity to answer the second question. If you fail, you will be eliminated."

The corner of Long Dangdang's mouth twitched subconsciously, what is this called? Truth or Dare of the Undead Princess? You cannot lie, you must tell the truth, otherwise you will be punished. You don’t need to ask to know that this punishment is definitely not trivial!

what to do? Long Dangdang is now faced with a difficult choice, truth or dare? The result of a big adventure may be death, but if you tell the truth, the probability of death is even greater...

He suddenly felt that all the previous selections seemed to be nothing compared to the situation he was facing.

"You, the first one! Answer the first question." At this moment, the undead princess had pointed to the first dead person.

The dead man said without hesitation: "I am willing to be a dead man. The dead are immortal and can live forever. I will always be loyal to the Holy Dharma God!" His eyes flashed with fanatical light.

There was something like a crystal ball in the hands of the undead princess. The light on it flickered, and she nodded, "Very good."

As she spoke, she turned to the second deceased person and said, "Answer the first question."

The deceased hesitated for a moment and said, "I want to return to being a human being. I..."

Before he could finish speaking, the crystal ball in the hand of the Undead Princess flashed with light, "You actually want to be a human, take it out and eliminate it." This meant that there was no chance for a big adventure, and you were eliminated directly.

Long Dangdang was speechless for a while. Doesn't this situation mean that the first question is to test whether the dead present are sincerely willing to become undead? If you don't want to, you will be eliminated directly. How can you still say no? Telling lies and failing to answer will result in punishment, so having a chance is better than being eliminated. Moreover, he vaguely guessed that the ending of the deceased who was eliminated in this kind of problem might not be good.

The vast majority of the dead passed the first question smoothly because they really wanted to be dead from the bottom of their hearts. However, judging from the answers, some of the dead had some problems with their IQs and their speech was not particularly clear. .

Long Dangdang was the twentieth person to take his turn. The eyes of the Undead Princess fell on him. Long Dangdang's perception was very keen. At that moment, he felt disgust from the eyes of the Undead Princess.

My heart sank, it was over, this princess didn't seem to like me!

"伱, answer the first question." The undead princess said calmly, while raising the crystal ball.

"I don't know..." Long Dangdang's eyes showed confusion. Until now, he was the first one to say he didn't know.

There is no way, he can't tell the truth! Telling lies will also lead to punishment, even elimination. Therefore, he really didn't know how to answer this question.

A light flashed on the crystal ball. Because Long Dangdang really didn't know how to answer, it was not judged as a lie.

"If you can't answer, you will be punished. Your punishment is..." At this point, she paused and turned to look at the Lich King beside her.

Long Dangdang felt a chill rush up his back instantly. Was it punishment like receiving a blow from the Lich King? What's the difference between that and death? Her Royal Highness the Princess didn't want to see her in the first place.

The Lich King raised his hand to make a false grab at Long Dangdang. Suddenly, an unparalleled huge suction force came from his palm, and Long Dangdang was sucked out.

Immediately afterwards, Long Dangdang felt a spin, and the next moment, he had arrived in another space.

Direct space delivery?

This is a small space, it looks like a place similar to a ring, and at the same time as he appeared, an abomination appeared here on the opposite side.

Eighth level hatred! A thick, dizzying stench followed.

The punishment is to defeat this thing?

When Long Dangdang saw that his opponent was not the Lich King, he felt slightly relieved. It was better than a certain death situation!

He grabbed his heavy sword without hesitation, and faced an opponent like Hatred, he immediately made the most correct choice.

The eighth-level abomination is more than ten meters tall, like a mountain of flesh, with super strong physical defense and recovery capabilities, and strength that far exceeds that of the same level.

Exploiting strengths and avoiding weaknesses is the most correct tactic. Therefore, Long Dangdang looked directly into the eyes of hatred.

Two deep dark golden rays of light flashed from Long Dangdang's eyes. The abominable body that was striding towards him was obviously stunned. The next moment, a pair of big hands covered his head like a meatball. Roaring to the sky in pain.

Long Dangdang's figure flashed and he jumped into the air, the heavy sword in his hand falling from the sky. Go straight towards Hatred and chop away.

Evil eye tyrant, spiritual piercing!

Xiaoxie has now been promoted to the ninth level, which is comparable to the strength of an eighth-level human powerhouse. And it is a purely spiritual attribute. The Evil Eye Tyrant can be said to be invincible among Warcraft, including those at level nine and below. This is where the title of Warcraft Killer comes from, because its powerful spiritual attack cannot be resisted by ordinary Warcraft. of.

The same goes for the undead creatures in front of me. Compared to Warcraft, the undead creatures have stronger mental power. But hatred is an exception. Precisely because its physical ability is too strong, its mental ability is weaker. This is caused by the laws of nature. Therefore, an all-out spiritual piercing directly severely damaged its spiritual sea. When Long Dangdang took advantage of the situation to launch an attack, Hatred could only instinctively raise his arms.

"Poof!" A severed arm fell directly. Long Dangdang was now at the seventh level of cultivation, but with the explosive power of the explosion, his attack was no less than that of the eighth level.

At the same time, his body bounced upwards, and in his eyes, the dark gold suddenly turned into pure dark red, staring at the hateful head.

Hatred's huge body froze, and then began to tremble violently. Long Dangdang's body fell from the sky again, holding the heavy sword in both hands, and thrust it down fiercely.

With a "pop" sound, the heavy sword was thrust from the top of Abomination's head to the end. Abomination's huge body convulsed violently, but its soul fire was quickly extinguished.

In order to avoid getting entangled with him and kill his opponent in the shortest time, Long Dangdang directly used Xiao Xie's latest skill, Death Gaze, after the mental piercing.

Being stared at by the death gaze, the greatest fear in the heart will explode. This fear is overwhelming. Even if it is targeted at an opponent of the same level, it will directly cause the opponent to enter a state of mental confusion. If it is an opponent of a lower level, it will be fatal directly. Even if it is targeted at an opponent who is stronger than himself, it will still produce effects similar to those in the realm of fear and sadness. It is an extremely powerful skill.

Abomination is only on the same level as the Evil Eye Tyrant, and what Xiaoxie is best at is mental power, while Abomination is least good at, so it can achieve such a good effect. For other eighth-level human beings, it would not be easy to defeat an abomination.

Hatred's huge body crashed to the ground, and the next moment, everything around him began to twist.

With a flash of light, Long Dangdang reappeared in Mithril Castle. He was panting slightly and still holding a heavy sword in his hand.

The soul fire beating in the Lich King's eyes seemed to show a bit of surprise, and Long Dangdang, who had just cast his death gaze, now had an unprecedentedly strong aura of death, and there was no flaw at all.

The undead princess also glanced here in surprise. When Long Dangdang fought against the abomination just now, it seemed that the first round of questions had been asked. Counting Long Dangdang, there are still twenty-seven dead people left at the scene. The other dragons who were eliminated don’t know what happened.

"Go back to your place." The Lich King said lightly. His attitude towards Long Dangdang seemed to be better. This was obviously related to the fact that he had just been able to defeat the hatred.

The undead princess just glanced at him, the disgust in her eyes seemed to be even more intense, "Next, is the second question."

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