Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 427 The Story of the Holy God of the Dead (Part 2)

"It took a full two months for the teacher to recover from his injuries and regain his cultivation. He quietly walked out of the tree hole and returned to the imperial capital. However, before the teacher could enter the city gate, it was as if he was struck by five thunders."

"Right next to the city gate, there is a very obvious royal notice. The notice says: Imperial Viscount Electrox, because he coveted the powerful skills obtained by Princess Fuluo, attacked the princess and took away the skills. The princess was seriously injured. . Treason and flee. Condemned as treason. Deprived of title. Anyone who can find it will be punished. If any civilians find his traces, they must report him and he will be rewarded with a heavy reward of 10,000 gold coins."

"The teacher never expected that they would be so despicable, and actually beat him up. Moreover, there was not only a royal notice, but also a notice from the Glorious Holy See. The content was almost the same. They said that the teacher was a heretic and that he had been corrupted by darkness. .”

"The teacher at that time was in a daze for half an hour before he gradually came to his senses. He loved Flo deeply, but he was not really a fool. If he didn't know that he was involved in a huge conspiracy at this time, he He is not worthy of being the inheritor of the Son of Light. The teacher immediately found a hidden place to disguise himself. At that time, he thought that he must find evidence, find evidence that they deceived His Majesty and the Holy See, to prove his innocence. And this key point is On Flo. So he's going to find her and ask her."

"Maybe it's because a few months have passed, or because I thought the teacher had died under the poisonous dagger, the imperial capital was not under martial law. After the teacher disguised himself, he returned to the imperial capital easily. Looking at this once familiar place , but his heart ached even more. At night, he sneaked into the palace quietly. He was very familiar with all the teachers here. Although he was a magician, he had reached the eighth level of cultivation and had too many ways to sneak into the palace. Where to go. The teacher came to Flo's palace, where he saw another person, the Pope's son, Perot."

"The two of them were talking and they were in Flo's dormitory. At that time, the teacher had already guessed some of the relationship between them, but he still didn't want to believe it. But after the teacher heard their conversation clearly, he realized that he How stupid it is, and how huge this conspiracy is."

"At that time, Flo asked Perot why the teacher hadn't been found yet. Perot told her that the power of the Brilliant Holy See had been mobilized to cooperate with the power of the empire to find traces of the teacher. If you want to see the person alive, you must see the corpse if you die. You must get it From their words, the teacher gradually heard the clues. It turned out that as early as the years when he went out to travel, Perot came to the Royal Academy of Magic. There were two reasons for his arrival. The purpose, one purpose is to communicate with the emperor, hoping to introduce the teacher to the glorious Holy See. The other is to pursue Flo."

"His Majesty did not agree with the teacher to join the Brilliant Holy See at first. But Perot stayed. He used various means to pursue Flo. And Flo, a bitch, couldn't stand his sweet words and the various skills and skills from the Brilliant Holy See. The temptation of the elixir finally succumbed to his offensive. Perot proposed to her that because the teacher had the constitution of the Son of Light, he had threatened the future rule of the Brilliant Holy See, so the Holy See must get rid of him. Only in this way can he be Their lineage will rule the Holy See forever. When Perot becomes pope, Flo will be his queen. Originally, Flo may still have some feelings for the teacher, but when Perot finally proposed to His Majesty, the glorious Holy See is willing to help Pan When the Bo Empire unified the continent and defeated the other two empires, it also told Fuluo that the skills obtained from the teacher could be taught to her. Both the imperial family and Fuluo finally fell under this benefit. The teacher has become a victim of this interest."

"Their plan was almost perfect. They took advantage of the teacher and Flo's outing to besiege them and consume the teacher's strength. On the way back, Flo took advantage of the teacher's unpreparedness to attack him. In this way, it would be difficult for the teacher to escape. . At that time, as long as the teacher is killed, and then the empire and the Holy See charge him with treason. Then, even if he was once the pride of the empire, he will soon be overwhelmed by the guidance of official public opinion."

"The teacher was so hateful. He never imagined that his country, his lover, and his beliefs would betray him at the same moment. At that time, the teacher just felt that his mind went blank. Just when Flo and Perot were making out, He rushed in. He fatally attacked them."

"The teacher's appearance was too sudden for them. Although they are also the leaders of the younger generation, there is still a big gap between them and the teacher in terms of strength. It was a surprise attack again. Soon. The teacher took the initiative. Perot was seriously injured. Flo was also subdued under the teacher's attack. At this time, although a large number of palace powerhouses came, the teacher risked the lives of Flo and Perot. Hostage. They don’t dare to act rashly.”

"The teacher asked Flo at that time, why did she treat him like this, and what was wrong with her? In order to survive, she just begged the teacher. But the teacher heard their previous conversation! How could she believe her words. At that time, the teacher had only one thought, which was to die with them. The former teacher was a proud man of heaven, but at that time, he had become a traitor. The huge gap made the teacher unable to accept it, and he had no love left in his life. . I just want to die together with this pair of dogs."

"But Napero is the son of the Pope after all, and has many means of saving his life. Just when the teacher was about to die with them, he used a special method to attract a blow from the Pope. The teacher was severely injured. And after all, he still couldn't bear to treat Flo Take action. In the end, he had no choice but to break out of the siege and escape. When he finally broke out of the siege and hid in a secret place in the imperial capital, he was already covered in bruises and nearly died."

"Immediately afterwards, the Imperial Capital began a city-wide manhunt, looking for traces of the teacher. The teacher once rescued a beggar in the Imperial Capital, and it was with his help that he was lucky enough to escape their pursuit. However, when the teacher just raised When I was recovering from my injuries, I learned a piece of news that was like a bolt from the blue. They arrested the teacher’s family.”

"Knowing that the teacher was hiding in the imperial capital, they issued an announcement to execute his family for treason. The teacher said that that day, the sky seemed to turn blood red. When the emperor issued the killing order in front of the people of the imperial capital, when the teacher saw it with his own eyes When he saw Perrault and Flo, two bitches wearing armor and cutting off the heads of his teacher's relatives with sharp blades, the last glimmer of hope and light in his heart was completely extinguished."

"Can you imagine? A person, watching all his relatives being killed. Father, mother, sister, sister and all the family members, even the young children. They will kill the whole family of teachers. .”

"The teacher knew that they were waiting for him to appear. Waiting for him to fly into the flame. They knew the teacher's character too well. But at that time, a black token that the teacher had obtained in an experience was affected by resentment. At that time, his whole body was cold, but he couldn't move. Because of this, he just watched his family members being killed one by one!"

"The teacher at that time was crazy and fell completely into a state of madness. The blood of his relatives dyed the ground of the Imperial Capital Square red. The whole family, 367 people, was not spared. They all died tragically under their butcher knives. When the teacher recovered from the coldness, no one in his family was alive. He seemed to see their resentful spirits wandering unwillingly in the sky."

"The teacher didn't do anything. His family was dead, and he left there with overwhelming resentment. The teacher never showed up during this killing, which also made them think that he had left the imperial capital. The big manhunt was temporarily over. But they But I’m looking for traces of my teacher all over the continent.”

"Finally leaving the imperial capital, the teacher chose a direction and ran wildly. He ran for seven days and seven nights, until the moment he was exhausted, he fell in a valley. From that day on, there was no light in the teacher's heart, only endless resentment and hatred. Hatred. He will live for hatred. He will kill all those who betrayed him and harmed him."

"I don't know why, but after he lost his light, the turtle shell technique disappeared inexplicably. Maybe it was because the hatred in the teacher's heart made it disgusted. But it didn't matter to the teacher anymore. He started from that black piece In the token, I got the inheritance of an ancient necromancer. Light and undead were originally completely opposite abilities. But with the talent of the teacher, they were gradually integrated. The teacher needs power, and needs to be powerful enough to subvert the entire giant. Bo Kingdom, the power to destroy the glorious Holy See. He has no relatives. In this world, all people are his enemies. Only their blood and lives can offset the resentment in the teacher's heart. The teacher practices day and night, crazy He is improving his strength. Just so that he can take revenge one day."

"Hatred has become the teacher's biggest motivation. A son of light has been hiding in the mountains for ten years. Can you imagine how terrible it is? When the teacher leaves the mountains, he is no longer the son of light. Si, but the Holy Law God of the Dead and the Scourge of the Undead, Electrolux.”

"The teacher killed everyone he saw, and all creatures turned into undead under his command. He started from a small city and gradually gathered an army of undead. When he returned to the capital of the Pangbo Empire, there were already millions of undead around him. . The Pangbo Empire was completely destroyed by the teacher. But Fuluo, a bitch, followed Pero and fled to the Brilliant Holy See. So the teacher led his undead army to the Holy See. He wanted to destroy them all, for himself and the Holy See. Family revenge.”

After hearing what he said, Long Dangdang couldn't help but said angrily: "Have you ever thought about how many innocent people have been killed by your revenge? The people who have enmity with you are the royal family of the Pangbo Empire and the Holy See. But why do you want to involve so much? How many people?" He sympathized with Electrolux's experience, but was deeply disgusted by his cruel methods and the harm he caused to human beings.

The Holy Law God of the Dead said calmly: "The teacher said that he had hesitated and regretted it. However, the three empires and the Holy See at that time were too powerful, and it was impossible for him to take revenge just by relying on his own strength. Successful. In order to take revenge, he went to depravity and darkness. But the teacher at that time never thought that he was wrong. In his eyes, there was only killing. Let me ask you, if it were you, and you would encounter this What would you do in this situation?"

"Kill, kill them! It's so hateful!" Long Kongkong on the side had clenched his fists without knowing when, and his whole person seemed to be immersed in this story.

Long Dangdang couldn't help being surprised when he looked at his younger brother, and subconsciously pulled his arm. Long Kongkong looked up at him, his eyes a little red, "Brother..."

"The teacher destroyed his motherland. In order to deal with him, the Holy See united the other two empires and launched a war against him. At that time, the teacher had occupied nearly one-third of the entire continent. He had a large number of undead warriors under his command. , their soul fire is controlled by the teacher, and they have incomparable loyalty. Under the command of the teacher, millions of undead armies rush towards the Brilliant Holy See like a plague. Although the Brilliant Holy See has powerful sacred magic, the teacher is a undead soul. The Holy God of Law and his direct undead subordinates are extremely resistant to the light element. When the war first started, the teacher had the complete upper hand."

"However, the undead are still undead after all. No matter how loyal they are, they have lost the wisdom that belongs to humans. The foundation of the glorious era gradually unfolded under their unity. When they stabilized their position, under the leadership of the Glory Holy See Start to fight back. At that time, the teacher was already very powerful, and even the Pope could compete with the glorious Holy See. However, he could not guarantee that his undead army would be able to win."

"In the final decisive battle, the teacher's undead army was defeated. Although the human coalition also paid a heavy price, the teacher was defeated in the end. He was seriously injured by a group of masters led by the Brilliant Holy See Pope. He was also attacked by the Pope. He was cursed with a vicious debilitating curse. So that for the next thousand years, the teacher suffered from the pain of this sacred curse, and finally had to choose to give up his body and sleep eternally."

"The teacher lost this war, but the teacher's revenge was still successful. Although he suffered irreparable damage. However, those who had harmed him were all killed by him. This includes the Pope, Pero and Flo. To be honest, at the moment before he crushed Flo's heart, the pain and struggle in her eyes filled him with pleasure. He wanted to take out her heart to see if it was red. Pero Luo was turned into an undead soul by the teacher in the most painful way. He took him with him and spent thousands of years slowly refining the fire of his soul, and finally made him disappear into ashes and never be reincarnated."

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