The story seems to end here. There is no doubt that this is a huge tragedy, and the undead monarch in front of him comes from that inheritance. Long Dangdang has a vague impression of the tragedy that happened more than 16,000 years ago. It seems that he learned a little bit when he was studying at Linglu Academy, but the teacher only mentioned a few words about it at the time, but that tragedy spanned the entire continent. The disaster war was so tragic. And now, does the undead monarch in front of him want to bring this destruction to the human world again?

"At the beginning, the teacher created a tower of eternity to support his physical body. Unfortunately, he failed to defeat the abominable curse in the end. Otherwise, with the teacher's cultivation at that time, he would not die even for thousands or ten thousand years. But in fact , what really caused his eternal sleep was not his physical injuries, but his heart."

"After the teacher killed all his enemies, he discovered that there was nothing in this world that could make him miss. Everyone he loved was dead, and everyone he hated was also dead. His heart was also Then it turned into a void. With no hope for life, he finally chose to go to destruction. He will sleep here forever. Because he did not want to remember whether he was right or wrong in the original war. The teacher later left a message saying, He was wrong, really wrong. Because no matter how he killed them, his relatives could not be resurrected. What's more, so many innocent people died because of him. So, before he fell asleep, he took another step towards transformation Undead magic made resurrection possible. Although he could no longer resurrect his relatives and loved ones at that time, he thought that if undead magic could really resurrect the dead, perhaps everything would be different."

The Holy God of the Dead looked at Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, "This is human beings, human beings who are full of despicable genes in their bones. I believe that with the strength of the teacher, if he wanted, he could actually destroy the entire human race. But in the end, he will I still regard myself as a human being deep down in my heart, which is why I have regrets in my later years. But when I obtained the inheritance he left, I saw another possibility. If there are no more human beings in this world, Only if the undead are obedient, then there will be no more intrigues, betrayal and malice in this world, and only then can everything be truly unified."

"After telling the teacher's story, let me tell you my own story." The mood of the Holy Law God of the Dead seemed to have changed again. Hepburn's eyes, standing next to her, changed slightly, showing that he was eager to speak. The demeanor of stopping.

The Holy Law God of the Dead took two steps forward, bringing himself closer to the brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong.

"Perhaps, you think that I created a kingdom of the undead to take revenge on mankind because I had a similar experience to my teacher, right?"

"Isn't it?" Long Kongkong said subconsciously. That's exactly what he was thinking. Even Long Dangdang.

The Holy Law God of the Dead shook his head and said: "No, of course not. I am not worthy. The teacher was a former son of light, a nobleman, with the most powerful talent of that era, but I am just an ordinary person, the wife of a businessman. Compared with the teacher, it is just a world between heaven and earth. However, I also have a husband, a lovely son, and a warm family. And everything I have encountered is even more miserable than the teacher. I do not belong to your group. This world, even I don’t know why I came here, maybe through time travel, or something else. I gained the inheritance of my teacher. In my original world, my husband was killed, they were cruel He tortured me just to make my son, who also had a unique talent, surrender. I also died, and my son went crazy because of it and destroyed the world. Compared to the teacher, my son seemed to take revenge more thoroughly. , but he also died. Everything was destroyed. And when I came to this world and received the teacher's inheritance, which allowed me to restore my memory and gain strength, the first thing I thought of was to resurrect my home. People. However, although this is not the world I used to have, the teacher’s story tells me that as long as they are human beings, no matter which plane they are in, they are all the same despicable, shameless, greedy, and treacherous. They will only be driven by desire. Think. If I want my relatives and loved ones to live well, then everything here must be changed. I want to create a world of eternal peace for my family."

"Have you succeeded in resurrecting your family?" Long Kongkong couldn't help but ask.

The Holy God of the Dead nodded and said: "Yes, I succeeded. The undead magic left by the teacher has the power to change the world. I succeeded. I successfully resurrected my son."

As he spoke, the Holy Law God of the Dead slowly raised his right hand, and Long Dang subconsciously pulled Long Kongkong, completely covering him behind his back.

And in the next moment, the blur on the face of the Holy God of the Dead disappeared, revealing a beautiful and delicate face, a face that was extremely familiar to them.

When he saw this face, Long Dangdang's whole body stiffened instantly. Even the hand pulling Long Kongkong was stagnant as if he had been hit by a immobilization spell, and his brain went blank. No matter how smart he was, it was impossible to imagine that what was happening in front of him was real.

Long Kongkong behind was blocked from sight, but he also felt that something was wrong with his brother, so he subconsciously moved forward. When his eyes emerged from Long Dangdang's side and he also saw that face, his whole body was filled with shock. He was also stiff, but he made a sound, but at this moment, his voice was full of trembling, "Mom, mom..."

Yes, right in front of them, the monarch of the kingdom of the dead, the Holy Law God of the Dead, who had taken off his disguise, didn't look exactly like their mother, Ling Xue?

Long Dangdang also reacted the next moment, but instead of exclaiming like Long Kongkong, he shouted sharply: "What did you do to our mother?"

He absolutely couldn't believe that the Saint of the Dead in front of him would be the mother who had cared for them since they were young. Although she was a bit unreliable at times, she loved them very much in her heart.

Ling Xue, or the Holy God of the Dead, looked at them calmly and said calmly: "Children, I know this is hard for you to believe. But it is the fact. Don't you think, you guys? Aren’t many of the things we have experienced before so reasonable? If the Kingdom of the Undead really wants to end you because of your talents, then the best way is to send top powerhouses, such as the Lich King, to kill you. You, at that time, you were far less valued by the six major temples than you are now. So, could you escape the fate of being hunted? No, you couldn't. Then, why do we, the Kingdom of the Undead, bother to try so hard to kill you? What about arresting your parents and even Kong Kong’s girlfriend? Arresting your parents and bringing you here just to kill you?”

"Are you really your mother? My mother is the Holy God of the Dead? Let me choke you." Long Kongkong couldn't help but speak. While he was shocked, he seemed a little excited for some reason.

Ling Xue looked at her two sons, "Don't be excited, Dangdang. I know it's hard for you to accept everything in front of you now. Why don't you listen to me tell my story like this, and you will understand why it is like this." ”

Long Dangdang pursed his lips. At this time, an extremely complicated look flashed in his eyes. Although he did not believe this was true at all, reason told him that if the Holy Law God of the Dead or the Kingdom of the Dead really wanted to The two brothers are in a bad situation, so there is no need to waste so many words with them, just kill them. The story just now, and the situation in front of him that his mother was the undead body magic god, had made his heart completely confused. When he thought of their strange blood power, for a moment, Long Dangdang only felt that in his heart A lot of things have been subverted.

"You are right. In a sense, I am indeed not the Ling Xue of before. In other words, the Ling Xue of the past, your mother, did not have the hatred of me in her heart. Therefore, the Ling Xue of the past She and the current me can be said to be in two different stages. And as you grow up, a memory in my heart gradually revives. "

"Back then, after you went to study in the Holy City, I was bored at home and had nothing to do, so I continued to help your father in business. I lived a peaceful and happy life. What I thought about every day was that my sons would be able to grow up smoothly at Linglu Academy. , can become an excellent knight. Everything is peaceful. Until that day..."

Speaking of this, Ling Xue's eyes also showed a complicated light, "That day was your eighteenth birthday. Unfortunately, you are not with me. Perhaps it is because it is your birthday, so I miss you so much. You two brothers. But I also know that you are busy with your studies and cannot come back to me. In the past, every year on your birthday, we would fight over who could have an extra bite of the cake. But that day, I prepared the cake, but you two little bastards No one is with me. I’m really sad!”

Listening to her words, the expressions of Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong showed some changes, as if they were children again. Isn't it? Every birthday is on the same day, and my mother only prepares a cake for them every time. It is said that only the ones that are fought for are the most delicious, but in the end, most of the cake is often stuck on the face. The two brothers often got sulky with each other because of this. Whenever that happened, Ling Xue would help them wipe the cake off their faces with a smile, and cook a bowl of longevity noodles for each of them. Only then did the two brothers turn from anger to joy and discuss with their mother who had eaten more cake just now.

"That day, in a trance, I seemed to fall into a deep sleep. After I fell asleep, I had a dream, a terrible nightmare." Ling Xue's face showed pain, and even at this moment, her pretty face They all became a little ferocious.

"In the dream, I was in another world. That world was called Creation Continent. On that continent, there were several powerful countries. The country I was in was called the Sman Empire. It was vast and had many powerful countries. exist.

Human beings are the protagonists of that world and have many strong men. These so-called strong men have made themselves strong through different cultivation methods, among which warriors and magicians are the most famous. There are also some powerful creatures that can form contracts with humans and become their assistance. The most powerful creature in that world is a thing called a dragon, which has the power to destroy the world. "

"In that world, my name was Audrey. I was no different from an ordinary woman. I grew up smoothly. When I grew up, I married the eldest son of a businessman family, the Griffin family. My husband's name was Osegri. Finn. Soon after we got married, we had a son. He had been very cute since he was a child. We named him Austin Griffin."

When Ling Xue, the Holy Law God of the Dead, said the words Austin Griffin, both Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong clearly felt their bodies burning for an instant. The pupils even stood up slightly, as if the strange power of blood had been stimulated by something.

"I love my little Austin very much. He has been very cute and good-looking since he was a child. Even many times, I can feel the arrogance in his eyes, which is very interesting. I always like to hold him, Kissed his cheek, and then was pushed away with disgust by his white and tender hands. My husband especially hopes that little Austin can become a magician. Magic is a very noble profession among humans in that world. In order to be able to do it since childhood To cultivate my little Austin's magic talent, we found a tutor for him before he even took the talent assessment. She was a very beautiful girl. She was twelve years older than my little Austin. She was not originally She was willing to come, but when she saw my little Austin for the first time, she was impressed by his good looks, and at that time she said that if my little Austin grows up, she will marry him."

Speaking of this, Ling Xue, the Holy God of the Dead, looked at Long Kongkong, "The name of this family teacher is Hepburn."

Long Kongkong's eyes widened for a moment, and he looked at her and then at Hepburn beside him.

Hepburn seemed to have heard this story a long time ago. When their eyes met, the only thing that flashed through Hepburn's eyes was a touch of tenderness.

Long Kongkong raised his finger and pointed at his nose, "Is this little Austin my previous life?"

Ling Xue shook her head and said, "It's not you, it's you."


To learn more about Austin Griffin's story, please read my book "The God of the Seal Throne Gaiden". The description in this book will only briefly describe the key points. You can read this side story for free on my WeChat official account.

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