Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 446 The Magic Temple of Regret

They are also promoted under the influence of artifacts, but spiritual furnaces are different. Under the infiltration of the Eternal Heart, these spiritual furnaces are truly being promoted. Moreover, even the assessment for the promotion of the Wisdom Spiritual Furnace has been directly wiped out by the Eternal Heart. . In other words, even if the future Long Dangdang loses the Eternal Heart in the future, his spiritual furnace promotion will not go back, but will really increase by one level.

For professionals who only own one or two ordinary spiritual furnaces, although this help is not small, it cannot be said to play a decisive role. But for Long Dangdang, this improvement is simply more helpful than his direct promotion to the ninth level.

You must know that the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace and the Qingtuntuo Spiritual Furnace alone are powerful wisdom spiritual furnaces with domain-level capabilities. Their promotion to the first level is definitely a qualitative leap for Long Dangdang, and their Many of the promotions were experienced by Long Dangdang through Shenqiyu Tongling Furnace before. Once promoted, it will be the most direct improvement in combat power!

So it is no exaggeration to say that he has been completely transformed.

With the improvement of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, Long Dangdang's spiritual power began to increase rapidly. The higher-level Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace also protected his body more and more powerfully. Originally, Long Dangdang's spiritual power improved rapidly. The problem of whether the body can bear it has also been fundamentally solved. The power of the moon spirit condensed in the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace continuously washes his body and improves his physique. It greatly improved his body's endurance. Even his magical bloodline power was of great help after absorbing the power of the moon spirit.

I don't know how long it took, until everything was harmonious and comfortable, Long Dangdang woke up from the state of trance.

It was still that spacious room, but all the strange formations had disappeared. But the strange thing is that even though he is in a darkened room, everything around him seems to be fully visible.

Long Dang subconsciously raised his hand to touch his chest, looking for traces of the Eternal Heart. What he touched was the skin on his chest. The clothes on his body had already disappeared. Under the power of Haoran, evaporated.

Gone? Long Dangdang's heart tightened. But the next moment, he felt the warmth coming from his heart. It's still there, but it's integrated into my body like a spiritual furnace.

Stretched his body. The spiritual power in the body is quietly moving. The cultivation level that had just broken through the eighth level and still needed to be stable has not only been completely stabilized, but has even gone a step further, and the spiritual power has been improved to a certain extent. Moreover, his spiritual power became more solid, and even his body seemed to become more crystal clear.

After Long Dangdang understood that he had integrated into the Eternal Heart, his body had undergone a great evolution, and his abilities in all aspects had also improved dramatically.

Quietly stood up and walked outside. After waking up, the first thing he thought about was what the hall master said about going to the Magic Temple. It's mine, and it's still mine after all. That is an artifact! Although it’s unclear what they are, who would think there are too many artifacts?

He didn't see anyone until he walked out of the main hall of the Knights Temple headquarters. Only when he got outside did he see the guardian. Seeing Long Dangdang walking out of the hall, the knights responsible for guarding the headquarters immediately stood at attention and respectfully bowed to him as knights.

Even if they don't know that Long Dangdang has been recognized by the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, they still know that this is the Knight of the Golden Base and the champion of the inheritance competition. This is likely to be the next master of the Knights Temple, not to mention that he is also the dragon knight that all knights yearn for!

After stretching his body, Long Dangdang first opened his own child spirit crystal.

The bright moon is in the sky and the dragon is shining, "I'm out. What are you doing?"

The bright moon was in the sky, Yue Li said, "Ah! Captain, you are out, great. Where are you?"

The bright moon was shining in the sky, and the dragon was shining brightly. "I'm going to go to the Magic Temple."

The bright moon was in the sky, Ling Menglu said, "Okay, then you go ahead, we will go directly to the Magic Temple to find you."

With the bright moon in the sky, Tao Linlin said, "Boss, why have you stayed in the Knights Temple for so long! They didn't make things difficult for you anymore, right?"

The bright moon is in the sky and the dragon is shining, "No, I just gave you a reward."

The bright moon was in the sky, Ming Xi said, "I'm curious, what is it?"

The bright moon is in the sky and the dragon is shining, "Yes, a divine weapon."

The bright moon was in the sky, Ming Xi said, "...what do you call this? The leader is mighty."

The bright moon is shining in the sky, and the dragon is shining brightly. "I am going to go to the Magic Temple to get another one. Senior Sister Yue Li, come here too."

The bright moon is in the sky and the moon is far away, "Okay. We have all gone over to join you. We have been practicing together and are waiting for news from you."

The bright moon was in the sky, Ling Menglu said, "We have already set off, see you later."

The Magic Temple headquarters and the Knight Temple headquarters are originally next to each other. After all, the six temple headquarters are all here. Long Dangdang walked out of this door and entered another door not far away, even faster than his friends.

Before Long Dangdang entered the door, he specially put on his magic robe. This was the standard magic robe that he had prepared before and had the mark of the seventh-level great mage on it.

Seeing his rank, no one tried to stop him. Even the magicians who didn't know him saluted him respectfully.

Well, it's time to change to the eighth-level magic robe. Once the spiritual power is broken through, the magic will naturally reach the eighth level.

Long Dangdang walked into the main hall of the Magic Temple Headquarters. Generally speaking, only high-level magicians of level seven or above can come here to do business, and that is why it makes sense to come here to do business. Naturally, there are dedicated staff here.

Magicians who come to the headquarters to do business usually only need to do a few things, such as exchanging training resources, exchanging meritorious deeds for equipment, purchasing magic potions, etc. Administrative matters are mostly handled on the federal side, and there aren't too many here.

Long Dangdang found the receptionist at the Magic Temple and said, "Hello, I want to see the master of the temple."

The staff member was stunned for a moment but stood up immediately and said respectfully: "Please wait a moment."

No staff here will question a seventh-level great mage, saying that the master of the palace is someone you can meet if you want. No high-level magician would casually say that he wanted to see the palace master. There must be a reason for everything. Report to superiors immediately.

It didn't take long, and to Long Dangdang's surprise, a familiar face came out of the Magic Temple.

Seeing this person, Long Dangdang hurriedly took a few steps forward and saluted respectfully: "Teacher."

Yes, it was none other than Wu Di. The master of dark magic in the Magic Temple.

Seeing his disciple, Wu Di couldn't help but smile on his old face. He patted his shoulder and said, "Good boy, my estimate of you was already high enough, but you... It still breaks my predictions time and time again. Come on, the palace master is waiting for you too." With that said, he took Long Dangdang's arm and walked inside.

This scene made the staff of the Magic Temple dumbfounded. When did this Dharma God, known as the most majestic, become so easy to talk to. Also, the one just now was his disciple, he looked familiar, who is he? However, he doesn’t seem to remember that the Witch Emperor has such a good attitude towards any of his disciples!

"Haha, Dangdang, this time you have given the teacher a hard time. When I assessed you that day, when I saw that you were recognized by the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, the faces of those who raised questions were really interesting!" Wu Di laughed! He said hehe, obviously in a good mood.

Long Dangdang smiled bitterly and said: "It's understandable that all the saints question my situation. After all, my family has all fallen into the Kingdom of the Undead, and my identity is relatively sensitive, so it is normal for me to be suspected."

The smile on Wu Di's face faded, and he sighed and said: "It's rare for you to maintain such a mentality. Your family's affairs are really..., but don't think so much, if something bad is really going to happen. That has already happened. All we can do is to avenge them. If they are still alive, when we invade the kingdom of the dead, we will do our best to save them. Nine out of ten people will not be happy in life, so we will do our best. Don’t leave any regrets. Don’t be too sad and be strong.”

"Yes." Long Dangdang nodded. His mood was not as simple as sadness!

Following Wu Di, we walked into the core area of ​​the Magic Temple headquarters and came to the Magic Temple hall that we had visited before.

The Master of the Magic Temple was standing in the center of the hall, facing away from the door, staring at the strange magic runes symbolizing various elements engraved on the wall at the innermost side of the hall.

Hearing the footsteps, this person turned around and looked at Long Dangdang, with a somewhat complicated look in his eyes.

"Long Dangdang has met the palace master." Long Dangdang stepped forward and saluted.

The Master of the Magic Temple sighed and said: "It's too late, it's still too late! It's all my fault that I'm not determined enough."

Long Dangdang was stunned for a moment, but Wu Di curled his lips.

The master of the Magic Temple looked at Long Dangdang with complicated eyes and said: "When you first won the inheritance competition championship, I should have given you the artifact directly at all costs, but now it is already too late."

Long Dangdang already understood the meaning of his words. The so-called late naturally meant that it was too late to win over him. Now that he has activated the Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, the Magic Temple has completely lost the possibility of completely pulling him into the Magic Temple lineup.

"So, sometimes, if you are reluctant to give up your children, you will not be able to trap the wolf. Looking forward and backward will only lose opportunities." Wu Di said calmly from the side, not having the spare money to face Long Dang alone with the joy he felt at that time.

The Master of the Magic Temple sighed helplessly, "There is nothing I can do about it. Sitting in this position, I have too many things to consider. The matter has come to this, and there is nothing to say. Dangdang, I just hope that you will always remember , you not only belong to the Knight Temple, but you are also a part of our Magic Temple.”

Long Dangdang said seriously: "Please rest assured, Master. At first, after I just took the talent test, I received resources and help from the Magic Temple. My growth along the way also requires the help and support of the Magic Temple, especially the teachers. "

After hearing his words, the Master of the Magic Temple nodded with a smile on his face. Wu Di on the side also smiled again.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense anymore. What type of artifact do you want?" the palace master said happily.

Long Dangdang was stunned for a moment. When will artifacts be available for selection again?

Scratching his head, he didn't know what he wanted for a while.

Wu Di said: "Let's first talk about what the master of the Knights Temple gave you. Although they are all artifacts, some artifacts conflict with each other, and some complement each other. We will also help you think about what kind of artifacts The artifact is most suitable for you now."

Long Dang said: "Teacher, Palace Master. It is inconvenient to say something about the artifact given to me by the Knights Temple. It is a secret in the Knights Temple. But its effect can improve me in all aspects. It can be regarded as an all-round one." Auxiliary artifact."

The Eternal Heart is the secret of the Knights Temple. Even the inside of the temple is known only to the previous palace masters. Long Dangdang was on the one hand because he had obtained the approval of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. On the other hand, the hall master chose to give him the Eternal Heart, which was equivalent to confirming his identity as the next master of the Knight Temple. Just like Monroe receiving the Archangel Scepter is equivalent to being confirmed as the next master of the Priest Temple.

The Master of the Magic Temple's eyes moved slightly, "The Knights Temple really has a profound foundation! Since there are already auxiliary types of artifacts, I won't give you auxiliary types. You also have a spiritual furnace with space attributes, so you can survive on the battlefield. There’s nothing wrong with my abilities. In that case, I think it’s more appropriate to consider attacking.”

Wu Di also nodded and said: "I think the same as you this time. Dangdang can control multiple attribute elements at the same time, including the six basic elements of water, fire, earth, wind, light, and darkness. And he can make They balance each other. In this case, there are many types of combined magic that he can use, and it is much easier to cast forbidden spells by combining magic than using single-attribute elements. Therefore, I think it is better to give him an artifact. At this time, you can focus on the condensation and amplification of elements. This will allow him to cast forbidden spells at a faster speed, and even continuously cast multiple forbidden spells."

The master of the Magic Temple nodded slightly and said: "The child Zisang chose the staff of Song of Ice and Fire. Her six-element control is based on the two elements of water and fire. The three-yang kaitai staff is a single element. It has a fire attribute, and is controlled by the Shixing Holy Church. So, now that it is suitable for Dangdang, I think there is an artifact that is more suitable."

Wu Di did not speak this time, but there was a look of satisfaction on his face. It was obvious that he knew what this person was talking about.

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