Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 447 Artifact, Anchor of Time and Space

The place where the Magic Temple stores artifacts is a separate small plane. Very small, only about one hundred square meters. But it is very stable, even more stable than the Holy Demon Continent space outside. It is the most mysterious place in the Magic Temple, and it is controlled by successive palace masters.

At this time, there were three people standing here, the Master of the Magic Temple, the Temple Wu Di, and Long Dangdang.

The Master of the Magic Temple grabbed the void in front of him with his right hand. Suddenly, twisted ripples appeared in the air. The strange spatial fluctuations caused Long Dangdang's two spatial attribute spiritual furnaces to react slightly. The rich spatial elements caused They feel excited.

The next moment, a strange existence emerged out of thin air. It was an existence that appeared to be bright silver, like an anchor. Suspended in mid-air, allowed to be distorted by the surrounding halo, but its own existence is extremely clear.

Long Dangdang could clearly feel the extremely rich spatial fluctuations above it. Everything around it naturally began to rhythm slightly with it as the center.

Immediately afterwards, his lower abdomen felt hot, and Long Dangdang clearly felt the intention of gently swallowing the spiritual furnace.

"Get it, you must get it. This is, this is the power of time and space! With it, combined with me, I can reach the full level directly." Rarely, this spiritual furnace did not hesitate to speak slowly, Instead, he showed a very strong idea.

Full level? What is the full level? How effective will a watcher-level spiritual furnace be when it reaches full level?

Whether it is the Slow Domain or the Eternal Moment, the Light Swallowing and Slow Breathing Furnace is of great help to Long Dangdang in battle. If it can reach the full level, what kind of style will it be like? Not to mention the power of this artifact itself, the increase in power of the spiritual furnace alone was beyond Long Dangdang's expectations. You know, the Light and Slow Breathing Spirit Furnace has reached level three under the influence of the Eternal Heart.

"The name of this artifact is called the Anchor of Time and Space. It can anchor time and space, allowing the person in charge to become the core of time and space. It can accommodate and superimpose other attribute elements and become the core power of the elemental power that you control. With it, you can pass through The changes in the mysteries of time and space can draw more elemental power for one's own use." The master of the Magic Temple said at this time.

The power of time and space! There is no doubt that time and space are the most mysterious and powerful attributes of all elements. Spatial attributes are somewhat common, and time attributes are extremely rare.

The secret of the Slowly and Slowly Breathing Soul Furnace actually lies in the change of time. No wonder he was so excited. This turned out to be an artifact in the sense of time and space.

"If I remember correctly, you have two spiritual furnaces with space attributes, including space element elves in the spiritual furnace. This is the basis for your ability to control it. Zi Sang has always wanted to control this artifact before, but it's a pity that She has no space attribute and cannot do it. Now, I hand it to you, hoping that this artifact can shine brightly in your hands. This is also the artifact at the bottom of the box of our Magic Temple." Magic Temple The Lord sighed.

Wu Di on the side said with a smile: "It is indeed the one at the bottom of the box. Generally speaking, no one can use it. Dangdang, you can try to control it first. If not, we will change it."

The master of the Magic Temple was also very helpless about Wu Di's dismantling, but who wanted him to have a good disciple? Incomparable!

Long Dangdang said respectfully: "Thank you to the Magic Temple for the generous gift." Not only does it have a space attribute spiritual furnace, but we also have time, and we still can't hold it back.

He took two steps forward and slowly came to a stop in front of the artifact Anchor of Time and Space.

The closer the distance got, the more he felt about the existence of this artifact. The Anchor of Time and Space was clearly in front of him, but it felt out of reach.

He raised his hand, wanting to touch it, but in his perception, the anchor of time and space seemed to be far away. It was clearly very close, but yet it felt like it was far away.

Obviously, this artifact is not so easy to control, and it is not easy to gain its approval. This is also the reason why it has always been at the bottom of the box in the Magic Temple.

Before Long Dangdang could understand it, the next moment, a white light rushed out from his dantian and appeared silently in front of him.

The white light converged into a somewhat enchanting male figure. As soon as he appeared, the original distorted halo around him slowed down. He raised his hand and reached out, and his coquettish voice sounded softly, "Bring it to you."

Surrounded by a soft white halo, in an instant, the white halo only flickered slightly, and the small silver anchor, which seemed like a mirror, was already caught in the hand of the white figure.

Suddenly, a brilliant silver light shines. Everything around him became flickering in light and dark. Violent distortions and fluctuations began to appear around Long Dangdang's body. However, none of it could affect the palm with a white halo that was steadily grasping the anchor of time and space.

"Wake up, let's get to work!" Today's scorn was obviously different from the past, not intermittent at all. At his call, two silver spiritual furnaces floated out of Long Dangdang's body at the same time. The brilliant silver radiance mixed with the white halo on Qing Man's body, turning into circles of ripple-like halo that merged inward and quickly injected into the anchor of time and space.

Only then did the Master of the Magic Temple say in surprise: "A spiritual furnace with the attribute of time?"

Wu Di nodded and said: "There has always been a spiritual furnace of wisdom, and it is also a very ancient spiritual furnace of wisdom."

The Master of the Magic Temple said: "It seems that it is the right thing to let Dangdang control the anchor of time and space. Originally, I thought that he could only control the space power in it and use it to gather elements. Now it seems that he is probably the real one." Can control all the power of this artifact!"

"Buzz buzz..." The silver time-space anchor trembled, as if it was unwilling to be controlled, and actually began to struggle violently.

But at this moment, a white light suddenly shot out from Long Dangdang's chest. The light just flashed, and the anchor of time and space immediately became quiet and was slowly pulled over.

"Oh my god, the boss is still mighty!" He shouted excitedly, and in the next moment, the white light and the silver anchor of time and space had integrated into Long Dangdang's body and disappeared. The boss in his mouth, of course, refers to the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation.

Long Dangdang felt it himself. When the Anchor of Time and Space was struggling, the white light came from the Eternal Heart. And being illuminated by the Eternal Heart, one of the special powers was integrated into the anchor of time and space, immediately making the somewhat unruly thing become an incomparable teacher, and even felt a sense of happiness, as if a child had found its mother. Similar.

Long Dangdang's expression couldn't help but become a little weird. It seemed that this artifact was indeed difficult to control in the Magic Temple. But now, it belongs to him. This kind of artifact has obviously given birth to a certain amount of intelligence, and there should be no doubt that it is powerful.

He closed his eyes and concentrated, silently feeling the location of this artifact. Soon, he felt that the anchor of time and space existed directly in his spiritual sea, exuding an invisible and strange aura. The Light and Slow Spitting Spiritual Furnace, the Nearby Tianya Spiritual Furnace, and the Bidongtian Spiritual Furnace all have obvious changes due to its existence. Obviously, this artifact has complementary effects on the spiritual furnace with both time and space attributes. However, it can be seen from the previous fusion that even if he has certain time and space abilities, this artifact is a bit unwilling to be controlled by him. It is the strange energy from the Eternal Heart that makes it Only then did I have a sense of belonging. However, Long Dangdang still doesn't know the name of that strange energy.

Mental power was injected into the anchor of time and space. In an instant, Long Dangdang suddenly felt that everything around him became extremely silent, time seemed to have stopped, and all spaces became extremely clear. He seemed to see a thick silver wall around his body, isolating everything from the outside world, like a cage, binding himself within it.

The next moment he understood that the cage-like existence in his perception was not binding him, but the anchor of the previous time and space. Without this extremely stable space, I am afraid that this artifact would have escaped unfettered long ago. It is obviously impossible to try out the function of this artifact here, and we can only wait until we go out.

Opening his eyes again, Long Dangdang looked at the Master of the Magic Temple and Wu Di, "Master, Teacher, I should have succeeded."

The Master of the Magic Temple said: "Sure enough, only a strong person with spatial attributes can gain its recognition. This artifact has been buried in our Magic Temple for a long time. It was thought that the ancestors brought it back, but that senior brought it back. After he came back and established this sealed space, he died soon without leaving any method of using it. I can feel its power, but the power of time and space is too mysterious. With the help of it, you should be able to better Controlling various elements, and using its anchoring properties to swallow and absorb elements for one's own use, it is of great help whether it is practicing or using it to cast spells. As for whether it has other effects, it depends on yourself. Go and experience it. The hall master has told me about your situation. During the next period of time, you can come and go between the Knight Temple and the inheritance hall of our Magic Temple at will to learn the magic and combat skills of our ancestors. In fact, I I hope you can continue to practice until the ninth level before leaving, because at that time, you will have the possibility to try to obtain the recognition of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. After all, you are the only person in thousands of years who can induce it. We all I have high hopes for you.”

"Thank you, Master. I will work hard to learn magic and combat skills. But after that, I still want to go to the battlefield as soon as possible and contribute my own strength to the battle against the Kingdom of the Undead." Long Dangdang saluted again, but also showed his determined attitude .

Only he himself understands what kind of existence is standing on the opposite side. If he sets foot on the battlefield a day earlier and defeats the undead creatures, he can save them from committing a lot of sins. Although he also knows that he cannot stop everything, he still has to try his best. Do your best.

When they returned to the main hall together, Long Dangdang's friends had already come over. Seeing the energetic Long Dangdang, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Ever since they took the assessment that day, they felt that the former leader was back, his eyes had regained their sparkle, and he had regained his high morale.

Only Ling Menglu still looked at Long Dangdang with worry in her eyes. She knew very well how important her family was to Long Dangdang. He was his parents before, but this time even his twin brother has fallen into the kingdom of the dead. You can imagine how painful he is in his heart. His high-spirited appearance at this time, how intense the pain in his heart would be underneath the cover? But the only thing she could do was to stay with him as much as possible.

As a girl, her beloved left her to go on an adventure, so of course she was angry and dissatisfied. However, after Long Dangdang came back and saw his changes, she buried all these deep in her heart, because she knew very well that the reason why he did that was to protect her. The man I fell in love with had too many responsibilities in my heart. Even though he was still so young, he already had too much pressure on his shoulders. Looking at him, she felt nothing but heartache.

The Master of the Magic Temple stopped and stretched out his right hand. Light flashed in his palm, and there was already a golden crystal.

"Dangdang, you take this."

Feeling the familiar aura above, Long Dangdang said in surprise: "Palace Master, is this?"

"This is the temple's exclusive spirit crystal, also called the temple spirit crystal. Although you are not a temple yet, after discussion with the temple, you are allowed to be given the same treatment as the temple. With this piece of spirit crystal, you can You can communicate with us from anywhere or in any corner of the mainland, even in the Kingdom of the Dead. All churches, including the church leader, can communicate individually or as a whole. Your team can also be specifically linked to your area. On the spiritual crystal of the temple. Even if you are thousands of miles away, you can send the message back at any time. You can even project the picture to other temples to watch by consuming spiritual power."

What a good thing! This thing is better than a divine weapon even if it is not a divine weapon. The temples should have used this kind of power when they watched their own assessments.

Long Dangdang took over the temple spiritual crystal, and as soon as he injected his spiritual power into it, he felt its various functions. It is much more powerful than his original sub-spirit crystal. Through this spiritual crystal, he can even contact any demon hunting group above the commander level. As long as you know the number of the demon hunting group, you can communicate directly. This is the authority that belongs to the church.

Previously, the Holy Church could not communicate with him directly through the Sub-Spirit Crystal because the level of his previous Sub-Spirit Crystal was too low. Now that we have this thing, we can definitely send messages across thousands of miles.

"Thank you, Palace Master." Long Dangdang put away the temple spirit crystal.

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