Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 452 Rushing to the front line

Feeling the warmth in his arms, Long Dangdang's heart became particularly quiet at this moment. Since returning from the Kingdom of the Undead, he has never dared to calm down for fear of having too many complicated thoughts echoing in his heart. After experiencing the comfort of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, although everything became much better, it also made him more certain that his goal was to obtain the recognition of this Divine Seal Throne. But he also worked harder because of this and refused to waste every minute. Perhaps his body would not be tired. After all, he had strong talent as support, but his heart was actually already tired.

At this moment, with the beauty in his arms, Long Dangdang felt a wave of sleepiness coming over him. It would be great if this moment could last forever, he thought in his heart.

Ling Menglu leaned into his arms again, and Long Dangdang tightened his arms, but did not get closer. It's not that he can't, but he doesn't dare. After he has his own plan in his heart, many things become different from before.

On the huge stage, the drama has begun. With the appearance of the huge black dragon on the top of the theater, a dialogue between humans and the Demon God Emperor began.

Long Dangdang saw a knight standing there in the center of the stage. He was tall and wearing an extremely gorgeous white armor. When he saw this armor, his sleepiness immediately dissipated a lot. This is? The eternal armor transformed from the Throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation?

The person who can represent humanity and the Demon God Emperor is undoubtedly the first-generation Federation Chairman, the once brilliant and leader of the Divine Seal Knight Long Haochen. It was he who led the six temples to turn the tide and finally defeated the demons, giving mankind a chance to regain its glory.

Everyone has seen the dialogue between the two parties in history textbooks, but when I actually watched such a performance in the theater, I still felt shocked. The conflict between humans and demons was undoubtedly irreconcilable, and then the war began.

The light and shadow effects in the theater were excellent. The heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Emperor turned into a human form and fought with Long Haochen, the knight of the Divine Seal of Glory and Leader. The whole drama quickly reached its climax.

In the end, Long Haochen defeated the Demon God Emperor, completely defeated the demons, and led mankind to rebuild their homeland, established the Temple Federation, and made mankind the master of the world again.

This is the main theme of the entire play. It completely replicates the story in the history books.

"Does it look good?" The voice from his arms pulled Long Dangdang back from being attracted by the drama.

"It's pretty good-looking." Long Dang responded subconsciously.

"Hmph! I only know how to watch dramas." A dissatisfied voice came from the person in his arms, "It's not completely real. What's so good about it?"

Long Dangdang was stunned for a moment, then looked down at Ling Menglu in his arms, and met her slightly resentful beautiful eyes. Her pouted red lips were so fresh and attractive, Long Dangdang's heartbeat suddenly accelerated a bit.

Ling Menglu's body was close to his, and she naturally felt his changes. She smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to be so honest. You were not like this before."

Long Dangdang couldn't help but raised his hand and patted her buttocks, but he couldn't help but feel a burst of bitterness in his heart. Monroe, Monroe, I am no longer the person I used to be, because I no longer dare to say anything to you. I’ve made a lifelong promise! Because I have no idea when the end of my life will be.

Ling Menglu gently stroked his chest, "I'm kidding, I know you are suffering, so I brought you out to relax. Dangdang, you know? Sometimes I think ordinary people are pretty good. At least, they do it every day We can all live happily like we do now, without thinking about responsibilities and worries. I really like this feeling."

"Me too." Long Dangdang hugged her delicate body tightly.

"Okay, I don't want to do anything else today, just relax. If you look at this drama, in order to show the highlights of Chairman Long, many important details have been ignored, which makes it look a little tasteless." Ling Menglu said softly.

"What's going on?" Long Dangdang asked doubtfully.

Ling Menglu said: "Look! They performed Chairman Long too perfectly. He is still a human being and is like a god. In fact, the difficulties that Chairman Long experienced were much more difficult than this. Even the current history textbooks have covered up some things, and only the detailed history in our temple is recorded. Chairman Long is the grandson of the Demon God Emperor. His mother was the son of the Demon God Emperor and a human woman. The child who was born. Later, the Demon God Emperor brought his mother back to the Demon Clan for a period of time, which aroused the attention of Chairman Long’s father, the owner of the Divine Seal Throne of Killing and Punishment in that area, the Knight of the Divine Seal of Judgment and Judgment Long Xingyu's misunderstanding was that Chairman Long was the offspring of his wife and the Demon God Emperor. After his wife returned, he found his wife, trained Chairman Long, and wanted him to kill the Demon God Emperor, whom Long Xingyu thought was his father. Until During the last battle, the Knight of the Divine Seal of Judgment and Judgment finally figured out the real situation and regretted it. He was really confused! And dramas cannot interpret this."

Regarding these histories, Long Dangdang has read some before. What they learned at Linglu Academy is this kind of real historical facts. The teachings of ordinary people are not so detailed. They are mainly about Chairman Long’s contributions to mankind. His contribution was so great that the official image of him was infinitely higher.

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "I also remember that the history we learned was a little different. At the end of Chairman Long's battle with the Demon God Emperor, it seemed that another more powerful existence appeared. Chairman Long even joined forces with the Demon God Emperor to fight against him. Yes. It seems to be some kind of god of destruction?"

"It's not the God of Destruction, but the Nine-Headed Chimera, the God of Scourge. The former mount of Chairman Dragon. It is said to come from another plane, and it is also a terrifying existence in the plane where the demons once lived. Even if Chairman Dragon and the Demon God Emperor join forces None of them were its opponents. In the end, it seemed that because of the relationship between it and Chairman Long, it committed suicide, and humans were able to survive."

The Nine-Headed Chimera, the God of Punishment!

When Long Dangdang heard these words, suddenly, there seemed to be an inexplicable touch in his heart, and even the strange blood power in his body violently agitated. In an instant, he seemed to have caught something, but it was something he couldn't feel clearly.

"It's over, let's go." At this moment, the drama had ended. Ling Menglu sat up from his arms and patted his legs, waking up Long Dangdang from the throbbing moment.

Why is it that my heart is touched when I hear the words Nine-Headed Chimera, the God of Scourge? While Long Dangdang was shocked, he couldn't help but be confused. Is it because of Xiaoba? Xiaoba has eight heads, eight heads, nine heads? However, Xiaoba is from the Dragon Clan. Is there a blood relationship between the Dragon Clan and the Nine-Headed Chimera?

As Long Dangdang's own cultivation continues to improve, Xiaoba has also steadily improved in the past six months, with six heads stable and even the seventh head showing signs of starting to grow.

Because Ling Menglu was going to the front line with Long Dangdang tomorrow, she did not go back to the training ground tonight, but went back to Ling's house. Long Dangdang is responsible for purchasing some necessities for the team. Being on the front line, there are many things that are inconvenient to buy, so it is always good to be more prepared.

The next day, early in the morning, everyone gathered at the special training base. Long Dangdang has informed the Knight Temple that the base will be returned after today. Three days ago, he had reported to the Knight Temple and the Magic Temple respectively to go to the front line to participate in the battle.

The golden door of light opened quietly under the control of Long Kongkong, which was the unique power of the Cave Heaven Spiritual Furnace. Naturally, it is the fastest way to travel from the provincial capital to Jiyang Daying.

After possessing the Anchor of Time and Space, the long-distance transmission time of the Biyoudongtian Spiritual Furnace was directly reduced to once every three days. Of course, this is also because it has been promoted to one level under the influence of the Eternal Heart, and its effect is even greater than before. At the same time, it has changed from single-person teleportation to time teleportation. After being turned on, it can last for ten seconds. In other words, anyone who enters within ten seconds can be teleported away.

Long Dangdang led his friends into the light gate one after another, and when he appeared again, he had returned to the familiar tent of Jiyang Camp. Considering Long Dangdang's teleportation ability, Xi Che kept this tent. Of course, it is also because the main force of the coalition is not here now, but has penetrated deep into the Kingdom of the Undead.

The strong spatial fluctuations caused by the teleportation quickly attracted attention, but Long Dangdang and their status as a demon hunting group naturally did not matter. After the explanation, they met the general stationed at Jiyang Camp.

Because the main force of the coalition forces and many strong men are already on the front line, the one who remains here to be responsible for the garrison is a paladin from the Knights Temple. Long Dangdang had the warrant from the Knights Temple. After confirming their identity, they obtained the whereabouts of the army. After thanking the general, they immediately set off for the Kingdom of the Dead without stopping.

When Xiaoba was summoned from the contract space by Long Dangdang, the left-behind general immediately became more respectful. As a paladin, he had naturally heard about the fourth dragon knight appearing in the Knights Temple, but Only when I actually met him did I realize that this person was so young.

Farewell to the general, everyone climbed onto Xiaoba's broad back. At this time, Xiaoba was already over fifty-five meters long, and his aura was calm and powerful. As Long Dangdang's cultivation improves, its cultivation will naturally improve accordingly. The spiritual power of heaven and earth attracted by the anchor of time and space itself has its part.

The huge wings flapped, and Xiaoba's flying speed also accelerated a lot as his strength increased. A group of six people and one dragon headed straight for the Kingdom of the Dead.

After Xiaoba's size increased, even its flight became more and more stable. The aura it exuded had the power to intimidate various elements in the air, and it naturally formed a barrier so that everyone did not have to withstand the strong wind. Even walking on its broad back is no problem.

As they were flying and looking down from the sky, they could see that the federal reserve army had begun to enter the realm of the undead, and what surprised them most was that in the part of the undead realm that had been recaptured by the federation, the energy of the undead had become It is much thinner than before, and seems to be gradually dispersing. This is undoubtedly good news.

But Long Dangdang couldn't help but feel a little heavy. If the human coalition finally defeated the undead army, where would his parents and younger brother go? Of course he hopes that mankind will win, but he also doesn't want to see his relatives die under the crush of the army!

The federal army advanced about a thousand miles into the Kingdom of the Undead. For Xiaoba, half a day was enough for this distance.

Looking into the distance from a high altitude, you can see that the sky in the distance has become obviously darker, and there seems to be an invisible pressure that makes your chest feel tight and makes it difficult to breathe. That was obviously caused by the concentration of strong undead energy.

At this moment, a flying team came up from the sky. Astonishingly, he was the gryphon knight from the Knights Temple.

A team of griffin knights is composed of ten griffin knights. You can feel it from the aura on their bodies. They are all sixth-level radiant knights. Coupled with their mount gryphon, it is definitely the core strength of the Knights Temple.

However, facing Xiaoba, these griffins were a little afraid to step forward, and stopped when they were about a hundred meters away.

"But Your Excellency Holy Knight Long Dangdang." The captain of the griffon knight team headed by him sat on the back of the griffin and respectfully bowed to Long Dangdang as a knight.

Six golden dragons! This was originally the symbol of Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang raised his right fist across his chest and returned a knight's salute, "I am Long Dangdang. We are here to support the front line. Please take me to see Marshal Xi Che."

"Okay. Please follow me." After a respectful salute, the team leader glanced at the six golden dragons under Long Dangdang with envy, turned around, and flew in the direction he came from.

Xiaoba followed and led everyone to fly towards the camp of the Temple Federation Army.

From a distance, you can see the rolling military camp spreading for nearly a hundred miles, facing the direction of the Kingdom of the Undead in a semi-arc shape. It can be seen from the air that the undead army in the distance is like clouds blocking the sun. The closer you get, the more profoundly you can feel that the extremely thick undead energy seems to be filling the entire world.

On the side of the Temple Federation Army, huge soul-gathering formations are in the military camp, condensing the power of the elements, and at the same time repelling the undead energy from the outside, forming a huge barrier to prevent the undead energy from invading the human army camp. The armies of both sides faced each other hundreds of miles away. Further away, the outlines of two cities controlled by the undead could be vaguely seen.

Xiaoba followed the gryphon knight in front and slowly landed five kilometers outside the federal military camp. This is the rule of the military camp. No air traffic is allowed within five kilometers.

Long Dangdang and the other six jumped off Xiao Ba's back, and he took Xiao Ba back into the contract space. Only the gryphon knights who had fallen down not far away dared to step forward.

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