The captain of the Griffin Knight bowed respectfully to Long Dangdang, "Master Paladin, please follow me."

Long Dangdang and six others followed him towards the military camp. They were inspected about a kilometer away from the camp, and then they were allowed to enter the military camp covered by the formation.

It's not as good as the looming light mask, and you can immediately feel the huge difference between the inside and the outside world. Inside the light mask, there is no more undead aura, only thick fluctuations of light elements.

This large formation, which can span hundreds of miles, can probably only be set up by the power of the Federation. It can almost be said to be equivalent to a continuous forbidden curse. This is also the fundamental reason why the federal army can maintain continuous combat effectiveness after going deep into the Kingdom of the Undead.

Ling Menglu looked around and said softly to Long Dang: "Nine consecutive spiritual gathering formations. At least nine saints from our priest temple preside over them to maintain them continuously. It also requires the consumption of many resources."

Long Dangdang nodded. As the only auxiliary profession among the six temples, the priest profession is no less important than any other five temples.

The atmosphere in the military camp was obviously solemn and orderly. Almost all those who can come to the front line to fight against the Kingdom of the Undead are professionals, and ordinary soldiers can only exist as support. You must know that in the strong breath of undead energy, even normal people may be infected into undead, and spiritual resistance is necessary to avoid infection.

Before he reached the commander's tent, Long Dangdang saw a group of people waiting outside the Chinese army's tent from a distance. The leader was none other than Xi Che, the Knight of the Divine Seal of Judgment and Judgment. The dragon knight who was in charge of the Seal Throne of the God of Doom and Killing actually came outside to greet him.

Long Dangdang quickly quickened his pace and led his friends to Xi Che. He respectfully performed a knight's salute, "Long Dangdang has seen the marshal. How dare I bother you to wait in person."

Xi Che chuckled and said: "That's right. You are different now from the last time you came here. Although I only watched your assessment from a distance, it still had a strong sense of shock. Let's go, Let's talk after we go in." As he said that, he directly took Long Dangdang's arm and walked into the handsome tent.

In the Knights Temple, Long Dangdang's current status is completely different. The middle and low-level knights may not know it yet, but as members of the Temple, everyone has witnessed with their own eyes the shocking scene of him activating the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. For the Knights Temple, this is of great significance. Long Dangdang's status has naturally increased. Although he is still at the eighth level, in Xi Che's eyes, he is already regarded as equal to the existence of the Temple. This is recognized by at least the Knight Temple and the Magic Temple, so Long Dangdang can have something like the Temple Spirit Crystal.

Returning to the commander's tent, Xi Che followed him to greet the powerful men from the Knights Temple, who were at least at the level of Holy Knights. However, there were no other temple members in the commander's tent at this time.

Xi Che asked Long Dangdang and the others to sit down and look at him, his eyes showing some complexity, "I used to think that your growth rate was fast enough, but I didn't expect that you still exceeded my expectations. We all know what’s going on in your family, and what we can help you with now is to pacify the Kingdom of the Undead as soon as possible.”

Long Dang said: "Thank you, Marshal. Marshal, I have reported to the hall master before coming this time. When we came to the front line, we followed your arrangements before. We will do our part to pacify the country of the undead."

Xi Che nodded and said, "Let me tell you about the current situation first."

As he spoke, he stood up and came to a huge map on the side of the tent. Long Dangdang and his friends also got up and followed.

The map is very large, ten meters wide, with various mountains, rivers, forests, cities and other terrain marked on it.

"Speaking of this map, you have a share of credit. It contains information about several important cities in the Kingdom of the Dead that you brought back."

As he spoke, Xi Che pointed at the map and said: "Look, we have recovered about one-tenth of the area occupied by the Kingdom of the Undead. But when we got here, we began to encounter the full counterattack of the Kingdom of the Undead. From then on From the beginning of this war to now, although we seem to have the advantage, in fact, the situation is not optimistic."

Having said this, the knight of the Divine Seal of Judgment and Judgment couldn't help but become serious, "The situation is worse than we imagined. The number of powerful undead creatures far exceeded our expectations. Our six saints Adding up the temples, the number of strong men above the ninth level is about 500. This is the foundation of the six major temples. Including some retired elders. And the number of ninth-level strong men of the same level in the Kingdom of the Undead is No less than us. Many of them are the heroic spirits of our ancestors who don’t know when they dug their graves and resurrected them.”

"Our only advantage now is in weapons and equipment, and we have the ability to suppress the kingdom of the undead. But their advantage is also obvious, that is, their ability to be almost immortal. Although we have now developed some methods that can prevent the resurrection of undead creatures , but the consumption is relatively large. At the same time, the biggest impact on us at present is the undead energy within the Kingdom of the Undead."

"You should have seen it when you entered our camp. Currently, in order to maintain the ability of our six temple professionals to recuperate and restore their spiritual power, we have to spend a lot of money to build isolation and spirit gathering circles. However, such a large formation is not only very difficult to build, but also requires a huge amount of resources. Most importantly, such a large formation cannot be moved. Every time we continue to attack forward, the previously built large formation will be destroyed. Give up. After this period of war, resources are beginning to be a little tight. We can only barely allow the undead energy in the occupied areas to be cleared and dispersed as much as possible."

"Before you came, I started thinking about what kind of tasks to give you. Now our top demon hunting groups are all performing one type of tasks, which is about how to reduce the energy of the undead. After the war and continuous advancement, We found that the reason why the undead creatures are able to create such a huge amount of undead energy in the Kingdom of the Undead and continuously erode outwards is because they have built multiple altar-like existences within the Kingdom of the Undead. Altars can absorb the breath of death and various negative breaths from the entire continent, and then convert them into undead energy, thus becoming the fundamental source of energy that supports the cultivation, improvement, recovery, and resurrection of undead creatures. And when we destroy some altars, in In the area near the altar, the speed at which undead energy condenses will be greatly reduced. At present, we do not know how many such altars there are in the entire Kingdom of the Undead. But the current goal is to solve as many problems as possible while the war continues. These altars of the undead. In this way, not only can the concentration of undead energy be reduced and the strength of the strong among the undead creatures be reduced, but it can also relieve us of the pressure on the resources of the undead energy."

After hearing what he said, Long Dangdang understood what he meant, "You mean, you want us to destroy this altar of the dead, right?"

Xi Che nodded and said: "At present, this is the final mission. Compared with the frontline battlefield, it is even more important. In a sense, these altars of the undead can even be regarded as the kingdom of the undead. The foundation of it. If we can destroy all the altars of the undead, then the kingdom of the undead will collapse on its own. Without enough undead energy to maintain, all the undead creatures will turn into dust."

"Therefore, I hope that you can carry out the task of destroying the Altar of the Undead as a demon hunting group. We now have many demon hunting groups lurking into the Kingdom of the Undead, and one of the tasks is to explore the location of the Altar of the Undead. Currently, there are The exact locations of several altars of the undead can be determined. The Kingdom of the Undead also has very strict protection of these altars of the undead. They are all responsible for the ninth-level powerhouses. Your current comprehensive strength has no problem against ordinary ninth-level powerhouses, and you I also have a space attribute spiritual furnace, which is relatively suitable for carrying out such a task."

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "Okay, we have no problem. We can go on missions at any time."

Xi Che said in a deep voice: "You must remember that completing the mission can be put second, and your own safety is the most important. You are the hope of the future of the Federation, and there must be no mistakes. If you discover the enemy's strength or The support may pose a threat to you, so leave the battlefield immediately. You have just arrived, rest for a few days, and I will have someone send you the specific location of the Altar of the Undead and the information I have obtained so far. Then you can make your own decisions. . The mission of destroying the altar of the undead is also the mission with the highest reward among the demon hunting groups currently. For every altar of the undead that is destroyed, you can get a reward of millions of demon hunting group points. I am talking about everyone."

This reward is indeed very great. You know, promotion to the king-level demon hunting group only requires one million points. For destroying an altar of the undead, each person will receive one million points, which means that if they can destroy two or three altars of the undead, their demon hunting group can be promoted to the level of an emperor-level demon hunting group. This is the highest level demon hunting group besides the title level demon hunting group. Of course, there is also a prerequisite, that is, everyone's strength must reach level nine. At least it is the eighth level peak.

I don’t know if the Federation currently has a titled Demon Hunting Group, Long Dangdang, but the Imperial Demon Hunting Group already has a very high status in the Federation. In Long Dangdang's memory, this level of heavy rewards seems to have only occurred in history when the demon pillars of the demons were destroyed during the war between humans and demons. Of course, the difficulty of destroying this altar of the undead is probably about the same as destroying the Demon God Pillar.

"These are the tasks that can be given to you at the moment. You go back to rest first and be prepared. Then you can move freely." Xi Che said.


After bidding farewell to Marshal Xi Che, they returned to their residence and the six of them gathered together.

"Do you have any thoughts on the task of destroying the altar of the dead?" Long Dangdang looked at his friends and asked.

Ling Menglu said: "I think Marshal Xi Che is right. The first thing is safety. Only by ensuring our safety can we complete the mission better. Dangdang, please tell everyone that your space spiritual furnace is currently capable of teleportation. Do whatever it takes.”

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "Okay, I have two spatial spiritual furnaces, one is the otherworldly spiritual furnace, and the other is the close-by Tianya spiritual furnace. Everyone knows this. With the improvement of my cultivation, and the improvement of the spiritual furnace itself, Promotion. Now the functions of the two spiritual furnaces are basically different."

"The more important role of the Tianya Spiritual Furnace is to help me control the power of space when fighting, including short-distance instantaneous teleportation, and controlling the power of space to launch attacks. The main function of the Biyoudongtian Spiritual Furnace is medium and long-distance teleportation. Among them, long-distance teleportation Distance teleportation has almost no distance limit on the mainland. As long as I have positioned myself, it can take me to any place I have positioned. When I sneaked into the Kingdom of the Undead last time, I marked several important cities in the Kingdom of the Undead. At that time, because I can only mark three places at most. Therefore, besides here, the only places marked are Stone City and the Catastrophe City, the capital of the Kingdom of the Undead. At the same time, after the promotion of the Biyoudongtian Spiritual Furnace, the long-distance teleportation time can now last for ten seconds. In other words, it is enough for all of us to teleport. After each use of long-distance teleportation, the cooling time is three days. It is much better than the previous nine days."

"Then there is mid-distance teleportation. The current limit of mid-distance teleportation that I can achieve is one hundred kilometers. It can be an accurate mid-distance teleportation after marking, or it can be an aimless teleportation in a specific direction. When teleporting , I need three minutes to mobilize the teleportation energy, and then I can teleport everyone away. The cooling time of mid-distance teleportation is six hours, which is half a day. If the anchor of time and space is used to increase the power, the mid-distance teleportation will The teleportation can be carried out three times in a row, but after three times, the cooling time will reach one day. The long-distance teleportation time and space anchor currently cannot shorten the cooling time. This is what I can do at the moment, taking everyone to teleport together."

Although the friends all knew that Long Dangdang's space teleportation ability had been enhanced, but after listening to his story, they realized that the space spiritual furnace of his group leader had become so powerful. With the ability of medium-distance teleportation and long-distance teleportation, the registration capacity can be said to be almost full. To put it simply, as long as he can create an opportunity for medium-distance teleportation, after a medium-distance teleportation and then a long-distance teleportation, he can return to a safe zone almost immediately. Moreover, there is still room for Evergrande to operate.

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