Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 457 Going deep behind enemy lines?

The meritorious service gained by Long Dangdang and the others was quite huge, but in addition to improving the team level, if they wanted to exchange for supplies, they would have to wait until they returned to the Holy City. Although there is a place on the front line for demon hunters to exchange equipment and materials, there is really no place worth millions of dollars.

Marshal Xi Che told Long Dangdang and the others that the destruction of an altar of the undead had reduced the consumption of the magic circle that maintained spiritual power on the front line, and they had made a great contribution. And further provided them with the exact addresses of the three altars of the dead.

For three days, Long Dangdang and his friends stayed at their residence to rest and wait for the Biotian Cave Spiritual Furnace to finish cooling down.

Long Dangdang privately chatted with Xi Che in the Holy Temple Spirit Crystal, "Hello, Marshal, I would like to communicate with you about the further implementation of the mission."

In the Holy Church Spirit Crystal, Xi Che chatted privately with Long Dangdang, "You said it."

The marshal responded almost immediately.

Long Dang said: "Marshal, that's it. We have destroyed an altar of the undead close to the front line. It is conceivable that the country of the undead will be alert and respond accordingly. Other altars of the undead near the front line, It will definitely be heavily guarded. In this case, if we want to destroy it, we may even fall into the opponent's trap. Unless we mobilize multiple temple-level forces, we are not sure we can do it. And even if It’s about mobilizing the temple, and I think the risks outweigh the benefits.”

Xi Che pondered for a moment before replying through the temple spirit crystal: "What you said makes sense. According to our reconnaissance, the army of the undead has obviously been mobilized. As for how they guard the altar of the undead, it is currently unclear. The information has been sent back. So what are your plans? Do you want to lie dormant for a while and wait for the opportunity, or what to do?"

Long Dangdang said: "Time waits for no one. I think waiting is not the best way. And you also said last time that we consumed a lot of money on the front line. That's what I think about it. The last time we raided was near the front line. The altar of the undead, and the altar of the undead here directly supports the army of the undead, and the defense is definitely the tightest. A successful raid can even be said to be accidental. But if you want to complete the raid again, I'm afraid it won't be that easy. But we Can we change our thinking? The Altar of the Undead can be said to be the foundation of the Kingdom of the Undead. The altars of the Undead are actually the same no matter where they exist. Together, they maintain the operation of the Kingdom of the Undead. So, if we go deep into the Kingdom of the Undead and destroy the ones behind it, What about the Altar of the Undead? In the Kingdom of the Undead, after we complete a raid, the most we can do in a short period of time is to strengthen the defense capabilities of the Altar of the Undead near the front line. It is impossible to enhance the defense capabilities of all the Altar of the Undead. If they do that, then the front line The strength of the undead army will definitely be insufficient. Therefore, I judge that the defense of the altar of the undead behind the undead is likely to be much laxer. I have been to the Scourge City, the capital of the undead empire. In the natural disaster city, teleportation marks have been left in surrounding cities. , you can teleport through the Biyou Cave Spiritual Furnace, and then look for the altar of the undead in the rear, destroy it after you find it, destroy it from the rear, shake its foundation, and it will be safer."

"Go deep into the Undead Empire and destroy the Altar of the Undead?" Xi Che was obviously shocked by Long Dangdang's radical idea. But after thinking about it, what Long Dangdang said does make sense. Now the most concentrated strength of the Kingdom of the Undead is on the front line. So, relatively speaking, the rear of the Kingdom of the Undead will become safer.

After pondering for a moment, Xi Che slowly said: "Dangdang, I think the method you mentioned is very feasible. The only problem is that you need to go deep behind enemy lines, and there is no way to get any support in terms of security. Everything can only rely on you, If you really want to do this, I personally have no objection, but I hope you can be fully prepared, especially in terms of safety, and not be careless."

Long Dangdang said: "Marshal, please rest assured that our entire team will act together. I will try my best to take everyone's life safety into consideration. Safety is the basis of all actions."

Xi Che said: "In that case, let's start preparations. I will report this matter to the Holy Church, but I will only let a few core Holy Churches know about it to avoid leaking the news. Don't be reluctant to fight, even if the destruction is unsuccessful. It doesn’t matter, your safety comes first.”

Long Dang said: "Thank you Marshal for your understanding, then we will start preparations now. If we have any information about the rear of the Kingdom of the Undead, please summarize it to us and we will consider it comprehensively."

"Okay, I will send it to you as soon as possible, but you must also be mentally prepared. The biggest source of information about the rear of the Kingdom of the Dead that we have obtained so far is actually your time."

The risk of going deep into the kingdom of the undead is really too great. The main reason is that it is difficult to replenish one's own spiritual power. Being enveloped in the undead energy range is very painful for the six major professions. It is difficult to conduct reconnaissance behind enemy lines without being discovered for a long time. It is even more difficult. The core power of undead creatures is the fire of the soul, so their mental power is generally stronger than that of professionals of the same level. When humans are within the range of the undead, their own aura of life is as obvious as a torch.

Only Long Dangdang can rely on the power of the evil-eyed tyrant Lord Xiaoxie to absorb the Soul Stone to cover up. He has very little of the Hiding Fruit left, and he can only use this method to cover himself and his companions. As for supplies, Long Dangdang didn't have a problem on his own, but his partners had to consider it, so he used his merits to exchange for some medicines and heavenly materials and earthly treasures at the Demon Hunting Group headquarters that were suitable for his partners to absorb and replenish their spiritual power.

After preparations were completed, Marshal Xi Che was notified again. Five days after the last time he destroyed the altar of the dead, Long Dangdang and his companions set out on the journey again.

The otherworldly spiritual furnace was opened, and the teleportation door was reopened.

Everyone from the 1911 Demon Hunting Group filed in. The first one to go was Wang Changxin. She had to go to the other side first to take charge of security, then Ming Xi, then the three members of the legal system, and Long Dangdang was the last one. In the past, the door to the unique space was stabilized so that no problems would occur during the transmission process.

After the transmission was completed, the door of space was closed. The next moment Long Dangdang stepped out of the door of space, Xiao Xie had been released by him. The soft power of the undead was quietly released along with the slow domain of the Soul Breathing Furnace. Come out and immediately cover up the space fluctuations that just appeared around you.

The partners were all gathered together at this time, all looking vigilant. Going deep behind enemy lines made everyone more or less nervous.

At this time, they were in a jungle, affected by the energy of the undead. Most of the vegetation in the forest was only strips of paper, no longer green, and the air was filled with the smell of death and desolation.

Long Dangdang's mental power quickly connected with Xiao Xie's, and his mental detection was fully activated. Feeling the movement around him, everyone else restrained their aura and entered a dormant state.

After about a quarter of an hour, Long Dangdang's expression relaxed. When they first teleport over, they will definitely bring out space fluctuations. This is also when they are most easily discovered. As long as you get through this moment, it won't be that easy to find them again. And within fifteen minutes, if he was discovered, an undead powerhouse would definitely have arrived to conduct reconnaissance, and he would not wait any longer.

Facts have proved that the perfect level of light and slow breathing furnace is very effective and has an excellent shielding effect on space fluctuations. The teleportation location chosen by Long Dangdang is also quite subtle and not so easy to detect.

"Are we deep behind enemy lines?" Tao Linlin asked in a low voice.

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "This is about five kilometers outside Shimen City. This is the space mark I left here."

Because teleportation will cause spatial fluctuations, he will certainly not leave a mark in the city. Otherwise, as long as he teleports there, he will be discovered immediately and then be besieged. It's much better outside the city. The high-level undead in the city will be mentally scanned from time to time, but they will never be scanned outside the city.

For the sake of caution, Long Dangdang did not choose the natural disaster city at the core of the Kingdom of the Undead, but chose Shimen City.

He is relatively familiar with Shimen City, and Shimen City is not too far from Natural Disaster City.

Regarding the strength of the Holy God of the Undead, that is, his mother, Long Dangdang is still admiring him. He does not know what level his mother's strength has reached, but to be able to establish such a kingdom of the undead, his strength is probably still high. To be superior to the Hall Master is definitely not something they can compete with now. In this case, if they want to complete their mission better, they naturally want to avoid the Natural Disaster City as much as possible. Although, it is very likely that his mother is not in the Disaster City but on the front line, but even so, it is always right to be cautious. He does not think that he will have a chance to escape after being caught again.

Through the last contact, although he was unwilling to admit it in his heart, he also understood that his current mother was no longer the loving mother she once was. There was only the flame of hatred in her heart, and she wanted to completely resurrect the child from her previous life, and it seemed that only her younger brother had inherited the bloodline of her previous life. What she wanted to do was to let Kong Kong devour her.

Shaking his head, Long Dangdang shook off the painful thoughts in his mind, looked at his friends, and said in a deep voice: "If I guessed correctly, Shimen City, as one of the few big cities in the Kingdom of the Undead, must have something inside. The altar of the undead, just like the altar in Disaster City, must be the largest. These are the source of power for undead creatures. But we cannot directly attack the altar of the undead in Shimen City. We can be sure that there must be temple-level undead powerhouses here. Guardian is not something we can fight against now. Then, our direct opponent, the best choice is near Shimen City, that is, the Altar of the Undead behind the Undead Empire. At present, we have no reliable information about the specific location, so we can only rely on ourselves. Search. This is also our next task."

Everyone nodded. The plan had been made before setting off, and the next step was to execute the plan.

The dragon stood up and quietly came to the treetops, looking into the distance.

Only five kilometers away, Shimen City in the distance is clearly visible. It can be clearly seen that the sky above Shimen City is gray and there is no obvious vortex of undead energy. But everyone can clearly feel that the concentration of undead energy here is far higher than the realm of the undead they entered before. Just looking at the gray sky, they will feel a clear sense of depression.

"Going to the city?" Ling Menglu asked softly.

Long Dangdang shook his head and said: "Let's not enter the city first. Let's take a look around. The last time I came here, I used the Earth-Escape Divine Shuttle. This time, we have to conduct reconnaissance on our own. With Xiaoba here, we found that the altar of the undead should be It’s not anything too difficult.”

After roughly identifying the direction, Long Dangdang led everyone to move quietly and quickly in the opposite direction from Shimen City to Natural Disaster City.

They were teleported here through the otherworldly spiritual furnace, which meant that within three days, the long-distance transmission capability of the otherworldly spiritual furnace would be unavailable. Therefore, in the next three days, they will be more careful. Even if they cannot discover the altar of the dead, they must not expose it. Even if it is discovered, it must wait until three days before taking action.

Long Dangdang also planned to go in and take a look at Shimen City, because he wanted to experience the current frontline deployment of troops in the Kingdom of the Undead through observation of Shimen City. The fewer high-level undead in Shimen City, the more it proves that there are more powerful people on the front lines of the Kingdom of the Undead. And this will have a guiding role in his next action of destroying the Altar of the Undead. But all this will have to wait until three days later.

About a hundred kilometers away from Shimen City, Long Dangdang found a mountain col. They dug a cave directly on a shady mountain wall, and everyone entered it to rest. At the same time, Long Dangdang also arranged a medium-distance teleportation mark here. With the teleportation mark, he can initiate medium-distance teleportation in a short period of time. As long as the distance is not too far, they can teleport back immediately, giving himself time to breathe, so that Long Dangdang can activate the otherworldly spiritual furnace and bring everyone back. .

By the time they made these preparations, the sky outside had already darkened. The first three days were based on caution, and Long Dangdang was not in a hurry to act. After eating some food directly with his friends, he asked everyone to take out the elixirs to replenish spiritual power and practice.

There is no spiritual power supply here. Except for Long Dangdang, who can replenish himself through dark elements, everyone else needs to rely on elixirs. Unless Ling Menglu mobilized the sacred power to break through the undead energy barrier in the air, but if they did that, they, well, would be directly exposed.

In the cave, Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu sat on a thick blanket and cuddled together. There was only one luminous pearl with no attributes in the cave, emitting a faint halo that allowed everyone to barely see each other. Xiao Xie was arranged to go out for a walk, while everyone else meditated and maintained their condition.

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