Ling Menglu gently held Long Dangdang's hand without speaking, but transmitted the message through the spiritual crystal.

"Dangdang, are you okay? Since coming here, I can feel that you are a little depressed."

Long Dangdang also responded via voice transmission: "Don't worry, I'm fine. In an environment like the Kingdom of the Undead, your emotions will be affected to some extent."

Ling Menglu leaned her head on his shoulder, "Then can you tell me why you have been alienating me since you came back from the Kingdom of the Dead last time?"

Long Dangdang was stunned for a moment and said subconsciously: "No! How could I alienate you?"

Ling Menglu sighed and said: "You have to know that girls are very sensitive. In the past, when you saw me, your eyes would sometimes straighten. Although you covered it up very well, sometimes you would, His eyes would still drift towards me, looking at those shameful places, I just pretended not to know, we are still young, this is normal."

"Cough cough cough..." Long Dangdang coughed twice. This was not through sound transmission, and his friends who were resting couldn't help but look over.

"It's okay, my throat suddenly felt itchy." Long Dangdang's expression was obviously a little stiff, but in the dark cave, no one could see clearly.

Ling Menglu couldn't help but chuckle, but she pressed her body closer to him, and continued to say through the sound transmission: "But, you changed after you came back from the kingdom of the dead last time. You concealed it very well, at least everyone I haven’t noticed any changes in you. But I’m different! I’m your girlfriend, and I can clearly feel the difference in you. After you came back, you no longer looked at me with the eyes that occasionally obsessed you, and you never looked at me with obsession. You didn't take the initiative to hold my hand or kiss me, and you even seemed to be avoiding something deliberately. At the beginning, I thought you were in pain because you were caught in vain and couldn't care about it. However, since you got After receiving certain approval from the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, I can feel that your heart has calmed down and recovered. However, your attitude towards me has not recovered, and it is no different from other people. Dangdang, you Do you know? Facing you like this, I feel so uncomfortable. But I know and have confidence that you don’t like me anymore, you are deliberately avoiding me. Can you tell me why? I am your girlfriend , is also your cousin. Last time, you wanted to save your parents, abandoned me, and went alone. In fact, I was really angry. No matter how dangerous it was, wouldn't I go with you? However, Kong Kong was trapped in Kingdom of the Dead, you were so lost when you came back. I can’t bear to blame you, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have resentment in my heart. But you are still alienating me. I don’t know what you want to bear alone, but Why can't you share it with me? Is there anything you wouldn't want to open your heart to?"

Long Dangdang was silent. He had indeed been trying hard to hide it. He distanced himself from Ling Menglu because he didn't know what his future would be like. It was not because he was afraid of implicating him, but because he was afraid of sinking too deeply. She won't be able to bear it.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Ling Menglu snuggled closer to him, as if she wanted to rub her whole body into his. Silently feeling the changes in his breath, Ling Menglu said softly: "Dangdang, you are too tired. You are really tired now. In the six months since you came back, you have been working hard all the time. You have worked too hard. But we all have to have hope when we are alive, right? I don’t know what happened to you in the Kingdom of the Undead. I can also understand that being caught by your aunt, uncle, and Kong Kong is a big blow to you, but why not let you and I share the burden?"

Long Dangdang sighed and finally stretched out his hand, hugged her tightly, lowered his head, and pressed his forehead against her shoulder. Ling Menglu even felt his body shaking at this moment.

"Monroe, you should know that I have always been a strong person. Even if my parents were taken away, my heart is still strong. I didn't take you there because I knew that this was probably a narrow escape. rescue. But even then, my heart did not hesitate at all. As a child, it is the right thing to rescue our parents. Our lives are originally given by our parents. You don’t know what I am facing. You are right. , people must have hope while living. However, after what happened in the Kingdom of the Dead, I have no hope in my heart. Do you know? Until now, I am not sure what I will do in the future. How can I let you and Let me bear all this uncertainty together!"

Ling Menglu could feel the pain and struggle in Long Dangdang's words, and couldn't help but ask: "What happened to make you suffer so much? Tell me, let me share the responsibility with you, no matter what, I Everyone will support you. I don’t want your alienation. I can even feel the will to die from you. This is what I am most worried about. I understand that you are afraid that you will delay me after your death. I don’t care. I can confess Let me tell you, in this world, it is impossible for me to fall in love with anyone else. Only you can become my husband. When we return from this mission, I will tell grandpa that I want to marry you. So, you If I die, I will not live alone. Life is yours, and death is your ghost. If you dare to abandon me again, I will die directly for you."

Long Dangdang raised his head and looked at Ling Menglu. Her tone was very calm, but her words were extremely firm. Under the faint light of the night pearl, her eyes were calm and persistent, and she looked at him so steadily that Long Dangdang felt weak.

"I don't want to force you, but we have gone deep into the Kingdom of the Dead again. I want to know what happened last time you came here, so that I can make suggestions for you. We can find a way to face it together instead of you suffering alone. At least you still have me by your side!"

Listening to her words, Long Dangdang could no longer control his emotions. A light flashed on his body, and the next moment, he and Ling Menglu disappeared into the cave out of thin air.

Although the others were resting on their own, they were startled when they suddenly discovered that the two of them had disappeared. After being stunned for a moment, Ming Xi couldn't help but said: "Why did the leader and Monroe teleport away? What happened?"

Tao Linlin said with a strange expression: "They..."

Yue Li said seriously: "Don't think about it, they must have gone to discuss something."

Ming Xi said doubtfully: "Even if we are discussing things, we can still chat privately through the spiritual crystal! Why go out?"

Tao Linlin coughed, "It makes sense, but it's not important. Let's rest and don't worry about it."

Wang Changxin didn't speak from beginning to end, but there was a little more confusion in her eyes.

The sky is still gray, and the light of the stars and the moon cannot penetrate through the thick fog of the World of the Undead. Therefore, the light in the Kingdom of the Undead at night is always very weak. Even outside the cave, it can only be vaguely seen within a hundred meters. Just a figure.

Long Dangdang hugged Ling Menglu tightly. At this moment, his inner emotions could no longer be suppressed. The suppressed passion burst out. He kissed her red lips forcefully. At this moment, he could no longer care about everything. , only the strong feelings towards her were output like crazy.

Ling Menglu responded equally fiercely. She could feel that his closed heart had finally reopened. At this time, no matter how he asked for it, she would not refuse, even if it meant giving her most precious thing to him. He and she are willing too.

But he didn't go any further, he just kissed her for a long, long time...

After the kiss, they hugged each other tightly, and it still lasted for a long, long time...

I don't know how much time passed, but even the sky outside seemed to be getting brighter. Only then did Long Dangdang reluctantly let go of the man in his arms.

"Monroe, you know me. I have never been a coward. However, after returning from the Kingdom of the Dead, I was really desperate from the bottom of my heart. It seemed that all the way forward had been closed. At that time, I even feel that even death is a kind of happiness after liberation.”

Ling Menglu's face gradually changed as she listened to Long Dangdang's slightly hoarse voice. Yes, Long Dangdang has always been a strong person. Even after knowing that his parents were arrested, he was still able to hold on and wait until He has certain strength and only goes alone when there is a possibility of rescue. This is not only calm, but also courage. For him to become so depressed, one can imagine the magnitude of the change.

"Could it be that my aunt and uncle have already..." Ling Menglu murmured.

Long Dangdang shook his head bitterly, "If that's the case, at least my desire for revenge will make me more determined to try to avenge them and kill powerful enemies."

Ling Menglu's expression changed: "That's..."

Long Dangdang smiled bitterly and said: "What would you think if you knew that the family that has always been the most important to you is actually on the opposite side and is not even willing to acknowledge you as your son?"

Ling Menglu lost her voice and said, "Are my aunt and uncle controlled by the kingdom of the dead?"

Long Dangdang shook his head, "The supreme leader of the Kingdom of the Undead is known as the Holy Dharma God of the Dead. She is the founder of the entire Kingdom of the Undead. I, the most powerful existence, fell into her hands. She is your sixth aunt, my mother. .”

Ling Menglu said: "It turns out that the leader of the Kingdom of the Dead is called the Holy Law God of the Dead. Wait, what did you say? You..."

In an instant, Ling Menglu's eyes widened, even her pupils were slightly dilated, and her body even started to tremble uncontrollably.

Long Dangdang said bitterly: "I still remember my grandpa said that my mother's origin is very special. She was picked up by him from a cave overseas. For this reason, she even went through various investigations by the federation. However, even the federation has No investigation has revealed that she actually does not belong to this world, she came from another plane and was reincarnated with hatred in her heart."

"This, how is this possible..."

Long Dangdang looked at her, his eyes full of pain, "So can you understand how shocked I was when I knew this fact? And my mother told me that the Kingdom of the Dead She created it with her own hands, and her purpose was to take revenge on humans, to kill all humans, and to let the undead rule the world. How huge a subversion would it have to me?"

At that moment, he began to tell the story of his experience in the Kingdom of the Dead, and he was finally able to vent the greatest pain buried deep in his heart.

The impact and pressure that all of this has brought to him are too great, and now, finally, there is someone who can tell it, although he does not know that after listening to his story, Ling Menglu What would be the reaction.

Long Dangdang's memory of what happened that day was too profound, so his narration also included all the details, including two complete stories.

Ling Menglu's pretty face gradually turned pale, and the incredulity in her eyes continued to escalate. She finally understood why Long Dangdang had changed so much after returning from the kingdom of the dead. She also finally understood why Long Dangdang was alienating herself. Because, he is even full of the will to die and has no love for life!

Long Dangdang kept talking until he was let go by his father, who was the Lich King, and told him that perhaps the Throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation could change everything.

After the narration was over, their eyes met, and what Ling Menglu saw was the deep pain in Long Dangdang's eyes.

And tears began to flow from her eyes.

"Monroe, I didn't want to tell you this originally. I really don't want to let down your true feelings. But I can't! Now you know why I can't. I even thought that if one day, my strength is enough To contend with the Kingdom of the Undead, I will face my parents and younger brother. What should I do? The crimes committed by the Kingdom of the Undead cannot be washed away with any credit, but no matter what they did, they They are all my family. Can I really kill my relatives out of justice? I don’t know. At that time, I estimate that it is very likely that I will be torn apart by the entanglements in my heart. That’s why I tell you that I am a person without future……"

As soon as he said this, his lips were kissed hard by a pair of lips with a salty and wet taste, completely drowning his next words in his throat.

She cried and kissed him. It was only at this moment that she truly understood how much suffering he had been feeling in his heart these past few days, and how much pain he had endured. And despite this, he didn't complain at all or flinch at all.

This is the man she loves. Even if his biological parents are on the opposite side, his beliefs have not changed. Even in the face of such danger, he can still use his kind heart to inspire the throne of the God of Eternity and Creation. In response, her heart ached for her, but she was also proud of him.

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