Long Dangdang turned to look at Ling Menglu who was holding his hand, stabilized his mind, and nodded gently to her.

Ling Menglu turned to her friends, "Last time, Dangdang didn't explain everything to everyone because he was worried that everyone wouldn't be able to accept it. This is why he seemed so depressed during the time he just came back. It was actually because of the impact he received It's too exciting. So, before I tell it, I hope everyone can understand him. At the same time, I also feel that this is not the place for us to tell this. Go back first, and I will tell everyone everything after I go back. Dangdang, you First open the otherworldly spiritual furnace."

After listening to Ling Menglu's words, everyone's expressions obviously softened slightly. Ling Menglu is a goddess, known as the purest existence of divine energy in the world, and the spokesperson of the goddess of light in the world. She and Long Dangdang are in a relationship. Her meaning is very clear. She knows the specific situation. In this way, everyone is obviously relaxed. At least, their leader won’t have any problems! yes! There would have been no problem in the first place. Otherwise, how could they have led them to destroy three altars of the dead in a row?

Only then did Long Dangdang begin to construct a transmission channel with a unique Cave-Heaven Spiritual Furnace. Ten minutes later, the channel opened. Everyone finally ended their journey to attack the Kingdom of the Dead, and stepped into the passage one by one.

Ling Menglu stayed until the end. She first signaled to Long Dangdang. Long Dangdang nodded and released the Slow Domain to slow down the closing speed of the channel. This was the result of the Slow Spitting Furnace's continuous understanding and integration of the Anchor of Time and Space. With the evolved ability, Ling Menglu took Long Dangdang's hand and said softly: "I will explain it to everyone when I go back. No matter how I explain it, don't say more and just listen to me, okay?"

Long Dangdang was stunned, "What do you mean?"

Ling Menglu said: "I can understand the truth, and I believe our teammates can also understand it. But have you ever thought about it, that Kongkong's appearance here today means that in the near future, you are likely to be on the battlefield. Face it. At that time, do you also need to explain to the Holy Church and the Federation? Are you telling the truth? Tell them that you are the son of the Holy Law God of the Dead? If that is the case, how can you still obtain the Federation? Trust, let alone go through the test of the Divine Throne of Eternity and Creation. Therefore, we must have a way of saying something that will not lie, but also be acceptable to everyone. At least until you truly gain eternity and creation This needs to be done before being recognized by the Divine Seal Throne.”

"Also, I think you should complete the empty deal. That will certainly allow him to be promoted to the ninth level, which may cause greater trouble, but at the same time, you want to obtain the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation. To be recognized by the throne, you also need to advance to the ninth level. As long as you can protect your own safety, I think it is okay. The power of Kongkong is very strong, and the power of blood is also very strong, but you also have it, and if you can obtain eternity and creation If you don't have the recognition of the Divine Seal Throne, then his incomplete bloodline may not be your opponent, so don't worry too much. You are doing everything right, but let me help you share some of it. After you go back, Let me tell you, okay?"

Seeing Ling Menglu's worried and concerned face, Long Dangdang felt warm in his heart. He opened his arms to embrace her and hugged her hard, "What more can a husband ask for when he has such a wife!"

Ling Menglu rolled her eyes and said: "Come on, you didn't plan to have me before. I'll settle the score with you after everything is settled! Let's go, don't keep everyone waiting."

After saying that, the two of them stepped into the passage with its own cavernous spiritual furnace structure and entered the teleportation.

The bizarre transmission through the time and space channel gives people a feeling that time is distorted. I don’t know how long it took before everyone reappeared in the real world.

The previously set teleportation point was behind the frontline camp, so when they came out, the first thing they felt was the abundant elemental atmosphere in the air. Let everyone feel that the pores of the whole body are open, comfortable and transparent.

When they were in the Kingdom of the Undead, although they could maintain their spiritual power through heavenly materials and earthly treasures, it couldn't be compared with the feeling of absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth! After all, this is what they are familiar with.

However, at this time, the expressions of Ming Xi, Tao Linlin, Yue Li and Wang Changxin were still a little tense, and they did not relax at all. Long Kongkong's appearance today and his actions really stimulated them too much.

Writer Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu walked out of the spiritual furnace in a different cave. Although they entered a little later, in fact, they were teleported back at the same time, and there was no time difference.

At this time, they were behind the front line. This was a military camp left behind when the army moved forward. They must have been in a safe area.

Seeing the space channel closed, everyone's eyes focused on Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu.

"Everyone, sit down first." Ling Menglu asked her friends to sit down.

"First of all, let me apologize to everyone on behalf of Dangdang. The reason why I didn't tell you about this before was because I was afraid that you would worry. When Dangdang went to the natural disaster city in the country of the undead, he himself was greatly stimulated. He It was also a few days ago that we went deep behind enemy lines and told me the true situation when we came out of the cave that day. I originally thought that I would tell you about this after we come back this time."

"Ah, you two went to talk about something! We thought you were going to..., ahem..." Tao Linlin's words suddenly made everyone look a little embarrassed, but the originally tense atmosphere also A lot more relaxed.

Ling Menglu glared at him angrily, but her pretty face couldn't help but blush a little, and said, "Do you still listen to me? Don't interrupt."

"Okay, okay, you say it." Tao Linlin hurriedly surrendered.

Ling Menglu said: "Dangdang finally entered the Natural Disaster City after sneaking into the Kingdom of the Undead last time. He also discovered the Mithril Castle in the Natural Disaster City. He took advantage of the undead's excessive selection of a son-in-law for the princess and sneaked into it, hoping to take the opportunity to save his parents. However, , when he found his parents, he was also captured by the Holy Law God of the Dead in the Kingdom of the Dead. The Holy God of the Dead used powerful necromantic magic to activate the power of his bloodline and captured Kong Kong."

"Everyone knows that Dangdang and Kongkong have a strange blood power, but the origin of this blood power is unknown to them. Originally, they wanted to go back and ask their parents, but their parents were He had already been captured. It was not until this time that he entered the Mithril Castle of the Natural Disaster City that he learned the true identity. What they inherited was a very special and powerful bloodline, among which the part inherited by Kong Kong was more powerful. Then Through their parents, the Holy Law God of the Dead tried to let them awaken the memory of their previous life, so as to control this powerful bloodline power. However, only Kong Kong was the one who awakened the memory of his previous life, and he was the only one who came to this world with the memory of his previous life. . Although Dangdang and Kongkong are twins, they do not have these past life memories. The Holy Law God of the Dead then took control of Kongkong, making Kongkong realize that he does not belong to this world and destroy the world with him. And Dangdang is During the process of being imprisoned, he found an opportunity to be teleported back through the otherworldly spiritual furnace. This is why Kong Kong previously said that he was no longer Long Kongkong, but Austin Griffin. That Austin Griffin was his previous life. .”

Ming Xi couldn't help but said: "Then Kong Kong is really no longer Kong Kong? Has he become a completely different person?"

Long Dangdang shook his head and said: "No, he also has the memory of this life, but the memory of the previous life is more profound. Therefore, after the memory fusion, he became what he is now. In the previous life, he had a very strong hatred for human beings. . The Holy Law God of the Dead also took advantage of this."

Every word Ling Menglu said was true. The only thing she concealed was the fact that the Holy Law God of the Dead was Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong's mother. Such an unbelievable situation would never be thought of by normal people.

Yue Li murmured: "Do people really have past lives? Then do we also have past lives?"

Ling Menglu smiled bitterly and said: "I'm afraid we can't explain this. But this is what happened to Kong Kong. Or maybe the kingdom of the undead used some special method to make him think that he was like this. But it didn't happen to Dangdang. The situation makes it impossible for us to judge. There will definitely be no problem with Dangdang, otherwise he would not have been recognized by the Throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation after his return and merged with the Eternal Heart. This is the situation, I am afraid that in In the near future, we may encounter Kong Kong on the battlefield. Therefore, I suggest Dangdang that this matter needs to be reported to the federation and cannot be delayed any longer, otherwise, the federation will come back to investigate you."

Long Dangdang lowered his head, his eyes were slightly dull, as if he was relaxing or thinking about something.

Wang Changxin, who rarely speaks, suddenly said: "Is there any way to save Kong Kong? Or do you mean that if you meet him on the battlefield, you will become an enemy?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent.

What was once the closest partner is about to become an enemy. Not to mention Long Dangdang, who is an elder brother, even they find it difficult to accept.

Long Dangdang took a deep breath and his expression became serious, "Kong Kong is no longer the Kong Kong he once was. If we meet him on the battlefield, he is our enemy. His beliefs have changed, and we have no other choice. .”

Looking at his gradually red eyes, Ming Xi's tears immediately flowed out, "No, it can't be like this. Kong Kong, he is our partner! He..."

Yue Li pulled her. At this time, she understood better that no one would feel more uncomfortable than Long Dangdang, her elder brother.

Ling Menglu said: "Let's not talk about this for now. I think everyone needs time to calm down. In short, our operation this time was still very successful. We destroyed three altars of the undead, whether it was an attack on the country of the undead or on the front line. Help is of great help. Dangdang, I think things are not absolute. As long as Kongkong still has the memory of being with us, maybe he can still wake up. "

Long Dangdang just shook his head, stood up and said, "Everyone, take a rest first. I'll go out and be quiet." After that, he strode out.

Ling Menglu wanted to follow, but finally stopped.

Yue Li murmured: "It turns out that the leader has endured so much alone during this period of time. No wonder he has changed so much during that period."

Ling Menglu sighed deeply and thought to herself, how did you know that what you have to bear in your heart is much more than you imagined!

After walking out of the military camp, Long Dangdang stood outside, looking up at the stars. He seemed to have seen his younger brother's appearance when he activated the Brilliant Starry Sky Spiritual Furnace again. A deep worry flashed in his eyes.

Dad, mom, brother.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a strong sense of exhaustion. If he had a choice, he really didn't want to be a professional. If he was just an ordinary person, living in an ordinary family, always with his relatives and lovers, this might be the best thing.

Gradually, his heart gradually calmed down. Monroe was right, and the situation about Kong Kong could no longer be concealed. Otherwise, once he appears on the battlefield, it will be even more difficult for him to explain.

He covered his face with his hands and rubbed his face vigorously. When he put down his hands again, his eyes had become firm again.

Since there is no way to escape, then face it bravely. And in the face of all this, you must become stronger. If you want to turn things around, you need to have the power to turn things around.

He released his clenched fists, the light door around him flickered, and the round little evil was summoned by him. Throwing soul crystals at it, Xiao Xie suddenly emitted extremely excited mood swings and began to rapidly absorb the energy in these soul crystals. The breath of death and undead also escaped from it.

It is also at this moment, in the distant Scourge City of the undead country, on the top floor of Mithril Castle.

Long Kongkong stood on the wide balcony with a calm expression. From where he was, he could almost overlook the entire natural disaster city. Looking up, the sky was gray and not a single star could be seen.

A soft and delicate body came up from behind, and her hands hugged his waist tightly. The soft and delicate body made his body a little warmer, and his calm face was outlined with several traces. A faint smile. The purple meaning in his eyes also subsided a bit.

"Hepburn, tell me, if we really destroyed this world, would you still be happy?"

"My happiness has nothing to do with these. As long as I am by your side, I am happy. Every minute, every second. What else can I not be satisfied with if I can live another life?"

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