Temple Federation, frontline camp, handsome tent!

"You are the heroes of the Federation! Just before you came back, the undead army retreated three hundred miles. According to our detection of the undead energy, the overall concentration decreased by almost three percent. The reason why the undead army retreated should be It has something to do with that. They're shrinking their defense."

The excitement on Marshal Xi Che's face could not be concealed. At this time, Long Dangdang and his demon hunting group mates were standing in front of the marshal, having just reported to him their great achievements in destroying three altars of the undead.

Marshal Xi Che continued: "Based on the number of altars of the undead that we have destroyed so far and the changes in the energy of the undead, it is consistent with the news you brought back this time. The total number of altars of the undead in the Kingdom of the Undead should be eighty-one. Around. You were able to destroy three altars of the undead this time, which weakened the kingdom of the undead by at least 3%. This achievement is no less than killing enemies on the front line. I will personally request it from the military headquarters and the headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group for you. achievement."

Long Dangdang has known this marshal for a long time, but this is the first time he has seen him in such an excited state.

"Marshal, there is something else I want to report to you." Long Dangdang said in a deep voice.

Xi Che said: "You tell me." Whether it was the last time Long Dangdang sneaked into the natural disaster city or this time he led his team to destroy three undead altars, what he brought back was good news. Therefore, at this time, the marshal was excited At the same time, he also seemed very relaxed.

Long Dang said: "I met my brother during this operation. Although I didn't take action directly, I can confirm that he has stood on the opposite side of mankind."

"Your brother? Long Kongkong?" Marshal Xi Che was stunned, and then his eyes became sharp.

You know, if Long Dangdang is counted as a participant in the Magic Temple in the inheritance competition, then the number one player in the Knight Temple will be Long Kongkong! It was he who helped the entire Knight Temple gain great glory, not to mention that he and Long Dangdang were still brothers. He is also an adamantine base knight.

"What's going on? Tell me." Xi Che asked in a deep voice.

At the moment, Long Dangdang repeated the words Ling Menglu used when telling her friends that day. He seemed very calm when he told it, but at the same time with this calmness, the sadness in his eyes could not be concealed.

While listening, Xi Che's brows gradually tightened. After he listened to Long Dangdang's story, he said, "In other words, when the Kingdom of the Undead arrested your parents, the main target was your brother?"

Long Dangdang nodded slightly and said: "That should be it. They even wanted my brother to devour me, saying that I appeared unexpectedly. I don't know exactly what happened. When I came back last time, I still had something in my heart. It was a bit of a fluke, hoping to have a chance to save my family, but now it seems..."

He did not continue, but Xi Che could naturally understand what he meant.

"This matter is very important, but it may also affect you. Do you understand?" Xi Che said seriously.

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "I understand, no matter what the Holy Church decides, I will accept it."

After Xi Che thought for a moment, he said: "As of now, this matter is with me. Don't tell anyone else. I will discuss it with the hall master and then give you a reply. At the same time, it will not affect your achievements this time. Dangdang, no matter from any angle, the Knights Temple will always stand by your side. Not only because you are an excellent knight, but also because you have inspired the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. For us, the Knights Temple For you, there is no better proof of identity than this, and what you have to do is to gain the recognition of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation as soon as possible. By that time, no matter what different voices there are, they will be suppressed. Only then will you have the possibility to save your family. Your current status is very special. I can tell you clearly now that we will not report this matter to the entire temple, but will file it for you within the Knights Temple. , As long as Long Kongkong does not appear on the battlefield against our enemies, we will try our best to cover it up for you, but you must also work hard to improve your cultivation and reach the ninth level as soon as possible."

Long Dangdang looked at the dragon knight in front of him in surprise. How could he not be moved by the other party's unreserved trust? Before he came, he had thought that he might be sent back to the Holy City for review again, but he did not expect that this would be the result.

Xi Che continued: "This time you went deep into the Empire of the Undead and destroyed three altars of the undead through teleportation, but it must have attracted the attention of the Kingdom of the Undead. There will definitely be targeted defense measures. So, the same thing We can't continue. Based on the advantages you bring, the federal army will take action and start to take the initiative to attack. We hope to find more altars of the undead and destroy them by compressing the living space of the kingdom of the undead, so that the destroyed altars of the undead are the most powerful. Completely. So, you don’t need to sneak behind enemy lines anymore, just join the army and join the war."

Long Dangdang immediately understood what the marshal meant. Directly participating in the battle could avoid many things from happening. It is also their protection.

"Okay, everything follows the marshal's orders." Long Dangdang saluted Xi Che as a knight, and the other five companions also saluted.

"You guys go back and have a good rest first. I'll let you know when I make arrangements." Xi Che said. He also needed to think about what position would be more appropriate for Long Dangdang and the others.

As a demon hunting group, Long Dangdang and the others were still arranged to live together, and their achievements were reported directly to the Holy Church and the Federation by the headquarters. They not only destroyed three altars of the undead, but also brought back very important news. The situation in the rear of the Undead Empire clearly showed a lack of stamina. The strong men of the Undead Empire were not born endlessly. This was a problem for the federal army. It is undoubtedly a good thing.

The reason why there was no all-out attack before was to control the battle damage. After all, dead humans are likely to become undead, especially the strong ones. You must know that if one ninth-level person dies on the human side, it is likely to be equivalent to one more ninth-level person in the Kingdom of the Undead. The difference between one and the other is two. Once this situation spreads, it will be a real disaster.

Therefore, the federal army was very careful when attacking. One was to destroy the bodies of dead human soldiers, and the other was to reduce casualties as much as possible.

The most important thing about the news that Long Dangdang and the others brought back is that the rear of the Undead Empire is actually somewhat empty. This means that the Federation can gradually follow the current tactics and gradually eliminate the threat of the Undead Kingdom in the safest way. Completely destroyed.

After returning to the camp, everyone returned to their residences to rest and calm down.

Long Dangdang returned to his residence and started meditating directly. While Xiao Xie absorbed the soul crystal and was promoted, the filtered pure spiritual power began to feed him back. He needs to calm down to better receive the fusion, so that his mental power can truly improve.

After a professional reaches the ninth level, if he wants to continue improving, the most important thing is to improve his physical strength, that is, his external spiritual power, as well as his mental power. This is true for any professional. It's just that for melee professionals, it's more important to improve their external spiritual power, while for legal professionals, it's more important to improve their mental power.

And after reaching the ninth level and the third level, then both of them need to be improved simultaneously.

The ninth level is a world belonging to the domain. The stronger the ninth level expert, the stronger the domain power. Therefore, even melee professionals need to have strong mental power to enhance their domain power.

The number of soul crystals plundered this time was quite large. At that time, Long Kongkong did not reveal his identity at the first time, but allowed them to take away the soul crystals. At this time, Xiao Xie is promoted, and through its filtering, Long Dangdang does not need to worry about any problems with these soul crystals. He could feel that Xiaoxie in the contract space was getting stronger every moment.

With the improvement of his own cultivation, Xiaoxie's speed of absorbing soul crystals has also increased a lot, and the consumption and improvement are also accelerating. Moreover, the undead energy contained in the soul crystal has also had some subtle influence on Xiao Xie. With Long Dangdang as the blood contract host, Xiao Xie's character will not fluctuate, but his abilities will appear as he swallows a large amount of soul crystal energy. There have been some changes, which were unexpected by Long Dangdang.

Through this time of sneaking into the country of the undead to fight, Long Dangdang has discovered that Xiao Xie's spiritual impact is significantly more harmful to undead creatures than before. It seems that it naturally has a certain restraint effect on the soul fire of undead creatures.

This also made Long Dangdang even more looking forward to Xiaoxie's promotion to the ninth level.

The day after they returned, they felt some changes in the federal army. There were frequent movements in the military camp, and orders would be sounded from time to time. The formations in the camp were also undergoing some changes.

The undead energy in the air has also undergone some changes. The clouds have become significantly thinner, as if they have shrunk deeper into the realm of the undead.

Although he was not completely sure, Long Dangdang was at least 80% sure that this should be related to the three altars of the undead that were destroyed by them in the back. The overall coverage and amount of Undead Energy has been reduced.

"Captain Long Dangdang, the headquarters invites you to come over to discuss matters. Please also invite all members of your demon hunting group to go with you." Early on the third day, the messenger came to Long Dangdang's residence and delivered a notice.

After these two days of rest, everyone has recovered and started to gather together to practice last night.

Everyone put on their professional attire and followed Long Dangdang to the headquarters.

When they arrived outside the headquarters, they found that some of the camps around here had begun to be dismantled. This was obviously a sign that the army was about to trek.

Walking into the commander's tent, at this time, there were dozens of generals lined up on both sides of the commander's tent, with Marshal Xi Che sitting in the middle. With Long Dangdang's current cultivation level, they can clearly feel the strong spiritual power fluctuations in this handsome tent. Everyone who can stand here probably has a ninth level of cultivation.

At the same time, Long Dangdang was also surprised to see a familiar face. His teacher, the reckless knight Hai Jifeng, and the Gou knight Na Ye are both there, but Zi Tianwu, the listener of the wind, is not here. Based on Long Dangdang's understanding of the military, magicians and summoners are relatively independent from other professions and have specialized military camps.

"The leader of the 1911 Demon Hunting Group, Long Dangdang, and all the members have met Marshal Xi Che." Long Dangdang raised his right fist across his chest and gave Xi Che a knight's salute.

The Demon Hunting Group has a transcendent status in the Federation, so he doesn't need too much courtesy.

At this time, all the generals in the camp couldn't help but look at the young men in front of them who looked a little too young.

You know, in the past two days, Long Dangdang and the others were resting on their own, but the reputation of the 1911 Demon Hunting Group had already made a big noise in the military camp, destroying three undead altars behind the Kingdom of the Undead, causing the undead energy to ebb. This can definitely be described as a great achievement. You must know that with so many strong men and federal troops on the front line, they can only destroy a few altars of the undead.

Moreover, as the leaders in the inheritance competition, the identities of these young people are also very clear. Especially Long Dangdang, who is the champion of the inheritance competition and the candidate for the future leader of the temple.

Xi Che smiled slightly and said: "No need to be polite. Regarding your achievements, we have reported them to the Holy Church and the Federation, and received a reply. Your awards have also been handed down."

As he spoke, Xi Che stood up from his commanding position, walked up to Long Dangdang and the others, placed his right fist across his chest, and took the initiative to perform a knight's salute to Long Dangdang and the others.

Long Dangdang and his friends quickly returned the gift.

Xi Che said with a serious face: "With the approval of the Federation, the Holy Church verified that Long Dangdang and the members of the 1911 Demon Hunting Group jointly completed the task of destroying the three altars of the undead in the Kingdom of the Undead. This award is specially awarded. Awarded to you. Each person has tens of millions of military merits and is awarded a Holy Morning Medal. At the same time, Long Dangdang is canonized as the leader of the Bright Knights of the Knights Temple. Ling Menglu is the resident pastor of the Bright Knights, and the other four keep the team intact. Join the group and enjoy deputy group leader level treatment."

With millions of military merits and deeds, he is the leader of the Knights of Light, and the most important thing is the Holy Medal of Bright Morning.

The Holy Medal of Haochen is named after Long Haochen, the first federation chairman of the Temple Federation. Only those who have made great contributions to the federation can obtain it. Each Holy Haochen Medal has the same authority as the Holy Church, can attend the Holy Church meetings, and has the same voting rights as the Holy Church. If Long Dangdang and the others were preparing the temple before, now they are equivalent to the temple.

This is no joke, and not everyone can obtain it. In the entire history of the Temple Federation, the Holy Haochen Badge is a major prize that only appears once in a hundred years on average.

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