This time the federation directly awarded medals to Long Dangdang and all members of his team. It is equivalent to confirming that after they reach the ninth level, they will have the status of the temple. And if the church is full, they will exercise the authority of the church through medals. It can be said that six additional temples have been added. You know, there are only six saints in a temple!

Therefore, all the generals present were shocked when they heard that Long Dangdang and the others had all been awarded the Holy Medal of Haochen. From the beginning of the federal army's war against the Kingdom of the Undead until now, there have been many powerful men from the six temples who have made great contributions, but not even a single Holy Bright Morning Medal has been awarded! This time, there were as many as six at once, how could it not be shocking.

But no one would question that although the federal army also destroyed the Altar of the Dead, it was the result of the joint efforts of countless powerful people in the entire army. However, Long Dangdang and the others went deep behind enemy lines and risked their lives to destroy three buildings. This level of difficulty was completely different. This substantially damaged the Kingdom of the Undead and created great conditions for the federal army to continue to advance.

At the same time, Long Dangdang and the others were able to obtain the Holy Haochen Badge, which was directly related to the fact that they were almost among the top winners in the inheritance competition. This in itself was already being planned by the Federation and the Holy Church for their successors. Especially Long Dangdang, he is not only the champion of the inheritance competition, but also inspired the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. Although this is news that only the Holy Church knows, in fact, isn't it the Holy Church that decides the major affairs of the Federation? Ever since he activated the Seal Throne, the God of Eternity and Creation, the Knights Temple's support for him has reached unprecedented intensity.

That's why this highest honor has been bestowed. At the same time, Long Dangdang was also appointed as the leader of the Knights of Light.

There are ten knights in the Knights Temple, and among these ten knights, two are in name only. They are the Knights of the Adamantine Pedestal and the Knights of the Mithril Pedestal. These two knighthoods have always existed in name, but in fact it is impossible to put all the Adamantine Foundation Knights and Mithril Foundation Knights together to form a knighthood. Some of them are demon hunters, and some are in other fields. He holds a high position in the order and commands the knights. Therefore, in reality, there are only eight knightly orders resident in the Knights Temple.

Among them are powerful knights such as the Earth Dragon Knights, the Griffin Knights, and the Sky Knights. Each knight group has its own exclusive badge and exclusive special abilities. Among the eight major knights, the Knights of Light ranked sixth. However, its existence has extraordinary significance.

The Knights of Light take the slogan that where the light is, justice is boundless. Every member of the Knights of Light needs to go through strict screening, and they are all knights with the most sense of justice in the Knights Temple. Among them, the Knights of Light require that the innate light attribute of all knights should not be less than fifty.

This data seems to be incomparable with geniuses like Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu, but in fact, having an innate spiritual power of fifty means that you have the talent to reach at least a seventh-level paladin or above. Among the many professionals, he is definitely at the upper-middle level. It is possible to be admitted to the Temple Academy headquarters.

At the same time, the Knights of Light also require that each knight's own cultivation level should not be lower than the fourth level. Only after passing multiple assessments can he be able to serve in the Knights of Light. The Knights of Light have a total of three thousand formal knights and two thousand reserve knights. Each member is given the title of Knight of Light. This is a very high honor in the Knights Temple and symbolizes the knight's devotion to the light.

Therefore, although the overall strength of the Bright Knights is not too strong, within the Knights Temple, everyone knows that the Bright Knights are one of the core knights of the Knights Temple. Many saints.

Long Dangdang was directly appointed as the leader of the Knights of Light without having served in the military. This honor showed that the Knights Temple valued him. You know, the previous leaders of the Knights of Light were all ninth-level powerhouses. He is also the youngest leader of the Knights of Light in the history of the Knights Temple.

As for the tens of millions of meritorious deeds, compared to the first two, they are nothing. Of course, so many military achievements are enough for Long Dangdang and his friends to exchange shotguns for cannons in the army's treasure house.

"Yes!" Long Dangdang saluted again.

Two adamantine base knights wearing adamantine base armor walked out from one side, each holding a tray covered with red velvet in their hands. They came to both sides of Marshal Xi Che.

A smile finally appeared on Xi Che's face, "Now, I will confer honors on you."

As he spoke, he first came to Long Dangdang. In the next moment, a bright sacred light shot out from a tray behind him. A powerful aura of light suddenly rose from Xi Che's body, and he raised his right hand to the top of Long Dangdang's head. One finger. Suddenly, a ball of orange-gold light appeared above Long Dangdang's head. Immediately afterwards, orange-gold color fell from the sky, fell on him, and turned into a clear light shield.

Xi Che said in a message: "Each of the sacred Haochen badges contains the divine power left by Chairman Long Haochen, the first chairman of the Federation. It will protect you when you navigate the blue road and overcome thorns. When you are in danger, An absolute defense will be created for you to resist the enemy for three seconds. The defense power is equivalent to three times of your total spiritual power. It can be superimposed with divine defense and has a cooling time of twelve hours. Therefore, it is an epic piece of equipment in itself. .”

Long Dangdang couldn't help but be moved by it. Although Xi Che said that this was just an epic piece of equipment, one could feel from its function that for knights, this was no ordinary epic piece! With the superimposed Divine Control Block, even a ninth-level, third-level, or even a ninth-level, fourth-level temple-level expert can't even think of defeating him with an explosion.

Orange-gold light enveloped the whole body, and an indescribable warmth lingered in Long Dangdang's heart. I don't know why, but at this moment, he suddenly felt an inexplicable touch in his heart, and there were bursts of warmth in his heart. At the same time, he also felt that his eternal heart was trembling slightly, as if in response to this warmth.

Xi Che came to Ling Menglu for the second time, and also pointed at her head, giving it the glory of the Holy Medal of Haochen.

At this time, Long Dangdang already had a sun-like badge on his left chest, with a shield like a snail shell and a pair of crossed heavy swords engraved on it.

Soon, Xi Che finished conferring honors on the six people. He came back to Long Dangdang and said: "In addition to the rewards from the Federation and the Holy Church, you will also receive the points reward promised by the Demon Hunting Group previously. And , the headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group has decided to grant you the title title in advance. Your level of the Demon Hunting Group will be automatically promoted to the highest level."

A title-level demon hunting group?

Although I thought that the rewards given by the Demon Hunting Group Headquarters would be very generous, and based on the Demon Hunting Group points they gained from destroying the three undead altars this time, each of them would have as much as three million, which together would be enough for them to be promoted to the Emperor level Hunters. The magic group. However, the Emperor-level Demon Hunting Group also requires ninth-level cultivation, which they cannot yet achieve. However, they did not expect that the headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group would directly upgrade their level to the title level for them.

Frankly speaking, Long Dangdang and the others don't even know what kind of power the title-level demon hunting group can have, and their promotion speed is too fast. Under normal circumstances, a title-level demon hunting group should only be achieved by a strong person with at least the strength of the temple, and they should also make great contributions to the federation.

They had great merit this time, but their cultivation was indeed insufficient.

"Marshal, is this..." Long Dangdang couldn't help but say.

Xi Che smiled slightly, shook his head, and said: "You deserve this. I believe that even a title-level demon hunting group may not be able to accomplish the feats you have accomplished. The most important thing is that you returned safely. So. I just said it was an exception. Now, what you need to do is to think of a title for your demon hunting group. Don’t worry, just think about it and report it to the headquarters of the demon hunting group."

When Budenlong Dangdang opened his mouth, Ling Menglu suddenly said: "Marshal, the title of our demon hunting group has been planned for a long time."

Xi Che was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but laugh: "You are indeed confident in yourself! Have you even thought about banning your account so early?"

Ling Menglu nodded and said seriously: "The title of our demon hunting group is called Haoyue Dangkong."

After hearing her words, Long Dangdang couldn't help but feel shocked, and the eyes of other partners also showed different figures. While it was still there, Kong was already..., but she insisted on this name.

"Yes, just call the bright moon in the sky." Ming Xi took a step forward and agreed.

Others also nodded firmly at the same time, acknowledging Ling Menglu's title ban.

Long Dangdang's eyes instantly became moist. He understood what his friends meant. They were telling him in this way that even though Kong Kong was now on their opposite side, they had never given up on Kong Kong and would still keep him. Think of it as a member of the demon hunting group.

Xi Che looked at Long Dangdang, "What did the leader say?"

Long Dangdang took a deep breath and said, "Okay, let's call the Haoyue Dangkong Demon Hunting Group."

Xi Che nodded and said: "Very good, I will report to the Demon Hunting Group headquarters for you. In addition to the rewards, you can also participate in the military meeting today and listen to it."

"Yes, Marshal." The six of them saluted together, and under the guidance of the Adamantine Pedestal Knight who brought them medals, they came to the side and stood near the front.

Regardless of whether it is based on cultivation or the ranking of the Knights of Light among the six Christmases, logically they should be at the back. However, the glory of the titled Demon Hunting Group is different. The Titled Demon Hunting Group represents the true heroes of the Federation. This cannot be measured by strength. The Titled Demon Hunting Group has a transcendent status in any situation in the Federation.

The bright moon is in the sky, and the peach trees are blooming. "Although I guessed that one day we would reach this point, I really didn't expect that everything would happen so quickly."

The bright moon was in the sky, Ming Xi said: "Isn't that right? The account is banned now? It's really too fast."

The bright moon is in the sky and the dragon is shining, "It's a meeting, be serious."

Xi Che had returned to his position as commander at this time, the smile on his face faded and he became serious again.

"Collecting news from the headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group, one hundred and sixty kilometers to the north, there is an altar of the undead closest to us. With the contraction of the undead energy, the undead army has begun to retreat, and it is in this direction. We continue The next task is to capture this demon hunting group. From the beginning of the war to now, we can basically conclude that the altar of the undead is the lifeline of the undead empire. If we want to completely eradicate the undead empire, we must destroy all the undead altars. Every time one is reduced The Altar of the Undead, the overall strength of the Undead Empire will also be weakened by one point, guarded by the first, sixth, eighth, and eleventh legions of the Warrior Temple and the four silver assassin regiments of the Assassin Temple, starting with the Priest Temple. Establish a frontline light source array and launch the army at the same time to rush towards the Kingdom of the Undead. Be ready for battle at any time."

"Although at present, the Kingdom of the Undead is shrinking, it is still difficult to say whether it will fight back when it shrinks to the Altar of the Undead. All departments should be prepared for contingency. Set off immediately!"

Long Dangdang suddenly realized that the army was indeed going to continue to move forward, taking advantage of the opportunity of the undead energy being weakened to continue to compress the living space of the undead creatures. This operation should have been arranged. At this time, it was mobilization before the war and the departure was announced.

"Yes!" All the generals responded in unison.

"Dangdang, you guys stay here for a while." After Xi Che gave the order, he announced the end of the military meeting, leaving only Long Dangdang and the members of the Haoyue Dangkong Demon Hunting Group. He personally took Long Dangdang to take over the Knights of Light.

The Knights of Light, as a knighthood whose belief in the sacred light is the first priority, has always been personally commanded by Xi Che himself. It can be said that it is his direct line of knights. On weekdays, it is led by a Led by the deputy head.

The reason why Xi Che arranged Long Dangdang and the others to join the Knights of Light was a decision made after careful consideration. It was not easy for a senior general to temporarily accept his orders on the battlefield and control an army. The Knights of Light were his direct descendants, so they must There would be no violation of the new chief officer's will. At the same time, he also considered that Long Dangdang's innate spiritual power of light attribute exceeded that of the son of light, and Ling Menglu had a body of more than one hundred light gods. This alone With this talent, he will be well-loved in the Knights of Light, so he made this choice. He also hopes that his direct lineage can become stronger under the leadership of Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu. In the future, these two will obviously not be limited to this position. When they move to a higher level, it will naturally be of great benefit to the Knights of Light.

Xi Che took Long Dangdang and six others out of the commander's tent alone without any bodyguards, and walked straight towards the military camp on the left.

Before arriving at the military camp, one could already feel the strong fluctuations of light elements in that area, not from the Knights, but from the light source array guarded by the Knights of Light.

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