Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 472 Exchange for artifacts?

The light source array was established by the Priest Temple, specifically for the frontline camp to break the aura of the undead and receive the aura of heaven and earth. To ensure that the six major professionals on the front line have sufficient spiritual power to replenish themselves.

The Knights of Light, the most powerful group against the light element, are responsible for guarding the light source array and also have a blessing effect on the light source array itself. After all, each of them is equivalent to a small light source, which complements the magic circle.

Before they even got close, Long Dangdang and the others could feel the light element in the air becoming more and more intense. The huge golden light pillar formed by the light source array seemed to be the pillar holding up the sky. The light golden halo made them all feel moisturized, especially Ling Menglu who had the biggest reaction. A layer of light golden halo had formed around her body.

Seeing this, Xi Che couldn't help but smile and said: "If the goddess can become the shepherd of our Knights of Light, I'm afraid you priests in the temple will have objections. We boys are happy."

The Priest's Temple is different from the other five major temples. It has a very transcendent status among the federal army. As an auxiliary profession, the priests of the Priest Temple are divided into several parts. Among them, the one who arranges the magic circle is one part, and there is also a group of priests who are responsible for group treatment during war. Chaplains do not form their own regiments like other legions. Instead, they are divided among various combat units.

When war comes, every combat unit, especially the melee units, will have military chaplains. The standard configuration for a knighthood of 3,000 people is one-tenth of the number of priests. The so-called Grand Priest of the Legion is the chief priest in charge of this group of priests.

Ling Menglu is a goddess of the first generation of the Priest Temple. It is absolutely perfect for her to serve as the chief priest of a legion. For the Knights of Light, her arrival is even more effective than replacing the chief priest with a ninth-level saint. All are bigger.

"You're welcome." Ling Menglu smiled slightly and looked at Long Dangdang next to her. She looked a bit like a married couple.

In the distance, the Knights of Light have noticed their arrival. Figures have flown out of the military camp, and they are clearly bright unicorns.

Ordinary bright unicorns are eighth-level monsters, with the possibility of being promoted to ninth-level monsters. The bright unicorn king can even reach the level of tenth-level monsters, which is comparable to the strength of ninth-level monsters.

There were ten knights in total, all riding bright unicorns. The leading ones, the bright unicorns under their crotches, had clearly reached the ninth level.

Ten bright unicorns fell from the sky and landed on the ground a hundred meters away from everyone. The knights above dismounted and strode quickly towards their direction. The bright unicorns naturally followed them. behind.

The first one was wearing an adamantine pedestal armor. He was clearly an adamantium pedestal knight. With his right fist across his chest, he made a knightly salute to Xi Che, "I've seen the marshal." Other bright unicorn knights also followed suit. A horizontal fist salute.

Xi Che returned a knight's salute and said: "We are all our own people, so there is no need to be polite. I have sent the leader and Damu to you. Dangdang, let me introduce to you. This is the leader of the Knights of Light. Zhongli, the deputy leader of the regiment. This is the regiment leader Long Dangdang. You must have heard of his deeds. "

Zhongli turned to Long Dangdang, and at the same time put away the helmet on his head, revealing a resolute middle-aged face, and gave Long Dangdang a knightly salute, "Hello, Captain."

The two greeted each other with knighthood. Zhong Li looked at Long Dangdang with a slightly surprised look in his eyes, but soon returned to normal. This surprise was obviously because Long Dangdang's face was too young.

Golden Dragon Knight, Champion of the Heritage Competition, these names gave the young man in front of him, who was a Knight of the Golden Pedestal like him, an extremely legendary character. In addition, Long Dangdang had just led the demon hunting group deep into enemy lines and destroyed three altars of the undead, as well as an altar of the undead behind the front line. Such an achievement was definitely a great achievement. But I didn't expect that he looked so young. He was twenty years old? He seems to be younger than his own son!

Xi Che said to Long Dangdang: "Dangdang, the army has started to move. I will send you here. You should familiarize yourself with the situation of the army as soon as possible. Zhongli will cooperate with you. You can ask him for specific matters. I hope you can get in touch with the regiment as soon as possible. .Made another meritorious service on the battlefield.”

"Yes, Marshal!"

Marshal Xi Che left, and Zhong Li stepped forward again and said, "Captain, let me first introduce you to the situation in the regiment."

"Trouble." Long Dangdang nodded.

The Bright Knights have a total of ten brigades, and Zhongli himself is also the captain of the first brigades. Each Bright Knight brigade is composed of 500 Bright Knights. Six of the brigades are official Bright Knights, and four brigades are reserves. It's not that the reserves are inferior to the formal ones. They are almost the same in terms of strength. It's just the difference in accumulated combat achievements. The other nine people arriving in front of them were the captains of the other nine knight brigades. In this war, the entire Knights of Light, including the reservists, came to the front line to participate in the battle.

At present, the main task of the Knights of Light is to protect the light source array. In previous battles, they did not directly participate in the battlefield.

Long Dangdang also introduced the team members of his Bright Moon Demon Hunting Group to the captains, including Zhong Li.

These captains are basically over thirty years old, and they pay more attention to the goddess Ling Menglu. Not only because of Ling Menglu's peerless appearance, but also because they, who are immersed in the sacred light aura every day, are so fond of the pure and incomparable sacred aura of the goddess, and even feel like worshiping them. The only thing in their eyes is There is fanaticism. Long Dangdang felt that they were about to become Monroe's fanatical believers.

Originally, he was brought here just after he was awarded the position of leader of the Knights of Light. He was somewhat worried about the attitude of these proud soldiers. But with Monroe here, and he himself is also a son of light, from the deputy leader From Zhongli down, all the captains were extremely friendly towards them.

The nine captains led the way, and Zhongli followed Long Dangdang, introducing him to the situation of the Knights of Light in detail.

The mounts of bright knights at the captain's level are bright unicorns, while the mounts of ordinary bright knights are the fourth-level war horses Glorious Wildebeest. The Radiant Wildebeest actually looks a bit like the Bright Unicorn, except that it is smaller and has no wings. It is a very pure light attribute monster.

By the time they came to the Knights of Light, Long Dangdang had already had a basic understanding of the entire Knights of Light from Zhongli.

Among the Knights Temple, the Bright Knights perform the most tasks of guarding, and they also cooperate with the Priest Temple the most. In the war against the kingdom of the undead, the light source array is undoubtedly as important as a ballast stone, and it is guarded by the Knights of Light. There are ten light source arrays in the entire army, and each array is guarded by a team of Knights of Light. Of course, they are only responsible for guarding the core area, and there are also armies on the periphery. When the army presses forward, the Knights of Light are responsible for protecting the priests in the Priest Temple who are responsible for building the magic circle, ensuring the safety of the light source magic circle. This is also the only mission of the Knights of Light at present.

After getting to know the Knights of Light, Long Dangdang understood Marshal Xi Che's intention of placing him here. Although they are on the front line, there is no doubt that the missions performed by the Knights of Light are relatively safe. This is to protect him, and guarding around the light source circle is also the most suitable for cultivation, and it does not affect the accumulation of military merit.

"Captain Zhongli, can we exchange military merit directly on the front line?" Long Dangdang asked.

They had just received a large number of military merit rewards, and now they were on the front line. Naturally, it was most important to convert their military merit into equipment suitable for themselves to improve their strength. He was mainly asking for his friends. He already had the Adamantine Base Armor and two artifacts, the Anchor of Time and Space and the Heart of Eternity. He really didn’t need to add any more equipment. Unless it was at the artifact level, otherwise, for He won't get any better. But the partners are different. Except for Ling Menglu, the other four people still have equipment shortages to varying degrees.

"You can exchange it on the front line. This is also a way of motivation. Do you want to exchange it? I will take you there." Zhongli did not despise Long Dangdang because of his youth, but still respected him very much. When the two stood side by side, he could feel Long Dangdang's breath condensed, without any emptiness. Even if the fluctuation of spiritual power was not as good as his own, it would not be much different. What surprised him even more was that from Long Dangdang, he would You will feel some pressure. You must know that in order to welcome Long Dangdang today, he was wearing a fine gold base armor, and Long Dangdang was just in ordinary clothes. Where did this sense of oppression come from?

"Then I'll trouble you." Long Dangdang didn't hesitate. The army had begun to move out gradually. It was naturally an excellent choice to arm his companions before setting off.

The military merit exchange office was near the light source array. Under the leadership of Zhong Li, they quickly found the big account.

At this time, because the army has gradually moved out, there are few soldiers here to redeem military merit.

As soon as he reached the outskirts of the camp, Long Dangdang could clearly feel the strong elemental fluctuations surrounding the camp, and it also contained strong spatial fluctuations. In his perception, the seemingly inconspicuous big tent seemed to be somewhere between nothingness and reality.

Walk into the military merit exchange office. There was only a counter-like table inside, but Long Dangdang and the others clearly felt that the entire tent was filled with strong spatial fluctuations. Behind the counter sat a magician shrouded in a cloak. In perception, it is difficult to determine whether he actually exists.

This was the first time for Long Dangdang to see such strong spatial fluctuations. He had two spatial attribute spiritual furnaces and artifacts like the Time and Space Anchor. After feeling it for a while, he immediately made a judgment. This military merit exchange office is a bit like the entrance to a parallel space, just like the entrance they used to enter the demonic realm.

"Do you want to redeem military merit? Please show me the military merit bracelet." The magician's voice was a little hoarse.

Long Dangdang took two steps forward and took the lead in showing his hand.

The magician raised his hand and stretched out a slender staff to touch the bracelet on his wrist. Suddenly, a soft light shot out from the bracelet on Long Dangdang's wrist, showing a series of numbers.

The magician seemed stunned, then raised his head, revealing his face covered by a cloak.

It was a very old-looking face, full of wrinkles, but it was impossible to tell just how old he was from his appearance. Contrary to his old face, he has a pair of extremely clear eyes, which are green and as clear as a clear pool.

"So many military achievements. You smell like a fine gold base. Are you the dragon of the 1911 Demon Hunting Group?" the old magician murmured.

"Yes." Long Dangdang couldn't feel the strength of the old magician's spiritual power at all, but there was only one person sitting in such an important place as the military merit exchange office. Obviously, he must be a senior of the Magic Temple. , he had just quietly mobilized the power of the Anchor of Time and Space, but he still couldn't tell whether the person in front of him was an illusion or a real existence. Of course, this is also because he did not induce through slights.

"No wonder. What do you want to exchange for?" A smile appeared on the old magician's face, and the wrinkles on his skin suddenly piled up.

Long Dangdang said: "I want to exchange some equipment for my friends. We all have quite a lot of military merit."

The smile on the old magician's face suddenly became richer, "It's not that there are many of you, but there are a lot of them. At least since the beginning of this war against the Kingdom of the Undead, this is the largest number of individuals. Who needs to exchange equipment? , come closer and let me see.”

Long Dangdang quickly signaled to his friends, and Wang Changxin, Yue Li, Tao Linlin and Ming Xi stepped forward one after another.

Long Dangdang had already communicated with Ling Menglu before, and they exchanged all their military merits with their partners this time, trying to exchange them for top-notch equipment that would allow everyone to use the ninth level. In addition to military merit, they also have points from the Demon Hunting Group. In addition, they have now been upgraded to a title-level Demon Hunting Group. They should be able to redeem a lot of good things at the Demon Hunting Group headquarters. The total should be enough to arm everyone.

The old magician's eyes swept over the four people in front of him, "What level of equipment do you plan to exchange for? A magician, an assassin, a summoner and a warrior."

Long Dang said: "At least it is equipment of epic level or above. It would be even better if it has immortal level."

The old magician laughed "haha", "Then you might as well be more courageous and simply exchange for the artifact?"

Long Dangdang was stunned, "Can military functions be exchanged for artifacts?"

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