A golden light then fell on the deceased assassin, which was the Holy Spiritual Furnace.

With his most important partners beside him, Long Dangdang certainly couldn't let the other party attack Ling Menglu and the others. The Holy Spirit Furnace directly blessed the other party, so that the other party's target could only be himself.

The powerful dead man did not pause, and his figure flashed again. Its speed was so fast that it instantly pulled out a series of afterimages in the air. Together with the main body, there were nine in total, which almost instantly surrounded Long Dangdang, Long Dangdang. Suddenly, I felt like my whole body was about to be pierced.

So strong, this is a temple-level assassin, the assassin of the dead! This pressure was even close to what he felt when he faced the Assassin Temple's leader, Holy Flash Thunder.

Long Dangdang did not panic. He knew that the strong men from the Federation must have discovered the attack by the undead strong men here. All he had to do was to hold on!

Without any hesitation, several haloes bloomed on Long Dangdang's body almost at the same time, first the blue halo from the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, and then the red halo from the Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace, and the slightest light appeared directly on him. forward.

The slender and enchanting figure twisted slightly, and pressed both hands in the air at the same time.

Suddenly, the entire space was stagnant for a moment, as if time stopped at this moment. All attacks against Long Dangdang stopped in mid-air and could not go any further.

Long Dangdang's body flashed with silver light, and he took the opportunity to activate the Tianya Spiritual Furnace, which was just around the corner, and teleported a hundred meters away. You know, when the opponent attacked him just now, he didn't even have time to teleport! Only now did he understand that when he faced Holy Lightning, the other party must have had reservations. The explosive power of a temple-level assassin is indeed not something he can easily compete with now.

At the same time as he teleported, streams of light had already escaped from Long Dangdang's body, and the fine gold base armor on his body was immediately rendered in six colors. It came from Xiaoba's power, mobilized by the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. , Xiaoba's possession, fused with the fine gold base armor, also puts Long Dangdang in the strongest state.

Time stopped for less than a second. The nine assassin figures merged into one, and a shrill light instantly broke through the space, chasing Long Dangdang again.

But at this time, Long Dangdang was already ready.

"Ang——" An exciting dragon roar came from his mouth. After merging with Xiaoba, he can instantly release many dragon language magics. Forbidden air!

The dead assassin's body sank slightly under the influence of the forbidden air, but that was all. The short blade that was originally inserted between Long Dangdang's eyebrows was changed to attack his chest, but the speed did not slow down at all.

Long Dangdang slashed out with his sword again completely based on his feeling, and the spiritual power in his body exploded and surged instantly. With multiple blessings, the spiritual power he can erupt at this time has reached around 200,000.

With the crisp sound of "ding", Long Dangdang felt as if he was struck by lightning. Even with so many blessings, he was still almost broken by the opponent's stab. The extremely sharp spiritual power was about to rush into him along with the Judgment of Light. His body was dissolved by the combination of the Judgment of Light, the Adamantine Base Armor, and Xiaoba's power.

But after the assassin got close, he wanted to continue to attack, but was blocked by a blooming red lotus full of murderous aura. The red lotus exploded!

The unparalleled bright red light burst out and turned into countless sword energy to strangle the dead assassin.

All this sounds slow, but it actually happened in the blink of an eye.

And at this moment, a roar sounded in the distance, and a figure was rushing towards this side at an alarming speed.

Xuanhe's momentum even caused two white waves to appear in the air, and a huge heavy sword cut a crack in the air and headed straight for this side.

Long Dangdang took a deep breath and blocked the opponent's attack again before he had the chance to release his explosive skills.

Although it was only a brief encounter, during this process, he clearly felt that his life was being threatened at any time. However, his friends couldn't intervene at all, not even Ling Menglu. She only had the instant Archangel Blessing, a ninth-level auxiliary magic cast through the Archangel's scepter, which played a key role, but she had not had time to release the second magic until now.

Long Dangdang didn't have time to think about who his opponent was at this time, but he was already trying his best.

Qingman had returned to Long Dangdang's side, and slapped him on the back of the head with his right hand. The next moment, the anchor of time and space emerged with a silver halo. With a slight movement of his hand, he grabbed the anchor of time and space into his palm and moved it through the air.

His ability to stop the opponent's attack and stop time before was a spiritual furnace skill that could only be completed after he advanced. Time stasis is also called time stasis. You know, all magic related to time is extremely powerful, but Long Dangdang has the anchor of time and space, which makes it much easier for Qi Miao to control time.

And the moment he held the Anchor of Time and Space in his hand, the space around Long Dangdang's body suddenly became distorted. The assassin of the dead who had just resolved the Red Lotus Explosion paused again, because at this moment, he could not capture Long Dangdang's figure, and the Holy Spiritual Furnace was still connected to him.

At this moment, the heavy sword from afar had already struck.

The assassin of the dead snorted coldly, swayed, and suddenly got into the void. Even under the illumination of the Eye of Truth, he could only see that his body just flashed, and then he was already far away, and the tyrannical heavy sword The slashing attack couldn't even catch up with his figure. It was as fast as a meteor chasing the moon.

Apart from his mother, this was the first time Long Dangdang faced such a powerful being on a frontal battlefield. The assassin of the dead just now is probably not as simple as the ninth level and second level, but is probably already at the ninth level and third level. Its explosive power and speed are so strong that among the assassins Long Dangdang has seen, only Holy Flash Thunder can compare with it. You know, Holy Flash Thunder is the master of the Assassin Temple. If support hadn't come, Jilong Dangdang wouldn't know how long he could have persisted. And if he hadn't been here today, the light source array would have definitely been broken by the opponent's sudden attack, and there was no telling how many priests would have been killed.

A majestic figure had already rushed to Long Dangdang's side, holding a heavy sword to stop his body, his face gloomy and ugly.

This Long Dangdang couldn't name him, but he had seen him in Marshal Xi Che's tent that day. He was one of the six major temples of the Warrior Temple.

"Thank you very much for the help from the Holy Church." Long Dangdang performed a knight's salute.

The warrior saint looked at Long Dangdang up and down, gave a thumbs up, and said: "You are worthy of being the champion of the inheritance competition. That guy just now is not simple. Fortunately, you are here, otherwise we would be in trouble."

Long Dang said: "Do you recognize which one from the Kingdom of the Dead that is?"

The Warrior Templar smiled bitterly and said: "Not only do we know each other, but I also know who he was during his lifetime. This is a Templar from the previous generation of Assassin Temple. Speaking of which, he is also the uncle of the current master of Flash Thunder Temple. When he died fifty years ago, his cultivation level was close to the ninth level and the fourth level, and he was an extremely famous knight."

Long Dangdang's face was also a little ugly. Needless to say, the Kingdom of the Undead directly resurrected this person. Even if his cultivation level is worse than before, he is still a powerful assassin of level 9 or above. This is an assassin. Unlike other professions, his existence is a huge threat to any top legal profession. Even at the level of the Master of the Magic Temple, there is still danger.

It can be seen from the expression of this Warrior Temple that this man must have caused a lot of trouble for the coalition forces before. Fortunately, it was blocked and the light source formation was defended.

Long Dang said: "We inform the priest temple that the Eye of Truth should be prepared first to avoid the same situation happening again."

The Warrior Temple nodded, greeted Long Dangdang and then returned to his military camp.

Long Dangdang looked at his leaving figure and thought to himself that although the Kingdom of the Dead seemed to be retreating steadily, it was retreating without chaos. This opportunity would have been seized very well, if not for the fact that he was destined to be the light. The leader of the Knights, and only Zhongli as the deputy leader, may not be able to stop the top assassin just now.

Zhongli and Long Dangdang's friends had gathered at this time, and Zhongli felt a sense of fear. The fight between Long Dangdang and the opponent just now happened in a flash of lightning, but as a knight of the Adamantine Base, he could naturally see how dangerous it was. When the assassin broke out, Zhongli was absolutely sure that It was definitely not an offensive that he could stop, but it was resolved by Long Dangdang one by one. At least on the surface, he did not seem to be at a disadvantage. After the support arrived, the assassin retreated.

This also gave Zhong Li a new judgment on Long Dangdang's strength. He was a temple-level assassin! It can even be blocked. They are both at the eighth level. How come there is such a big difference? And it seemed that Long Dangdang still had some backup plans at that time. It was not that he was completely helpless, for example, the figure that grabbed the silver halo from behind his head was preparing to take action.

"Monroe, you and our priests should stop building the light source array first and fix the eyes so that there are no more loopholes to avoid danger. Ming Xi, please report the attack that just occurred to the headquarters immediately."

At this moment, Xiaoxie came back. Compared with before it just rushed out, its round body seemed to be fatter. Long Dangdang could even feel the spiritual power overflowing from it. This guy had eaten a lot just now! Killed many resentful spirits, and directly devoured the soul energy of these resentful spirits, just like devouring soul crystals. It is absolutely tonic. However, it will take a certain amount of time to digest and absorb, but it also makes it closer to the ninth level. further.

Xiao Xie returned to Long Dangdang. Long Dangdang was about to open the space door and take it back to the contract space to digest the soul energy. Xiao Xie's big round eyes suddenly flipped over, suddenly changed direction, and looked into the distance. Its pupils also contracted instantly, which is a state it only appears when facing a crisis.

Long Dangdang connected with it and quickly raised his head to look into the distance. In the sky in the distance, billowing dark clouds began to cover the sky and the sun began to surge. Just like before a storm came, the sky began to become dark. The countless undead army rushed toward them like a roaring mountain and a tsunami. Streams of light shot out from the undead army, which were clearly the undead strong men.

"Enemy attack!" Long Dangdang shouted loudly. He raised his hand and fired a signal flare. This was something that all generals at the level of legion commander had. Once fired, it meant that the enemy's entire army was invading. Yes, something no one expected happened. The army of the undead had just retreated a hundred miles. When the federal army was breaking out of camp and pressing forward, the army of the undead suddenly launched a counterattack. There was no warning, but it was as ferocious as a landslide and a tsunami. At first glance, it was already going all out.

At the same time that Long Dangdang released the signal bomb, the four warrior legions that had been stationed in front to build a defense line each also released signals. But the strong pressure still caused the heartbeats of Long Dangdang and his friends to accelerate suddenly.

This is a collision between millions of living beings and the undead! They had just arrived at the front line, but they directly encountered a war of this level. It was impossible to say that they were not panicked at all.

Long Dangdang immediately said to Zhongli on the side: "Captain Zhongli, you command the first brigade, we are preparing to fight against the undead strong men. Follow me." As he spoke, he raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, and there were many light knights and priests below. Under their gaze, a huge light door opened, and six huge golden dragon heads emerged from it. Immediately afterwards, a giant dragon with a length of more than 60 meters spread its wings, and the six-headed golden dragon Xiaoba appeared!

"Ang, ang, ang, ang -" The six big heads simultaneously let out deafening dragon roars. The passionate dragon roars were like a shot in the arm, causing the human army below to burst into cheers.

Dragon Knight, there is a dragon knight at the front of the battlefield, which is also a great comfort to the four warrior legions.

At the same time, the federal army has already reacted, and figures with powerful auras are also flying towards this side in the form of streams of light. They are the top strong men of the human army.

They must not let the undead strong men enter the ordinary battle formation, otherwise, once a large number of ordinary warriors die, there is a direct possibility of being turned into undead.

The undead strongman is hundreds of kilometers away from here. For a ninth-level strongman, this distance is only a few minutes. As for the humans, because the distance is closer, although they are late, they will definitely have time to support.

Another passionate dragon roar sounded, as if it was echoing Xiaoba's dragon roar. Long Dangdang looked back, only to see a snow-white body, exuding a faint platinum brilliance. An adult white dragon with a body length of more than 100 meters had appeared in the sky, with brilliant golden light bursting out. Guangming Dragon, this was an adult of bright dragon.

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