There is a person standing on top of the giant dragon's head. He is the Knight of the Divine Seal of Judgment and Judgment of the Knights Temple, the Great Light Dragon Knight who holds the Divine Seal of Doom and Killing Throne, and the commander-in-chief of the three armies, Xi Che.

Not only that, beside him, powerful figures followed one after another, rushing directly towards this side.

Long Dangdang was about to follow, but Xi Che's voice rang in his ears, "You sit in the light source array and don't come up. It's not time for you to join the battle yet. Protect yourselves."

Of course Long Dangdang knew that this was Xi Che's attempt to protect himself, and what was about to break out was a battle between a large number of ninth-level warriors from both sides. Among them, there was no telling how many powerful warriors at the temple level. With their strength, they wanted to It is indeed too early to participate in such a battle.

Xi Che took the lead and rushed to the front of everyone. As Long Dangdang watched, he saw a huge red-gold light suddenly rising behind him.

It was a huge throne, and a golden-red halo lit up from behind Xi Che. The huge golden throne shone with magnificent light and slowly appeared from the halo.

The huge throne is ten feet high, and the high backrest is inlaid with countless gems. You can vaguely see that there is a human figure on the backrest. A sharp, majestic, and even terrifying oppressive force spreads from it. And out.

At the top of the backrest is a semicircular bright red gemstone, looking down at the earth like a half sun. But its light is a slightly dim orange-red, exuding a terrifying pressure as if the end of the world is coming.

On the chest of the figure and above the back of the throne, the most eye-catching thing is a golden-red diamond-shaped gem. Every ridge on it is so sharp. This is where a huge part of the brilliant light comes from.

On the wide seat, the left and right hands were carved like two lions, crawling there and roaring. Countless magnificent patterns covered the throne as if flowing down from the back of the chair.

Xi Che's figure also seemed to be enlarged hundreds of times after the throne appeared. On such a magnificent battlefield, he still deprived everyone of their sight and became the center of the entire battlefield.

"The Divine Seal Throne!" Long Dangdang almost blurted out.

As a knight, he had heard too many stories and legends about the Divine Seal Throne since childhood, but this was the first time he actually saw the Divine Seal Throne. The picture in front of me is the Sealed Throne of the God of Doom and Killing!

"Divine seal, armor!" Xi Che's voice was full of power and murderous intent. At this moment, Long Dangdang could even feel that the Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace on his vest seemed to be resonating.

Immediately afterwards, brilliant golden light burst out, and the Divine Seal Throne turned into a stream of red-gold light to cover Xiang Xi Che's body, and turned into luxurious red-gold armor to cover his whole body. It was also an armor, and the Divine Seal Throne wanted to It is much more luxurious than the adamantine base, especially the terrifying murderous aura emanating from the throne of the God of Doom and Killing. It rushes forward like a sea wave, forcing a gap in the huge billowing undead aura.

Xi Che pointed his hand towards the top of his head, and the golden giant sword appeared in the air. In the next moment, he had already slashed out a huge sword light that was a thousand meters long, and struck straight at the undead strongman rushing towards him.

At this moment, the spiritual power fluctuations that erupted from Xi Che's body were definitely something Long Dangdang had never seen before. The terrifying spiritual power fluctuations and the powerful momentum seemed to cut the entire world apart.

Level 9 and level 4 and above! This is his judgment on Xi Che's cultivation. You know, even the masters of the six major temples are not all above this level! Like the previous master of the Holy Lightning Palace in the Assassin Temple, he should be around the third level of the ninth level. Although Xi Che ranks high in the Knights Temple, he is not the temple master.

The fact that the Knights Temple has always been ranked first among the six major temples is obviously not in vain. The Dragon Knight, coupled with the Divine Seal Throne and the ninth-level and fourth-level cultivation, directly put Xi Che at the top of the world's combat power level.

And at this moment, among the undead strong men, a ray of light suddenly enlarged. It was a deep purple light. When it appeared, it seemed to open a gap in the night during the day, leaving endless darkness behind. Blooming, a figure covered with black armor appeared there, holding a heavy sword in his hand. It looked no different from a human knight. Under him, there was a horse with green flames on its feet and only bones on its body. A tall horse with two wings.

Facing the shocking sword strike from Xi Che, the black-armored knight raised the heavy sword in his hand. The endless purple and darkness suddenly condensed inward. It was as thin as silk thread and struck directly at the huge killing blow. Above the sword light.

"Buzz——" A harsh buzzing sound resounded throughout the audience, and black and gold erupted almost at the same time. The strong men on both sides who were charging forward all stopped at this moment. The huge spiritual power surged in the air, and the overwhelming cloud of undead slowed down the forward momentum. Light and death, two completely opposite auras, appeared here. A moment of clarity.

have equal shares!

This time the collision was evenly matched, the black armored knight was so powerful.

Long Dangdang was secretly shocked. The assassin before had already left a very deep impression on him, but the black-armored knight in front of him was undoubtedly much more terrifying. You know, the armor on his body looks like epic equipment at best, but Xi Che has mobilized the power of the Divine Seal Throne. Since the attacks unleashed by both sides were almost the same, there was only one explanation, and that was that the black-armored knight's cultivation level was still higher than that of Xi Che.

"Hell Knight Ross." Xi Che shouted coldly.

"It turned out to be him." Ling Menglu, who was beside Long Dangdang, couldn't help but exclaimed when she heard the name.

Long Dangdang said in surprise: "Do you know this undead knight?"

Ling Menglu said: "Hell Knight Ross is very famous. He was a figure more than a hundred years ago. Moreover, he is a stain on the Knights Temple, and many things about him have been covered up. It is said that he was born in the Knights Temple. However, due to his talent, he was not very strong, but he was extremely competitive by nature. In order to win an assessment, he severely injured his opponent in a very vicious way, and was severely punished and expelled from the Knight Temple. After that, he went on his own. A special path of cultivation. I don’t know where I found the way to open the door to hell. I sacrificed part of my soul to the devil, thereby gaining the power of hell. When I reappeared, I was already a ninth-level warrior. Because he became a Hell Knight, his personality changed drastically, and he was hunted down by the six temples for killings. However, he was extremely powerful and killed more than a dozen ninth-level experts from the six temples. In the end, he was The master of the Knight Temple personally took action to kill him, but his aura of hell could not be purified. It was said that it would take a hundred years for the power of hell to completely dissipate. Being resurrected by the Kingdom of the Dead is troublesome.”

Long Dang said: "What level of cultivation is the Hell Knight?"

Ling Menglu said: "He was at level nine and level five during his lifetime. Now it seems that his cultivation level is similar to his previous level."

Long Dangdang took a breath. After the battle between the two sides began, he finally saw the top combat power of humans and the undead kingdom. A ninth-level and fifth-level undead powerhouse!

Level nine and five means that his basic spiritual power is more than 500,000. If you add the bonus of skills and equipment, how explosive can it be? It can be seen from the previous blow that blocked the Killing Sword that this Hell Knight's control of spiritual power has reached its peak.

"Junior, it's rare that you still remember me. Humanity will eventually be destroyed, and the order of the undead will rule the entire world. Don't you realize it yet?" Rose's voice was a little hoarse, even a little frustrated when he stood up, which was very unpleasant.

Xi Che's eyes flashed with light. At this moment, he looked like a volcano that was about to erupt at any time. How could he still have the gentleness he had when facing Long Dang? The throne of the God of Doom and Killing burst out with terrifying murderous intent. At this time, his aura was becoming more and more powerful under the cover of other strong human beings who kept following up around him.

"What is the meaning of existence in a world without life? It is impossible for you to succeed. You can only be destroyed. You are already dead, and you are a sinner in the Knights Temple. Dust will return to dust, dust will return to dust. How dare you fight with I'll challenge you in front of the battle, and let me send you back to the dust." Xi Che said coldly.

"Hahahaha! Junior, do you dare to challenge me just because you have the Divine Seal Throne? When I became a Holy Knight, you were still having a muscle in your calf. Okay, if you want to die, I will let you do it. . Let you understand that the Divine Seal Throne is not omnipotent."

As he spoke, the Hell Knight dismounted from the nightmare horse and suddenly jumped out, a wave of monstrous malice bursting out from him. It was not only the breath of the undead, but also a sense of madness and evil that seemed to destroy everything. Under him, the earth cracked, and purple-black flames rose from the ground. Behind him, they quickly condensed into a huge light and shadow hundreds of meters high. The light and shadow composed of demonic fire looked so vicious. It turned out to be a huge demon, and the armor on his body also emitted purple-black flames, full of filth and corrosion.

Xi Che snorted coldly, and the golden light of the Holy Dragon of Light beneath him shone brightly, and the pure light and sacred aura suddenly rose up. With a high-pitched dragon roar, the Divine Seal Throne of Doom and Killing also condensed into a shape that was exactly like Xi Che's own. The huge shadow behind him.

The Dharma-like existence behind them is not just as simple as Xuanhe, it is the condensation of their own field and the true understanding of the law.

After reaching level 3 or above of level 9, a level 9 expert enters another level, whether it is cultivation, actual combat power, or his or her understanding of the entire world.

From a distance, what Long Dangdang saw was a huge golden ball of light and a huge purple-black ball of light crashing into each other. The continuous bursts of light even enveloped the mounts beneath them. The diameters of both photospheres exceed one kilometer, just like a sun hitting a dark star.

The other strong men on both sides naturally distanced themselves, no one wanted to be affected by such an intense attack.

The next moment, the whole world seemed to have become dark, without the huge roar of collision, or the terrifying energy that even swallowed up the sound. The two light balls collided with each other, squeezed, and then exploded.

The terrifying shock wave turned into a huge annular light cloud in the high altitude and spread outward. Whether it was the light aura on the human side or the mighty undead cloud of the undead army in the distance, they were all stirred up by this terrifying shock wave. It was like a huge mushroom cloud appeared high in the sky. People unconsciously feel panic.

If an attack of this magnitude landed on the ground, it would not be as simple as an ordinary forbidden spell. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it would destroy the world. This is also an important reason why both sides have never dared to act rashly even though they each have millions of troops.

No matter how large the number of middle and low-level powerhouses are, they can only be cannon fodder when facing top-level powerhouses. A single forbidden spell can kill tens or even hundreds of thousands of people or undead. The real showdown between the two sides is still the collision between the top powerhouses.

The terrifying energy surge lasted for nearly half a minute before the sky became clear again. But Long Dangdang could feel that the sky was clear. This so-called clarity meant that there was not even the slightest element in the sky. All were wiped out by the terrifying collision between the two sides.

The Great Light Dragon Knight and the Divine Seal Knight Xi Che are still on their side, and the Hell Knight Ross on the other side has also retreated to the front of the undead army. At least on the surface, the two sides seemed to be in a neck-and-neck situation, with no visible damage.

And at this moment, suddenly, Xi Che half-turned around, and slashed out horizontally with the Doomsday Killing Sword that matched the Throne of the Divine Seal of Killing in his hand.

At this moment, everyone noticed that an illusory figure suddenly appeared beside him, and a cold dagger stabbed directly into Xi Che's ribs.

assassin! Long Dangdang's pupils shrank, because the assassin who suddenly appeared was the one who tried to attack the light source array before, but he narrowly escaped death. At this time, Xi Che and the Hell Knight took advantage of the collision and launched a sneak attack.

There was a crisp "ding" sound, and the assassin's figure disappeared instantly, using the force of the collision to retreat.

The Hell Knight raised the heavy sword high in his hand and swung it forward suddenly. Suddenly, hundreds of ninth-level undead strong men rushed towards the human strong men like a tide. His momentum is decisive, and he has the courage to fight with all his strength to determine the outcome of both sides.

On the human side, the number of ninth-level powerhouses was no less than that of the other side, but compared to the sudden attack from the Kingdom of the Undead, the human side was slightly less prepared. There are strong men coming later, and the formation is a bit unstable, which is why the Hell Knight is so eager to start.

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