Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 479 A battle that starts but ends

"Ming Xi, what's wrong with you?" Long Dangdang asked quickly.

"No, it's okay. Both the Soul Sacrifice Furnace and I have advanced. I'll take the first step." As he said that, Ming Xi became invisible again, and with a faint white flame, he rushed downwards, rushed into the Knights of Light and disappeared. Gone.

The Soul Sacrifice Furnace swallowed up two ninth-level souls of the dead at once, and it seemed to be a bit powerful. But it also directly pushed Ming Xi's cultivation level to the eighth level.

Yes, after Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu, the third person to be promoted to the eighth level was Ming Xi. As Ming Xi himself said, although the Sacrifice Spiritual Furnace requires hard work, if the hard work succeeds, it will also greatly improve oneself. The seventh to eighth level is also a very important watershed. Melee professionals can develop powerful abilities like Ling Gang from this. It can be said to be a kind of transformation from the inside out. Ming Xi has now reached the level of cultivation, but her own control or understanding and stability of the realm are far from enough. The spiritual power in her body is even a little overflowing. She couldn't control it. She had to find a safer place to stabilize her cultivation. Naturally, she couldn't continue to participate in the war.

Ling Menglu was right behind Long Dangdang. At this time, Xiaoba released a series of magic, which greatly curbed the impact of the undead army below in this direction. She couldn't help but ask: "Dangdang, what happened to Ming Xi? She seems to have improved her strength. ?”

While controlling Xiaoba to retreat in the direction of his own army, Long Dangdang briefly explained the situation of the sacrifice furnace to Ling Menglu. At the same time, his eyes were fixed on the many strong men under the collision between the two sides in the sky. them.

Two ninth-level undead powerhouses quickly fell here. It was impossible for the battle group above not to notice that they might face more undead powerhouses at any time. How could they be careless?

After listening to Long Dangdang's explanation, Ling Menglu couldn't help but look surprised. As we all know, the power of the reincarnation furnace comes at the expense of the six senses. If it is overused, it will be life-threatening. But in terms of the degree of danger to the host, this Sacrifice Spiritual Furnace seems to be more terrifying than the Reincarnation Spiritual Furnace. As long as you use the power of this spiritual furnace, you have to fight hard. If you don't win, you will die. Even if you win, you may cause soul-level damage to yourself. It is really too dangerous. It’s no wonder that for so many years, the Assassin’s Temple has never relied on the Soul Sacrifice to become famous. In fact, even if it is controlled by a ninth-level expert, there will still be problems. As long as the opponent's soul strength is weaker than that of the user of the spiritual furnace, the consumed soul power cannot be replenished. The paradox is that if the opponent's soul level is higher than that of the user of the spiritual furnace, a single blow may not be able to destroy it. As long as the opponent's soul cannot kill the opponent, he will die directly.

Therefore, without the undead creatures whose souls are stronger than their own, and with the help of friends, Ming Xi's soul-sacrifice furnace would not be able to improve at all. It was only by chance that her sacrifice furnace could play such a big role.

The Haoyue Dangkong Demon Hunting Group can be considered to have the third eighth level. Wang Changxin and Yue Li are not far away from the eighth level. Ming Xi's promotion this time has made Tao Linlin become the last one, but he must also be at the bottom. There will be no problem. After all, he is the summoner who has redeemed the most powerful Soul Saint Cloth in the Soul Temple. As long as this artifact arrives, then he is likely to become the one with the strongest output on this battlefield.

The fall of the two ninth-level undead creatures indeed attracted the attention of the battlefield above. Long Dangdang could clearly feel the powerful eyes staring down, looking at him and at Xiaoba.

The six-headed golden dragon was too eye-catching on the battlefield. Xiaoba's powerful dragon language magic bought a lot of time for the following four warrior legions. It alone could almost match the fire support of a magician group, and it also had multiple attributes.

"Boom--" A violent roar sounded in the sky. Hell Knight Rose and Divine Seal Knight Xi Che collided with each other with all their strength. This time, the violent spiritual power generated at the moment Xi Che took the initiative put all the strong men on both sides in a defensive state to avoid being affected.

At this time, Long Dangdang had already ridden Xiaoba and flew towards him quickly. The malice in the air was too obvious. Marshal Xi Che's blow itself also created an opportunity for him to escape from the battlefield. Obviously, he didn't want him to be killed. The undead strongman is watching.

There are more and more powerful people on the human side, and this raid by the undead army seems destined to have no effect. In terms of high-end combat power, the Federation originally had the upper hand. The reason why no general attack has been launched is to reduce losses. Because once a strong person dies in battle, he is likely to become the opponent. This is the situation that the Federation is most afraid of, so it would rather encroach on the territory of the Kingdom of the Undead and slowly weaken the opponent than to directly attack by force.

With a flash of golden light, Long Dangdang took Xiaoba back to the contract space, and Xiaoba finally retired. This is the first time it has appeared on the battlefield in front of the six powerful temples. Although its body is not as big as Marshal Xi Che's contract partner Guangming Holy Dragon, in terms of eye-catching appearance and appearance, it is bigger than Guangming Holy Dragon. The Holy Dragon is even more eye-catching. Those were six golden dragons, and its previous feat of continuously releasing high-level magic from the air in an almost instantaneous manner also left a deep impression on countless strong human beings, especially the four retreating people covered by it. A warrior temple legion.

Long Dangdang took Ling Menglu's little hand, and with a flash of silver light on his body, he disappeared from the air in the next moment. How can flying be as fast as teleportation? With just a blink of an eye, they appeared quietly among the Knights of Light. At the same time, he also restrained his breath under the cover of the Qingtuo Lingtuo furnace.

Ling Menglu glanced at Long Dangdang next to her, feeling the gentle fluctuations of the sluggish field around her body, and couldn't help but lean closer to him. On the battlefield, Long Dangdang did not rush forward at all, and at the same time, he did not overly show his intentions and was putting in his efforts. , and after killing two powerful undead men, he immediately retreated bravely. Moreover, don't forget, from beginning to end, he never let Ling Menglu release the true power of the artifact Archangel Scepter and summon the Seraphim. She couldn't help but think of Long Dangdang's nickname. It's really a good idea. But this did make her feel safe. On a battlefield of this level, facing those truly strong men whose actual strength is only at the eighth level, they are likely to become cannon fodder in one encounter.

Long Dangdang will not blindly swell just because he is the champion of the inheritance contest and even triggered the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation within the Knights Temple. On the battlefield, the enemy doesn't care how much honor you have. In fact, you are an eighth-level adamantine base knight, but he has more tricks than the average adamantine base knight. If you have not reached the ninth level, you are not qualified to appear on the high-level main battlefield. This is the position Longdangdang positions itself. When Xiao Xie is the first to advance to the ninth level, he will feel more secure.

Sure enough, as the number of strong human beings in the air began to increase, the offensive from the Kingdom of the Undead began to slow down, and the magician and priest groups from behind had arrived one after another. When the priests began to purify the breath of the undead on the battlefield, the kingdom of the undead finally began to retreat.

What seemed like a general attack did not break out completely after all. The two sides of the battlefield quickly separated, and the undead army retreated even faster than when it came.

Marshal Xi Che did not order a pursuit, but stabilized his position, ordered the armies to disperse, continued to arrange according to the plan, and restarted the construction of the light source array.

As the leader of the Knights of Light, Long Dangdang received the order to go to the temporary commander's tent to discuss matters.

When he arrived at the commander's tent, hundreds of generals from the six major temples had gathered in the commander's tent. There are rows of seats on both sides of the handsome tent.

Just when Long Dangdang was about to find a place to stand in the back, he was brought to the handsome seat by Xi Che's personal guards. The handsome seat was a large chair, and next to the handsome seat, there was a relatively small looking chair. A more ordinary stool. The guard signaled that this was his place.

Is there a place to sit? And he's still with Marshal Xi Che? Long Dangdang himself was a little surprised.

Many of the generals who had arrived at the scene had their eyes on him. Long Dangdang is handsome, and with his fine gold base armor, he will easily become the target of attention. What's more, his wonderful performance on the battlefield was seen by many people.

Several strong men from the Warrior Temple had already taken the initiative to come over and thank Long Dangdang. It was the captains and deputy captains of the pioneer warrior legions.

Friendship is the easiest to obtain on the battlefield. As long as you help others at critical moments, they will regard you as a good comrade.

Long Dangdang was surrounded by these warriors. Although he was a little uncomfortable, he had a high emotional intelligence and quickly became familiar with them. While accepting the other party's thanks, he also said that this is what he should do.

And no one questioned Long Dangdang's position beside the marshal. Long Dangdang found it strange, but these generals all witnessed him being awarded the Holy Medal of Haochen. The significance of this medal alone can put him on an equal footing with the Holy Church. What's more, he is also the champion of the inheritance competition. This time he succeeded Xi Che as the leader of the Knights of Light. Everyone can see that he is the successor that the Knights Temple wants to cultivate vigorously, so naturally he will not make irresponsible remarks.

Long Dangdang also saw some familiar faces in the big tent. As he expected, the seats on both sides were prepared for the saints.

Soon, Marshal Xi Che and all the saints came in from the outside. The generals who were already in the tent suddenly became quiet, waiting for Xi Che and all the saints to take their seats.

Long Dangdang also stood up and made a knightly salute with his right fist across his chest.

Marshal Xi Che first invited everyone to take their seats, and then he walked to the commander's seat. Although he had just experienced a battle, he seemed not to be affected at all.

When he saw Long Dangdang, he nodded to him, smiled, and showed approval in his eyes.

Sitting down on the commander's seat, the smile on Marshal Xi Che's face also disappeared. "Today's sudden attack by the Kingdom of the Undead was definitely not an accident. It was premeditated. Fortunately, the frontline soldiers responded in time and did not cause too much damage. In Here, I first want to commend the new leader of the Knights of Light, Long Dangdang, for his immediate response, which not only blocked the enemy's temple-level assassins and prevented them from destroying the light source array, but also together with the six-headed golden dragon on his mount, He served as a frontline auxiliary to resist powerful enemies and killed two ninth-level dead from the realm of the undead, which was an outstanding achievement.”

When Long Dangdang heard Xi Che say his name, he stood up again and performed the knight's salute again.

What he did on the battlefield today was seen by everyone with a discerning eye. He was the first to face off against the opponent's high-level warrior. The dead assassin he blocked was himself a ninth-level and third-level temple-level being, a once powerful ancestor of the Assassin Temple. With his eighth-level cultivation, he was able to withstand the opponent's attack. By the time the reinforcements arrived, this strength itself was no less than that of an ordinary temple. Worthy of being a dragon knight.

Most of the generals looked at him with goodwill in their eyes, especially the generals of the Warrior Temple who had benefited the most, and nodded repeatedly.

If Long Dangdang didn't care much about military achievements originally, then after he exchanged the Soul Saint Cloth this time, he became extremely interested in military achievements. Think about it, if everyone in the Haoyue Dangkong Demon Hunting Group could possess artifacts, allowing them to become a demon hunting group with all members having artifacts, how powerful would they be? Moreover, the one who gained the most from today's battle was Ming Xi. Her cultivation had reached the eighth level. As long as it stabilized, how terrible would an eighth-level assassin be on the battlefield? Moreover, they can use the same method again. If a temple-level undead were killed and eaten by Ming Xi's Sacrifice Furnace, she might become the first ninth-level soul in the team.

Next is the report of battle damage.

Today's battle, because the Kingdom of the Undead launched very suddenly, still caused a lot of losses to the federal army. The four warrior temple legions on the front line suffered losses of more than one-fifth. This was despite Long Dangdang and Xiaoba's losses. Under cover, otherwise it is hard to say how much the damage will be.

In terms of high-level powerhouses, the Federation killed a ninth-level warrior, but the body was cremated on the battlefield immediately, leaving no chance for the Kingdom of the Undead to take control. As for the Kingdom of the Undead, due to adequate preparations, only two ninth-level dead were killed in this battle, which were the two killed by Long Dangdang. This is also the reason why Marshal Xi Che commended him when he first came up. There were so many strong men fighting in the air, but he couldn't kill as many high-level strong men by himself.

The next step is to arrange the garrison of various armies, and at the same time, always be alert to another attack from the Kingdom of the Undead. Long Dangdang listened carefully to the side. The federal army that had stabilized its position would definitely not give the enemy another opportunity.

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