Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 480 Under the bright moon

After the military meeting ended, the generals returned to their camps to prepare. Long Dangdang was retained by Marshal Xi Che.

"Do you have any thoughts about today's battle and the meeting just now?" Xi Che asked Long Dangdang. At this time, there were only two of them in the handsome tent.

Long Dangdang understood that the marshal wanted to give him some advice. He thought for a while and said, "The behavior of the Kingdom of the Undead today is a bit abnormal."

Xi Che nodded approvingly, "Yes, it is a bit abnormal, but this also proves that there are capable people in the Kingdom of the Dead. The reason why they chose such an opportunity that didn't look very good to suddenly launch an all-out attack There are several purposes. The first is to control the speed of our advance and let us understand that the Kingdom of the Undead will not always retreat. At the same time, it also shows us its strength and lets us feel their power. At the same time, they also come through sneak attacks. The plan to reduce our vitality and try to summon the undead at the same time is their superficial purpose, but I am almost certain that they have other purposes. I don't know what this purpose is exactly. Any guesses?”

Long Dangdang looked at Xi Che, and he couldn't help but have complicated emotions in his heart, but he still said in a deep voice: "They are delaying time."

Xi Che looked at him in surprise, "You can actually think of this?"

Long Dangdang nodded slightly and said: "The real strength of the Kingdom of the Undead is more than that. At least the Holy Law God of the Undead that I have seen in the Scourge City is very powerful. At the same time, there is also a more powerful Lich King. They are all better than today's The Hell Knights are more powerful, so what is on the front line is not their full strength. They have been retreating slowly, even giving up some undead altars. They seem to be waiting for something. Since they are waiting, the purpose should be to delay time. ”

Xi Che nodded slightly, "I guessed the same, but I don't know what the target of the Kingdom of the Undead is waiting for. But it is conceivable that it must have the ability to subvert the battlefield, otherwise they would not be so forbearing. It is not that they have no chance. If a head-on battle begins, our actual probability of winning should be less than 60%, because we cannot make any mistakes, and we must not allow the Kingdom of the Undead to continue to summon our fallen soldiers, which is why we use the rat weapon."

Long Dangdang said: "Marshal, I also have a question. Why don't both sides attack each other through large-scale magic? Forbidden spell-level magic is extremely destructive. We have an advantage in overall strength. If it is launched by a powerful magician Wouldn't the continuous forbidden spell attack be able to cause huge damage to the opponent? "

Xi Che said: "This is because you don't understand the battlefield situation at this level. The altar of the undead is not just able to gather the energy of the undead. The kingdom of the undead can release a powerful protective shield through the altar of the undead, which can cooperate with the domain of the strong undead." We can also rely on the light source array to resist our forbidden spell. Therefore, the large-scale release of the forbidden spell cannot determine the outcome of the battlefield unless our forbidden spell is powerful enough to directly destroy everything on the opponent's side. The reason why we don't do much is because even if the forbidden spell can destroy the enemy, as long as the undead energy is not destroyed, they can continue to resurrect. If we want to cast a powerful forbidden spell that can destroy the opponent's defense level, it will be very difficult for us. The consumption is unbearable. Therefore, from the beginning, the combat strategy formulated by the Federation has been to gradually reduce the living space of the undead country. We will never initiate a decisive battle and wait for the opponent to take the initiative to counterattack when it cannot bear the pressure. We play defensive counterattacks to minimize our losses.”

Long Dangdang suddenly realized, "That's it."

Xi Che said: "I left you because I want to ask you. You are the only person who has been to the Natural Disaster City. I want you to help me think about what exactly is waiting for the Kingdom of the Undead."

After listening to Xi Che's inquiry, Long Dangdang fell silent. In fact, he vaguely guessed that what the Kingdom of the Dead was waiting for might have something to do with his younger brother. It can even be said to be related to the power of blood they possess. However, he couldn't say it. This was the last thing he wanted to see.

This time he saw Long Kongkong again in Shimen City, and it was confirmed that he would accompany his younger brother to advance to the ninth level. At that time, it might be the time to find out what happened, or it would be the time to make the final decision.

Without too much hesitation, Long Dangdang shook his head, "I can't think of it either. But it must have something to do with strength."

Xi Che said: "In your observation, how strong is the Holy Law God of the Dead? Just tell me how you feel."

Long Dangdang said: "Judging from the pure aura, it's the only one I've seen in my life. I can't judge how strong it is because I haven't reached that level."

Xi Che frowned, what does it mean to see Long Dangdang in his life? He has been in contact with the hall master, and the hall master is now the number one person in the six major temples. In other words, the power of the Holy Law God of the Dead is likely to be superior to the hall master. Don't think that this is just an individual. At Xi Che's level, he clearly understands the impact that terrifying individual strength can have on the battlefield.

For example, today's battle between him and the Hell Knight, if they can decide the outcome in a short time, it will even directly affect the trend of the entire war. Therefore, in fact, both sides had reservations at that time, and it was not the kind of all-out fighting. On the surface, the battle seemed very fierce, but in fact, both sides still had some backup plans, just for fear of ruining the rhythm of the battlefield. .

"Okay, that's it for today. You can go back and rest first. Stay vigilant and be ready to respond to surprise attacks from the Kingdom of the Undead at any time. Also, next time you are on the battlefield, try not to release your dragon mount. It is too eye-catching. Today you will definitely receive special attention from the Kingdom of the Undead. Next time they target you on the battlefield, a Dragon Knight who has not yet been promoted to the ninth level will definitely be their target. "

"Yes, Marshal."

When Long Dangdang returned to his residence, except for Ming Xi, the other friends were already waiting for him at his residence.

Everyone was in a somewhat excited mood. They saw Long Dangdang kill two ninth-level dead with great force. This military achievement was definitely not lacking. Moreover, such a large-scale war is really soul-stirring! Let everyone have no intention of resting now.

Long Dangdang looked at Ling Menglu and asked, "How is Ming Xi?"

After returning, Long Dangdang went to the military headquarters for a meeting, while Ling Menglu guarded Ming Xi to protect her. If you improve your cultivation too much at once, it is easy to lose your foundation. Ling Menglu, the first priest of the younger generation, is the most stable person to protect you.

Ling Menglu nodded and said: "The aura has stabilized. It has indeed improved a lot. It feels like her total spiritual power has exceeded the eighth level and the fourth level. She is almost catching up with me. It will take some time to digest. Next time But I can’t let her swallow it anymore. It will take at least a month to adapt to this power.”

Tao Linlin couldn't help but said: "I have improved so much at once, let alone a month, I can adapt to it for a year!"

Yue Li said with a smile: "Don't be too good for me because you are about to have a magical weapon."

As soon as she mentioned this, Tao Linlin became energetic and even beamed with joy. That is the Soul Saint Cloth! With this artifact, he will be able to show great strength next time on the battlefield.

Long Dang said: "If you want to bring out the power of the artifact, your own cultivation is the key. You are not yet at the eighth level, and the summoning magic cast by the Soul Saint Cloth can only be manifested at the seventh level, even the forbidden spell It can’t be released, so it’s most important to practice and improve your cultivation.”

Tao Linlin coughed and said, "Okay, captain, I understand."

Long Dangdang said: "Then everyone should hurry up and practice. Time waits for no man. Every time we increase our strength, our survivability on the battlefield will also increase by one point." After arriving on the battlefield, his sense of urgency became stronger. , no one knows when the final war will come. Although they all have good talents, their cultivation is still not enough to truly participate in this war, let alone play a decisive role.

In front of a huge altar of the undead, figures stood side by side, all maintaining a slightly bowed posture. And right in the middle of the altar of the undead, a dark blue light and shadow exuded the cold and pure aura of the undead. It was in the shape of a huge dark blue skull, with a faint dark blue halo surrounding the skull.

"Lord, through today's battle, we discovered that there are twenty-one strong men at the human temple level and 213 strong men at the ninth level. One of them died in the battle today, but his body could not be snatched. No discovery was made. Several high-level officials, including the Master of the Temple and the Master of the Magic Temple, appeared for a time. If the war continued to stalemate, it is likely that they would join the battlefield. , there should be no less than twelve temple elders at the temple level. I don’t know if there are all the elders in the temple.”

The speaker was none other than Hell Knight Ross, who was leading the offensive today. At this time, he looked extremely respectful, with even fanaticism in his eyes.

"Very good. They will be more exposed when they are caught off guard and attacked. Be prepared for the general attack in three days. During the general attack, all the strong humans will be contained. Even if they are sacrificed, don't worry."

"Yes, Lord." The Hell Knight saluted respectfully again.

The light and shadow gradually dimmed, and all the undead strong men straightened their backs again, breathing heavily.

Three days later.

The night is cold. In the sky, a bright moon shines on the earth.

On the street, two people wearing cloaks covering their heads and faces stopped and looked up at the sky.

Her slightly pale but beautiful face had a strange look in her eyes, but it did not affect her cold temperament at all.

"The bright moon is in the sky. I still remember that time, when they were born, they were named because of this." Beside her, there was a hint of sadness in the deep male voice.

The woman looked back at him, her eyes suddenly becoming colder, "Your memory has been fully revived a long time ago, but the obsession in your heart is not firm. Have you forgotten how we were captured by those people in the first place? Are humans tortured to death?”

"Of course I remember that human beings' evil nature destroyed our home. All human beings must die. Only by establishing an order of our own can we have the ability to control everything and protect our home." The male voice suddenly turned cold. Get up, murderous intent overflows.

The woman's expression recovered a little, "If you want to say anything else, just say it."

"I support everything you do, and I think everything you do is right, except that Dangdang is also our son! Why is there such a big difference between your attitude towards him and your attitude towards Kong Kong? He is also your flesh and blood, Wouldn’t it be nice for us to have one more son in this life?”

The woman was stunned for a moment, with a trace of confusion in her eyes, but the next moment, her eyes became serious, "You don't understand. After my memory awakened, when I recalled when I was pregnant with them, there seemed to be an inexplicable force coming through. It entered my stomach and dispersed the child's bloodline. In other words, our child was supposed to have only one, but our Austin was reborn, but for some reason, a part of it was separated, and this part did not inherit Austin's. The memory, but the authority that belonged to him was taken away, and what was finally formed was Dangdang. Kongkong is our real son, and I can’t determine the origin of Dangdang. Moreover, only Kongkong can fully take back the power of this bloodline. , he can return to his former invincible peak. The human heritage in this world is very strong, and even with my current cultivation, there is no guarantee that it can be completely cleaned. Only our little Austin has such power."

"But Dangdang is our son after all. No matter why the power of little Austin was split, he is also our son, flowing with our blood. So, can you promise me not to hurt him at any time? Okay? ? Cher."

The beautiful face was slightly moved, and she was silent for a moment. The coldness on her face seemed to melt a little, "If you don't need little Austin's power, then, okay. However, if little Austin wants to regain power, he also needs to Use him. This was the reason why he left in Shimen City. However, you know Dangdang’s character and he made a choice. He has always been stubborn since he was a child.

"As long as we are strong enough, he will find his way back when things cannot be done. What's more, we can imprison him when necessary so that he cannot participate in the war. But, I I can’t watch this son die. Last time, I really felt like you were going to kill him.”

"At that time, I was so excited that I finally found my little Austin. Not to mention this, everything was ready. If it was successful this time, there would be no need for our son to do anything. The world will rapidly evolve in the direction of order and become what we want it to be.”

"Well, get ready to start."

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