Frontline camp.

After three days of rest, Ming Xi had basically mastered his soaring spiritual power, and thus officially became an eighth-level assassin. Among the assassins, he was called the Emperor Assassin. The even greater good news for the Haoyue Dangkong Demon Hunting Group is that Tao Linlin's artifact has arrived. Yes, the Soul Cloth has arrived.

Moreover, this incident alarmed the entire upper echelons of the Soul Temple. A Soul Temple member personally escorted the Soul Saint Clothes here.

The rewards for military merit are set up to better motivate professionals to fight on the battlefield. When the rewards were set up, it was already thousands of years ago, when humans were fighting against the demons. The rewards corresponding to different amounts of military merit were also set at that time. The reason why artifacts are also designed is to give the professionals of the six major temples hope.

However, no one has ever actually exchanged military merit for an artifact. Because there are too many military merits required to redeem the artifact, it is more of a gimmick. After entering a period of peace, it is even less possible to exchange artifacts, because it is too difficult to obtain military merits, let alone astronomical military merits of hundreds of millions.

Nowadays, humans and the undead are engaged in a war, and the amount of military merit rewards has been reset. For example, what kind of military merit is awarded for killing what level of undead creatures. However, the original reward system has not been changed. Because the churches felt that the original system was reasonable.

From the beginning of the war to now, even if the Demon Hunting Group is used as the total calculation unit, the current highest merit accumulation is at the level of tens of millions, which is far from a divine weapon. Who would have thought that one hundred million level would suddenly appear. With military merit and demon hunter points, he was able to redeem the Soul Saint Cloth from the Soul Temple.

This is the time of the battle on the front line. Even if the Soul Temple is unwilling to take out this top-level artifact, it cannot violate the military merit reward system. It is already too late to change the system. Therefore, I could only bring it over.

When they learned that the recipient of this reward was the demon hunting group where the champion of the Heritage Competition belonged, and that their demon hunting group went deep behind enemy lines and destroyed three altars of the undead, the Soul Temple held its nose and admitted it.

The temple that sent the artifact, plus all the temples from the Soul Temple that were already on the front line, came. It was a thousand warnings and instructions to Tao Linlin, asking him to protect the artifact and never make a mistake.

Tao Linlin also asked the question why there is no holy church in charge of the Holy Cloth of Soul. The answer is very straightforward, because there is only one Holy Cloth of Soul, and the strength of the Holy Cloth of Soul Temple is relatively average, even if the current master of Soul Temple wants to No one was convinced to take charge of this artifact. Moreover, this artifact was too important to the Soul Temple, so they didn't even think of taking it out. Unexpectedly, Tao Linlin, who exchanged military merit, got a bargain.

This incident also alarmed the entire church, and a meeting was held specifically on the military merit exchange system. But the final meeting decided to maintain the original exchange system. Changing it now would be too damaging to morale. And the fact that Tao Linlin was able to redeem the artifact through military merit was not only not concealed, but also spread widely, letting more strong men in the military know that the artifact could really be redeemed, which boosted the morale of the high-level warriors. A morale boost is undoubtedly more effective than anything else.

After obtaining the Soul Saint Cloth, Tao Linlin put it on immediately, but as Long Dangdang said before, he is only at the seventh level of cultivation now, so no matter how much spiritual power the Soul Saint Clothes stores, he The magic that can be cast is still the seventh level, of course, it is equivalent to three times the seventh level. Therefore, the higher his cultivation level, the greater the effect this artifact can have. Tao Linlin has also become very aggressive these days. Apart from eating, she spends almost all her time practicing. The Soul Saint Cloth also has a very good assisting effect on the summoner's practice, which increases the speed of his practice.

Night is the best time for the Bright Moon Demon Hunting Group to gather together to practice. Their residence is next to a large light source array. The light element here is very rich. After being filtered and improved by Ling Menglu, The moonlight nourishment from the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace naturally makes the cultivation effect excellent.

Yue Li's cultivation level has reached the seventh level and eighth level, and Wang Changxin is almost the same as her. Taolinlin is probably at level seven or six now. Ming Xi came from behind and is now a powerful assassin of the eighth and fourth levels. In terms of spiritual power alone, she even surpasses Long Dangdang and is almost the same as Ling Menglu.

To improve her cultivation purely through practice, Ling Menglu's improvement rate is the fastest among all. Whether it is a divine weapon or a spiritual furnace, the growth rate for her is very large. Her cultivation can even be improved with the Love of the Goddess of Light. To describe it, there is a steady improvement with no bottlenecks. Everything feels like a matter of course. It is only a matter of time before reaching the ninth level or even higher levels.

Golden light spots visible to the naked eye surrounded the bodies of the six people in the bright moon, slowly infiltrating their bodies, and everyone's spiritual power was steadily increasing.

At this moment, Long Dangdang suddenly opened his eyes, and the spiritual power surrounding his body also condensed.

There was a change on his side, and everyone else was also affected and woken up quickly.

Ling Menglu opened her beautiful eyes and looked at Long Dangdang, and asked doubtfully: "What's wrong?"

Long Dangdang frowned, "Everyone, please finish practicing first. I suddenly feel a particularly strong sense of uneasiness." This uneasiness comes from his strange bloodline. The last time he felt this way was when he was in Mithril Castle.

The others were very convinced of him. Although they didn't feel anything, they still stopped working and stood up.

At this moment, a piercing siren suddenly sounded, and the entire military camp exploded like a firecracker.

"Enemy attack——"

Only three days have passed since the last time the undead army suddenly launched. At this time, the federal army's camp has been established and everything is stable. No one expected that at this time, the Kingdom of the Undead would suddenly launch an attack.

Long Dangdang and his friends rushed out of the tent. At this moment, they saw billowing dark clouds surging in the sky in the distance, even faster than when the undead army attacked that day. What's even more terrifying is that groups of terrifying undead energy are condensing in the sky, which is clearly extremely powerful undead magic, at the level of forbidden spells.

"Activate the defense, activate the light source array." Orders came quickly. The light source arrays in the federal camp were activated one after another, turning into huge golden light pillars rising into the sky, forming huge light barriers that were placed upside down on the federal military camp.

The army of the undead had obviously been prepared, and they had used unknown methods to cover up the magic aura. The light source array here has just been activated, and the forbidden spells of undead magic in the sky are already pouring down like mercury.

The terrifying roar was deafening, and the overwhelming undead energy seemed to swallow up the entire world.

All this happened very quickly. Ling Menglu immediately rushed to the light source array not far away, and worked with other high-level priests to preside over the stability of the light source array. All the priests in the legion were mobilized to maintain the shield formed by the light source array.

The undead army was already rushing out like a tidal wave, rushing straight towards the federal camp.

High in the sky, a huge bone dragon with a length of more than 300 meters appeared from the sky. Under the cover of huge undead energy, it flew towards this side. On the back of this bone dragon, there were hundreds of undead experts of level 9 or above. Gathered together, much of the light of magic emanates from here.

Hell Knight Ross, standing side by side with four other undead powerhouses, exuding a powerful aura, the scene like the end of the world really put the federal army in a state of panic at this time.

"Ang——" In the loud roar of the dragon, the Holy Dragon of Light rose into the sky, and the God of Doom and Killing's Seal Throne appeared again. Not only that, two other rays of light also came out, and surprisingly two more divine thrones emitted dazzling light. Two figures then each rode their own mounts, the Bright Unicorn and the Bright Griffin King, respectively in the evening. Marshal Che on both sides. These three are all divine knights of the Knights Temple. The three major divine seals came out to deal with the crisis at hand.

Not only that, on the human side, the temple-level powerhouses from the other five major temples also appeared one after another, leading a large number of human powerhouses to gather in the air. Powerful magic waves began to rise, preparing for a defensive counterattack.

At this moment, the huge Bone Dragon King suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a stream of ice flames. This breath seemed to freeze the entire space and turned into a huge ball of light falling from the sky.

That Xuanhe momentum even changed the expressions of the three Divine Seal Knights.

Because Xi Che is a dragon knight himself, he knows the giant dragon best. The strength of the bone dragon is almost the same as that of the giant dragon, but its attributes will change due to the transformation of the undead. This huge bone dragon, which is more than 400 meters long, is simply from The fluctuation of spiritual power has already reached the ninth level and the fifth level, not to mention the tyranny of its body. Its strength is not comparable to that of the Hell Knight.

Groups of strong light rushed out from the human camp and collided with the ice flames. Amid the violent roar, large swaths of dark blue light turned into light spots and still fell on the light source array, causing The light source array swayed violently, and the ground quickly froze, and all elemental fluctuations in the air, including mental fluctuations, became sluggish.

"There seems to be a problem with our communications. The Bone Dragon King's domain seems to have the ability to block transmission of messages."


Recently I have been hesitating whether to write more pages or make the plot more compact. After a few days of thinking, I decided to make the later plot tighter so that everyone can have a more immersive experience. The book is expected to end with about 100,000 words. I will do my best to write the follow-up content, thank you for your support.

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