The appearance of the Bone Dragon King means that the real top powerhouses of the Kingdom of the Undead begin to appear on the battlefield. Coupled with the four undead strongmen standing side by side with Hell Knight Ross, there is no doubt that they are extremely powerful beings, with cultivation levels comparable to those of the masters of the six major temples.

On the human side, although the six major temples of the Federation have an advantage in terms of the overall number of ninth-level experts, they currently do not seem to have any advantage in terms of the number of higher-level experts.

If you are above level nine and level three, you can be said to be a top powerhouse. And when you reach the ninth level and the fifth level, it is basically the existence of the ceiling level on the human side. The hall master is only at this level. Of course, humans also have powerful artifacts, equipment, and mounts to enhance themselves. But at this moment, when the Kingdom of the Undead begins to go all out, it seems that the advantage that the Federation originally thought is not that great.

"Communications are isolated? What are they going to do? Do they think such a lineup can shake us?" Xi Che stared at the approaching undead army in the distance, frowning.

Even with the ninth-level and fifth-level strength of the Bone Dragon King, the price to be paid to isolate communication is extremely high. Only the domain can explode in all directions, and it should be possible to use some artifact-level treasure to do so.

Under normal circumstances, if communication is cut off, does it mean that no one is allowed to call for help?

Under this situation, Xi Che did not rush forward, but asked all his troops to stabilize their formation and maintain a defensive posture. At the same time, the magician army began to use joint magic to counterattack the undead army in the distance.

At this time, Long Dangdang led the Knights of Light to guard the light source array. With his identity and cultivation, his only mission was to protect the array.

His friends were all around him. Tao Linlin had already put on the Soul Saint Cloth. However, the Soul Saint Cloth was too dazzling, so he put on a cloak on top of the Soul Saint Cloth to cover it up. , looks a bit mysterious.

"The connection with the Temple Spirit Crystal has been interrupted. The Kingdom of the Undead seems to be very confident in this attack. This is interrupting our connection with the Holy City." Long Dangdang's expression at this time was somewhat similar to that of Marshal Xi Che, who was presiding over the army. He also had a look of confusion on his face.

Ling Menglu said: "It's a little strange. The purpose of these two attacks by the Kingdom of the Dead is not clear. I don't know what their strategic intentions are."

Long Dang said: "This is the most troublesome. If you can't judge the opponent's purpose, you may make mistakes in dealing with it. Monroe, you are here to guard the light source array. I will go find Marshal Xi Che."

"Okay, go ahead and be safe." Ling Menglu said softly.

Long Dangdang jumped up and spread his spiritual wings behind his back. In order not to attract too much attention, he did not release Xiaoba, but quickly flew towards Marshal Xi Che. He was wearing a fine gold base armor, so his identity would not be suspected. , and soon flew to Marshal Xi Che.

"Dangdang, why are you here?" Xi Che asked with some confusion. This is a battlefield, and generals cannot act without permission without receiving orders. However, Long Dangdang has a special status and has the power of the temple level, but he is a person who can distinguish the important and the important. I am afraid there is something going on at this critical moment.

Long Dang said: "Marshal, the army of the undead has blocked our communications. There may be some conspiracy. This is to interrupt the connection between us and the Holy City. My spiritual furnace can teleport back to the Holy City. Do I need to establish a teleportation Channel, report the situation here to the Holy City."

After listening to his words, Xi Che's eyes lit up, "Okay, then you can establish a channel to go back. However, won't the blockade from the outside world have an impact on you? Space is also distorted to a certain extent. Don't take risks. If space teleportation Being disturbed is no joke, it could tear you apart during the teleportation."

Long Dangdang said: "Don't worry, I am sure of sending the message. Although we don't know the purpose of the undead army to block the message, but what they want to do, we will definitely do the opposite and I will not be wrong. I can also send the message Take it back, and the Holy City will take action."

Xi Che nodded, "Okay, then without further ado, go back now. Send back the details here. This is my token. Take it with you." As he said that, Xi Che handed over a small token. The token was handed to Long Dangdang. The token was made of a special crystal. It looked very delicate and had special elemental fluctuations on it.

Long Dangdang returned to the Knights of Light and explained to everyone that while he was away, Ling Menglu would take charge, and then immediately activated the Bidongtian Spiritual Furnace.

The ban outside will definitely have an impact on space teleportation. The reason why he is sure that he can teleport is naturally because he has an artifact to help him.

A silver halo of light lit up behind Long Dangdang's head. He held the anchor of time and space with his backhand and pointed it towards the space in front of him. The Cave Spirit Furnace was activated, the brilliant silver light lit up, and a space passage began to gradually take shape.

At the moment of the war, everyone else has to stay here to participate in the war and go back to summon them. He alone is enough.

Ling Menglu nodded to Long Dangdang, signaling him to rest assured. Long Dangdang did not care about the love between his children at this time, and took a step forward to buy into the space passage built by the Cave Spiritual Furnace. The silver light flashed and he disappeared without a trace.

At this time, on the battlefield, the large-scale magics of both sides had begun an earth-shaking collision. Explosive spiritual energy fluctuations raged crazily. Without the anchor of the time and space anchor, Long Dangdang would have been impossible to leave through teleportation.

After entering the teleportation, Long Dangdang immediately felt the space around him shaking violently, and there were even faint cracks in the space. But there was a silver thread wrapped around him like a thread on the anchor of time and space. With a sharp pull, it took him through this chaotic space.

The fluctuations in the space stabilized, and Long Dangdang slowly swallowed the spirit furnace to protect his body. He did not feel any discomfort. The strange space transmission seemed to have only passed for a moment. With a light body, he had already shuttled out of the passage.

"Huh?" Long Dangdang was shocked as he just walked out of the space passage. Because he was surprised to find that he should have shuttled directly back to the Holy City through the otherworldly spiritual furnace, but he still felt the overwhelming energy fluctuations of the undead. Could it be that the space shuttle failed?

The scene in front of him became clear again. The place he was positioning was not inside the temple headquarters. The spatial fluctuations caused by this long-distance transmission were too strong. He did not want to cause unnecessary alarm to the temple headquarters, so when setting the position previously, , placed in their team’s own small courtyard in the Holy City.

Looking around, everything is very familiar, it is the courtyard of the Holy City! However, this overwhelming undead energy...

Subconsciously, Long Dangdang looked up at the sky. The next moment, his pupils couldn't help but shrink violently. Because he was horrified to see a huge tornado of undead energy that he had never seen before rise into the sky, reaching straight into the sky. The huge undead energy spread in the air, and the overwhelming dark clouds were shrouding the entire holy city. All the natural elements in the air are being dispersed by the undead energy, and screams and panicked wailings are heard from outside, making people shudder.

what happened? Long Dangdang felt like his hair stood on end almost instantly. This was the Holy City, not the front line! Why is there such a huge undead energy here? An extremely strong sense of fear instantly haunts my heart. Completely subconsciously, he had already jumped up and landed on the courtyard wall.

In the sky, the thick undead energy has gathered into a huge vortex. The size of the vortex actually feels like it is covering the entire Holy City. In the air below, figures exuding powerful spiritual power fluctuations were suspended in the air, continuously erupting with bright lights and bombarding the bottom of the huge undead tornado. They were clearly the strong men of the six temples.

The Holy City is under attack!

At this time, Long Dangdang had already reacted. Everything that happened in front of him meant one thing, that is, the Holy City was attacked, and it was an attack that seemed to destroy the entire city.

At this moment, he also suddenly realized that the frontline army was blocked and the message was sent. It was not to block the frontline and ask for help from the Holy City, but to blockade the Holy City and ask for help from the frontline!

Long Dangdang is not yet a senior military official, so he doesn't know how many powerful people there are in the Federation on the front line. However, in order to completely wipe out the Kingdom of the Undead this time, a large number of powerful people must be on the front line, and there must be hidden powerful forces. . Even if the Holy City will not be hollowed out, there are definitely a lot of powerful people on the front line. The Kingdom of the Undead has tolerated it for so long, and suddenly launches an attack at an inappropriate time. The real target is not the front line at all. But the Holy City.

The population of the Holy City is the largest in the entire Temple Federation, and it is definitely the largest city. There are definitely a lot of strong people left here. If the Holy City is really taken over by the Kingdom of the Undead, and a large number of humans are directly raped. The person becomes undead...

Long Dangdang couldn't even imagine such a situation. Once it happened, the situation on both sides would be reversed in an instant, and it would most likely cause mankind to face a devastating crisis.

Long Dangdang led his teammates from the Haoyue Dangkong team to destroy three altars of the undead behind the Kingdom of the Undead, which was an outstanding achievement. However, no one expected that there would be strong men in the Kingdom of the Undead who could sneak into the holy city and directly release such a huge weapon. Undead energy. You know, if an undead creature sneaks into the human world, as long as it shows a little breath, it will be as bright as a torch! Long Dangdang couldn't imagine what kind of undead powerhouse could directly sneak into the Holy City and cause such a powerful crisis.

Not daring to be negligent, he opened his spiritual wings behind his back, suddenly rose into the air, and flew straight into the sky. Only in the air could he see the situation in front of him clearly, and how many strong men there were in the Kingdom of the Undead who could create such a big crisis. arrival?

Long Dangdang quickly rose into the air. The fine gold base armor on his body was the best proof of identity. Naturally, no one would attack him. Soon, he saw a group of powerful human beings in mid-air. Two of them were the ones he was most familiar with and were the core leaders of the current Temple Federation. They were the Master of the Knight Temple, the Master of the Contemporary Temple, and the Magic Saint. Lord of the palace.

At this time, the Master of the Magic Temple had just released an extremely powerful single magic, bombarding it downwards. The thick undead cloud was violently stirring, but it was not destroyed, and more undead energy was spreading in all directions. Soon, these undead energies densely packed in the sky were slowly pressing down, trying to cover the entire holy city. On the ground, golden light pillars held up the sky, forcibly resisting the decline in the energy of these undead, but it seemed to be very difficult.

Long Dangdang looked down again, and was shocked to see that in the Holy City Square, a huge skull at least a hundred meters high was emitting a dark blue halo. The extremely huge undead energy was based on it. The center explodes into the air. And you can vaguely see that there are many gray light spots gathering from all directions in the air, drilling into the skull, turning into its power, and then being sent into the air.

Negative energy is composed of various negative emotions and negative energy belonging to the human world. This skull absorbs these, plus what it brings, forming such a huge undead cloud.

Long Dangdang had seen this skull before, yes, he was sure he had seen it. This is what I saw when I first sneaked into the Kingdom of the Dead with my friends from the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group. At that time, they felt the incomparable power of this skull and knew that this must be the top powerhouse in the Kingdom of the Undead. They did not expect that they would face him again in the Holy City this time.

In the air, there are dozens of strong human beings, and they are constantly trying to attack. The leader of the hall is wearing magnificent armor, and he is also the incarnation of the Divine Seal Throne. However, their attacks continue to fall, but they are unable to shake the surroundings of the skull. With that dark blue halo, one could only watch helplessly as the undead cloud in the sky became more and more dense. Long Dangdang even had a feeling that the huge skull below was like the most powerful altar of the undead he had ever seen.

Looking around again, there were no other undead creatures below except this weird giant skull. But Long Dangdang has no doubt that once the cloud of undead in the sky lands in the Holy City, then no one knows how many lives will be turned into undead. At that time, the Holy City will become a dead zone. Even the strong can After escaping and turning thousands of lives in the Holy City into undead, how severe will the blow be to the Federation?

"Dangdang? Why are you back? Aren't you on the front line?" The hall master's voice sounded obviously anxious.

Long Dangdang hurriedly flew in front of the hall master, without bothering to salute, and said quickly: "Hall Master, over there on the front line, the undead army suddenly rioted and tried to block the transmission of information. I used the Biyou Cave Spiritual Furnace to send back the message as soon as possible."

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