Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 483 Breaking the ban, hero!

What kind of person is the leader of the temple? He heard what Long Dangdang said and immediately understood what happened. The front line of the Kingdom of the Undead suddenly launched a full-scale attack, and the target was not the front line at all, but the Holy City. Once the Holy City was destroyed and controlled by the Kingdom of the Undead, then the front line would be in chaos. Let alone annihilating the Kingdom of the Undead, it would be impossible to solve the crisis in the Holy City. Not an easy task.

Although the federation has issued a decree to cremate the remains of a large number of ancestors, the remains of some top powerhouses still remain in the Holy City Temple Headquarters! These are some of the most decorated heroes of all time. Now it has obviously become the target of the Kingdom of the Undead.

"The target of the Kingdom of the Undead is in the Holy City, not on the front line. The situation is critical, can you still teleport back to the front line?" the hall leader asked urgently.

Long Dangdang shook his head and said: "Don't forget that the Cave Sky Spiritual Furnace has a cooling time. Even with the help of the anchor of time and space, it will take at least three days before it can be teleported over a long distance again. Hall Master, can't the skeleton of this kingdom of the dead be broken open?"

Although he doesn't know how strong the hall master really is, he is probably at least a ninth-level and fifth-level cultivation level. Coupled with a powerful artifact like the Divine Seal Throne, and the Master of the Magic Temple next to him to control the artifact, after joining forces, Isn't it possible to break open the huge blue skull in front of me?

The hall master shook his head solemnly and said: "It can't be broken. Although we don't know how the other party did it, the defensive power released by this skeleton exceeds our attack limit. Unless we gather thirty Only those with the power of a temple or above may have a chance. But here in the Holy City, there are less than twenty temple-level powers left behind. We have tried several times, but all have failed. This is a super artifact of the Kingdom of the Undead, and may even be the origin of the Altar of the Undead in the Kingdom of the Undead.”

Hearing what the church leader said, Long Dangdang couldn't help but take a breath. It would take more than thirty members of the church to break it open. What a terrifying spiritual strength this is! Super artifact? Is there such a thing as a super artifact in the Kingdom of the Undead? But now it can be explained why the Kingdom of the Undead has blocked news on the front line and does not give the frontline temple-level powerhouses a chance to return reinforcements.

If the frontline can get the news, he can really send back a sufficient number of temples with the ten-second teleportation of the unique Cave Heaven Spiritual Furnace. But now it's too late to say anything, and the news can't be passed on, let alone anything else. Seeing that the undead cloud in the sky was pressing down, it was almost unbearable.

"Hall Master, what is so powerful about this skeleton? Why can't it break through its defense? Its total spiritual power cannot exceed ours." Long Dangdang asked with a frown.

The hall master said solemnly: "It's not a matter of the total amount of spiritual power. It's that once our attack falls on its protection, it will be immediately dispersed by a special attribute aura, as if our spiritual power has declined on its own. Like. In other words, it turns our attacks into decay and can even devour our power to a certain extent, so we cannot effectively release our attack power on it or rely on far exceeding it. It can be broken by force within the range, or its weird negative attributes of decay can be broken, but where can we find such a method for a while?"

Long Dangdang changed his expression and said: "Then what should we do now? If we let this go on, I'm afraid..."

The hall master's face was extremely ugly, "I have ordered the evacuation of the people in the Holy City, and at the same time transferred the skeletons of the ancestors. Dangdang, since you are back, go to the headquarters now to assist in transferring the skeletons."

It is too late to cremate the skeletons of heroic spirits. That requires high-level priests to purify them with the pure fire of sacred light. But priests are needed more on the front lines. Almost all high-level priests are on the frontline battlefields, so now the only option is to transfer the skeletons of our ancestors. . But the problem is, no one knows how many back-ups the Kingdom of the Undead has, and how many powerful undead people are in the Holy City.

Long Dangdang frowned and said, "Hall Master, can I try attacking this skeleton?"

The hall leader glanced at him and said, "Okay. Then you can give it a try, and then return to the headquarters and retreat with the transferred personnel." Even as one of the top leaders of the federation, he was a little confused at this time. . He couldn't even imagine what the consequences would be if this disaster befell the Holy City. Time was running out and there was no time to move everyone away!

Long Dangdang took a deep breath, and the golden light door beside him opened, summoning Xiaoba.

The huge figure of the six-headed golden dragon appeared in mid-air, immediately attracting the attention of all the powerful federations present. Listening to its high-pitched dragon roar, the mood was somewhat calmed down. After all, the dragon knight has always been a knight. Synonymous with the top strong men in the temple.

Long Dangdang did not dare to neglect. The next moment, a blue halo shone on his chest, and the Moonlight Canghai Spiritual Furnace released a soft brilliance. The six-headed golden dragon Xiaoba's huge body went straight towards Long Dangdang's body and collided with it. The huge figure turned into a A golden stream of light quickly integrated into Long Dangdang's body, causing the fine gold base armor to begin to undergo magnificent changes.

This scene is very familiar to the strong men at the temple level. Long Dangdang showed it in the inheritance competition, but for others, it is indeed an extremely dazzling scene. Especially the panicked people in the holy city below suddenly saw the giant dragon appear and then merge with a knight wearing golden armor. Their original panic was calmed. At least, this scene gave them hope.

Xiaoba's power poured into himself, and Long Dangdang suddenly felt his spiritual power expand rapidly. Under the harmony of the fully repaired Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, each of his own spiritual furnaces and Xiaoba were in a state of perfect integration.

As Xiao Xie continues to evolve by swallowing the soul crystal, his mental power has now reached the peak of the eighth level, and is only one step away from the ninth level. Therefore, he has much better control over the golden dragon possessed state in front of him than before. There is only the power of one blow anymore.

The furnace of light was ignited, and the halo of the Shura Red Lotus behind it was strong. The furnace slowly and slowly emitted eternal brilliance. The next moment, a red-gold sword light, like a flash, went straight to the huge skull below. Cut away.

In the whole process, Long Dangdang only took a very short time to explode, but there were strong men at the temple level around him, but they could clearly feel the power that Long Dangdang unleashed when he slashed out with his sword. Neng has definitely reached the level of the temple.

Even the hall master showed a bit of surprise on his face. Compared to the last time he saw Long Dangdang take action, he was obviously much stronger now. He admires Long Dangdang from the bottom of his heart. What's more, Long Dangdang really has the possibility to awaken the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation and allow this super artifact to reappear in the world!

Thinking of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, the Hall Master couldn't help but imagine, if Long Dangdang had controlled this Divine Seal Throne, could he still be unable to break through the power of decay in front of him?

"Boom -" A bright light exploded on the top of the skull, and a brilliant red lotus composed of countless sword energies exploded and rotated, frantically cutting through the skeleton's defense, causing a blue halo in the area above the head. He became stronger in an instant.

Long Dangdang stared at the place where he was hit by his sword and obliterated by the red lotus explosion, feeling the energy changes in it.

Just as the hall master said, the power of all attacks began to decay after hitting the skull, and the original powerful attack power quickly declined. It is not resolved or blocked, but directly decays, from strong to weak, until it disappears.

What a terrifying negative energy this is! To be able to do it to such an extent. Let alone seeing it, it is simply unheard of.

However, Long Dangdang was not discouraged. Even the attacks from the temples couldn't break through the skeleton's defense, and he never thought that his full-strength attack would be successful.

Then, he changed to holding the sword with both hands, and his aura changed again. A faint purple-gold flashed in his eyes, and the surface of the Judgment of Light in his hand was suddenly covered with a faint purple-gold brilliance. No other power in his body continued to explode, but only this purple-gold light shone.

The next moment, Long Dangdang was like a meteor, flying directly towards the top of the skull. As his body swooped down, that purple-gold color also spread towards his whole body. He could clearly feel that the adamantine base armor on his body, and even Xiaoba's, were experiencing some overwhelming mood swings.

"Ding!" The Judgment of Light, which was rendered into purple-gold, stabbed the top of the huge skull. The next moment, Long Dangdang suddenly felt the crazy energy of decay rushing towards him.

However, he also discovered that when these decaying energies impacted his body, the purple-gold layer that had just touched his body immediately dissipated like ice and snow, without causing any harm to his body at all.

And on the top of the skull, a purple-gold wound also appeared. The wound was not big, but the huge skull seemed to have turned into a leaky ball, and the original perfect state was suddenly broken open.

"Are you really going to go against me?" An extremely familiar and angry voice instantly sounded in Long Dangdang's mind.

The moment he was stunned, a huge suction force came from behind, and then, countless attacks landed on the huge skull.

Long Dangdang's body rose into the air, getting further and further away from the skull. He could clearly see that the attacks of dozens of strong human beings all landed on the skull, and the skull that had been opened by him Suddenly the blue light flashed rapidly, and the undead cloud in the sky was no longer stable and fluctuated violently.

It worked, but that was...

"Boom——" Before Long Dangdang had time to think, the huge skull exploded with a bang, and the undead cloud in the sky also exploded crazily. The strong human beings who swooped down were all struck by this powerful force. The energy impact was scattered in all directions.

Two figures appeared in mid-air.

The extremely tall Lich King held an ice-blue sword and swept it across the hall, simultaneously shaking open the hall master and two other melee halls. Next to him was a woman whose whole body was covered in a dark blue cloak. Her face could not be seen clearly, but she was holding a three-meter-long staff with a huge blue crystal skull on the top.

The moment he saw them, Long Dangdang felt that his thoughts had stagnated, and the blood in his body seemed to have stopped flowing at this moment. He could also clearly feel that at this moment, their eyes were all fixed on him.

"Very good, Long Dangdang, you are fine!" The angry female voice echoed through the sky, and the next moment, she had raised the strange staff in her hand. The undead energy in the sky suddenly gathered towards her like an ocean containing hundreds of rivers. The terrifying undead energy formed a huge field centered on her body, directly blowing away all the surrounding strong humans.

In the next moment, the undead vortex had risen into the sky like a tornado. Even though the strong humans continued to launch long-range attacks on it, it quickly swept away towards the distant sky.

All the depression was swept away in this moment. At this moment, except for the strong human beings who are trying to chase. The powerful men of the six major temples couldn't help but all their eyes fell on the body of Long Dangdang, whose purple and gold color had faded away, and Xiao Ba had transformed into a giant dragon again.

Long Dangdang's face looked a little pale, and the strange blood power in his body was calming down again. Yes, after the tentative attack earlier, he thought of using his strange bloodline power to try. As it turns out, he succeeded.

After meeting Long Kongkong and discovering the importance his mother attached to this power of blood, he understood that the power of blood inherited by himself and his brother had extremely powerful power. As age increases, cultivation level increases, and the power of bloodline becomes stronger. And just now, this has been confirmed. However, he never expected that it would be his parents who came to the Holy City, the capital of the human rear, to conduct a sneak attack! At this time, he had mixed feelings in his heart, and for a moment, he couldn't even make a sound.

"Dangdang, you are the hero of the Federation." The hall master's excited voice came. The next moment, the hall master rushed to his side and gave him a big hug.

Not only that, on the ground, there were roars and roars of the survivors, and even more cheers, which instantly resounded through the sky.

This disaster happened so suddenly that many civilians in the Holy City woke up in an atmosphere that was so oppressive that they could not breathe. When they saw the terrifying skulls in the sky and the undead like dark clouds, At that time, everyone felt that a disaster was coming. But now, this disaster has ended in such an unexpected way, and all of this is because of the purple-gold figure who combined with the dragon and descended from the sky. It was he who saved the Holy City.

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