Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 484 Sanctuary Resolution

Long Dangdang panted slightly. At this moment, his mood was extremely complicated. He was glad that he had stopped the conspiracy against the Holy City and the great disaster in the Holy City. However, when he saw with his own eyes that the creator of this disaster was actually his biological parents, although he had convinced himself countless times in his heart how to face it, how could he be calm when he really faced it?

The undead barrier that could not be broken by the combined power of more than a dozen temples was actually broken by Long Dangdang. At this moment, no one was entangled in how he did it. Everyone was only glad and relieved. You know, this is the capital of the Temple Federation, the entire Holy City! It is tens of millions of lives. Once the Holy City is turned into a world of the dead, then the blow to the Federation and the situation of the war will be directly reversed.

So, at this moment, Long Dangdang is a well-deserved hero, a hero of all mankind.

However, as the real initiator, Long Dangdang was still confused until he returned to his residence to rest. The complicated mood continued to erode his heart.

He was not betrayed by everyone, but he was estranged by his family. His parents and younger brother stood against him, and even against all mankind. Only he, as the person involved, could feel this pain so deeply.

Hero? He would rather not be this hero. If he had a choice, he really just wanted to be a good son to his parents and a good brother to his younger brother, and live with his family in peace and happiness.

At this moment, when he returned to the room to rest and really calmed down, Long Dangdang felt that he was having difficulty breathing, as if his body had lost the ability to breathe.

He covered his face with his hands, unable to calm down for a long time, letting tears flow from his fingers.

The senior officials of the Temple Headquarters were all dealing with the aftermath at this time. As a great hero, Long Dangdang, who was considered to have been over-consumed, was sent back by the hall master himself. The entire Holy City was still under temporary martial law to ensure that no remnants of the Kingdom of the Dead would happen again.

The war here was settled, and the war on the front line would naturally be no problem. Now everyone can think that the sudden full-scale attack of the undead army on the front line was a prelude to the conspiracy in the Holy City.

Although there was no direct confrontation, the Holy Hall could already judge that the staff in the hands of the Deathly Holy Magic God should be an existence comparable to a super artifact, so the power of the two dead could shake the entire Holy City. After this battle, the Federation will re-evaluate the strength of the Kingdom of the Dead. The strength of the Deathly Holy Magic God is currently unknown, but it is definitely not as simple as the level of the ninth level and fifth level. Otherwise, even if there is a super artifact, it is impossible for her to exert such a terrifying power.

Long Dangdang didn't know what happened outside. He had been staying quietly in the room. He didn't know the time outside, and he could only slowly soothe the pain in his heart.

When is a person the most fearful? When there is no hope. Yes, for Long Dangdang, he is in such a feeling now. After the battle in the Holy City, he has despaired of his parents. His mother wants to sacrifice the Holy City of tens of millions of people to win this war. Her goal is really to destroy all mankind. In a sense, she can no longer be called a human being.

This is a situation that Long Dangdang is absolutely unwilling to face, but he has to face it. In his heart, he had already made a choice, but even if he had made a choice, he could not change his pain.

"Dangdang." After an unknown amount of time, Long Dangdang woke up with a call.

The voice came from outside the door. It was the hall master.

Long Dangdang calmed down, turned the water element, wiped his face, and then stood up and walked over to open the door.

The hall master's mood had returned to normal at this time. Seeing Long Dangdang, who was obviously a little haggard, he asked with concern: "How is it? Are you okay? Did the power you mobilized that day cause great damage to yourself?"

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "A little, but nothing happened. How is the Holy City now?"

The hall master said: "Don't worry, the Holy City is stable. For this matter, we conducted a carpet-style investigation of the Holy City and its surroundings. At the same time, the previous bill was extended to the Holy City, and the remains of the ancestors' heroic spirits have been cremated." When he said the latter sentence, the hall master's face was obviously a little ugly. In his generation, as the head of the Holy Hall, he dared not even preserve the remains of the heroes of his ancestors. This was an incomparable shame! But there was no way, because once the remains of these heroes were used by the Kingdom of the Dead, then there would be existences like the Knights of Hell.

Long Dangdang sighed, "You have worked hard. Has the front line been resolved?"

The head nodded slightly, "After this was over, the undead quickly withdrew from the front line. It can be confirmed that they launched the attack to cover up the conspiracy of the Holy City."

Long Dangdang said: "Head, I will rush back to the front line now. The cooling time of my spirit furnace transmission is almost up." Although he didn't know how long it had been, he had been in the room all the time, but he could feel that the cooling of the spirit furnace of the other world had ended.

"Don't worry yet." The hall master raised his hand and patted his shoulder, "Dangdang, this time the Holy City can be saved, you deserve the most credit. Moreover, this disaster of the Holy City also shows us that the Kingdom of the Undead is The terrifying thing about this leader is that in terms of individual combat ability, we probably don’t have anyone who can compete with her, especially her super artifact, which would be too great a threat to us if she didn’t choose the Holy City this time. , but another big city, I don’t need to tell you to understand what will happen, and with her level of cultivation, there is actually no way we can stop her from sneaking into the Federation. So, after learning from this experience, The Federation has decided to change its strategy. It cannot continue to pursue it slowly. It must solve the entire Kingdom of the Undead at a faster speed and return the sky to the Federation. "

Long Dangdang was stunned for a moment, "Then what are the Federation going to do now?"

The hall leader stared at him with stern eyes and said: "The role you played this time exceeded our expectations. And the only thing that can fight against super artifacts is super artifacts. Therefore, after the discussion of the temple and the approval of the federation, , we are going to push you to raise your cultivation level to the ninth level as soon as possible, and then conduct the assessment of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. Only by taking charge of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation can we win this war. With the promotion of our Knight Temple and the support of the Magic Temple, it has been fully approved. After all, you are the only one who can activate the throne of eternity and creation in so many years. Our Knight Temple should also produce a brilliant and leader. The Divine Seal Knight."

When he said the last sentence, the hall master's eyes were obviously more fanatical. Only that one person has appeared in the history of the Knights Temple of the Divine Seal Knight of Glory and Leadership. Even before that person appeared, no one was sure whether the Knights Temple could really obtain this super artifact. recognized. Since the appearance of the glorious and leader Divine Knight, the Knights Temple has been ranked first among the six temples for thousands of years. It is conceivable that if the Knights Temple can produce another glorious and leader Divine Knight, then not only will it be more certain to annihilate the country of the undead, but the status of the Knights Temple in the future will also be unshakable.

Long Dangdang's performance in destroying the Altar of the Undead, his performance on the battlefield, and saving the Holy City this time are all remarkable. The most important thing is that he is truly destined to be sealed by the God of Eternity and Creation. Level approved. Therefore, the Knights Temple can't wait for him to grow up slowly. It must speed up the advancement and let him try to pass the test of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation as soon as possible and become a new generation of glorious and leader Divine Seal Knight.

Long Dangdang looked at the hall master with mixed feelings in his heart. He understood that if he really became the Knight of the Divine Seal of Glory and Leader, then he would have to face his parents and truly stand in front of them for a head-on confrontation. . How cruel it is for mother and son to kill each other, but this seems to have become his fate. Even if he wants to escape, he cannot escape because he is the only person who has ever activated the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation.

"Okay, what do I need to do?" Long Dangdang took a deep breath and asked the hall master. After all, he had no other choice. In fact, he had already understood it when he came back from the Disaster City last time.

The church leader said solemnly: "The church will provide you with some of the most top-notch heavenly materials and earthly treasures to enhance your cultivation. It will also build a spirit-absorbing array for you. The spirit-absorbing array requires a lot of scarce resources. But among them, You can obtain ten times the normal spiritual power, which will be of great benefit to your cultivation and greatly accelerate your improvement. With the combined effect of these two, you can reach level three at most. In a few months, you should be able to break through the ninth-level bottleneck and become a holy knight. By then, after you have stabilized your cultivation, you can try the test of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation. Once you succeed, your strength will still be there. There is a leap. However, you have to remember that there are still certain risks in this. After all, improving your cultivation too quickly can easily make your foundation unstable, so you have to make adjustments on your own. of."

Long Dangdang couldn't help but be stunned after hearing what the church leader said. He didn't expect that the church would make such a resolution, but when he thought about it carefully, it was reasonable.

The super artifact Undead Staff displayed by my mother had a huge impact on the Federation. It was a terrifying existence that could completely subvert a city. But with only two people, the Federation has dozens of powerful people, including the hall master and the top master of the Magic Temple, but they are unable to keep them, which brings a huge crisis to the federation. feel. I am afraid that even the advantages originally thought of on the front line have to be re-recognized now.

If you want to restrain super artifacts, you can only use super artifacts. The only super artifact of the Federation is the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, and this Divine Seal Throne is only possible for itself to control. Therefore, it is logical that the Federation spares no effort to support itself in trying the examination of the super artifact as soon as possible.

Long Dangdang even had a strange feeling in his heart at this time. His mother's raid on the Holy City seemed to be helping him get this opportunity. She didn't choose to reveal her identity. Was it because she still had feelings for mother and child? But if she knew that this would accelerate her acquisition of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, I don’t know what she would think. For a moment, I couldn't help but have mixed feelings in my heart.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Even if you don't get the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation in the end, no one will blame you. After all, only Chairman Long has been recognized by it in history. It's best to succeed. , even if it fails, you are also the Holy Knight and Dragon Knight of our Knight Temple. Without the approval of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, I will pass on my Divine Seal Throne to you." The hall master thought Long Dang was nervous. He quickly comforted him.

Long Dangdang secretly smiled bitterly, but could only nod, "I will go all out."

With the hall master gone, Long Dangdang tried to use the temple spiritual crystal to contact his friends from a distance.

The holy church spiritual crystal, the bright moon in the sky, and the dragon dangdang: "Is everyone okay over there?"

Ling Menglu said, "Everything is fine. How is your side? I heard that the Holy City was attacked? But the news is now blocked from the front line, and I don't know what the situation is like there. "Is the loss big? Are you okay?"

After Long Dangdang heard her words, he suddenly felt enlightened. No wonder his partners did not contact him immediately after the communication was connected. It seems that in the past few days, the Holy City has also taken the initiative to block the news. After all, once the news of the catastrophe in the Holy City spreads to the front line, it is likely to cause instability in the morale of the military. I don’t know how many family members of frontline soldiers are in the Holy City!

The bright moon of the holy church's spiritual crystal is in the sky, and the dragon is dangdang: "Don't worry, it has been solved, the loss is not big. However, I will stay in the holy city for a while, and the hall master decided to use the power of the holy church to help me improve my cultivation as soon as possible, and strive for Obtain the approval of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation as soon as possible.”

With the temple spirit crystal and the bright moon in the sky, Ling Menglu said: "That's a good thing. Please be careful not to be too impatient. With your talent, a breakthrough will be a matter of time. Don't worry on the front line. The undead army will suffer relatively heavy losses in this attack. , has retreated again. We have also been ordered to stay still, and there should be no major fighting for the time being. "

Long Dangdang had already guessed this result. The raid on the Holy City failed, which would be a big blow to the Kingdom of the Undead. And I'm afraid my mother's super artifact cannot be used without restraint. The two sides should be calm for the time being. Now it depends on you, how long it will take to break through the ninth level. And she will eventually stand on her opposite side on behalf of mankind, fighting for the survival of mankind. Since there is no other choice, then come on.

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