Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 493 The Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation

Could it be said that the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation does not recognize him?

Long Dangdang was completely immersed in his own world at this time. He could feel the calm power combining with his breath, but strangely, it seemed to be repelling something, a very uncomfortable feeling. It began to appear in Long Dangdang's body.

Illusions began to appear in Long Dangdang's mind. This was a white world with no boundaries. And in this white world, there is a dazzling golden light. This golden light is compatible with the white surrounding it, as if it could dissolve into one at any time.

However, within this golden light, there are two other colors. One of the dragons is very familiar, it is purple gold, the purple gold color that belongs to one's own bloodline. And this purple-gold color is competing with the boundless white light without any compromise.

Although the white light is vast, the purple-gold light has a superior feeling. In terms of aura, neither one of them can suppress the other, they can only constantly collide.

Is this the power of his own bloodline, the Eternal Divine Seal Throne of Creation, that is rejecting his own bloodline? Long Dangdang was secretly shocked. If this is the case, what choice will he make?

At this moment, the purple-gold light representing the power of blood became powerful. Although its size was far less than that of white light, its nobility and arrogance were even more upright. What was supposed to be a harmonious situation has now turned into a confrontation. It seems that Long Dangdang is getting further and further away from the throne of eternity and creation.

The hall master's anxiety became more and more intense. Two hours have passed, but Long Dangdang's test has still not started.

After such a long time, even if it starts again, I'm afraid... then all the previous work done by the temple will be in vain!

For a moment, Long Dangdang's heart was racing like fifteen buckets. Moreover, he also noticed that the white light emitted from the sculpture of the Throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation was becoming more and more intense, but it gave people a vague feeling of aggression.

But on Long Dangdang's forehead, eight purple-gold light patterns appeared, and there was a faint aura full of destruction, which seemed to be fighting against the throne of the divine seal of eternity and creation. Even purple-gold lines began to appear on the surface of the skin.

Dragon Dangdang, Dragon Dangdang, what on earth are you doing?

However, no matter how anxious the hall leader was, he could not help at all. To obtain the approval of the Divine Seal Throne, he could only rely on himself, and he could only watch here anxiously.

Although he was still surprised that the purple-gold light could confront the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, it also meant that Long Dangdang was standing on the opposite side of the Divine Seal Throne, so how could he get its approval!

Long Dangdang's eternal heart was beating gently, and the light breath released from his body was so pure. It was such a pure feeling that even the hall master standing next to him was infected and had a sense of enlightenment in his heart. However, now that he is nervous, he has not grasped this enlightened idea at all.

The feeling of Long Dangdang is in another form. For him, time has not passed in vain. In the illusion space, he only feels that his soul seems to be constantly sublimating in this confrontation. The Throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation The power is vast and broad. It seems to be all-encompassing and has supreme majesty.

Long Dangdang's ultimate light god physique attracted its emotions, and then they blended with each other, explored, and perceived everything about him. However, things went counterproductive. No one expected that during the assessment process, because of that The existence of the strange bloodline created resistance, and the resistance was getting stronger. Long Dangdang even felt that the power contained in the throne of the divine seal of eternity and creation was completely opposite to the power of his own bloodline.

Just when the hall master was gradually losing patience and even a little desperate, suddenly, a white light flashed, and Long Dangdang's body disappeared out of thin air.

here we go! The hall master's eyes suddenly brightened. Has Long Dangdang's examination for the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation finally begun?

As if only a moment had passed, Long Dangdang had already woken up.

All the previous pressure disappeared, and he felt as if his body was soaked in warm water, which was indescribably comfortable. The tempered soul got the best rest. The feeling was wonderful, as if the body was melting, and the soul fell into a short blank and deep sleep.

I don’t know how long it took before everything around me became clear again. The feeling of being down to earth made Long Dangdang, who was immersed in the previous comfort, completely wake up.

The clear chirping of insects and birds reached his ears, and Long Dangdang's consciousness gradually recovered. He was surprised to find that he was in a forest. There were tall trees all around, and there were many shrubs close to human height under the trees, blocking his sight.

What is this place? Long Dangdang looked around with some doubts. The comfort of his body kept his cultivation at its peak. The improvement of his soul also greatly enhanced his perception.

There is a strong breath of life all around, and there is no sense of threat. Everything is the most primitive nature. The vast and boundless breath of life surged gently in his perception.

Long Dangdang's will was so firm that he would not lose himself due to the sudden change in the environment. After calmly observing the surroundings for a moment, his emotions returned to calm.

From the hall master, Long Dangdang has learned a lot about the assessment of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. First of all, the content of the assessment is actually different for everyone, and the assessment is not simply doing one thing, but To go through a series of tests. What it is exactly is unknown, but it must be extremely difficult. At the same time, it is not just strength that is tested, but also character, potential, etc. Among them, the strength assessment is second, and the most important is the examination of character and human nature.

While Long Dangdang was thinking about what his assessment should be, suddenly, a deep and deep voice that seemed to be able to cover the entire world suddenly sounded.

"Long Dangdang, despite the great changes and his parents becoming the heads of the undead country, can still stick to his heart, regard himself as a human being, and is willing to go against his parents' wishes for the sake of human beings, taking the protection of human beings as his own duty, even at the cost of The mentality of sacrificing oneself. Being born as a human being and passing the human nature test, you can solve the problem by swearing on behalf of the God of Scourge not to destroy the plane again when assisting Long Kongkong to break through. The greatest evil intention of the God of Divine Punishment remains. Although the outcome is uncertain, I finally try to move towards protection from the Divine Punishment. Regardless of my character and wisdom, I am still qualified to control me. My name is Eternal. Controlling part of the creation authority of the Creator God. From now on, you are my ruler, and I will give you my domain.”

Listening to this sudden voice, Long Dangdang couldn't help but froze. Didn't he say that the assessment was difficult? The hall leader said that when the first generation chairman accepted the assessment for the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, it took a full month. Why did his assessment end just after it started? Should the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation know everything that happened to him through the Eternal Heart, and then choose to recognize himself? This is really a bit of a surprise, right?

Because he had heard many legends about the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation before, Long Dangdang naturally felt that the test of this super artifact must be extremely difficult, but what he never expected was that it was completely different from what he imagined. The difference is that everything happened so naturally.

"Originally, you needed the test of your character and the three great weapon spirits in order to inherit the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, but now, you have passed the test and directly become the new owner of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. My favored one. , the three great weapon spirits will tell you about eternity and creation." The majestic voice sounded again, but there was something strange in the voice for some reason.

At this moment, three figures appeared quietly in front of Long Dangdang.

A strong lover, a giant dragon, and an angel with twelve white wings on his back.

"Hello, dear inheritor." The twelve-winged angel flew over first and came to Long Dangdang. The halo in his beautiful eyes was flowing, exuding a soft brilliance.

As I got closer, I could see more clearly. She had a slender figure and a beautiful appearance. She had a noble and aloof beauty, but her arrogance seemed to be innate and gave people a completely normal feeling. . Behind her, there are twelve wings, which are somewhat similar to human spiritual wings, but they look more real.

The twelve wings are white and flawless, with a faint luster under the sunlight. That kind of holiness leaves no room for any feeling of blasphemy.

The same white long skirt hangs down. The long skirt is very simple, but when worn on her body, it seems to fit perfectly. If one point is added, it is too much, and one point is taken away, and it is too little. She has blond hair and golden eyes, but no bright aura emanates from her. In her right hand, there is a slender white magic wand.

There were no gems inlaid on the magic wand, but Long Dangdang's eyes were immediately attracted to it just at a glance. It seemed that what he saw was not a magic wand, but the sun, moon and stars.

"Please allow me to introduce the three of us to you. I am the Eternal Angel, and these two are King Easton and the Holy Dragon."

Long Dangdang followed his introduction and looked at the other two.

The Easton King had thick, short brown hair that was curly and messy on top of his head. He was wearing armor that looked like it was carved from jade, shining with dazzling light. Although he is not tall, he is extremely strong. Shoulder width should be at least two-thirds of height. Chest broad. He has a beard on his face, and among the organs on his face, only his nose and eyes can be seen clearly.

King Easton really has rosacea and is very red, but his eyes are the same brown as his hair. The left hand holds a giant axe. The ax surface alone is almost as big as his body. The right hand holds a giant hammer, which is not much different in size from the giant axe. With his short and stocky body holding this pair of huge turquoise weapons, it really looked a bit weird.

Artifact. Although these two weapons and the armor on King Easton were all green, Long Dangdang immediately concluded that these three pieces of equipment were all artifact-level existences.

The color may be different, but the smell will not be wrong. The extremely pure breath of life has turned the entire cave into turquoise.

The sacred dragon is a real giant dragon with no wings on its back. Its slender body is more than thirty meters long. It is covered with golden scales. It has five claws under its belly and two horns on its head. The majestic eyes stared at them, and with its rapid arrival, all the colorful lights in the sky also fluctuated. Vaguely, its aura gave Long Dangdang a feeling somewhat similar to that of Xiaoba.

In mid-air, the Eternal Angel, the Holy Dragon and King Easton all slowly bowed down, thinking of the dragon whose body was shining with nine colors of light.

The three powerful men said respectfully: "The guardian of the eternal domain pays homage to the new master."

Long Dangdang hurriedly said: "You three are welcome, please get up quickly."

The three powerful men straightened up, and the Eternal Angel said: "Master, are you curious about the three tests that you were supposed to accept?"

Long Dangdang nodded slightly. He had already guessed something, but he still needed to confirm it.

The Eternal Angel said: "This is the Eternal Domain. In the Eternal Domain, I guard the sky, the dragon guards the sea and all monsters, and King Easton guards the earth. Together, we represent one world. The world of eternity and creation. This is where It is called the realm of eternity. The realm of eternity itself is the inner realm of the Throne of the God of Eternity and Creation. Therefore, if you want to be recognized by the throne, you must accept the test here. "

"The Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation is the former seat of the God of Creation, and is a true super artifact. It was lost in the starry sky when the God of Creation split himself and turned into a hundred gods to rule all planes. It accompanied Following the guidance of fate, I came to your planet, which is also known as the Holy Demon Continent. It has been waiting for the birth of a new master. "

The Sealed Throne of Eternity and Creation is actually the seat of the God of Creation? Long Dangdang's eyes were slightly focused, listening attentively.

"The throne will give you the strongest power. The existence of the throne is equivalent to being granted the status of a god by the Creator God. You will never need to worry about the arrival of the bottleneck of God."

Long Dangdang was moved in his heart and said: "Is the bottleneck of God that you mentioned one million spiritual powers?"

The Eternal Angel nodded and said: "Yes. The last test for you is actually to use the power of the Eternal Domain to simulate millions of spiritual powers. As long as you persist under my attack for a quarter of an hour, you will pass the test. But I didn’t expect you to pass the assessment directly. This is the first time.”

Long Dangdang's heart twitched when he heard this. Could he with a million spiritual power be able to stop it? But he still asked curiously: "Who is the Lord of Eternity?"

The Eternal Angel said with reverence: "The Lord of Eternity is a trace of the divine thought left by the God of Creation on the throne. He is also the true master of the Eternal Domain. However, he will not appear easily. Originally, the divine seal of eternity and creation The throne's mission in this world has been completed long ago. It will go to another dimension as fate dictates, but it remains here just to wait for you."

After hearing what she said, Long Dangdang completely understood. This divine throne of eternity and creation does not always recognize him as its Lord. It can only be regarded as loaned to him, or borrowed from the Holy Demon Continent. yes! It is the seat of the Creator God, so how can it be used by oneself forever?

At this moment, the nine-colored halo in the sky suddenly became thicker, and a calm and emotionless voice sounded, "Dragon, Dang Dang, the throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation was destroyed due to the destruction of the plane, and will also be repaired along with the plane. Go. You are the one chosen by fate."

Circles of intense nine-color halo surrounded Long Dangdang's body and moved up and down. The next moment, he felt that his whole body was immersed in special power.

It was endless power of chaos, and this power of chaos seemed to be changing because of his body. The familiar light attributes began to appear, and took root and sprouted at an astonishing speed. His soul and body were sublimated in this process of growth and creation.

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