Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 494 Nine Dragon Scroll Altar of the Undead

Ling Xue stood silently on a hillside about 300 meters high. From this position, she could just see the undulating tent camp of the Temple Federation a hundred miles away.

The failure of the sneak attack on the Holy City was not a big blow to her. Although many high-level undead died in the battle, she failed and failed to solve the Holy City in one fell swoop, thus completely reversing the war. However, the more important thing was completed. Her son, her little Austin, finally succeeded in breaking through to the ninth level. Although she didn't ascend to heaven after the ninth level, she knew very well how fast the little Austin would improve after reaching the ninth level.

In the last life, until she died, she didn't see her son show his power. This life won't happen. She wants to clear all obstacles for her son to unify the world.

At this time, she would also unconsciously think of her other son. Although there was no existence of this son in the memory of the last life, but in this life, after all, they lived together for more than ten years! That was also the flesh that fell from her body. How could there be no feelings at all? This is also the reason why she let him go several times. Even if he ruined her good deeds in the Holy City that day, at that moment, if she really wanted to do it, she could have killed her son regardless of everything. However, at that time, she still couldn't do it, and her husband wouldn't let her do it. After all, Osai died too quickly in his last life, and he didn't experience the unforgettable pain at the end, so he was sometimes a little soft-hearted.

However, no matter what, the goal will not change. Only by eliminating all humans, their family will not be persecuted again.

Since the last incident, the human coalition has not made any moves, as if they are waiting for something. They put more energy into clearing up the inside. Indeed, their actions are effective. It is not a big city like the Holy City. Even if they forcibly build an altar of the dead behind the human beings, it will be extinguished in a short time, not to mention that the human beings are already prepared. In this case, let's fight on the front battlefield. In the last battle of the Holy City, she actually gained a lot. The negative energy aroused in the human base camp, the federal capital, is much more concentrated than the one condensed in the Kingdom of the Dead, which greatly improved her cultivation. Now, it's time to fight to the death with humans. My little Austin is already in the final growth. As a mother, I will clear all obstacles for him first. Ling Xue raised her right hand and grasped the void. She looked coldly at the human camp in the distance. Don't you take the initiative to attack? Then, I will make you take the initiative. The staff that almost set off a storm in the Holy City fell into her palm again. Ling Xue's expression became cold. The staff was slowly raised, and a low and long spell sounded in her mouth. What kind of undead altar is more powerful than the one built by the Holy God of Death himself? This time, she was no longer fighting alone like in the Holy City, but was protected by countless powerful undead. The more humans didn't want to fight, the more she wanted them to take the initiative to attack and fight a decisive battle.

Layers of deep blue light patterns spread out from the feet of the Holy Death God Ling Xue to the surroundings. At this moment, she seemed to have become the center of this world. One by one, the magic patterns slowly penetrated into the ground, and the undead clouds in the sky that had been fluctuating steadily suddenly began to become agitated.

It was dusk at this time, and the light in the sky was gradually dimming. When Ling Xue began to cast a spell, the dimming process suddenly began to accelerate. Ling Xue's chanting gradually became louder, and the magic patterns on the ground completely covered this 300-meter-high hill with an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters.

The undead army was stationed around this hill. At this moment, when they felt the mantra of the Holy Death God begin to chant and the undead energy began to condense, they all stood up at the first moment, and they were full of fighting spirit. The rich undead energy was their best supplement, especially at this time, when they were about to enter the night, which was also the most active time for them.

In the sky, undead tornadoes began to appear one after another. Yes, not just one. Here, there are millions of undead armies and more than a hundred ninth-level undead warriors. There is no place where the undead energy is more concentrated than here. Even the Calamity City at this moment cannot compare with this place. And all this undead energy is being completely mobilized by Ling Xue. Almost in an instant, nine huge undead tornadoes have begun to form in the sky, with the hill where Ling Xue is as the center, attracting a large amount of undead energy between heaven and earth, swallowing and pulling these undead energies towards this side like a whale swallowing.

Under its influence, all the altars of the dead in the whole kingdom of the dead began to fluctuate, and their devouring abilities began to increase significantly. It can be clearly seen that the undead clouds in the sky, which had become thin due to the pressure of the human army, are increasing at an alarming rate, especially on the human side, while the undead clouds on the side of the undead kingdom are becoming thicker and thicker.

The terrifying shock, like a dark cloud pressing down on the city, instantly made the human camp in the distance restless.

Xi Che, the commander-in-chief of the three armies of the Temple Federation, the ruler of the throne of the God of Doom and Slaughter, and the Knight of the God of Judgment and Judgement of the Knights' Temple, has already flown into the air with a solemn face. One after another, the figures of human strongmen rose into the air and looked into the distance with him.

"Such a huge amount of undead energy, what are they going to do?" a man from the temple said in a confused tone.

Xi Che's face was solemn, but he did not panic. "Notify the Holy City immediately that the Holy Law God of the Dead is on the front line and is building an unprecedented large undead altar. Please ask for support. All coalition forces are preparing to fight."

Without any need to investigate, he knew that such a large altar of the undead in the distance must have been personally created by the Holy God of the Undead. Only this person could create such a scene that was as powerful as heaven. With Xi Che's cultivation, he could clearly feel that a large amount of negative energy was converging from the direction of the Federation, and the undead energy in the sky began to increase significantly. There is no doubt that the stronger the undead energy is, the stronger the undead army will become, and it is these terrifying opponents they will face.

At this time, the hall master, the master of the Magic Temple, and nearly one-third of the temple are still staying in the Holy City to prevent the surprise attack of the Holy Law God of the Dead. However, at this time, it is completely meaningless. Since the Holy Law God of the Dead did not hesitate to build an unprecedented altar of the undead on the front line, it undoubtedly means that they are about to launch a general attack.

The Saint of the Dead has a super-artifact in his hands. The temples all already know how powerful this person is. How powerful the super-artifact can be in her hands is what the federal army needs to face now. of.

"Assemble all the magician groups and prepare to set off. She must be stopped and she cannot be allowed to build this altar of the undead." Xi Che said resolutely.

Looking at the nine huge tornadoes that were gradually taking shape in the sky, he knew very well that once the altar of the undead was formed, the human coalition would have no chance of winning. The altar must be destroyed before it can be formed. At this time, there is no way to retreat. Once the army retreats, what they will face is that the energy of the undead continues to increase significantly. All previous efforts will be in vain, and an altar of the undead of this scale is established. , all the previous damage suffered by the Kingdom of the Undead will be made up for, and it will become stronger. Will it retreat this time? Next time, if she builds a powerful altar of the undead, will she still retreat?

Brilliant golden-red light rose into the sky from behind Xi Che, and the huge throne of the God of Doom and Killing appeared at the same time along with his mount companion, the huge white light-based dragon.

At every critical moment, what the human army needs most is the support of the Divine Seal Knights. At the same time, rays of light lit up one after another, and three huge lights and shadows emerged out of thin air. Surprisingly, it was the other three divine seal knights from the Knights Temple who were dispatched.

In addition to the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, the other five Divine Thrones in the Knights Temple have holders. Among them, the hall leader is in charge of the Divine Seal Throne of Fear and Sorrow, and the Knight of the Knight Temple is the Divine Seal Knight of Destruction and Forgiveness. . In addition to the hall master, four other divine seal knights, including Xi Che, were on the front line. They are also the top strong men in the temple other than the level of the temple master.

At this time, the three Divine Seal Knights cooperated with Xi Che and released their own Divine Seal Thrones at the same time. Suddenly, in the sky above the federal army, the four Divine Seal Thrones were lined up. Except for Xi Che, the other three were in charge of guarding. With the Divine Seal Throne of Mercy, the Divine Seal Knight Zi Mo who is the defense and co-ordinator of the Knights Temple, Xuan Hanyan, the owner of the Divine Seal Throne of wisdom and spirit, the Divine Seal Knight who teaches and inherits the Knights Temple, and the Order and Law The holder of the Divine Seal Throne strives for glory, and the Knights of the Knights Temple control and restrain the Divine Seal Knight.

With the four sacred knights sitting in command, the human army suddenly became stable, and various ministries began to mobilize quickly. The warrior legion of the Warrior Temple and the major knights of the Knight Temple took the lead, followed closely by the magician group of the Magic Temple.

The distance between the two sides is hundreds of kilometers, which is beyond the reach of the magician group, not even a large-scale forbidden spell. What's more, with previous experience, if you want to break through the defense of that super artifact, you may need a powerful single-target forbidden spell to have a chance.

The strong men of the six temples, led by the four sacred knights, were flying in the air and slowly pressing on them. At this time, they could already see that the undead army in the distance was already waiting in formation, but there was no intention to attack. the meaning of. This is also where the undead army is smart. The Holy Law God of the Undead has established a powerful altar of the undead, and the federal army must destroy it. Then, the federal army must break away from the coverage of the light source array and take the initiative to attack. Although the Priest's Temple can also build a temporary light source array, the effect is much worse. Waiting for work in leisure, this is Ling Xue's tactic.

In the undead army, large rays of light began to appear. It was the undead army magician group headed by the Lich who began to prepare their magic. There was no need to attack the human coalition at all. They only needed to protect the undead altar being established. That was enough. The mission is over. As long as the altar of the undead is established and the energy of the undead is continuously absorbed into the front line, the energy of the undead here becomes more intense. As time goes by, the human army will naturally be unable to resist it and can only retreat without a fight. When the time comes At that time, it was the time for the undead army to take action.

In the sky, against the background of the undead cloud, colorful lights began to appear. This was the magic that both parties were preparing by mobilizing the power of the elements. On such a battlefield with a million-strong army, even a ninth-level high-level expert's individual strength cannot compare with the legion-level combined magic.

When the federal army was still about thirty miles away from the undead army, the attack that had been planned for a long time began.

Forbidden spells surged out one by one with terrifying magical energy, heading straight towards the undead army in the distance to bombard them.

Xi Che is very clear about the problems that his side is facing now. He absolutely does not want to engage in a protracted war with the undead army. His goal is to defeat the altar that the undead are building, and then retreat back to the base. The goal will be completed.

Therefore, as soon as they came up, the magician group, the priest group, and several major knight groups had already released powerful forbidden spells under the leadership of their respective experts.

A request for help from the Holy City has been sent out, but support will not arrive in a short time. In terms of the number of strong men and the quality of the frontline troops, the human side still had the advantage, so although he was surprised, he did not panic. He is not afraid of this kind of head-on collision, but is more worried about what tricks the undead have. After all, the previous sneak attack on the Holy City really made everyone break out in a cold sweat.

The violent roar resounded thousands of miles away, and the terrifying forbidden curse light collided crazily, and it suddenly felt like the end of the world was coming.

In order to destroy the establishment of the altar of the undead, Xi Che even ordered the magicians to release forbidden spells towards the undead cloud in the sky, and the priests cooperated, trying to weaken the concentration of the undead energy as much as possible.

However, the expression of the Knight of the Divine Seal of Judgment and Judgment soon changed. When the forbidden spells rose into the sky one by one and rushed towards the nine huge tornadoes, although the nine tornadoes also fluctuated, most of the elemental power was directly dissolved in the huge undead energy. It's impossible to shake it. Vaguely, the nine tornadoes seemed to have formed a whole with the undead cloud in the sky that stretched across the entire kingdom of the undead. Xi Che immediately realized that this time, he might be in trouble.

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