Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 496 The Knight of the Divine Seal of Glory and Leadership

Yes, this is the Divine Seal Throne of Fear and Sorrow of the Knights Temple, and in front of this Divine Seal Throne, suspended in mid-air, is not the current leader of the Temple, the Knight of the Divine Seal of Destruction and Forgiveness of the Knights Temple. ?

Not only him, but ten temples, including the master of the Magic Temple, filed out.

"Everyone retreat!" the hall master's voice echoed throughout the battlefield.

Seeing him, Xi Che finally breathed a sigh of relief and immediately shouted loudly: "Everyone retreat."

The federal army began to retreat like a tide. The priests of the Priest Temple used all their strength to cast holy light magic, trying to block the erosion of the dark blue halo released by the Holy God of the Dead. However, there were still a large number of human professionals being destroyed. Become undead.

The silver light door where the Hall Master and the others appeared was not closed. At this moment, from the light door, a strange nine-color halo floated out. The next moment, it turned into a nine-color light pillar reaching the sky. Continuously, the nine-colored light pillar gradually expanded, and a huge throne about a hundred feet high slowly emerged from the nine-colored light pillar.

The nine-color halo expanded rapidly, covering it directly in the direction of the federal army. A strange scene appeared. When the dark blue undead energy came into contact with the nine-color light, it actually stopped spreading and stood in the dark blue Ling Xue, who was sitting on top of the colored skull, finally changed her expression for the first time.

Almost every fifth-level knight and above has seen the sculptures of the six sacred thrones. The Knights Temple has always had divine seal knights. but. Compared with the gigantic Divine Seal Throne, which is a hundred feet high and sparkles in nine colors, the other Divine Seal Thrones that once released countless brilliance on the battlefield seem to dim.

The nine-colored light has a special aura. The nine-colored light shines without appearing chaotic at all. Faintly, behind the divine seal throne, the nine-colored light gradually forms circles of light that shine together. The throne body gradually turned into a color like white jade carving.

The other Divine Seal Thrones all look like metal, but this one has a jade-like texture.

All the reliefs are still so lifelike, but compared to the black of the sculptures, the shiny white now gives people a sense of supreme nobility.

A ray of light and shadow slowly projected in front of this huge divine throne. The light and shadow was wearing golden divine armor and holding an eight-color glittering golden giant sword. The armor covered his face, but his majestic figure was five hundred meters tall.

Slowly, he sat on the incomparable Divine Seal Throne. It's like a real god descending into the world.

Seeing this scene, the already desperate human army could not help but be stunned, and the eyes of all the high-level knights present instantly became hot. Is it, is it? The only super artifact in all mankind, the faith of the entire Knight Temple, the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation!

At the moment when that person sat on the throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation, the terrifying pressure reached its extreme. A large number of low-level undead that were catching up from behind suddenly exploded in front of this terrifying pressure and turned into Flesh and blood powder.

Yes, that huge shadow is none other than Long Dangdang. He, who inherited the throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation, is here!

At this time, Long Dangdang only felt an indescribable great power surrounding him. When he sat on this throne, it seemed that all his past understandings became insignificant. A true creative idea lingered in his heart, and the idea of ​​eternity gradually stabilized the eternal heart in his chest. An indescribable realization lingered in my heart. And his cultivation level is slowly rising because of this throne of the divine seal of eternity and creation. The speed of climb is not fast, but the state of mind is also improving accordingly.

Fit and blend.

Long Dangdang's thoughts and spiritual power are integrated with each other in this wonderful understanding and the throne of the divine seal of eternity and creation.

Under the nine-color light of the super artifact, the knights began to kneel on the ground one by one, paying the highest courtesy to the dragon in the sky.

The church leader looked at the dragon on the huge divine throne and said loudly: "All professionals of the six major temples, I now, on behalf of the church, on behalf of the federation, and on behalf of all the six major temples, declare to everyone: Dragon Dangdang. He has been recognized by the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, granting him the title of Knight of the Divine Seal of Glory and Leader. From this moment on, he will also be the leader of the six sacred knights of our Knight Temple, and he is ours. The supreme leader of the Knights Temple.”

The frontline army instantly became silent under the cover of the hall master's voice injected with spiritual power. About three seconds later, cheers like a volcanic eruption echoed through the entire Xiongguan. Every professional has studied history, so they all know what it means when the Knight of the Divine Seal of Glory and Leader appears. All the previous panic and despair disappeared at this moment.

"Knights of the Divine Seal, Knights of the Divine Seal, Knights of the Divine Seal..." They all cheered the same slogan, glorifying the glory of the Knights Temple. The undead army stationed in the distance no longer advanced but quickly retreated. It won’t work if we don’t retreat! The oppressive force brought by the Divine Seal Throne shining with the nine-color halo is too great. If they continue, they don't know what kind of losses they will suffer.

The spiritual power and realm are always improving, and Long Dangdang's realm of Jun Lin Tianxia, ​​which he has already awakened, is actually integrating with the power of the Eternal Realm.

After he had just taken charge of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, before he had time to stabilize his realm, the Hall Master received a signal for help from the front line. He had no choice but to immediately activate the Extraordinary Cave Spiritual Furnace to destroy all the temples and himself. Sent over. Perhaps stimulated by the oppression of the undead energy, upon arriving here, the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation immediately began to fully integrate with him. He can only control this super artifact to a certain extent now.

The Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation fully embodies its powerful power as a super artifact, and its aura of coercion is far beyond what other Divine Seal Thrones can compare to.

"Ding——" A melodious crisp sound spread thousands of miles, and the throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation under Long Dangdang suddenly split apart. It turned into thirteen white haloes and rose into the sky.

The moment they rose into the sky, the light of the sun in the sky was completely suppressed and dimmed. It seems that it no longer exists, and thirteen new suns have taken its place.

Long Dangdang looked up at the sky, with a hint of fanaticism in his eyes. He raised his hands at the same time, "Let it fall, my eternal star." The fine gold base armor on his body was then lifted, and turned into a fine gold base suspended on its own. side.

The thirteen eternal stars shining with incandescent luster fell from the sky and quickly integrated into Long Dangdang's body one by one, and his 500-meter-high body also shrank significantly after each eternal star merged.

When the thirteenth eternal star was completely integrated with his body, he had returned to the size of a normal human and no longer had the illusion of illusion.

Everything returned to normal, Long Dangdang still wore the sacred armor, and the throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation in the sky completely disappeared.

With his right fist across his chest and hitting his left chest, Long Dangdang performed a knightly salute to all the knights of the federal army.

The sonorous sound echoed neatly on the ground for hundreds of miles. This was the response of all the knights in the Knights Temple to him at this time. Not only these knights, but also five divine seal knights in the air.

From this moment on, Long Dangdang has become the second glorious and leader divine knight in the history of the Knights Temple. The leader of the six sacred knights, although the church leader didn't say it just now, he is bound to become the church leader's successor. The new church leader will have no problem even becoming the president of the federation.

It's just that at this time, Long Dangdang was not even surprised by all the honors. His eyes were fixed on the huge skull in the distance that was releasing circles of dark blue halo, and the top of the skull. The standing figure.

Will we still have to fight each other on the battlefield after all? Mother.

No matter how many times he did psychological construction, no matter how many times he thought he could be firm, when he actually faced his mother on the battlefield, one can imagine the complicated emotions in his heart. Moreover, now he can no longer escape. Having inherited the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, he has such a responsibility.

What blooms outward from him and blocks the power of his mother's powerful domain is the eternal control from the throne of the divine seal of eternity and creation. Only this magical domain full of creative power can Block the natural disaster field that relies on the huge undead magic circle. Even, the natural disaster domain is slowly being suppressed backwards by him.

A loud dragon roar sounded around Long Dangdang, and a huge figure with a length of more than a hundred meters swam out, with seven huge dragon heads and eyes shining with different brilliance. It was Xiaoba who had evolved into a seven-headed golden dragon. , at this time, its body shape was already as powerful as an adult dragon, but as soon as the seven huge heads appeared, the fluctuations of the seven elements in the air increased sharply. His own aura is also increasing at an alarming rate.

As soon as it lowered its head, it carried Long Dangdang's body and flew forward under Long Dangdang's instructions.

The other five divine seal knights followed closely, following Long Dangdang. The six divine seals appeared at the same time. The last time was thousands of years ago! This scene could not help but dazzle the other Knight Temple experts present and couldn't help themselves. They are also full of strong confidence. With the six divine seals and the knights with the divine seal of glory and leadership, what difficulties are there that cannot be conquered?

Ling Xue looked at the figure in the sky with a nine-color halo and pure white super-god-level armor. Listening to the words announced by the previous hall master, her mood at this time was not complicated.

The Lich King didn't know when he had come to her side, and the couple stood side by side. The Lich King subconsciously reached for the hand of the Holy Law God of the Dead, but she threw it away.

"Now that things have happened, is it possible for us to go back on our word? This traitor has to stand on the opposite side of me." Ling Xue said through gritted teeth.

The Lich King sighed and said: "This is also his persistence! After all, that is how we educated him since he was a child, and he has not awakened the memory of his previous life. I never expected that our son could actually Standing at the top of the Federation, he has even inherited the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation.”

The Holy Law God of the Dead said coldly: "So what? He has just inherited the Divine Seal Throne, and his cultivation is far from being able to bring out the true power of this Divine Seal Throne. Victory, after all, belongs to our."

As she spoke, she raised the undead natural disaster staff in front of her. The crystal clear skull on the top of the staff pointed directly at the dragon in the air. The next moment, the huge skull under her body started to vibrate. , and then, the hill-like skull slowly rose up from the ground, and along with it, a huge dark blue skeleton slowly appeared.

Long Dangdang and the five Divine Seal Knights stopped and their expressions became solemn, because they could clearly feel how huge and terrifying the spiritual power contained in the skeleton was.

Long Dangdang took a deep breath and raised the divine sword in his hand that shone with eight colors of light. This was the divine weapon Sword of Life Enlightenment that evolved from the Blue Rain Light Hibiscus and was rendered by the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. It had some life attached to it. The authority to create will only appear after the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation is resurrected and taken control of.

The huge dark blue skeleton was pulled up from the ground, almost as if it was soaring upwards. Its head alone was three hundred meters high. When it was completely pulled up from the ground, its height was already nearly three thousand meters, as majestic as a mountain. , the spiritual power fluctuations emitted from it caused black space cracks to appear continuously around its body, as if even this space could no longer carry its body.

"This, this is a spiritual power fluctuation that is close to the limit. How is it possible? The spiritual power of the Holy Law God of the Dead is close to a million levels?" Looking at the huge dark blue skeleton, the hall master couldn't help but feel surprised. Discoloration.

There is no doubt that the overall strength of the Temple Federation is far stronger than that of the Kingdom of the Undead. If it were not worried about the resurrection of the dead and became undead, the Kingdom of the Undead would have been destroyed long ago. However, the strength displayed by the Holy Law God of the Dead at this time is not comparable to that of any strong man in the Temple Federation. Ninth level nine? Or is it that it is already infinitely close to the limit of this world, one million spiritual powers?

"Her power is probably not entirely her own. It is the power she generated with the help of the super artifact staff and the fusion of the altar of the undead." Xi Che said in a deep voice.

Having said that, how terrifying is it to be able to exert the power of millions of spiritual powers on the battlefield? In the war between humans and demons ten thousand years ago, only the Demon God Emperor reached that level. At that time, the Chairman of the Temple Federation, Long Haochen, the Knight of the Divine Seal of Glory and Leadership, had fully mastered the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. Only then could he lead mankind to turn defeat into victory. At this time, Long Dangdang had just received the inheritance, and the Holy God of the Dead opposite him had clearly completely controlled the super artifact, the Undead Staff. The situation that had become optimistic in everyone's minds suddenly reversed again.


Happy holidays to everyone.

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