What's even more frightening is that with this holding skeleton as the center, circles of dark blue halo cover the undead army. Every undead creature is evolving at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the undead energy in the sky is condensed as if it were substance. generally.

"Realm of Eternity!" Long Dangdang raised the divine sword in his hand. Suddenly, the nine-color light emitting from his body became stronger again, and he rushed away thinking about the front.

"Hmph!" The Holy Law God of the Dead snorted coldly. In front of the huge skeleton, layers of dark blue halo surged like waves, blocking the eternal defense released by Long Dangdang.

But at this moment, the eyes of several divine seal knights lit up. This time they could see more clearly. The domain power emitted by the Eternal Control seemed to be higher than that emitted by the Undead Altar of the Holy Law God of the Dead. is higher. When the two sides cancel each other out after the collision, it is obvious that the consumption of the Holy Law God of the Dead will be greater. It seemed that Long Dangdang's Eternal Control began to retreat under pressure, but this was mainly because the gap in spiritual power between the two sides was too great.

Long Dangdang obtained the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. In fact, his cultivation level is equivalent to level 9 and level 3 at most, plus the super artifact. At this time, the Holy Law God of the Dead who is using the Altar of the Dead may really have reached the ninth level.

"Come together!" the hall leader shouted in a deep voice. The next moment, he had already taken the lead to fly to the left side of Long Dangdang. The other four Divine Seal Knights followed one after another, and five people appeared around Long Dangdang, surrounding Long Dangdang in the center. The next moment, the Divine Seal Thrones on them all made a strange buzzing sound.

Five streams of light rose into the sky at the same time and turned into five huge light pillars. Surrounded by these five light pillars, Long Dangdang suddenly felt that his eternal armor became brighter and brighter, and the eternal domain also stopped in an instant. The decline barely blocked the realm of the Holy Law God of the Dead.

This is? The combined attack ability of the six sacred thrones? Long Dang felt something. The next moment, three more figures were released beside him. They were none other than King Easton, the Holy Dragon and the Eternal Angel. The three great weapon spirits appeared next to Long Dangdang. When they saw the overwhelming aura of the undead in the distance, they couldn't help but change their expressions.

"This is the Undead Catastrophe Staff. Has this staff reappeared in the world? I remember..." the sacred dragon murmured.

The eternal angel beside it glared at it, swallowing the second half of its words.

"How can we break the opponent's undead realm?" Long Dangdang asked the Eternal Angel.

The Eternal Angel immediately said: "The Eternal Domain is the domain created by the God of Creation. It has the original power of creation and is one of the most powerful forces in the universe. Although the other party's domain is very strong, it is still You will be restrained, but the opponent is much stronger than you, so you will be suppressed. If you can improve your cultivation to a certain level, you will definitely be able to restrain the opponent. "

"But, there is no time!" Long Dangdang said with a bitter smile. Seeing that his mother had raised the staff again, an even greater amount of undead energy rushed towards her. The most terrifying thing about the undead natural disaster staff was that it could mobilize the undead energy for her use and directly become part of her power. There is a gap in cultivation between the two sides, not to mention the fact that they have to resist the nationwide power of the near-undead kingdom.

The Eternal Angel glanced at the other five divine seal knights around him and said: "If they are here, they can cooperate with us to temporarily release the eternal barrier to seal the other party for seven days. Within seven days, you have to find a way to improve your cultivation. Get up and you can resist the opponent."

Long Dangdang was stunned for a moment, "Seven days?" Although he didn't say it directly, his expression was already telling Eternal Angel, what can he do in seven days?

However, the Eternal Angel smiled slightly and said: "If you have a way, seal them first." As she spoke, a strange nine-color light emitted from her eyes, and a spiritual light suddenly appeared in Long Dangdang's mind.

"Throne of the Divine Seal, listen to my guidance." He raised the Sword of Life Enlightenment in his hand, and the other five Knights of the Divine Seal cast their eyes on him at the same time. Suddenly, they felt the pull from the Throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation, without any hesitation. , the five divine seal knights simultaneously let go of their control over the divine seal throne.

Behind Long Dangdang, a circle of nine-colored light shone, and vaguely, a kilometer-high phantom of the Divine Seal Throne appeared. Five rays of light peeled off from the five Divine Seal Knights at the same time, and became slightly smaller in the air. Some of the light and shadow of the five divine thrones, and the brilliance of the six divine thrones complement each other in the air.

The three major weapon spirits of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation all gathered behind Long Dangdang, and Long Dangdang's Life Enlightenment Sword slowly drew an arc in the air.

Suddenly, the world trembled, and the shadows of the six Divine Seal Thrones changed one after another in the air, turning into huge runes. Among them, the runes transformed by the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation looked more like a symbol in the air. Like a nine-colored sun, the moment it appeared, the undead natural disaster field released by the Holy Law God of the Dead seemed to have encountered a nemesis. The tidal energy of the undead turned into dust and smoke and disintegrated. The three-kilometer-high The giant skeleton couldn't help but retreat backwards. On the ground, any undead creature swept by this light will be instantly wiped out, and even the undead energy will not have time to escape.

The other five rune imprints transformed from the Divine Seal Throne were directly close to the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. The moment the six major imprints came into contact, a nine-color light beam instantly rose into the sky.

The entire sky suddenly changed. The thick undead clouds that originally stretched across the sky seemed to disappear in an instant. Stars appeared in the sky, and the night sky suddenly became clear.

At this moment, all humans and undead felt as if they were in the universe. Immediately afterwards, the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation appeared in the night sky again, and the nine-color light penetrated the heaven and earth and turned into a huge The light curtain abruptly blocked out all the breath of the undead, blocking the front of the six divine seal knights.

The eternal seal is also called the eternal barrier, which is one of the highest authorities belonging to the throne of the divine seal of eternity and creation. Long Dangdang deeply felt its power, but with his current cultivation level, he was still unable to fully grasp this authority. But despite this, the powerful Holy Law God of the Dead and the undead army were all isolated and unable to move forward. Even the undead cloud in the sky was completely isolated at this moment.

Therefore, the human professionals on the ground saw a strange scene. On their side, there was a clear night sky full of stars, but on the other side of the nine-color barrier, there was a thick cloud of undead, and the Gundam A huge skeleton three thousand meters tall, and an overwhelming army of undead. This scene is like heaven and hell being separated.

"Okay, okay, okay, Long Dangdang, you are fine!" Ling Xue's face had turned livid at this time. When Long Dangdang activated the eternal barrier, she even felt a great terror falling from the sky, and the power of creation The power was really terrifying. Although it was not strong, it still made her feel a huge threat. But at the same time, she could also sense through the super-artifact undead calamity staff in her hand that this barrier could only last for a period of time and could not truly last forever.

Looking at his mother standing on the top of the skull, Long Dangdang couldn't help but feel a little choked in his throat for a moment. He didn't know what to say. He was already ready and waiting for his mother to reveal his identity. This would undoubtedly be a big blow to him. It will be a bigger blow.

However, Ling Xue just stood on top of the huge dark blue skull, staring at him with cold eyes, without saying anything, not even lifting the veil of chaos on his face.

The five divine seal thrones returned to the five divine seal knights, and the hall master looked at Long Dangdang with questioning eyes.

Only then did Long Dangdang recover, and said in a deep voice: "My strength is not enough to fully exert the power of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, and I cannot defeat her. Now, with the help of the power of the six Divine Seal Thrones, I can release the eternal barrier and temporarily All undead creatures and undead auras are kept out, giving us some time to breathe, and I will also find a way to improve myself during this time."

"How long?" Xi Che asked.

Long Dangdang glanced at him and said truthfully: "Seven days, the eternal barrier can last for seven days."

Instead, Xi Che breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Seven days' buffer is fine. Let's think of ways to help you improve your cultivation."

Xuan Hanyan said: "Can the eternal barrier be released again?"

Long Dangdang slowly shook his head and said: "This time it can be activated by using the foundation of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. My current strength is not enough to cultivate it and I cannot use it again. Therefore, I must use it in a short time You have to become stronger. Eternal Angel, you can tell me what you can do now."

The Eternal Angel said: "The solution lies with you. Don't you already have the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace? As long as you use it to find the Lantian Sunwarming Spiritual Furnace, the sun and the moon will become one, which will naturally help you greatly improve your cultivation."

"Lantian Sun Nuan Spiritual Furnace?" Long Dangdang was stunned for a moment when a light blue halo emerged from his chest and quickly transformed into a human form. Isn't it Canghai?

"You, can you help me find Lantian?" Canghai looked at the Eternal Angel excitedly, "Is it, is it still there?"

The Eternal Angel smiled slightly and said: "Nature is still there. If you are here, it must be there. In fact, you are two sides of the same body, the sun spirit and the moon spirit in this world, unless this plane is destroyed. , otherwise, you would not have completely disappeared.”

"But, but I still can't feel its breath!" Canghai's breathing became obviously rapid.

Eternal Angel said: "It doesn't matter, let us help. With the assistance of the power of creation, you will naturally be able to feel its location. It should also be sleeping, so its breath is not obvious."

Long Dangdang was overjoyed and said: "That's great. Hall Master, Marshal Xi Che, let's withdraw our troops first."

After listening to their conversation, the faces of all the Divine Seal Knights all showed joy. Long Dangdang has now taken charge of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. If he can improve his cultivation in a short period of time, then, from today's situation It seems that the Seal Throne of the God of Eternity and Creation can obviously suppress the super artifact of the Holy God of the Dead.

Standing on the huge skull, looking at the six sacred knights and the human army retreating, the eyes of the Holy Law God of the Dead were shining with uncertain light.

"What should we do now?" The Lich King seemed to be slightly relieved. After his memory came back, he also hated humans, but how could he hate his own son? He was also afraid of seeing his wife and son actually fighting.

Ling Xue said calmly: "This barrier can only last for seven days. After seven days, they still can't compete with us. In seven days, little Austin can almost come to the front line. Even if the Temple Federation can find someone to compete with me, There is no way to counter our little Austin, and the outcome will not change when the time comes, just capture him."

The last one, of course, refers to Long Dangdang.

The Lich King asked tentatively: "What about your family?"

Ling Xue suddenly turned to look at him, "What are you going to say? Just catch them all!"

The Lich King sighed, "I don't know why, but the closer I get to success, the more I feel a little sad."

"That's enough, shut up!" Ling Xue snorted coldly, and her body disappeared out of thin air. The huge skeleton under her feet slowly sank until only her head was exposed above the ground. However, the undead energy in the air remained. They quickly gathered in their direction.

Federal army, handsome tent.

At this time, there were nearly fifty strong human beings gathered in the commander's tent, all of whom were from the contemporary church and the elder church. But at this time, sitting on the throne was Long Dangdang, who was younger than them.

Long Dangdang really couldn't shirk it, and since the hall master was sitting side by side with him, he reluctantly agreed.

"Dangdang! You have inherited the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, and this time you have turned the tide at a critical moment. I won't say much about your contribution to the Federation here. Now in front of everyone, I am going to transfer the hall master to How about passing the position to you and letting you take charge of the overall situation? Of course, Xi Che should be the one to lead the three armies. You are not familiar with this aspect, but the Holy Temple represents the highest combat power of the six temples and is also a symbol of spirituality. It’s only fitting that you inherit the position of Hall Master.”

Looking at Long Dangdang, the hall master looked pleased. He also didn't expect that Long Dangdang would inherit the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation so quickly. The whole process would only take two hours? He is someone who can see the real history. Once upon a time, Chairman Long Haochen, the inheritor of the previous generation’s Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, was said to have taken a month to complete the inheritance! Although this does not mean that Long Dangdang is stronger, it may mean that he is more compatible with this divine seal throne. As the inheritor of this super artifact, there is no doubt that he will become the number one person in the Federation, and no one will object.

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