Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 499 Lantian Sunwarming Spiritual Stove

It must be right, his mother must have been blocked by the eternal barrier and asked him to pass. For Long Dangdang in front of him, this is undoubtedly a good thing, because it gives him the possibility to sneak into Mithril Castle, but for the front line, it is probably a bad thing. Because, once Kong Kong joins them and has their powerful blood energy, can the Eternal Barrier be able to stop them? He wasn't sure. What he can be sure of now is that the power of their bloodline, which is from the same source and is full of destructive aura, is controlled by his younger brother. It is the real core, which is much more powerful than what he controls.

Of course, there is another possibility now, that is, he discovered himself, pretended to leave, tricked himself into going to Mithril Castle, and then besieged himself.

Taking a deep breath, Long Dangdang did not hesitate, and his figure quietly disappeared from the place. When he reappeared, he could clearly see Mithril Castle.

He had no choice and no need to choose. Mithril Castle had to be entered. He had no time to think about it.

The Saint of the Undead, the Lich King, and the Undead Prince Long Kongkong have all gone to the front line. So, there is no doubt that this is the emptiest moment for the Mithril Castle.

Relying on the teleportation from the nearby Tianya Spiritual Furnace, Long Dangdang was already in front of the Mithril Castle when he reappeared. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing a smile that would feel very familiar to him when he looked in the mirror, and then he strode grandly. As he walked towards Mithril Castle, even the aura on his body changed. His eyes flashed with a faint purple-gold color, and an invisible aura of destruction reverberated around his body.

At the gate of Mithril Castle, when four guards with powerful auras saw him, not only did they not stop him, but they took the initiative to open the gate for him and respectfully invited him to enter.

Long Dangdang ignored them and walked into the castle on his own.

Now he is no longer him, but the undead prince Long Kongkong. The clothes he was wearing now were the same as the ones he wore when he last saw Long Kongkong.

This was prepared by Long Dangdang himself before coming. When entering the natural disaster city, what could be safer than the identity of the undead prince? Especially now that he has felt Long Kongkong leave, as long as this is not a trap, then what he is doing now is the simplest, most convenient and safe.

In the Mithril Castle, the extremely rich elemental power surrounds Long Dangdang's body. Of course, he will not absorb it at this time, but calls Canghai again.

Undead creatures like Mithril Castle will not come in, because the strong elemental power here is poisonous to them, so this place is as deserted as the last time we arrived.

Long Dangdang walked into the castle naturally and felt everything around him naturally, without any warning of danger. You must know that he now possesses the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. If there is any danger, he will be able to sense it immediately.

A circle of light blue halo floated out from Long Dangdang's chest. The halo floated in front of him, and then turned into a wisp of smoke pointing in one direction.

The dragon turned quickly and moved forward under its guidance. He knew that this was a hint given by the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, which was searching for the Lantian Rinuan Spiritual Furnace with the assistance of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation.

Following this prompt, Long Dangdang moved forward quickly, soon reached the stairs, and then walked down. Down there?

Below Mithril Castle is Mithril Mountain, and this castle is built on this Mithril Mountain.

Going straight down and walking two floors, Long Dangdang arrived at the bottom of the castle.

The construction of this castle seems a bit rough, and there is not much complicated space. The bottom floor is just a few rooms, but Canghai's guidance to Long Dangdang is still downward.

It seems that we are really in Mithril Mountain?

Without too much hesitation, Long Dangdang pressed down with his left hand. At the same time, a twisted halo of light appeared around his body again, and the slow breathing furnace perfectly covered up all the breath and movement here.

A flash of red light penetrated directly into the hard mithril ground, and the extremely sharp breath caused the mithril on the ground to quickly split to both sides, revealing a gap.

Long Dangdang relied on his strong control to accurately guide the sharp sword energy of the Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace to continue to penetrate deeper and deeper.

Mithril Mountain is hundreds of meters high. Long Dangdang doesn’t know where the Lantian Rinuan Spiritual Furnace is. He can only continue to dig downward according to Canghai’s guidance, digging deeper and deeper, so that in order to maintain his sharpness, he has to dig himself. Also jump into the opened cave.

One hundred meters, two hundred meters, and soon, Long Dangdang had already penetrated deep into Mithril Mountain.

Going deep into Mithril Mountain, he found that the elemental fluctuations here were even more intense than those in Mithril Castle. The Mithril around him seemed to be composed of elements, so the Mithril here also appeared to be extremely hard. This made It became more difficult for Long Dangdang to dig.

However, he was now powerful and had the assistance of the spiritual furnace. After digging for about another quarter of an hour, the blue smoke cloud in front of him suddenly dispersed, and no further instructions were given to him.

"Canghai!" Long Dangdang exchanged words.

At this moment, a white light emerged from his chest, which turned out to be the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace itself.

Long Dangdang could clearly feel the excitement coming from Canghai at this time. Before he could ask questions, the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace poured directly towards the mithril in front, and light blue liquid poured out from it. , splashing on the mithril in front.

Suddenly, the mithril directly became brighter, and then you could see a little bit of blue light shining inside, which seemed to complement the power of the moon spirit splashed out by the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. The mithril in front has also begun to melt rapidly, and soon an empty area was melted.

Then Long Dangdang saw pieces of blue fragments suspended among them, with faint golden light spots floating on them.

Broken, is the Lantian Rinuan spiritual furnace broken?

At this moment, Long Dangdang felt a heat in his right hand, and there was already a heavy sword in his palm. Isn't it the sword of enlightenment of life that shines with eight colors of light?

At this time, more fragments were being suspended by the power of the moon spirit. Long Dangdang could feel the sadness and pain coming from the sea at this time, as well as the strong excitement.

After searching for who knows how many years, how could he not be excited to finally see his old partner again, and how could he not be in pain seeing that his former partner had been broken into this state.

A ray of light and shadow lit up around Long Dangdang, and it turned out to be the Eternal Angel. She said crisply to the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace: "Help it revive. Are you afraid that it won't be able to survive with us here?"

After hearing her words, the trembling of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace suddenly stopped. The next moment, the richer moonlight came out majestically, sweeping up the pieces of blue fragments and slowly bonding them together.

"Lord, please give it life again." The eternal angel said to Long Dangdang.

A spiritual thought flashed through Long Dangdang's heart, and he immediately knew what he should do. The Sword of Life Enlightenment in his hand slowly stretched out and gently touched the fragments.

Suddenly, a soft white halo was released, and the Eternal Realm naturally covered this area in a small area, preventing all the breath in this area from leaking out.

The next moment, those blue fragments suddenly began to tremble, and the moonlight surrounding it began to be quickly absorbed by it. At the same time, Long Dangdang also felt that his spiritual power was pouring outward, just like when he repaired the Yueming Canghai Spirit. Like a furnace.

Although the Lantian Rinuan Spiritual Furnace in front of him was much more broken than the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace back then, he was no longer the same person he was back then. He clearly felt the magical power coming from the throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation. Vaguely, he could feel that this power seemed to be completely opposite to the power of his bloodline. So, if the power of his bloodline was destruction and destruction, then the power contained in the Throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation would This power is to create!

Under the influence of the white power of creation, a sky-blue spiritual furnace gradually condensed and took shape, with little golden halos surrounding it, exuding a warm atmosphere. These golden light spots began to gather towards the spiritual furnace, and gradually transformed into the direction of golden liquid.

In a flash of white light, Canghai had transformed into a human form again, but at this moment, he was already crying.

With the power of Yuehua, the creative power of Long Dangdang, and the continuous infusion of a large amount of spiritual power, the cracks on the surface of Lantian Sunwarming Spiritual Furnace gradually healed one by one, and the aura exuded by itself began to become more and more intense. Intensify.

As time passed by, Long Dangdang felt the situation outside from time to time. Under the cover of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation and the Light and Slow Breathing Furnace, although the fluctuations in their spiritual power were not small, they were It was not discovered by the undead creatures from the outside world.

The entire repair process lasted for a full day, until Long Dangdang felt that his spiritual power was somewhat unsustainable and needed to rely on the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation to help him restore his spiritual power. Finally, Lantian Rinuan Spiritual Stove The last crack on the surface has healed.

It’s done, it’s finally done. Can the Lantian Rinuan Spiritual Stove really be revived?

Long Dangdang also became nervous at this time, and Canghai was even more nervous than him.

Shura and Qing Nian also separated at this time and turned into human forms to wait on the side. They were both former watchers of the spiritual furnace, and Lan Tian was also their former partner!

"Huh?" At this moment, a soft hum came from the Lantian Rinuan Spiritual Furnace.

Hearing this voice, Long Dangdang was slightly startled because it turned out to be a female voice.

Canghai's partner Lan Tian is a female spiritual furnace? Or is it the same as scorn, half man and half woman?

Immediately afterwards, the Lantian Rinuan Spiritual Furnace began to rotate. It was very slow at first, but gradually accelerated until it turned into a blue whirlwind. The blue color stretched, and a graceful figure appeared in front of everyone.

Like other humanoid forms transformed by spiritual furnaces, her appearance is also invisible, but judging from her figure, she is undoubtedly female.

"Lantian, Lantian, you are finally alive." Canghai cried loudly and threw himself on him.

However, a pair of arms suddenly raised and pressed against his chest, preventing him from getting closer. Then a cold female voice sounded, "Wait, wait, who are you? What are you going to do? Are you being a gangster?"

Just when Long Dangdang was stunned, the next moment, Lan Tian, ​​who seemed to feel Cang Hai's mood change, suddenly withdrew his arm, and then hugged him tightly into his arms, "Hahaha, just kidding. I’m back, brothers, I’m back in Lantian!”

The clear voice said rough words, and Long Dangdang couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth when he heard it. Why are there not a few serious ones among these watcher spiritual furnaces?

"Welcome back, Brother Lantian. You are finally back. Brother Canghai always bullies me. It's great to have you here. You can bully him more in the future to avenge me." He said softly and softly. , I don’t know why, but in front of Lan Tian, ​​his intermittent problems seemed to disappear.

"Okay, don't do this. Don't I know about your flirting skills? My Canghai brother will ignore you at most, but he can still bully you? Don't worry, little man." Lan Tian snorted. , obviously he doesn’t like being slighted.

"Welcome back." Shura raised his right hand, clenched his fist and extended it.

Lan Tian hugged Cang Hai with his left hand, made a fist with his right hand, and bumped his fist, "Shura, you are living a good life! It is not easy to keep your temper intact, and it must be the credit of my family Cang Hai."

Yes, there is no doubt that he is a tomboy. And it seems that Lan Tian is more comfortable than Cang Hai in the Watcher's Spiritual Furnace. She is still a big sister.

"Ahem, Canghai, why don't you introduce it to us?" Long Dangdang had to speak. It has been more than a day since he came out. With Long Kongkong joining the front line, he doesn't know how long he can last.

"Huh? Who are you? Canghai, do you recognize your master? You actually signed a contract with humans behind my back?" Lantian noticed Long Dangdang, and then he noticed the aura of Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace on him , immediately exclaimed.

Canghai finally calmed down and straightened up, but did not break away from Lantian's hand. "I have been looking for you for almost ten thousand years, but I still can't find you. If it weren't for Dangdang, we still wouldn't be able to meet again. In the future we will Just sign a contract with him together, it won’t affect our being together.”

Lan Tian looked at Canghai, then at Long Dangdang, and immediately shook his head vigorously, saying: "That won't work, I am a lover of freedom, how can I sign a contract with human beings? Don't make trouble, you can also terminate the contract quickly, and we can continue to live. How wonderful it is to live a free and happy life.”

Canghai was speechless for a while and said: "You should stop making trouble. Without him, I wouldn't be able to find you at all. Without him, you are all in pieces. How can I repair you? My power can't help you revive! It's Dangdang. He resurrected you with the power of creation. He is the eternal master of this time. What else can we say?”

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