Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 500 Sun Essence and Moon Essence

"What are you talking about? The Lord of Eternity? Eternity actually recognizes its Lord? It has the power of the Creator God!" Lan Tian was shocked.

"We will also recognize the Lord when necessary to maintain the plane." The eternal angel separated from Long Dangdang at the right time, and the soft aura of the eternal realm bloomed, allowing Lan Tian to feel it personally.

Feeling the breath full of life, Lan Tian fell silent. Although she had just recovered, she could clearly feel that the reason why she was able to be resurrected, and that her body and spiritual consciousness were fully resurrected, was precisely because of this power.

"I understand, thank you, human being. Well, since Eternity and Canghai have followed you, wait, won't Qi Nian and Shura also follow you? Is the God of Creation your father?" Lan Tian said helplessly .

Long Dangdang smiled bitterly and said: "I can't help it, Senior Lantian, time waits for no one. I'm afraid we have to leave here as soon as possible."

Canghai said: "Dangdang, don't worry, wait a moment, I will synchronize my memories after waking up to Lan Tian, ​​so you won't waste your time."

As he spoke, Canghai had transformed into a spiritual furnace again. When Lan Tian saw this, he also transformed into a spiritual furnace.

This time, two large spiritual furnaces were suspended side by side in the air, and a strange scene suddenly appeared.

It was clearly underground at this moment, but Long Dangdang seemed to feel that the sun and the moon were competing for their glory at this moment. The sun spirit and the moonlight complemented each other, exuding a powerful aura that was harmonious and in line with the principles of heaven and earth.

If it weren't for the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, just relying on the slow field of the Spirit Breathing Furnace would obviously not be enough to cover this level of energy fluctuations.

Long Dangdang discovered that with the presence of the Lantian Rinuan Spiritual Stove, Canghai's aura increased dramatically. No wonder he had said before that they alone could only rank at the back among the Twelve Watchers, but if If there are two together, then they are the top three, and this is after counting the eternal number one, the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation.

The natural disaster city was completely shrouded in undead energy, and there were no other magical elements at all. However, in the process of the two watcher soul furnaces complementing each other, Long Dangdang felt that this world seemed to be affected, as if they themselves were this world. Like the core part of the composition. All the spiritual power of heaven and earth exists around them. This is the real sun and moon shining together!

The process of memory assimilation lasted for about half an hour. It was also a further process of repairing the Lantian Rinuan spiritual furnace, because Long Dangdang could feel that the two spiritual furnaces were still absorbing him during the process of memory assimilation. of spiritual power. Canghai, this guy, knows how to take advantage of Lantian!

Finally, the light of the sun and the moon dimmed at the same time. The light flashed and transformed into two figures again, appearing in front of Long Dangdang.

Before Canghai could speak, Lantian had already taken the initiative to bow to Long Dangdang, and her voice also changed a bit, "Thank you Dangdang. If it weren't for you, don't say we are reunited. I'm afraid Canghai is still in a damaged state now. If you are willing, I am also willing to sign a contract with you."

Watch the clouds and see the bright moon! Finally, it was not in vain. Long Dangdang was waiting for her words. Time waits for no one, and it is not the time to be polite.

"Okay, let's sign the contract now." Long Dangdang was not polite.

The Lantian Rinuan Spiritual Stove has just been repaired and is now in its most elementary state, but it will be different when it begins to merge with Long Dangdang. The aura of the Eternal Domain surrounds it and begins to help it quickly The state of improvement. Of course, Long Dangdang must continue to consume his own spiritual power.

By the time the contract was completed, Long Dangdang himself was already sitting on the ground, panting heavily, his face was pale, and his spiritual power had been drained, leaving not much left. If there was no Eternal Domain, he really doubted that he would be drained directly.

The Lantian Sun Nuan Spiritual Furnace was directly contracted to the position of the Heavenly Spirit above his head. At this position, Long Kongkong contracted the Starlight Spiritual Furnace. At this time, Long Dangdang finally had his own wisdom spiritual furnace. With the power of the Sun Spirit, he could Perfect above the head.

"Huh" took a long breath, and Long Dangdang said tiredly: "I have to go back slowly, otherwise I won't even be able to turn on the otherworldly spiritual furnace. Canghai, Lantian, you are all gathered now, is there any way to help me quickly improve my cultivation?" Why?"

Canghai said: "Find a place suitable for condensing natural elements, combine our two powers, with the essence of the sun and moon as the core, plus my Canghai Boundless and Lantian's Lantian Holy Flame, we can help you quickly transfer your spiritual power When the upper limit is raised, you have the Eternal Boss as your core guardian, so you don’t have to worry about your body being unable to bear it. As for how high it can be raised, we don’t know.”

Long Dangdang said: "Then what place is suitable for condensing natural elements?"

Lantian said quietly: "This is the right place."

"Here?" Long Dangdang was stunned, "This is the capital of the Kingdom of the Undead. The outside is filled with the breath of the undead. The sky is obscured by the undead clouds. Ordinary natural elements cannot exist at all. Is it possible here?"

Lantian said: "Then think about where the natural elements in Mithril Castle come from. I don't know how the undead did the Mithril gathered here, but I think that one-third of the total output of this planet is The second one should be here. There is no more suitable material than mithril to introduce natural energy. This mithril mountain can completely act as an amplifier. The city's undead energy passes through this mithril mountain. It comes from amplifying the effect of the Undead Altar. The foundation of the Undead Altar lies deeper in the Mithril Mountain. If she can use it, isn’t it that the Holy God of the Undead is not there?”

Good guy, really good guy. Only then did Long Dangdang realize that the Altar of the Undead in the Disaster City was actually under the Mithril Mountain. But as the core area of ​​the Kingdom of the Undead, even if the Holy Law God of the Undead was not there, the undead strongman would not be there either. few.

Canghai turned to look at Lan Tian. Although he couldn't see his face, Long Dangdang felt that this guy's expression was one of infatuation. "I think it's feasible. We should seal the mountain first before starting, and then trigger the natural environment." It is not easy for those undead creatures to find us. We are in the heart of Mithril Mountain, and they have no idea what is going on when you finish devouring them and destroy the undead altar below. Let's go. Moreover, it doesn't matter if we are discovered, there are Xiaoba, Xiaoxie, and the three favorites of the Eternal Boss. These powers are enough to protect us. At the same time, the stronger you are, the more powerful the Eternal Boss will be. The more you can mobilize, the stronger the Three Favorites will be."

Looking at the hole opened by himself above, Long Dangdang didn't hesitate too much, his eyes flashed, "Do it!"

On the front line, the army of the undead.

Two days have passed since the eternal barrier was set up.

Ling Xue was standing on top of the huge dark blue skull, looking through the eternal barrier in the direction of the human army in the distance.

In the past two days, her cultivation level improved with the help of the altar has stabilized. Without the altar, she can still exert the strength of level nine and level seven or above. This is a level that no one in the human race can reach at present, and with the altar, she can Next, her strength can directly touch the level of nearly one million spiritual powers. Although she still cannot break through the boundaries of this plane, it is not something that the opponent can resist at all.

She has tried to break through the eternal barrier three times, but this sister was created by combining the six sacred thrones and the power of heaven and earth in the human world, and there is still no sign of loosening. However, she was not in a hurry at all and it would only take seven days at most. What's more, it might not even take seven days. Her son, the once great Austin Griffin in another world, was about to come.

"Xue'er, have you ever thought about what we will do after we conquer this world and turn it all into undead?" A gentle voice suddenly came from his ear.

She didn't need to look back, she knew who it was, because only he could come to her at this time.

"I never thought that I just want revenge, let humanity disappear, let all order in this world be in our hands, and let our children no longer have to face any hardships. All humans must be destroyed." Ling Xue was extremely determined. said.

"But, have you ever thought about it? Although we have transformed ourselves into a semi-undead state, in fact, whether it is little Austin, Hepburn, or Dangdang, they are still human beings. Do you want them to become ours too? What does it look like?”

Ling Xue turned around fiercely and looked at Long Leilei behind her, who was now in human attire, with cold eyes, "What? Do you want to regret it?"

Long Leilei shook his head and said: "No. Even if the resentment in my heart is not as much as yours, it is definitely a lot. I also think humans should be cleansed. But I think we should not let humans really die in this world. Reserve some areas For humans, at least in this way, when our children want to experience some human life in the future, they can only retain a small area and it will not change the world. "

Ling Xue sneered, "Do you think this is possible? Have you forgotten that ten thousand years ago, in this world, the demons also had the absolute upper hand, and the seventy-two demon gods were about to destroy the entire human world. , humans have occupied less than a quarter of the territory, but still defended the last area, and finally counterattacked successfully to completely destroy the demons. Now, our good sons have awakened the throne of the God of Eternity and Creation. , give them time to breathe, won’t we be destroyed in the end?”

Long Lei Lei said: "But little Austin's power should be enough to restrain the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. Take a step back and think about our two sons. Although they control different powers, they both stand at the top of this world. Isn’t that great?”

"Shut up. Stop talking. When we are about to win, are you trying to shake the morale of our army?" Ling Xue said fiercely.

Long Leilei was speechless for a while, but his heart felt sad. At this time, in his mind, he couldn't help but recall that night, the night when their children were born. That night, under the bright moon in the sky, they had the names of their two precious sons. .

He knew that Ling Xue couldn't listen to anything now, and there was no point in trying to persuade her.

"That's right, my mother is right. We already have an absolute advantage. Why should we let them go? What we will do in the future will be discussed after this war is over." A somewhat humorous voice sounded. .

Even with Ling Xue and Long Leilei's strength as the Holy Law God of the Dead and the Lich King, they didn't notice his arrival until he made a sound.

The two of them looked up at the sky at the same time. The emotions in Ling Xue's eyes changed instantly. They were very fierce one moment, but they were as gentle as water this moment.

In the sky, I don't know when, a big purple-gold star seemed to appear. The next moment, the purple-gold star fell from the sky like a meteor. The undead cloud in the air was pushed away by itself, and no one dared to approach it. Within meters, in an instant, the purple-gold color had fallen from the sky and landed beside them.

Long Kongkong was wearing a light golden luxurious robe, holding Hepburn in a white dress in his arms, tilting his head, looking like a cynical playboy.

"Look at you, what do you look like?" Long Leilei said angrily.

"Shut up, who told you to talk about my son?" Ling Xue immediately protected her husband and pulled her husband away. She came to Long Kongkong in a few steps and took her son into her arms.

Long Kongkong also hugged his mother and said with a smile: "Mom, don't be angry with dad. You used to quarrel, but now my dad has not been seduced by women outside, and he is still quarreling!"

Long Lei Lei almost jumped up in anger and said angrily: "When have I ever been seduced by a woman outside?"

Long Kongkong clapped his fingers and said, "Well, that Aunt Lemon in the Priest's Temple... and the one in the Administration Hall..."

"Shut up! You traitor, let's see if I don't beat you to death." Long Leilei was furious and stepped forward to grab Long Kongkong.

Ling Xue slapped him away with her backhand and sneered: "Why don't you let others talk about what you have done?"

Long Leilei called Tian Qu and said: "What have I done? I haven't done anything! At most, your husband is better. Some people had a crush on me before, and I have never responded to them. The conscience of heaven and earth. You are Mother of my two sons, you have made such a great contribution to the inheritance of our Long family, how could I act recklessly outside? Impossible, absolutely not!"

Looking at his vow, Ling Xue was slightly stunned. In fact, since her and Long Leilei's memories revived and they transformed into the former Audrey and Osei Griffin, they had not quarreled for a long time. . They are all half-undead and have been completely separated from their previous lives. What is there to argue about? But at this moment, this familiar scene really brought back her memories. There were some memories that made her laugh or cry, but they seemed to be warm.

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