Seeking Immortality

Chapter 55. Secret Agent.

Still on the top of "Ronghua Mountain", in the majestic and simple "Qingxu Hall", Xuan Lingzi and Huan Lingzi were lined up on both sides of the main seat, and a group of Qingxu elders were lined up below, while Liu Ziqing stood In the "Qingxu Hall", although he was stared at by a lot of eyes, either questioning or sharp, Liu Ziqing's expression did not change at all.

"What? You said that Xu Fan has no doubts?" After a moment of silence, Huan Lingzi asked again.

Liu Ziqing nodded slightly, opened the folding fan in his hand, shook it gently in front of his chest, and said unhurriedly: "Indeed, after my probing, this Xu Fan did not reveal any clues, and I also investigated his origins. I understand, there shouldn’t be any problem.”

These Qingxu elders obviously trusted Liu Ziqing very much. After hearing what Liu Ziqing said, they didn't even ask any questions. However, some of the Qingxu elders who faced Qing Lingzi couldn't help but have regrets on their faces.

Liu Ziqing obviously noticed the changes in the expressions on the faces of these elders, but the ridicule on their faces was not concealed at all.

Following Liu Ziqing's confirmation, the entire "Qingxu Palace" fell into silence again. After a long time, Huan Lingzi suddenly sneered, and then said to Xuan Lingzi: "Since Xu Fan has no doubts, So, do we still have to let him preach in Qingxu Sect according to the agreement between you and him? Huh, let a monk in the middle stage of Xu Dan preach to all the Qingxu Sect monks, and Xu Fan will naturally be the one who spreads the word. The reputation has increased, but I, the Qingxu Sect, may be completely disgraced."

Hearing Huan Lingzi's sarcasm, Xuan Lingzi's expression remained unchanged and he just asked softly: "Huan Lingzi, what is our sect's ancestral precepts about Qingxu's preaching?"

Huan Lingzi was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Don't be biased because of your own opinions, and don't give up because of your identity. Invite only talents."

Xuan Lingzi asked coldly: "So, Huan Lingzi, can I take your words just now to mean that you don't respect the teachings of your ancestors?"

Huan Lingzi's face showed a look of anger. He yelled angrily: "What do I mean by not respecting the ancestral precepts? Yes, the ancestral precepts say not to abandon them because of their status, but there is also a saying after that, only talents are invited. What talents can a monk in the middle stage of Xudan have?"

Xuan Lingzi frowned and said: "Huan Lingzi, you have never seen Xu Fan at all, and you have no right to speak at all. I once used the spirit detection technique to explore Xu Fan, and found that he has four spiritual energies in his body, all of which are extremely strange. . Or it can be extremely strong, it can be extremely yin, it can be extremely mysterious. What’s even more strange is that although there are four auras with different properties in Xu’s body, there is no such thing as a way to become an immortal. A unique perspective. That’s why I invited him to give a lecture in Qingxu, not just because I had doubts about him.”

Hearing Xuan Lingzi's words, Huan Lingzi snorted coldly. But he couldn't find any words to refute, so he turned to Liu Ziqing and asked, "Junior Brother Liu, what do you think of this matter?"

Looking at the angry look on Huan Lingzi's face, Liu Ziqing sighed secretly in his heart, feeling that Huan Lingzi was indeed far from Xuan Lingzi's opponent. If he hadn't secretly supported him over the years, he would have been suppressed by Xuan Lingzi. Are you going down? I couldn't help but wonder whether I was right or wrong to support Huan Lingzi.

But after seeing Huan Lingzi asking questions. Liu Ziqing also had to answer. So after thinking silently for a moment, he replied: "I agree with Senior Brother Xuan Lingzi's point of view. I don't know how to talk about the art of detecting spirits, but I talked with Xu Fan before and felt that he should be a A person who has his own understanding of the way of heaven and immortality.”

Hearing that Liu Ziqing did not agree with him, Huan Lingzi showed anger on his face and couldn't help but snorted, but he couldn't say anything more.

Xuan Lingzi on the side said: "What about the opinions of other elders?"

After seeing that Xuan Lingzi and Liu Ziqing all agreed, except for a few Huan Lingzi who were stubborn, most of the elders also expressed their approval.

Seeing that he had completely gained the upper hand in the battle with Huan Lingzi, Xuan Lingzi showed a trace of satisfaction on his face, but then asked the elders: "So do you think this sermon should be arranged at What time?"

But on the other hand, since Liu Ziqing left, Xu Qingfan has been waiting in constant anxiety, wondering if there were any flaws in the conversation with Liu Ziqing just now. From time to time, he took out the "ground mirror" to look around to see if there was anything clear. The disciples came to round him up.

After half an hour, there was still no movement. Xu Qingfan couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, knowing that his conversation with Liu Ziqing just now did not reveal any flaws. At least for the time being, the "Qingxu Sect" would not round him up.

After calming down, Xu Qingfan began to think about countermeasures in the next few days. If the elders of the "Qingxu Sect" were no longer so suspicious of him, then they would arrange for Xu Qingfan to give a sermon soon.

To be honest, Xu Qingfan is still a little nervous about preaching. After all, this is not only the first time in Xu Qingfan's life to preach to a large group of monks, but there will also be many elders Qingxu who are much higher than him. Look, if you say something wrong then, I'm afraid you will laugh for thousands of years.

But for Xu Qingfan, the more important thing is another thing, that is, once he finishes preaching, then I am afraid that he will not be able to stay in "Ronghua Mountain" for a long time. After all, his visit to "Ronghua Mountain" this time, regardless of the substance, Why, they are all here to preach.

But if he just left like this, wouldn't Xu Qingfan's visit to "Ronghua Mountain" be in vain? Nothing is gained except hard work.

Just when Xu Qingfan frowned and thought about countermeasures, he suddenly found two people approaching. However, compared to Liu Ziqing last time, the cultivation level of the two people this time was undoubtedly much different. But it was Dai Guan and Zhang Pei who had entertained Xu Qingfan complicatedly before.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in, the door is open."

Xu Qingfan said. The voice was quiet, but it was clearly transmitted outside the door.

"Then the two juniors have come in." Hearing Xu Qingfan's voice, Zhang, Dai and Guan replied respectfully, then pushed the door open and entered. I saw Xu Qingfan sitting cross-legged on the bed, his eyes slightly closed, as if he was meditating. Then he walked softly in front of Xu Qingfan and stood with his hands down.

"Two fellow Taoists, what's the matter?" After noticing the two men approaching him, Xu Qingfan slowly opened his eyes and asked with a smile.

Perhaps because they were assigned by Liu Ziqing to plot against Xu Qingfan, both Zhang, Dai and Guan looked a little nervous when they stood in front of Xu Qingfan. After hearing Xu Qingfan's question, they hurriedly replied: "Senior Xu, it's like this . Uncle Xuan Lingzi asked me to ask you, do you need anything? In addition, the time for you to preach at Qingxu has been decided in the morning two days later, in front of Qingxu Hall on the top of Ronghua Mountain. , please make some preparations, Senior Xu.”

Xu Qingfan smiled and nodded. Said: "I understand. I don't need anything here. You can leave."

Looking at the retreating figures of Zhang, Dai and Guan, Xu Qingfan murmured: "So, there are only a little more than two days left?"

With that said, Xu Qingfan took out the "Earth Mirror" again, and after driving it, he examined it carefully, only to find that the three spots of light at the center of the "Earth Mirror" still existed, but they represented Elder Qingxu who was monitoring Xu Qingfan. I think after the conversation Xu Qingfan had with Liu Ziqing just now. Although everyone in the "Qingxu Sect" is no longer so suspicious of Xu Qingfan. But he still felt uneasy, so the three Qingxu elders who were monitoring Xu Qingfan still did not withdraw. Of course, this is also related to the fact that everyone in the "Qingxu Sect" did not know that Xu Qingfan had a magical magical weapon like the "Earth Mirror" in his hand.

With a slight sigh, Xu Qingfan turned to look at Xiao Hei who was standing on the edge of the bed, and said softly: "Xiao Hei, it seems that I am trapped. The next thing will all depend on you."

Xiao Hei's small black bean-like eyes looked at Xu Qingfan, and there seemed to be a hint of doubt in his cold and cold eyes.

When Liu Ziqing left before, it was already dusk. Later, when Xu Qingfan received Zhang, Dai and Guan, the stars and the moon appeared. And when Xu Qingfan had everything ready, it was already early morning.

After taking out the "ground mirror" again to confirm the movements of the three surveillance men, Xu Qingfan had a soft smile on his face, then pushed out the door and walked out of the courtyard. But strangely, Xiao Hei, who had always been inseparable from Xu Qingfan, was not standing on Xu Qingfan's shoulders as usual.

Outside the courtyard, three hundred paces east by south.

This is the location of one of the elders Qingxu who was monitoring Xu Qingfan.

But Xu Qingfan was looking for trouble with this elder.

Two hundred and ninety-three, two hundred and ninety-four, two hundred and ninety-five, two hundred and ninety-six.

As Xu Qingfan walked towards the location in his memory, he silently recited his steps in his heart to determine the distance between him and the elder Qingxu. Then he stopped at two hundred and ninety-six steps.

At this time, three steps in front of Xu Qingfan, there was a lush grass, but there was no trace of anyone, let alone the trace of Elder Qingxu.

"Qingxu Taoism is indeed well-deserved. This elder Qingxu should be right in front of me at this time, but I can't detect the slightest trace. If I hadn't confirmed his position through the ground mirror, I might not have been able to detect him at all."

He was thinking this in his heart, but his face didn't show any trace of surprise, and then he bowed deeply to the empty space in front of him, and said respectfully: "Junior Nanhuang Sanxiu Xu Fan, there is nothing to do tonight. I was practicing quietly, but I didn’t expect to meet the senior. The senior was practicing Taoism, but it was the junior who interrupted me.”

As Xu Qingfan's voice fell, the surroundings were still silent in the vast space, but Xu Qingfan was not in a hurry, still bowing up, as if waiting for something.

After Xu Qingfan waited for about a cup of tea, finally, four steps in front of Xu Qingfan, an old figure with white eyebrows gradually appeared in front of Xu Qingfan, with a hint of embarrassment on his face.

"I, Mo Ziliang, was practicing Taoism just now. It was inconvenient to reply, but I made my Taoist friends wait longer. Please forgive me for my rudeness."

Although Mo Ziliang was apologizing to Xu Qingfan, he felt a little aggrieved in his heart.

Previously, he was ordered to come here to monitor the suspicious "Fellow Taoist Xu" in front of him, although he complained that it was delaying his practice time. But since Xuan Lingzi and Huan Lingzi jointly gave the order and had to carry it out, then let's just monitor. So I used the "fading technique" on myself, hid here and started to monitor Xu Qingfan. Anyway, it was just a waste of two or three days.

But on the first night, something unusual happened. That suspicious "Xu Daoyou" didn't stay in the house to meditate in the middle of the night, but pushed open the gate and came out? Could this suspicious person really do something to harm the "Qingxu Sect"? Although Xu Qingfan looked like he was taking a walk, who knows if he was watching the wind? Once he found that there was no one around, he spread his body to do something shameful? So Mo Ziliang's mood became serious.

So Mo Ziliang kept a close eye on Xu Qingfan's steps, one step or two steps, and when he found something wrong, he would signal Xuan Lingzi and Huan Lingzi. At that time, he might get some elixirs and spiritual stones as rewards, and it would not be considered that he, the old man Mo Ziliang, was on guard all night.

Just when the old man Mo was thinking about what he should ask Xuan Lingzi and Huan Lingzi for as a reward. But suddenly he found something wrong.

Wait! ! Why is this Xu Fan walking straight towards me? Mo Ziliang thought secretly.

Ten steps. Nine steps, eight steps...

While Xu Qingfan was counting his steps in his heart, the old man Mo was also checking in his heart.

"Go around. Don't bump into me. Go around, go around, don't bump into me."

As Xu Qingfan got closer and closer to him, Mo Ziliang became more and more nervous. The "gradual invisibility technique" he had used before was extremely magical. Even cultivators with a higher level of skill than Mo Ziliang could not easily see through it. But these Taoist techniques also have a fatal flaw. Once you become invisible, you cannot move. Once you move, the invisibility effect will disappear. So when he saw Xu Qingfan approaching step by step, Mo Ziliang could only pray in secret.

Or maybe God heard Mo Ziliang's prayer. That Xu Fan really stopped four steps in front of Mo Ziliang. Just when Mo Ziliang was secretly relieved, he suddenly saw Xu Qingfan bowing respectfully and greeting him.

After carefully using his spiritual sense to check the surroundings, he found that there were no other people lurking. After hesitating for a moment, Mo Ziliang showed up with a bitter face. Although Mo Ziliang entered the "Qingxu Sect" when he was eight years old, and had been cultivating immortals all his life, he had no idea how to explain his behavior to Xu Qingfan. Fortunately, Xu Qingfan was considerate and helped him think of a reason as soon as they met, so Mo Ziliang breathed a sigh of relief. After showing up, he hurriedly said to Xu Qingfan: I am Mo Ziliang, just as you said, I was practicing Taoism just now. It is inconvenient to reply at the critical moment, but I made you wait for a long time. Please forgive me for my impoliteness. "

Xu Qingfan looked at the embarrassment on the old man's face, which could not be hidden no matter what, and was really surprised. He did not expect that Mo Ziliang was so simple. Not only did his emotions show on his face, but he also followed Xu Qingfan's words to cover up his lies.

"This Mo Ziliang is a cultivator who is obsessed with cultivating immortals and has no idea about the ways of the world. Although there are many such cultivators in every sect, why would Qingxu Sect send such a cultivator to monitor me? Is Liu Ziqing the only smart person in the entire Qingxu Sect? "

Xu Qingfan thought secretly.

Xu Qingfan didn't know that the "Gradual Disappearance Technique" was extremely difficult to practice. Even in the "Qingxu Sect", except for Xuan Lingzi and Huan Lingzi, only seven people could perform it. Among these seven people, three were practicing in seclusion, and one went down the mountain to travel. In order to monitor Xu Qingfan quietly, they could only force Mo Ziliang, who was obsessed with cultivating immortals, to join the battle.

The most important thing is that everyone in the "Qingxu Sect" didn't expect Xu Qingfan to have a strange magic weapon like the "Earth Mirror" that can detect the changes in the surrounding spiritual energy and see through illusions. Although the "Gradual Disappearance Technique" is strange, it still caused the changes in the surrounding spiritual energy, and it still belongs to the category of illusions, so it was finally discovered by Xu Qingfan.

Although he was surprised, after hearing Mo Ziliang's words, Xu Qingfan smiled and said, "So that's the case. I don't know if I disturbed the senior's cultivator just now. If so, I will die. "

Mo Ziliang was a kind person. When he saw Xu Qingfan's face showing shame, he hurriedly shook his hand and said, "It's okay, it's okay."

As he spoke, Mo Ziliang's face gradually showed hesitation, and he asked hesitantly, "That... Fellow Daoist Xu, I have always been very confident in the gradual disappearance technique I practiced, but I don't know how Fellow Daoist Xu saw through my tracks?"

Xu Qingfan smiled slightly and said, "This is the effect of a secret method passed down by my master."

Mo Ziliang's face was more curious, and he asked again, "Fellow Daoist Xu, can you tell me what this secret method is called and what effect it has? "

Looking at the concentration in Mo Ziliang's eyes when he asked, Xu Qingfan breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, he thought that Mo Ziliang was a person who was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, but now he actually ignored the scruples of the immortal cultivation world and directly asked about the efficacy of his Taoism. Knowing that Mo Ziliang was not pretending before, but was really a person obsessed with immortal cultivation, he put down his scruples in his heart and started to talk nonsense to Mo Ziliang.

When Mo Ziliang's mind was completely attracted by Xu Qingfan's nonsense Taoism, Xu Qingfan ordered Xiaohei who stayed in the room in his heart: "Xiaohei, hurry! Now! ! "

Following Xu Qingfan's order, Xiao Hei, who was originally standing still in the house, suddenly turned from stillness, turned into a black lightning, flew out from the direction that Mo Ziliang was watching, and flew quickly towards Ronghua Back Mountain. Unfortunately, Mo Ziliang was just concentrating on listening to Xu Qingfan's explanation of the wonderfulness of the so-called "secret method" at this time, and was so intoxicated that he didn't notice Xiao Hei's whereabouts at all.

After seeing the black light transformed by Xiao Hei disappear from his eyes, Xu Qingfan felt a little relieved, and then used a sentence "no more" to push away Mo Ziliang who was eager to see him, and then turned around and walked quickly towards his own courtyard.

There really couldn't be much to say, because Mo Ziliang had already started asking about the practice method of this secret method.

When Xu Qingfan returned to the house, he immediately sat cross-legged on the bed, and used the Taoist method special for cultivating immortals and spirit beasts - "mind eye technique" to observe the scene in Ronghua Back Mountain through Xiao Hei's eyes.

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