Seeking Immortality

Chapter 56. Shocking News.

If a cultivator is lucky enough to have a high-level spirit beast, then he basically needs to practice three kinds of Taoism. One is the "Mind Eye Technique" which can hear and see the environment of the spirit beast through the eyes and ears of the spirit beast in the distance. This is also the only one of the three Taoism that Xu Qingfan has practiced.

The other two Taoism are actually simpler to practice, but Xu Qingfan subconsciously did not practice them because he thought the effects of these two Taoism were too cruel.

These two Taoism are called "Double Life Technique" and "Beast Explosion Technique". Among them, the "Double Life Technique" can overdraw the energy and even vitality of the spirit beast in the body of the cultivator to heal the injuries of the cultivator himself, and even restore the spiritual energy in the body of the cultivator to a certain extent. The "Beast Explosion Technique" is as the name suggests, controlling the spirit beast to self-destruct to severely injure the enemy, while the cultivator himself can attack or escape.

The effects of these two methods cannot be overstated, but Xu Qingfan never thought of practicing them since he saw them, because he wanted to stick to his own "Heavenly Way".

If the cultivators in the foundation-building stage are approaching the "Heavenly Way", the cultivators in the Jindan stage are comprehending the "Heavenly Way", and the cultivators in the Mahayana stage are merging with the "Heavenly Way" and making themselves the "Heavenly Way", then according to Xu Qingfan's summary, in addition to cultivating the body and integrating with the Heavenly Way, the cultivators are also looking for the "Heavenly Way" of their own state of mind, and the "Heavenly Way" in everyone's heart is different.

For example, some people have a cold heart and would rather let the world down than let the world down, and take themselves as the Heavenly Way. Then they act on this principle and do everything for themselves, which is to stick to their own Heavenly Way. For example, the deaf, dumb and blind master in the Kuxiu Valley is like this.

And some people go a step further and have evil hearts, such as the demonic cultivators. They even put themselves above the Way of Heaven, killing at will, not recognizing their relatives, taking the essence of all living things in the world for their own use, and although they harm the common people for their own sake, they are still calm. This is also their Way of Heaven. For example, Zhang Xusheng, whom Xu Qingfan had seen before, is a representative figure of this Way of Heaven.

Or people like Xu Qingfan, who have a kind heart and care about others while practicing. They don't kill for their own opinions, and don't harm others for their own benefit. Such people seem stupid, but if they persist to the end, they are also a Way of Heaven. The representative figure is Li Xuhan of Jiuhuamen. And Xu Qingfan is also moving towards this Way of Heaven because of his heart.

Although the Way of Heaven pursued by each cultivator is different due to different personalities and hearts. But there is no right or wrong in the Way of Heaven. As long as you stick to your own Way of Heaven. And firmly believe that the Way of Heaven you are seeking is correct, then you are right. Because each cultivator pursues many Ways of Heaven. But in the end, it was the same, that is, reaching the limit of the Mahayana period, making oneself the way of heaven.

As for the words that the way of heaven is fair. If you act unkindly, you will be punished. After these years of experience, in Xu Qingfan's view, it is just some weak self-consolation.

In front of the real heaven and earth, even the powerful immortals are what's the difference between them and ants? If the way of heaven seeks benevolence. Why do floods and earthquakes plague the world from time to time?

Xu Qingfan believes it. Not only he understands the point he has summarized. Liu Huaxiang understands it, Xiao Huazhe also understands it, and Liu Huayan also understands it, and even most of the Jindan period cultivators in the world understand it. It's just because of the position that it's inconvenient to tell Xu Qingfan clearly, not to mention that this kind of thing still depends on one's own understanding in the end. Otherwise, although the progress of the magic method is fast, it is impossible to comprehend the way of heaven and reach the realm of immortality. Then who would follow the demon ancestor back then?

However, in the process of pursuing their own heavenly way, the most taboo thing for every cultivator is to hesitate and linger between different heavenly ways. They are obviously demon cultivators, but they cannot bear to kill. They are obviously decent cultivators, but they often harm others for their own benefit. In this way, their mind will inevitably leave flaws, and they may not be able to glimpse the Mahayana period in their entire life.

Because of this, when Xu Qingfan saw the cultivation methods of the two Taoist methods, "Dual Life Method" and "Beast Explosion Technique", although these two Taoist methods were mysterious, Xu Qingfan still did not practice them, because he was afraid of leaving flaws in his heart.

Let's get back to the topic.

When Xu Qingfan quickly returned to the house, he sat cross-legged on the bed and used the "Mind Eye Technique" to look through Xiao Hei's eyes to check the scenery of "Ronghua Mountain" where Xiao Hei was.

Xiao Hei's speed was extremely fast. Although "Ronghua Mountain" was very large, in just a moment, he had already arrived at a position close to the back mountain of Ronghua Mountain. Xu Qingfan had noticed it before. Xiao Hei's body was pitch black. Although he flew very fast, he was silent. It was difficult to be discovered in the dark unless he was very close and prepared. But even so, Xu Qingfan still told Xiao Hei to be very careful of him. Otherwise, if a crow representing bad luck and death was seen flying in a fairyland like Qingxu Gate, the sensation caused would be no less than the invasion of "Ronghua Mountain" by foreign enemies.

In this way, Xiao Hei flew all the way carefully. Among the thousands of Qingxu cultivators in the huge "Ronghua Mountain", no one found Xiao Hei's trace.

But just when Xiao Hei was about to fly into the back mountain of Jiuhua, he suddenly stopped and began to rotate in place.

Noticing Xiao Hei's abnormal behavior, Xu Qingfan was puzzled. You know, although Xu Qingfan and Xiao Hei now share vision, they do not share spiritual consciousness. For immortals, spiritual consciousness is much more useful than vision in most cases.

He sent a question to Xiao Hei, and although the information Xiao Hei sent back was obscure and difficult to understand due to his mental state, Xu Qingfan still roughly understood why Xiao Hei could not spin in place.

There is a barrier between Ronghua Front Mountain and Ronghua Back Mountain.

After learning this piece of information, Xu Qingfan felt a mixture of joy and worry in his heart. He was happy because if there was a barrier blocking it, it would prove that Xu Qingfan's previous judgment on Ronghua's back mountain was more likely to be correct. He was worried because, If there is a barrier blocking it, how can Xiao Hei enter the back mountain of Ronghua to investigate?

Originally, Xu Qingfan wanted to just give up, otherwise it would be bad if he was exposed. After all, many people in the "Qingxu Sect" knew that Xiao Hei was his spiritual beast. But thinking that there were only a few days for him to investigate at this time, and he didn't know how long it would take to encounter this opportunity, so Xu Qingfan was heartbroken and ordered to Xiao Hei: "Xiao Hei. Detect whether this barrier is a barrier built by the five elements of spiritual energy or a single spiritual energy barrier."

The biggest difference between the barrier built by the five elements of spiritual energy and the barrier of single spiritual energy is that the barrier built by the five elements of spiritual energy is more solid and difficult to damage, and once damaged, it will be restored quickly under the cycle of the five elements, but the disadvantage is because of this The autonomy of this kind of barrier is too strong, so the connection with the person who arranges the barrier is not strong. If the damage is not large, it will be difficult for the person who arranges the barrier to notice. The scale of the barrier in front of Xiao Hei is probably set up by several masters of the "Qingxu Sect", so this connection can only become weaker. Although the recovery and defense power of a single spiritual energy barrier is far weaker than that of the Five Elements Barrier, once it is damaged, the person who arranged the barrier will immediately be alert.

After getting the information sent back by Xiao Hei. Xu Qingfan felt happy.

"It's the Five Elements Barrier!!"

Immediately, Xu Qingfan calmed down and ordered to Xiao Hei: "Use all your spiritual energy to corrode a small hole in the corner of the barrier. This small hole does not need to be too big, as long as it can allow you to pass through. After passing through that small hole, quickly take back the death energy you released and try not to cause too much damage."

Although he didn't know what kind of barrier Xiao Hei encountered, Xu Qingfan believed it. With the terrifying ability of the death energy in Xiao Hei's body, any barrier in the world can be easily broken through.

But just when Xu Qingfan was about to carefully observe the changes in Xiao Hei and the invisible barrier. Things suddenly changed.

The change is not on Xiao Hei's side, but on Xu Qingfan's side.


There was a knock on the door, and at the same time Liu Ziqing's voice sounded, which made Xu Qingfan extremely scrupulous.

"Fellow Daoist Xu. Is there any inconvenience to Liu Ziqing asking to see you?"

have! But can I not see you? Xu Qingfan sighed secretly in his heart. He knew in his heart that perhaps what he had suddenly said to Mo Ziliang for a long time had aroused Liu Ziqing's suspicion. This visit was for ward inspection.

Xu Qingfan slowly withdrew from the "Mind's Eye Technique" and wanted to get up and open the door. But he was worried that Xiao Hei was not standing on his shoulders as usual. With Liu Ziqing's wisdom, he would definitely think of his approach. I couldn't help but feel anxious.

what do I do?

Xu Qingfan's heart changed rapidly.

Although there was no sound from the door after asking for a meeting, the look on Liu Ziqing's face was not anxious, but only he knew what the emotion in his heart was.

After learning just now that Xu Qingfan suddenly found Mo Ziliang and had a good chat, the other Qingxu elders were all curious about Xu Qingfan's secret method of "fading away" that could see through the "Qingxu Sect", but Liu Ziqing was on the other hand. For a moment, I felt something abnormal. I always felt that what Xu Qingfan did was not that simple. Especially after Liu Ziqing had determined that Xu Qingfan was someone's subordinate, he was even more scrupulous, so while the other Qingxu elders were discussing While Xu Qingfan was arguing about the principles of the secret method that he had made up, Liu Ziqing rushed towards the courtyard where Xu Qingfan lived.

After a long time, Liu Ziqing, who was waiting outside the room, finally heard Xu Qingfan's voice.

"Don't be surprised, Fellow Daoist Liu. Just now, I was thinking about preaching the day after tomorrow. I was distracted for a moment, but I kept Fellow Daoist Liu waiting for a long time."

The door was about to open, and Xu Qingfan suddenly stood in front of Liu Ziqing.

Liu Ziqing carefully observed Xu Qingfan in front of him, but found that he was still dressed in white, with purple jade at his waist, and a black mask covering the upper half of his face. The dark crow was still standing on his shoulder, everything was the same as before. Normally there is no difference.

"Am I overthinking it?" Liu Zi thought quietly in his heart.

Although he was thinking this in his heart, Liu Ziqing had a look of concern on his face and said, "I heard someone say just now, Fellow Daoist Xu, you just went out for a walk in the middle of the night, and I'm worried that Fellow Daoist Xu, you might think that my Qingxu Sect is too much. I was bored, so I came to talk to Daoist Xu, haha.”

Xu Qingfan's eyes showed gratitude, and he said with a smile: "No, I was worried about the sermon that was going to be held the day after tomorrow, so I went out for a walk to find some inspiration, but I didn't expect to meet Senior Mo Ziliang. After a lot of talking, I got a lot of inspiration, so I came back to think about the details.”

As he said that, Xu Qingfan turned sideways and gestured for Liu Ziqing to enter the room, but the meaning behind his words was that he was preparing for the sermon the day after tomorrow, and no one else should disturb him.

It's just that Liu Ziqing, a smart person like him, didn't seem to understand Xu Qingfan's words at all, and walked directly into Xu Qingfan's house.

It seems that Liu Ziqing is not only astounding in his strategy, but also has a thick skin that is far beyond Xu Qingfan's imagination.

After entering Xu Qingfan's house, Liu Ziqing carefully checked without leaving any trace, but found that the scene in Xu Qingfan's house was the same as before, without anything unusual. However, there was a corner missing at the head of the bed, and some sawdust was exposed, but it did not arouse the slightest suspicion from Liu Ziqing.

After a while, Liu Ziqing seemed to suddenly understand the meaning of Xu Qingfan's words, with a look of sudden realization on his face, and said: "Now is the time when Taoist Fellow Xu is preparing for the sermon the day after tomorrow. It is presumptuous of me to interrupt you this time. Just say goodbye."

I heard Liu Ziqing say this. Xu Qingfan slowly breathed a sigh of relief, but did not do anything to hold him back. Who knows whether Liu Ziqing will stay under his persuasion, so he just said apologetically: "At this time, my mind is full of preaching, but I failed to entertain you well. After the sermon, I will definitely talk to you Fellow Taoist Liu talked all day and night.”

Liu Ziqing laughed and said, "It's a deal."

With that said, Liu Ziqing played with the folding fan in his hand and left.

Looking at Liu Ziqing's disappearing back, Xu Qingfan let out a sigh of relief, only to realize that cold sweat had flowed out of his back unknowingly.

Slowly closed the door. Xu Qingfan picked up the "little black" on his shoulder and stroked it gently. At the same time, a spiritual light flashed in his hand, where Xu Qingfan was caressing him. The black color on the "little black" in front of me has receded, and it has turned into green feathers, and its figure has also become smaller. Then, Xu Qingfan pinched "Xiao Hei's" long and pointed bird's peck with his two fingers. The bird's peck fell off easily, but inside was a pair of tiny pointed beaks.

When all this was completed, the "Little Black" that was originally standing on Xu Qingfan's shoulders suddenly turned into the "Qianli Qing" that Xu Qingfan had received from the man in purple! !

It turned out that when Liu Ziqing came to check the ward just now, Xu Qingfan suddenly remembered that he had another "Qianliqing" in his hand, which was also a bird and had a similar image, so he took it out of his sleeve, and then took it out again. Some of the spiritual ink used to make spells painted this "Qianli Qing" black. The gloss of the spiritual ink is similar to the black feathers of the small black book. Then I found some wood, and with my hands like a knife and an ax, I carved it into a small black mouth and put it on Qianli Qing's mouth.

Poor "Qianli Qing", known as the aristocrat among birds, has a luxurious look, but under Xu Qingfan's dress, he turned into the most ugly crow among birds. I'm afraid its partner won't recognize it at this time.

Fortunately, the Dark Crow is very different from other monsters. The energy in its body is extremely obscure and difficult for ordinary people to detect. Therefore, Xu Qingfan was confident that he could hide it from Liu Ziqing. At the same time, he was secretly glad that the monster he chose was the Dark Crow instead of the Golden Stone Giant Elephant. , otherwise it would be too late for Xu Qingfan to cry. Of course, with the huge body of the golden stone elephant, Xu Qingfan would never send it out to explore.

Then, Xu Qingfan woke up the "Qianli Qing" from its slumber. The moment before it got up and flew away, Xu Qingfan used the "body-fixing technique" to fix its body on his shoulders, finally holding Liu Ziqing down. Fooled. After putting Qianli Qing to sleep again, Xu Qingfan put it into his sleeve, then used the "Mind's Eye Technique" again, and began to observe the situation on Xiao Hei's side.

But what Xu Qingfan didn't know was that Liu Ziqing seemed uneasy after coming out of Xu Qingfan's house. After hesitating for a moment, he also walked quickly towards the back mountain. When Xu Qingfan's mind sank into the "Mind's Eye Technique" again, the scene in his eyes suddenly changed drastically, and it was through Xiao Hei's field of vision that he began to observe the scenery of "Ronghua Mountain".

I saw that Xiao Hei was still staying in Ronghua Front Mountain at this time. The strength of the Five Elements Barrier was far beyond Xu Qingfan's imagination, and his recovery ability was even more abnormal. Xu Qingfan just spent more than a stick of incense to deal with Liu Ziqing, and During this period, Xiao Hei used all his death energy, but still only left a tiny hole in the barrier. As for this hole, it would be difficult even for Xiao Hei's body to pass through it.

But Xu Qingfan knew that Xiao Hei had already tried his best, so he didn't rush him. He just watched nervously with Xiao Hei the contest between the death energy and the five elements spiritual energy.

Finally, after another cup of tea, the hole was finally large enough for Xiao Hei to pass through, and Xiao Hei did not hesitate, immediately spread his wings and passed through the hole, and then turned around to pass through the hole. The dead energy of the Five Elements spiritual energy stalemate was withdrawn.

After losing the corrosion of death energy, the powerful recovery ability of this unknown barrier was also reflected. In just a moment, it was like water flowing in a trough, and the light quickly returned to its original state.

And at the moment when the unknown barrier was restored to its original state, Liu Ziqing suddenly appeared in front of the barrier. After carefully checking that there was no abnormality, he opened the barrier with his fingers. Then without any hesitation, he ducked into the back mountain of Ronghua.

Let’s talk about Xu Qingfan. When Xu Qingfan followed Xiao Hei through the barrier, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed. But it was a desolate and lifeless place. Xu Qingfan seemed to be back in the southern wilderness in a trance, and he couldn't help but be surprised. Xu Qingfan originally thought the scenery of Ronghua Mountain was so beautiful. Although there are many embellishments, the mountain behind it should not be bad in any case, and at least it should be lush with vegetation. But I didn't expect it to be like this, as if all the life of "Ronghua Mountain" is concentrated in the front mountain.

But Xu Qingfan couldn't care less about the reason for this situation at this time. Instead, he directed Xiao Hei to fly around the entire Ronghua Back Mountain to investigate carefully.

According to Xu Qingfan's previous conjecture, regardless of the "fence" where Qing Lingzi was detained. It is also the cave where Immortal Zizhen retreats. It should all be done here. Xu Qingfan can ignore the tricks and inappropriateness of Qing Lingzi's overthrow. And as the deacon and elder of Jiuhua, it is indeed inappropriate for him to care about this, but he must find Immortal Zizhen, because it is related to Liu Huaxiang's last mission, and Xu Qingfan must complete it.

After constant investigation in Xiaoheidi, Xu Qingfan discovered two strange places in the vast desolate land behind Ronghua Mountain. One of them was a dilapidated stone castle. Although it was very small in size, compared to where Xu Qingfan currently lives, The small courtyard is not much big, but according to Xiao Hei, it feels that there is another world under this stone castle, and there are so many restrictions that even it has no confidence that it can enter and exit on its own. Xu Qingfan knew that this stone castle should be the legendary "Qinglan", and if nothing else happened, Qing Lingzi should be detained here.

But the other time, it was even weirder. It was obviously just a small place, but it seemed that all the vitality of the mountain behind the glory was concentrated. Countless big trees with a height of 100 feet stood densely here. What was even weirder was that the shape of these big trees They are all extremely strange, and they are all mixed and entangled with each other, without revealing any gaps. Looking from a distance, it looks like a huge green hemisphere. Moreover, I don’t know what kind of secret magic has been cast on these trees. Their color is extremely dark, and there is a faint spiritual light flowing through them. They are obviously not as simple as ordinary trees. At least Xiao Hei intuitively believes that even if he uses all his death energy, it will be difficult to have any effect on these giant trees. of harm.

"So that's it, this should be the cave of Immortal Zizhen, but I don't know what magic is so mysterious, and it can wrap Immortal Zizhen's cave so tightly. I think it's because of these giant trees that Immortal Zizhen has been unable to Come out? It's incredible how you can trap a Mahayana monk."

Just when Xu Qingfan was about to order Xiao Hei to use his death energy to test the defensive power of these giant trees, Xiao Hei suddenly turned into a black light and flew into the sky, and then merged into the darkness.

"What's going on?" Xu Qingfan asked Xiao Hei in his heart.

Someone is coming.

This is Xiaohei's answer. A green dress swayed in the wind, a soft but unpredictable smile on his face, a noble yet approachable temperament, and he was playing with a folding fan in his hand.

But it was Liu Ziqing who had just left Xu Qingfan.

After seeing Liu Ziqing's arrival, Xu Qingfan was secretly surprised, and at the same time told Xiao Hei not to act rashly. Although the death energy in Xiao Hei's body was mysterious, before it grew into an earth-level intermediate monster, it could not be compared with those who had reached the late stage of real elixir. Liu Ziqing was quite confrontational.

"Senior brother, how have you been these past few years? Has anyone come to visit you recently?"

When Liu Ziqing came to the group of giant trees, he was silent for a moment. Then he said softly.

He was met with silence. It was as if his senior brother was just this weird giant tree in front of him.

Liu Ziqing was not angry, but the smile on his face became more obvious, and he said slowly: "What? Hasn't anyone come to see you in these years? Haha, think about those innocent elders back then, which one didn't visit you every time? I came here to visit you every few years, just to get some benefits from you. Now, you are trapped, there is no benefit to be gained, and these juniors will forget about you. , Why are you protecting such juniors?"

After a long time, a cold snort suddenly came from the giant tree, as if it came from another world, low and vicissitudes of life.

"For people like you, the Grandmaster thinks he is smart. But he can never see through people's hearts."

Hearing the sarcasm of this voice, Liu Ziqing was not angry at all. The expression on his face became even happier, and he asked with a smile: "So. In these years, has anyone secretly visited you?"

Hearing Liu Ziqing's rhetorical question, the giant tree fell into silence again.

Liu Ziqing still didn't care. He just said leisurely: "I know even if you don't tell me, the people who came to see you must be Bai Lingzi and the others, right? Did they also say that they are refining a heaven-level magic weapon, the diamond diamond, and will come to rescue him after it is refined? You? I know all this, so don’t give me any more hope. They don’t know whether they are my opponents. Don’t you know? If it weren’t for those two stubborn little guys Xuan Lingzi and Huan Lingzi. I would have taken action to get rid of them if I had to take care of my friendship.”

After hearing Liu Ziqing's words. A long sigh came from the giant tree again, and then said: "Junior brother, you are too smart, but I advise you, be careful and you will be mistaken for your cleverness!!"

Then, the voice suddenly became stern and said: "You should know that this Taoist method of gathering souls into trees cannot trap me for a long time. I am now in seclusion at a critical moment and can only use 30% of my power." If you dare to touch Bai Lingzi and the others, I will not let you go after my time has passed!"

Liu Ziqing smiled nonchalantly and asked softly: "But senior brother, do you think you will really still be my opponent by then? You know, it will take a while for you to get through this period, and at that time, my The plan is complete."

Hearing what Liu Ziqing said, the man in the giant tree seemed to be suddenly hit by the Mingmen. After a long time, he slowly said: "Junior brother, no matter what, Qingxumen is also the place where you have practiced for thousands of years. You can't bear to kill it with your own hands." Destroy it?”

There was already a hint of pleading in his tone.

However, Liu Ziqing remained unmoved and just smiled and said: "Brother, you still don't understand my painstaking efforts. How am I destroying the Qingxu Sect? I am promoting the Qingxu Sect. The current Qingxu Master What is the last wish of the ancestors? Isn’t it that he will never be able to practice the Heavenly Spirit Refiner to perfection in his lifetime? Even though this Heavenly Spirit Refiner* was originally founded by him, there is finally someone in my Qingxu Sect. He will become a heavenly spirit and become a god*. Even if the master sees it, the spirit in heaven should be happy."

"But you have to pay the price with the lives of all Qingxu monks!"

Liu Ziqing smiled and said: "What's the point? As long as you can practice the Heavenly Spirit Refiner*, how can you not pay a price? Besides, if you don't have any disciples, you can recruit again, but there is only one chance for the Heavenly Spirit Refiner* to reach great success. Such a one."

The people in the giant tree didn't know whether they persuaded Liu Ziqing to lose confidence, or were speechless, but they were silent again.

Liu Ziqing sighed slightly and said: "Brother, I know you are very disappointed and angry with me now, but you will definitely understand my painstaking efforts in the future. The world of immortality has been in such chaos during this period, and obviously the next catastrophe will happen soon. Come, at this time, our Qingxu Sect seems to be powerful, but in the name of the Holy Land, we are bearing the brunt of the catastrophe. Senior brother, isn’t this why you are in seclusion? And if I do this, although it may cause the Qingxu Sect to suffer? Most of the number of people will be lost, but if I practice Tianling Shen Shen* to perfection, and senior brother you practice the Thirteen Qingxu Jue to perfection, then my Qingxu Sect will be greatly strengthened, who will be afraid of the catastrophe? It will cause losses to us, and even the underworld that creates havoc will not be our opponent at all."

"Are you really using such an extreme method to cultivate Heavenly Spirits and Gods to protect my Qingxu Sect? I think you are trying to get revenge on that Huang, right?" The person detained by the giant tree suddenly sneered.

Hearing the word "yellow", Liu Ziqing lost his composure for a moment. Murderous aura and anger flashed across his face, but then disappeared. Then he regained his composure and said softly: "Brother, according to what I have learned over the years, According to our judgment, Zhang Xusheng, who attacked Jiuhua Mountain that year, was none other than Dihuang from the Underworld Organization."

Speaking of which. Liu Ziqing sighed slightly, with a rare hint of decadence in his voice, and said softly: "When you old guys showed signs of the underworld, you asked me to sneak into the underworld. I did it, and when I was successfully in the underworld, I He became the fifth-ranked Yu. But he didn't expect to offend Zhang Xusheng unintentionally. In just one night, the subordinates I had trained for many years, and even myself, were easily defeated by Zhang Xusheng. The strength and resourcefulness that I was so proud of were so worthless in Zhang Xusheng's eyes. If I hadn't already made some progress in the art of soul reincarnation, I would have lost my ability. Even the gods can't escape. It's a pity that this technique of turning around the soul has never been able to overcome the problem of rejection between the soul and the new body. Otherwise, with my foundation in the Mahayana period, I would have recovered 70% to 80% of my strength. How could I even be like now? I haven’t been able to enter for so many years. I haven’t even dared to take a step out of the Qingxu Sect.”

Speaking of which. Liu Ziqing's voice was even more decadent, and he murmured: "At that time, Zhang Xusheng's body was still missing the most important part - the heart, and his strength was only 60%. But this time he attacked Jiuhua Mountain, His heart has been taken back. Once he is integrated with his body and heart, who will be his opponent? What will he do if he finds that the last person he killed is still alive? If you practice the Thirteen Qingxu Art to perfection, you will lose more and win less. I do this just to preserve the Qingxu Sect."

"However, you can't sacrifice all the people of the Diqingxu Sect! If I hadn't revealed that there was something wrong with your technique, would you have also absorbed my soul?"

Liu Ziqing smiled, but did not answer, as if he had acquiesced.

Almost at the same time, Liu Ziqing and the man in the giant tree sighed at the same time, with the same distant and helpless expression.

After a long time, Liu Ziqing said again: "Brother, I came here mainly to investigate, but thinking that you have been trapped all these years, you must be lonely, so I came to accompany you, but now I think about it, I came here this time But it makes you feel even more uncomfortable?"

Liu Ziqing smiled faintly again, and then said: "But don't worry, I will leave soon. But before I leave, I want to tell you something. After all, you care so much about the Qingxu Sect. Probably when you are At the same time as I was detained, I found the spy that Ming placed in my Qingxu, and then removed him smoothly. Then, over the years, I pretended to be him, kept in contact with Ming, and included the matter of your detention. He put it on his head, allowing the dead man to show his face properly in the underworld. At the same time, he sealed the Amaterasu Pearl in accordance with Ming's request, so that Ming could no longer use the evil spirit to cause trouble in the world. No one has noticed it. After all, in the world of immortality, only Amaterasu Pearl can detect the aura of Tiansha. I know that you want to blame me again, senior brother, but there is no way. Once the incident of Tiansha is revealed, I, the Qingxu Sect, will be directly exposed. In front of Ming, we can only sacrifice others for this."

"At the same time, that idiot Xuan Lingzi suddenly invited a casual cultivator from the Southern Wilderness of unknown origin to our Qingxu Sect. But according to my judgment, this casual cultivator is probably the subordinate of Zhang Xusheng, and is probably the subordinate of Zhang Xusheng. The guy has begun to doubt my Qingxu Sect, but fortunately, he doesn’t doubt me, but my plan will be accelerated anyway.”

"That's all for the recent events, Senior Brother. I'm leaving now. No matter how much you hate me, I will prove to you that my method is right."

As he said that, Liu Ziqing turned and left. Although his figure was a little lonely, the desolate and decadent look on his face suddenly disappeared, and he became calm and confident again.

At the moment when Liu Ziqing turned around, a voice suddenly came out from the giant tree again.

"The thing I regret most now is that I sent you to the underworld as an undercover agent, but you became the same as those people in the underworld. You do whatever it takes."

Hearing this voice, Liu Ziqing's body shook slightly, then turned around and smiled slightly: "Maybe, maybe, this is the real me."

As he said that, Liu Ziqing turned around and walked towards Ronghuaqianshan without hesitation.

But after hearing Liu Ziqing's words, the giant tree responded with silence.

When Liu Ziqing's figure disappeared from his sight, Xu Qingfan instructed Xiao Hei to ignore the giant tree for the time being, and to use the same method to break the barrier between the front and back mountains, and then return to his side.

When Xu Qingfan watched Xiao Hei corrode a hole in the barrier again. Then he flew out and flew safely to the courtyard where he was. Xu Qingfan slowly broke out of the "Mind Eye Technique", got up from the bed, walked out of the house, and found the old man Mo Ziliang again. They had a good chat again, and Xiao Hei took this opportunity to return to Xu Qingfan's house.

Looking at Mo Ziliang's happy face when he talked to him. Xu Qingfan suddenly had a sense of evil that bullied an honest man.

After saying goodbye to Mo Ziliang, Xu Qingfan turned around to recover. He stroked Xiao Hei who was waiting in the house as a reward, and then sat cross-legged on the bed, frowning and thinking about the information he had accidentally obtained this night.

This information. It was too huge and too shocking for Xu Qingfan. He needed to think carefully to figure out which ones could be used and which ones must be remembered.

Just as Xu Qingfan had thought before, the person trapped by the giant tree was the first master of Qingxu Sect, Zizhen Immortal. And he was worthy of being the first master of Qingxu Sect. He actually reached the stage of "Three Declines of Heaven and Man" in the Mahayana period, but because of this. He was taken advantage of by Liu Ziqing. He was detained with a strange Taoist method. And this can also explain why Zizhen Immortal did not appear when Qing Lingzi was detained.

And that Liu Ziqing, his real identity was not Zizhen Immortal's closed disciple, but Zizhen Immortal's Xuanzhen Immortal who suddenly disappeared eight hundred years ago! ! And his other identity was actually the former member of the mysterious "Ming" organization, but was killed by Zhang Xusheng himself, "Yu"! !

There are three other things that are extremely important to Xu Qingfan, which he learned from their conversation. One is that the identity of "Huang" is indeed Zhang Xusheng, and Zhang Xusheng's strength is about to increase greatly. At that time, no one in the world of immortal cultivation can stop him. This made Xu Qingfan worry about the fate of Jiuhua Mountain in the future.

The second point is that from what Liu Ziqing revealed, the successive catastrophes in the world of immortal cultivation over the past ten thousand years were actually caused by this mysterious "Ming" organization. An organization that has existed for more than ten thousand years is already incredible. What's more, this organization actually created catastrophes for the purpose of creating catastrophes in the world of immortal cultivation, but for what? And why is there such a regularity for a catastrophe every two thousand eight hundred years? Xu Qingfan couldn't figure it out.

The third point is that Xu Qingfan had always been wondering why he could think of the possibility of "Heavenly Evil" when there was such a cholera in the mortal world, but the cultivators of other sects had not thought of it. Now that he thought about it, it was probably because there was an "Amaterasu Pearl" in the "Qingxu Sect" that could reflect the "Heavenly Evil", and the "Amaterasu Pearl" did not show any abnormality under the seal. The major sects who knew about this situation ignored the possibility of "Heavenly Evil Technique".

Thinking of this, Xu Qingfan shook his head. These things were not what he should consider now, and he turned to focus on the "Qingxu Sect".

At this point, combined with the abnormality of the practice and the absorption of the soul mentioned by Zizhen Immortal just now, Xu Qingfan probably had figured out the context of the entire "Qingxu Sect" incident.

When Liu Ziqing was still Xuanzhen Immortal, Zizhen Immortal, who had discovered some clues of the "Ming" organization, sent him to the "Ming" as an undercover agent. However, he did not expect that four hundred years later, Xuanzhen Immortal would offend Zhang Xusheng and be killed. However, because Liu Ziqing actually created the mysterious "Spirit Reincarnation Technique", which could be reborn in someone else's body, he returned to the "Qingxu Sect" after becoming Liu Ziqing. In order to conceal Zhang Xusheng, he appeared in the "Qingxu Sect" as the last disciple of Zizhen Immortal.

But the change occurred fifty years ago. The news of Zhang Xusheng's raid on Jiuhua Mountain spread throughout the world of immortal cultivation, but Liu Ziqing judged that Zhang Xusheng's other identity was "Huang" in the "Ming" organization. Out of fear of Zhang Xusheng, or fear that he would not have the opportunity to take revenge, Liu Ziqing began to implement a plan that would allow him to practice the legendary "Heavenly Spirit Refining Technique" to perfection but would require sacrificing the entire "Qingxu Sect".

Based on the abnormality of the skills and the absorption of souls mentioned by Immortal Zizhen just now, as well as the fact that Qing Lingzi was detained by a group of Qingxu elders for hiding his secrets in the skills, Xu Qingfan thinks that this plan should probably be like this Yes, Liu Ziqing created a certain skill. Although the specific function of this skill is unknown, Xu Qingfan can guess some. Although he can add the practice of "Tianling Shen Lian*" and "Qingxu Thirteen Techniques", or There are a lot of flaws or some kind of foreshadowing, but in the end it allowed him to absorb the practicing soul to supplement his own soul. And he didn't know how to let Qing Lingzi get this skill. I'm afraid it was originally I wanted Qing Lingzi to promote this technique in the "Qingxu Sect", but I didn't expect that Qing Lingzi either wanted to test this technique on himself out of caution, or he really had selfish intentions. He actually didn't promote this technique, but practiced it alone.

Maybe Liu Ziqing had expected this situation early in the morning, but he teamed up with other Qingxu elders to detain Qing Lingzi in the name of hiding his secrets. Qing Lingzi, who was practicing the technique, couldn't say anything and took advantage of this. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Liu Ziqing promoted this technique to "Qingxu Sect", allowing all the monks of "Qingxu Sect" to practice it. And Liu Ziqing's plan has been half completed since then.

Although there is a group of people led by Bai Lingzi in the "Qingxu Sect" who want to rescue Immortal Zizhen, their actions are all under the control of Liu Ziqing.

"That's probably what happened. If I don't show up, then every once in a while, someone like Zhang Xusheng will appear in the world of immortality. But now that I'm involved in this matter, what should I do? ?”

After analyzing the whole thing, Xu Qingfan thought to himself.

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