Seeking Immortality

Chapter 21. Breakthrough (Part 1).

"Ting'er, we're going into seclusion soon, are you ready?" Xu Qingfan asked with a smile.

"Ready." Ting'er replied softly.

Then, under the surprised gazes of Zhang Ningmei, Bai Yu and even Xiaobi, Xu Qingfan suddenly made an action that no one expected.

Xu Qingfan suddenly took a step forward, then opened his arms and embraced Ting'er.

The moment she was hugged by Xu Qingfan, Ting'er's body suddenly stiffened, but then her body relaxed again, and then she slowly leaned on Xu Qingfan's body, resting her head on Xu Qingfan's shoulder, and closed her eyes. Head.

After closing his eyes tightly, the feeling that was surging in his heart became more obvious and intense. She only felt that Xu Qingfan's arms were so warm, and this warmth quickly filled her heart. But it made her put down all her guard in an instant, and she felt like a tired bird returning to its roost. I feel more relaxed than ever.

In an instant, Xu Qingfan's care for her over the years and the relationship between the two came to Ting'er's mind.


Ting'er called softly from the bottom of her heart.

But at this time, the image of her father in Ting'er's heart overlapped with that of Xu Qingfan, making Ting'er unable to distinguish between them.

Or, in these years, Xu Qingfan was like a father in Ting'er's heart, right? However, neither Xu Qingfan nor Ting'er realized this. Xu Qingfan regarded Ting'er as her responsibility, while Ting'er regarded Xu Qingfan as her goal, but they both ignored this point intentionally or unintentionally.

Having said that. Since Ting'er can remember, she has never been hugged by her father or even any relatives. It seems that she is standing silently in a corner at any time, observing the rising and falling of the clouds, the ebb and flow, and the indifference in front of her eyes. But I was lonely, and this time I was suddenly hugged by Xu Qingfan, but it was a feeling. Although it was just a simple hug, it was so reassuring to her.

Or, in a corner of Ting'er's heart, she has been looking forward to such a warm hug from her relatives, which can dispel the chill in her heart, right?

Perhaps Xu Qingfan's sudden hug seemed so inappropriate and abrupt to others. After all, Xu Qingfan was Ting'er's elder and Ting'er's master, so hugging her like this seemed a bit excessive. Including Ting'er, who had just been embraced by Xu Qingfan. I feel the same way.

But as time went by, a warm feeling spread between Xu Qingfan and Ting'er who were suddenly embracing each other.

Xu Qingfan is successful in cultivating immortals and has good looks. At this time, his appearance seems to be that he is in his early twenties, and the same is true for Ting'er. Judging from their appearance, there is not much age difference between the two. But the embrace between the two at this time made people unable to think of the local direction at all. Everything was so warm and natural.

On the side, Zhang Ningmei and Bai Yu's eyes slowly changed from frightened to knowing and gentle, and they couldn't help but smile. This heartwarming scene also made the two of them feel warm in their hearts.

In this warmth, both Xu Qingfan Ting'er and Zhang Ningmei and Bai Yu who were watching from the side were all indulged in this warmth. The flow of time has become slower.


I don’t know how long Xu Qingfan’s hug lasted, or if it was just a moment. Or the sun and moon are already changing in the sky. Ting'er softly called out in her heart again. The little girl who hugged her knees and watched her father being killed seemed to have finally found her destination and sense of security at this moment.

After her father's image gradually overlapped with Xu Qingfan's, it became extremely blurry, somewhat like her father, but also somewhat like Xu Qingfan.

But as time goes by and time passes slowly in the warmth, the image of this father gradually becomes clear again. Ting'er opened her eyes and looked. Xu Qingfan's face suddenly reflected in Ting'er's autumn eyes.

Suddenly, Ting'er had the urge to confide all the grievances she had suppressed over the years to Xu Qingfan.

But just when Ting'er opened her mouth to say something. Xu Qingfan suddenly let go of his arms, took a step back, and left Ting'er's side.

Feeling that the warmth surrounding her suddenly faded away, Ting'er was slightly startled. She opened her eyes again, raised her head and walked away, only to find that Xu Qingfan was already one step away, and she couldn't help but feel a strong sense of loss in her heart. Time seemed to pause for a moment, as if everyone was reminiscing about the warm moment before.

In the end, it was Xu Qingfan who broke the silence.

"Ting'er, do you know? In fact, after I adopted you, I originally planned to foster you somewhere in the mortal world. At that time, my strength was unable to protect you, but I accidentally killed you. Father, I don’t dare and don’t want to face you like this all the time. Moreover, I also think it would be better if I let you live a peaceful life in the mortal world. Do you know why I changed my mind in the end?”

Hearing Xu Qingfan's sudden whisper, Ting'er was slightly stunned. It seemed that she understood the meaning of Xu Qingfan's words after a moment, but she shook her head gently, and then she seemed to think of something, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes. .

Noticing the flash of panic, Xu Qingfan understood Ting'er's thoughts. After just experiencing that warm moment, Ting'er was very afraid of what Xu Qingfan would say unfeelingly.

Xu Qingfan did not explain, but continued to explain softly: "At that time, I wanted to foster you in Ningmei's grandfather's house, and I even took you to the door of that house, but when things happened, I suddenly Changed my mind."

"It suddenly occurred to me that you suddenly arrived at a stranger's home. What should you do if you were wronged? Where should you go to talk? There are people with no relatives or friends everywhere. If I send you there, will your life be affected? Like the first time I saw you, sitting silently in a corner with my knees folded, observing everything in front of me with eyes that were guarded, indifferent, but yearning for exploration? And then continue to observe silently until I die? ?”

"Also, I saw your hatred for me in your eyes at that time, the hatred contained in that indifference. Although you were just a little girl at the time, I was still frightened. But I also thought, I will kill Although it was unintentional, you should hate me. If I fostered you in an ordinary family, how would you release the hatred in your heart? Being in a mortal home and unable to survive for the rest of your life?”

"Moreover, if you live in a mortal family, that means you will have to become a mortal all your life. Your lifespan will be less than a hundred years. You are my only blood relative in the world. How can I bear to watch you die of old age day by day?"

"Of course, the most important thing is that at that time, my master was dead, my senior brother was also dead, and I didn't have any friends in Jiuhua Mountain. There was only one Jin Qinghan. It was also because we often practiced in seclusion, so we couldn't see each other all year round. At that time, I really felt very lonely, and I really wanted to find someone to stay with me and accompany me on this lonely road of cultivating immortality. But at that time, there was another person beside me, you. My only blood relative in the world, although the reasons are different, has a loneliness similar to mine, so I decided to keep you by my side, teach you to cultivate immortality, and let you continue to accompany me. "

Xu Qingfan slowly recounted his thoughts when he accepted Ting'er as his disciple. His tone was not very affectionate, and his expression was not very immersed. He just kept speaking slowly and in a normal tone, but in Ting'er's ears, These sounds pierced right through her soul and shocked her whole body.

Over the years, Ting'er has always taken Xu Qingfan's adoption as a matter of course. Xu Qingfan should have adopted her, and she should have followed Xu Qingfan. It was that simple, but she never thought that Xu Qingfan adopted him at that time. , it is so simple, but it has so much thought.

In a daze, the scenery in front of Ting'er's eyes changed, but she recalled that under the dark night, everyone in the Ascetic Valley felt that she should be detained for life as a hidden danger, but Xu Qingfan knelt in front of the monks in the Ascetic Valley. The scene of people fighting to adopt Ting'er.

Ting'er didn't think it was a big deal at the time. His tribesmen, his father, led her to kneel down to those demon gods all day long. But now that she thinks about it, after following Xu Qingfan for sixty years, she has only seen Xu Qingfan kneel down and worship twice. , once because of Liu Huaxiang’s death, and once because of her...

After being transformed by the White Magic Pearl, Ting'er had lost the ability to cry, but at this moment, her eyes suddenly felt sour.


Ting'er called out softly, but after calling out, she suddenly realized that she didn't know what to say.

Xu Qingfan suddenly smiled freely and said self-deprecatingly: "It is obviously the day when you are going to retreat, but I unconsciously said so much. Isn't this disturbing your state of mind?"

Ting'er shook her head slightly.

Xu Qingfan seemed worried and asked again: "Are you really ready now?"


Ting'er's tone was unusually firm.

"Then let's start retreating. If it doesn't work, don't force it. We still have a long road ahead and we have to keep going."

Xu Qingfan pointed to Ting'er's room and said with a smile.

Ting'er nodded slightly, took another deep look, then turned and walked towards the room where she was retreating.

Before the door closed, Ting'er's soft voice suddenly came out.

"Uncle, we will keep going."

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