Seeking Immortality

Chapter 20. Inner Demon.

With the end of the confession and listening that night, whether it was Xu Qingfan, Ting'er, or Ting'er, they all pretended that nothing had happened. Of course, this was also related to Ting'er not knowing that Xu Qingfan had eavesdropped on her confession that night. They were doing what they usually did, and they seemed to be focused.

But after what happened that night, something had quietly changed between everyone. Some barriers disappeared, but there were other barriers.

But the specific feeling, I am afraid even the parties involved could not explain it clearly.

Among them, Xu Qingfan's expression was normal, and he was talking to Zhang Ningmei and Bai Yu as usual. It seemed that the scene of that night had been forgotten, but he looked at Ting'er a little more inadvertently. His eyes drifted away, but I didn't know what he was thinking about, what he was considering, and what he would do about Ting'er's affairs.

And Ting'er obviously didn't know that Xu Qingfan had inadvertently overheard her confession to Zhang Ningmei that night, otherwise she wouldn't have sat so openly in front of Xiaobi at this time, staring blankly at Xu Qingfan who was preaching. It seemed that she was still thinking about whether to form a pill or not, and whether to take revenge or not, and her eyebrows and eyes were unconsciously tangled as if she was in a mood.

Zhang Ningmei was the most anxious one. From time to time, she looked at Xu Qingfan who was preaching, and from time to time, she looked at Ting'er who was in a daze, with a thoughtful look in her eyes, as if she was thinking about how to untie Ting'er's knot, but after thinking for a long time, she still had no way, especially after seeing Xu Qingfan remained silent, she became more anxious. Although she had a low cultivation level and had been cultivating immortals for a short time, she also knew how dangerous it would be for Ting'er to break through the Jindan stage in her current state, but she didn't know how much of Xu Qingfan's preaching she had heard.

The ones who had no thoughts at all were naturally Bai Yu and Xiaobi, two slow-witted and contradictory enemies. This man and beast did not notice the abnormality in the expressions of the other three people at all. Usually, it was fine, but once they were free and accidentally met each other, they would stare at each other with big eyes, and then confront each other for about an hour. The other three people ignored this pair of enemies because they had their own thoughts. And this pair of enemies also had their own concerns. So there was no big commotion.

It is worth mentioning that, perhaps because of the lack of strength or because the time was too long, in Xiaobi's eyes, the most hateful person Baiyu has replaced Xu Qingfan. After seeing Baiyu, he roared and glared, but ignored Xu Qingfan.

Inadvertently, Xu Qingfan saw in a book that "Qiongqi" and "Taotie" are both one of the four ancient beasts. But they are enemies, and Baiyu has the blood of "Qiongqi" in his body, and the blue-eyed cloud hoof beast is a branch of the legendary "Taotie".

No wonder...

In fact, Xu Qingfan was not as calm as his expression. After hearing Ting's words that night, Xu Qingfan's mood fluctuated as much as anyone else.

Pity, guilt. Fortunately, under the interference of various emotions. Xu Qingfan has been unable to calm down and meditate for two days.

Xu Qingfan also knew about Ting'er's situation. To break through in such a state of mind, it was no different from self-destructing the whole body's spiritual energy for cultivating immortals.

But although Xu Qingfan was anxious, he had no way to find Ting'er to make it clear now.

Although Ting'er's heart knot had a part of Xu Qingfan, it was more about himself. There was no way to let go of the obsession in his heart. Before Xu Qingfan did anything. He had to leave some time. Let Ting'er figure out some things by herself.

If he went to find Ting'er now, with Ting'er's personality, it would be even more difficult for her to calm down after knowing that Xu Qingfan understood his thoughts. That would not only not help Ting'er, but would have a counterproductive effect.

Although Xu Qingfan looked calm these days, he was actually thinking about how to untie Ting'er's knot without leaving any traces, and how to avoid embarrassing each other. And then affecting the future relationship between the two.

Although it was a bit difficult. But Xu Qingfan didn't think it was impossible.

And Xu Qingfan didn't do nothing. The reason why Ting'er had a demon in her heart was because in her heart. There was an obsession that her father and the tribesmen were silently watching her from behind and forcing her to take revenge.

"Ting'er, do you want to know something about your father? Things before being transformed by the magic bead."

One day, Xu Qingfan suddenly walked in front of Ting'er who was in a daze, smiled and asked softly.

Ting'er was slightly stunned, but finally nodded gently.

Just like that, these days, Xu Qingfan often chatted with Ting'er intentionally or unintentionally, but he didn't talk about the things between the two at all. Instead, he mentioned to Ting'er the story of getting along with Ting'er's father when Xu Qingfan was still in Xujiazhai.

When Ting'er and her father were transformed by the magic beads, they were still young. The father in her memory was just the figure standing on the altar, with the dark night behind him and thousands of tribesmen transformed by the magic beads in front of him worshiping him. But what was her father like before he was transformed by the magic beads? Was he honest and steady? Was he cowardly and vulnerable? Or was he as evil and murderous as he was after being transformed by the magic beads? Ting'er had no impression of him.

In fact, after such a long time, Xu Qingfan did not spend much time with Ting'er's father when he was in Xujiazhai, so his impression of Ting'er's father before he was transformed by the magic beads was also very vague.

But despite this, when talking to Ting'er about her father, Xu Qingfan described him as a kind and gentle brother. How he took care of his people, how the jealous people were infected by him and fought side by side with him, and how he saved people at the critical moment.

In short, Xu Qingfan put all the good qualities he saw in Xujiazhai on Ting'er's father. Although he felt guilty for deceiving the little girl, he felt that it was all worth it when he saw Ting'er's concentration when she listened to his nonsense and her slightly lighter steps when she left afterwards.

In short, Xu Qingfan was trying his best to instill in Ting'er that Xu, who was transformed by the magic bead, was not his real father in this month. His father was a kind brother and elder, and her father would never force him to take revenge.

Although it was a lie. But it was also a well-intentioned lie.

Every time he finished talking about Ting'er's father's deeds, looking at Ting'er's slightly brighter eyes, Xu Qingfan always comforted himself like this.

"And if it leaves Ting'er with a good memory, it would be good."

Afterwards, Xu Qingfan arranged for Zhang Ningmei to go to Ting'er to inquire. Zhang Ningmei said that these days, when Ting'er was meditating, her dead clansmen and father rarely appeared again.

Once again, after telling the story, Xu Qingfan looked at Ting'er, whose expression had been reduced by half, but unexpectedly, he thought of Ting'er's innocent and somewhat childish words.

"So, I don't want to form a pill, and it will continue like this. Without forming a pill, there is no strength to take revenge. There is no need to take revenge..."

Although the gloom has been reduced to a certain extent, the inner demon has been planted after all. If you want to solve it completely, it is not something that Xu Qingfan can solve by telling a few stories.

"Forming a pill... taking revenge..."

Xu Qingfan looked at Bai Yu and Zhang Ningmei who were listening to his preaching in front of him, and then looked at Ting'er who was silently staying in the distance, and thought silently.

One month later.

This month's time. For Xu Qingfan. Many things happened.

For example, Zhang Ningmei's speed of refining her spiritual consciousness in the later period far exceeded Xu Qingfan's imagination. Originally, Xu Qingfan thought that Zhang Ningmei would need at least half a year to achieve the balance between the spiritual consciousness after refining and the energy in the body. But only one month later, that is, after Zhang Ningmei had been practicing under Xu Qingfan for * months, the consumption of body energy by the spiritual consciousness and the supply of energy in the body had reached a balance.

This means that now Zhang Ningmei can follow Xu Qingfan and Bai Yu to formally cultivate immortals.

After Xu Qingfan's test. Zhang Ningmei's body is suitable for absorbing the spiritual energy of the water system in the five elements. It can intercept about 30% to 40% of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth entering the body, but it just barely meets the standard of an in-house disciple.

However, Xu Qingfan doesn't care about this. When he was cultivating immortals, his qualifications were completely incomparable to Zhang Ningmei's at this time, but didn't he also succeed in forming a pill? Although Zhang Ningmei's intercepted spiritual energy of heaven and earth is much worse than Bai Yuting'er's, her character is very good. Coupled with her powerful spiritual consciousness that is far beyond ordinary people, her future achievements may not be worse than anyone else.

After Xu Qingfan told Zhang Ningmei about her qualifications, although Zhang Ningmei looked a little disappointed, she didn't care much. She had been wandering on the edge of life and death since she was a child, which made her have a calm and easy-going personality.

For example, Bai Yu also entered the realm of the middle stage of Qi Refining during this period, and was struggling towards the realm of the late stage of Qi Refining. However, Bai Yu's situation was extremely special. In addition to being able to absorb the two spiritual energies of gold and earth in his body without interfering with each other, Xu Qingfan also found another abnormality of Bai Yu, that is, when Bai Yu released the Taoism, the spiritual energy in his body could not be released at all, as if his body was isolated from the inside and outside.

All the earth and gold spiritual energy accumulated in Bai Yu's body as Bai Yu moved, and as the spiritual energy in Bai Yu's body became more and more sufficient, Bai Yu's offensive and defensive capabilities became stronger and stronger, as if his whole body was made of gold and stone, with infinite strength, sharp attacks, and solid defense. But he couldn't perform even the lowest level of Taoism, which made Xu Qingfan puzzled.

The most meaningful and important thing for Xu Qingfan was that with the end of a month of adjustment time, Ting'er's retreat was about to end.

On this day, the sky was clear and the wind was fine.

Xu Qingfan, Zhang Ningmei, and Bai Yu stood quietly outside Ting'er's house, and Ting'er walked in front of Xu Qingfan, bowed to Xu Qingfan, and then whispered: "Master, I'll go in now."

After a month of thinking and Xu Qingfan's guidance, Ting'er's beautiful face seemed to be more haggard and tired, but looking at it this way, it seemed to be more mature and rational.

On the side, Zhang Ningmei looked a little anxious. Although Ting'er's inner demons and obsessions had been alleviated a lot after Xu Qingfan's story, she had not completely let go after all. It was still dangerous to retreat at this time, but she didn't know why Xu Qingfan agreed to let Ting'er retreat at this time.

Xu Qingfan didn't seem to see Zhang Ningmei's anxiety, but just smiled and asked Ting'er: "I'm going to retreat soon, are you ready?"

Ting'er's eyes flickered, as if she wanted to say something, but she finally lowered her head and said softly: "Ready."

Then, Xu Qingfan did something that no one expected, an unexpected move.

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