Seeking Immortality

Volume 5. The road to immortality is unpredictable, good and evil are not. Chapter 121. The decisive

As soon as Jin Qinghan and everyone landed not far from the Bloody Valley, he immediately pulled Li Yuhan and Lu Qingshang aside. Regardless of the doubts of others, he quickly said to them: "Senior Brother Lu, Senior Nephew Li, Xu Junior brother has a task for you two."

With that said, Jin Qinghan took out the green slips and soul beads that Xu Qingfan gave him.

After completing Xu Qingfan's instructions and rescuing Li Yuhan and others, Jin Qinghan was anxious when he thought that Xu Qingfan was still in the middle of the mountain, looking around in danger, not knowing whether he was alive or dead. He just thought about returning to the mountain to rescue Xu Qingfan. It's just that when Xu Qingfan handed the unknown soul pearl and green slip to him before, his expression was solemn, as if it was extremely important. So Jin Qinghan didn't dare to just ignore him, but he couldn't do it just like Xu Qingfan arranged, leaving immediately after saving people and ignoring Xu Qingfan's life and death.

Therefore, under the conflict, Jin Qinghan lied for the first time in his life, saying that the tasks assigned to him by Xu Qingfan were assigned to Li Yuhan and Lu Qingshang. Li Yuhan was close-minded and his ability to arrange arrangements was even better than that of Xu Qingfan, while Lu Qingshang is good at setting up formations. Although he is not Jin Qinghan's opponent in terms of physical strength and supernatural power, if he is given time to arrange it calmly and use a large formation, I am afraid that even if Jin Qinghan and Xu Qingfan join forces, they will not be able to defeat him. , no matter what Xu Qingfan arranges, he will only do it better than Jin Qinghan. Moreover, these two people have always been friendly with Xu Qingfan over the years. They are the representatives of the younger generation of elders in Jiuhua besides Xu Qingfan and Jin Qinghan, but they are not afraid that these two people will disobey Xu Qingfan's arrangements.

Although lying like this goes against Jin Qinghan's aloof temperament, Jin Qinghan doesn't care about it in order to go back to meet Xu Qingfan.

Xu Qingfan was infected with "beast madness" at this time and was unable to cope with the enemy. However, in the belly of the mountain, in addition to countless "beast mad monks", according to Xu Qingfan's speculation. There are even more mysterious masters lurking. Xu Qingfan is in the middle of the mountain at this time, and there is a possibility of being killed at any time. Thinking of this, Jin Qinghan became more and more anxious and wanted to return to the mountain. \\

It's just that the tasks assigned by Xu Qingfan have to be handed over after all, and the people here can't ignore them, so they still continue to say patiently: "Senior Brother Xu said that the things mentioned in the Qing Jian are extremely important. If it is determined that something happened to him, If so, don’t worry about anything else. Rush back to Ronghua Mountain immediately and follow the steps laid out in the Qing Slip without making any mistakes.”

After a pause, frowning and thinking for a moment, Jin Qinghan said again: "The beastly monk in the bloody valley has no scruples, but he did not leave the valley and continue to pursue us, so so far, it is safe here, you can Stay here for an hour. During this period, be careful and try to find Junior Sister Dongfang and others who came out of the valley before. If they are not found within an hour, Senior Brother Xu and I will not appear or appear. If there is any abnormality, then you don't need to pay attention to anything and rush back to Ronghua Mountain immediately. This mission is not as simple as we imagined. We can't handle it with our current strength alone, and what Senior Brother Xu recorded in the Qing Jian is even more important. ”

But this was the first time in his life that Jin Qinghan had lied, so when he handed the soul beads and green slips to Li Yuhan and Lu Qingshang, his expressions were a little weird. Li Yuhan and Lu Qingshang are both close-minded people. Naturally, he saw through Jin Qinghan's thoughts, but he knew Xu Qingfan's status in Jin Qinghan's heart. I knew I couldn't stop it, so I didn't say anything.

"Junior Brother Jin wants to go back to support Junior Brother Xu?" Lu Qingshang asked.

Jin Qinghan nodded slowly, and Lu Qingshang and Li Yuhan's expressions immediately became heavy. After listening to Jin Qinghan's introduction to the scene in the heart of the mountain, both of them already knew that this gathering of "beast-mad monks" in the bloody valley was by no means simple. There were also masters who were good at controlling the mind lurking. Jin Qinghan did not tell them. They, Xu Qingfan, were infected with "beast madness", and they only thought that Xu Qingfan was seriously injured at this time.

But even so, there are a large number of monks in the alchemy stage and mysterious masters lurking, Xu Qingfan is just a burden at this time, and Jin Qinghan takes away and returns, which may be a disaster. ^^^^ Because of Xu Qingfan's status in everyone's hearts, they had to save him. Lu Qingshang and Li Yuhan both wanted to go with Jin Qinghan to support him, but they thought that neither of them was good at fighting, and Jin Qinghan took Xu Qingfan's place. The assigned tasks were given to the two of them, so there could be no surprises, so both of them could only nod helplessly and say, "Take care."

"It's just that Bo Guangyan of Ciyun Temple is still in the belly of the mountain, and the innocent Xu Xiurong has also disappeared with Junior Sister Dongfang. If you don't come back within an hour, and Junior Sister Dongfang and the others are not found, I'm afraid Ciyun The people from the temple and Qingxu Sect are unwilling to leave with us."

Li Yuhan is a very rational person, and he can almost completely put aside his emotions when analyzing things, but at this time, he has already prepared for the worst.

"Then don't worry about them. You two leave alone. What Senior Brother Xu has told us is the most important. It is related to the future of Jiuhua and there must be no mistakes."

Xu Qingfan had already explained this situation, so Jin Qinghan said decisively.

Hearing what Jin Qinghan said, the expressions on the faces of Lu Qingshang and Li Yuhan became more solemn. If anything happens to Xu Qingfan, Jin Qinghan, and Dongfang Qingling, Jiuhua will really suffer a huge loss this time. Despite asking like this, Li Yuhan still sincerely hopes that this kind of thing will not happen.

After giving instructions to Li Yuhan and Lu Qingshang, Jin Qinghan said nothing more and turned around to fly towards the bloody valley again.

Seeing Jin Qinghan's actions, the other remaining monks in the team were stunned. The secret words Jin Qinghan secretly communicated with Li Yuhan and Lu Qingshang just now had already made them guess. Now they saw that Jin Qinghan was still going. When he returned, he was even more confused. A monk from "Ciyun Temple" and Lu Ziqing from "Qingxu Sect" were the first to stop Jin Qinghan.

"Excuse me, Master Jin. Where are my senior brothers Bo Guangyan and Bo Hui now? Why didn't they appear together with Master Jin? Is there any accident?"

Lu Ziqing on the side said: "Why didn't Senior Brother Xu come out? Junior Sister Xu is missing now. Should we search immediately?"

While the two were asking questions, the others also looked at Jin Qinghan eagerly, waiting for Jin Qinghan's answer. \\After all, although Jin Qinghan saved everyone, under such circumstances, Xu Qingfan and Bo Guangyan were the backbone of everyone's hearts.

He saw the two people blocking him. Jin Qinghan frowned impatiently, and just as he was about to say something, he saw the bloody valley behind everyone. The sudden change.

However, in the blood-colored valley, fires suddenly broke out. The red earth and rocks in the valley became more vivid in color against the firelight. The "beast-crazy monk" in the valley originally screamed in anger because everyone was fleeing. It turned into a scream in the firelight.

However, these "bestiality monks" seemed to be imprisoned by the valley. Although burned by fire. At the time of life and death, he still did not step out of the valley.

Seeing such a change, Jin Qinghan was shocked. First, he was even more worried about what might happen to Xu Qingfan, but more importantly, when he saw the fire rising in the valley, Jin Qinghan didn't know why, but deep down in his heart, He trembled suddenly, as if something destined by fate suddenly appeared in front of him.

Inexplicable. A sense of anticipation and excitement filled Jin Qinghan's mind.

Then, Jin Qinghan ignored the obstruction from the "Ciyun Temple" monk and Lu Ziqing, and flew quickly into the bloody valley. On the way, he took out a bottle of elixir for restoring vitality from his sleeve, and swallowed it all in one breath, regardless of whether he could digest the potency. Although taking a large amount of medicine without meditating and refining would cause great damage to the body, Jin Qinghan couldn't care about it anymore.

Seeing Jin Qinghan leaving suddenly and indifferently, everyone else was stunned. Some wanted to ask Jin Qinghan for an explanation, or were worried about Jin Qinghan's safety and wanted to stop him again. But he was stopped by Lu Qingshang and Li Yuhan. \\

"Uncle Jin has already told me about the matters within the mountain and the future arrangements. We just have to act according to the plan now, but Uncle Jin has other important matters now. Don't delay."

Li Yuhan said.

He left as quickly as he came back. Driven by anxiety, worry and inexplicable anticipation and excitement, Jin Qinghan returned to the bloody valley in less than a cup of tea.

In the valley, there was a fire, and the four walls of the earth were covered with fire that was several feet high. Under the high temperature, the rocks melted, and the magma flowed. Together with the blood-colored stone and soil, the valley at this time was all red, like the legendary purgatory. generally. Countless "bestiality monks" were transformed into human-shaped fireballs at this time. They were howling and screaming, and they were constantly running and rolling, which made this purgatory even more tragic and terrifying.

When Jin Qinghan left, thousands of "Beast-Crazy Monks" in the entire valley had all been burned to death by the sudden appearance of flames! !

Although the temperature was extremely high and melted iron into gold, when Jin Qinghan flew into the valley, he had already returned to his previous fighting form, wearing golden armor, with a six-armed three-headed Vajra behind him, holding a long golden thread and a golden giant sword. , with great power. Under the oppressive golden light he spread, the fire and flames wherever he went were suppressed to a minimum, unable to cause any harm to him.

Although he didn't know why the flames appeared or who was responsible for it, Jin Qinghan ignored it, suppressing the strong and unknown expectation and excitement in his heart, and flew towards the cave in a remote part of the valley. He just wanted to be sure now. Xu Qingfan’s safety.

But just halfway through the flight, Jin Qinghan's figure suddenly stopped, with an incredible look in his eyes, and he finally understood the reason for the sudden expectation and excitement in his heart.

They met by fate. He had been waiting for this day for a long time.

In the fiery purgatory, a monk in purple robes stood quietly in the center of the valley, looking indifferently at the writhing and howling pain of countless "bestiality monks" in front of him. In this red world, his purple robes were So conspicuous, but it seems to be integrated with the flames around him. His expression is indifferent with a hint of disdain. It is an expression that only appears when the powerful can easily control life and death. Those powerful ones who almost forced Jin Qinghan into a desperate situation just now " The beastly monks" were like ants in his eyes. The handsome face becomes more and more evil in the firelight, and the indifferent expression still makes people feel cold in the flames.

Jin Qinghan was very familiar with this handsome face and indifferent expression similar to his own. The reason why Jin Qinghan has practiced so desperately over the years is precisely because of this person and the shadow and shame this person has brought to him. Hate or cherish each other. I hate him for being dismissive of him after defeating me again and again. I regret that he is as arrogant and indifferent as me. I hate him for almost killing Xu Qingfan and then defecting to Jiuhua. It's a pity that his talent and strength are still above his own...

But in any case, after this person betrayed Jiuhua, there was no friendship between the two of them. What was left was Feng Qingtian's hatred for Jiuhua, Jin Qinghan's awakening to defeat Feng Qingtian, and Jiuhua's secret order to kill Feng Qingtian. Only the fate of the two could only survive one.

Or. This fate was already destined when the two met for the first time.

"Feng Qingtian..."

Jin Qinghan stared at the existence in front of him that was neither soluble nor harmonious with the surrounding purgatory, and said slowly and softly. It was better to say that he was talking to himself than to say hello.

After a while, under Jin Qinghan's direct gaze, Feng Qingtian also slowly turned his head to look at Jin Qinghan. The two people's eyes met at a certain point in the blazing purgatory. Feng Qingtian's eyes were still cold. But Jin Qinghan's eyes had already taken on a bit of heat.

The scenes of previous failures suddenly appeared in Jin Qinghan's mind. Under his obsession, he did not fight. His heart was already in chaos.

"Be careful, and if you meet Feng Qingtian in the future, you must be rational and calm."

Suddenly, before he broke up with Xu Qingfan, Xu Qingfan's instructions appeared in his mind, and Jin Qinghan finally resisted the urge to rush and take action immediately.

Thinking of Xu Qingfan's previous instructions, Jin Qinghan finally calmed down a little. It was just strange why Xu Qingfan seemed to have known about the existence of Feng Qingtian.

Inhale. Exhale, lower your head. Raise your head, when the eyes of the two met again, Jin Qinghan was as calm and indifferent as Feng Qingtian.

"You finally showed up."

Jin Qinghan said slowly.

Feng Qingtian nodded slowly and said lightly: "I know you will come back, so I'm waiting for you here."

"Why are you here? What's your purpose?" Jin Qinghan's eyes became colder and colder.

Feng Qingtian smiled slightly, and his smile was mocking, which was even colder than the expression on his face.

"Because I have to accompany someone to take revenge. I helped him arrange everything here. Although that person has a way to control them, it is not easy to gather so many beast-crazed monks."

"Where is Senior Brother Xu?"

"Don't worry. Although it's a pity, if that person wants to deal with him personally, he should be dead by now."

Feng Qingtian's face showed some regret. In fact, he wanted to deal with Xu Qingfan personally.

"You can control these beast-crazed monks? Then why do you want to kill them?"

Hearing Feng Qingtian's words, Jin Qinghan's heart was in a mess. He almost ignored Feng Qingtian and went to find Xu Qingfan, but he still forced himself to hold back. While slowly gathering spiritual energy in his body and constantly compressing it in his left arm, he slowly asked.

Feng Qingtian didn't seem to care about Jin Qinghan's little move at all, and still said lightly: "Because they are useless, because you used up about 60% of your spiritual energy before, and I don't want to take advantage of you in the battle, so I also used 60% of my spiritual energy to deal with them."

The spiritual energy in the whole body was compressed to one point, and Jin Qinghan's left arm was in great pain. A golden light, as if it were real, slowly appeared at the fingertips of Jin Qinghan's left arm.

"Then let's start. Although I don't believe that the person you mentioned can kill Senior Brother Xu so easily, Senior Brother Xu is in a different situation now. I must rush there immediately and can't waste time with you here."

As he said, Jin Qinghan fell from the air and slowly walked towards Feng Qingtian.

"Really? I thought that defeating me was what you wanted most..."

Halfway through, Feng Qingtian suddenly stopped talking and stared at the golden light on the fingertips of Jin Qinghan's left hand.

The golden light has not yet taken shape, but it has already given him a very dangerous feeling. I thought that since I had reached the Golden Core Stage, Jin Qinghan was not his opponent, but now it seems that the opponent is Jin Qinghan after all, and it is not so easy to defeat him.

Jin Qinghan is very special to Feng Qingtian, and Feng Qingtian is very special to Jin Qinghan.

Knowing that Jin Qinghan is eager to fight and will not talk to him, Feng Qingtian did not say anything more, but suddenly closed his eyes. The flames burning in various places in the valley suddenly gathered towards him while he closed his eyes.

At this time, the golden light on Jin Qinghan's fingertips finally took shape. It was the powerful magical power that compressed the whole body's spiritual energy into one point and easily defeated Xu Qingfan.

The fateful battle is imminent.

Xu Qingfan, who Jin Qinghan was about to rescue, was in unprecedented danger in his life. Although the opponent was only one person, it was countless times more dangerous than the countless "beast crazy monks" that Jin Qinghan had to deal with before.

ps: This chapter has more than 5,000 words, which is not enough for two chapters of 6,000 words, but it feels right to stop here, so it is counted as a separate chapter. There will be a lot more updates tomorrow. The eight chapters of 24,000 words owed by the previous four-day break will be returned to you tomorrow, during the three-day holiday of the Dragon Boat Festival. In fact, I shouldn’t make any more promises, but without Chen Nuo’s words, I always have no motivation to do these, so I’ll still Chen Nuo, as a reminder to myself, I won’t break my promise this time. Well, that’s it.

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