Seeking Immortality

Volume 5. The road to immortality is unpredictable. Chapter 122. The difference between good and evi

Just when Jin Qinghan left the mountain and rescued Li Yuhan and others, and then returned to meet Feng Qingtian who had been waiting for a long time, Xu Qingfan was still meditating in the mountain, gathering all his spiritual energy, trying to block the invasion of "Beast Madness" on his body and consciousness.

At this time, the mountain was full of "Beast Madness Monks", constantly attacking him, endlessly. Although Xu Qingfan's two clones blocked him tightly, it seemed that the defense line was still stable, but the man was exhausted. With one against dozens, the spiritual energy of the two clones was greatly consumed. Over time, the defense line could collapse at any time. Xiao Hei was absorbing the death energy in the green skull to heal his wounds. It was unknown when he would recover. If something unexpected happened, Xu Qingfan would have no means of resistance except for the two clones who were busy dealing with the siege of "Beast Madness Monks".

The most important thing is that according to Xu Qingfan's speculation, at this time and place, there is a mysterious master who is good at controlling people's minds lurking somewhere in the mountain, and he may attack Xu Qingfan at any time. When the "beast madness" invades, this kind of mental attack will be fatal, not to mention that Xu Qinghan is still sitting cross-legged with his spiritual consciousness. If the master attacks with his spiritual consciousness at this time, Xu Qingfan has no resistance at all.

It can be said that in such a chaotic and dangerous mountain, under such a situation, Xu Qingfan's behavior of sitting in meditation without caring can no longer be described as reckless, it is simply tantamount to seeking death and suicide.

Xu Qingfan naturally knew about these, but he had to do so. The wound on his ankle that had been bitten by the "beast mad monk". The strange feeling of the scattered land became stronger and stronger, constantly transforming Xu Qingfan's body, and spreading to Xu Qingfan's whole body, rushing straight to Xu Qingfan's brain.

According to Xu Qingfan's estimation, if he just ignored it, it would only take an incense stick of time. The strange energy at the wound will be countless times stronger. Spreading throughout his body, transforming him into a "beast mad monk" who has lost all his reason and only knows how to kill. Compared with this, Xu Qingfan would rather be killed.

This is why Xu Qingfan had the energy to break out of the mountain with Jin Qinghan just now, but let Jin Qinghan leave alone. In addition to wanting to spread the risk, it is also because he has no time to delay. He must seize every moment to study the characteristics of "beast madness" and resist and drive it away. ^^^^

After stabilizing Xiao Hei's injuries. Xu Qingfan ignored the threats outside and hurriedly took the time to meditate on his own.

However, although it was a helpless move, Xu Qingfan also had his own considerations. Before, whether it was him Or Jin Qinghan, or even Master Bo Guangyan, who Xu Qingfan didn't know the situation, were obviously controlled and affected by the master. This mysterious master could attack three people at the same time and make these three masters, who were regarded as the elites of the Righteous Alliance, unaware. This kind of cultivation can only be called amazing.

But strangely, this control lasted only for a short time, so that Master Bo Guangyan and Jin Qinghan broke away from the control one after another. Only Xu Qingfan was unable to extricate himself because of the big flaw in his heart.

Based on this, Xu Qingfan speculated that there were two possibilities. One was that this master did not bother to sneak attack when the "Beast Crazy Monk" besieged them. That attack was just a greeting and test by the mysterious master, or the master's mental attack had some limitations. Each attack lasted for a short time, and a certain amount of preparation time was required between the two attacks.

Xu Qingfan hoped it was the latter, because if that was the case, this mysterious master would undoubtedly be much easier to deal with.

However, no matter which possibility it is, this expert will most likely not attack Xu Qingfan within a certain period of time, but wait until all the "beast crazy monks" in the belly of the mountain are eliminated, or his magical powers are ready.

So Xu Qingfan's meditation this time is actually a gamble, betting that the man is really as arrogant as he imagined, or that the master has a long preparation time to display his magical powers. *****

When making this decision, Xu Qingfan smiled bitterly in his heart. He was originally a steady person who liked to act step by step, but in recent days, he has been acting in a gamble, such as this time, and the last time he faced the mysterious sword-carrying man. But there is no way to do this. The strength is far inferior to others, and any calculations have become useless. At this time, you can only speculate the most likely situation and use it, and then helplessly leave your fate to the misty fate.

In the moment when he closed his eyes, Xu Qingfan felt a little helpless. This action came too fast, and the risks contained in it were far beyond his imagination. There was no time to prepare at all. If Xu Qingfan had been given a few years to take those "Immortal Ascension Pills" and break through to the Golden Core Stage before taking action, and to refine the "Dragon Summoning Order" so that he could use it freely, then he would not be so passive at this time.

But reality is reality. If it is just if, it has not happened and only exists in imagination.

In fact, Xu Qingfan's gamble was only half right this time. "Sun" will not attack him immediately, but it is not because of arrogance, or because it takes a long time to display magical powers, but because of the revenge for killing his brother, "Sun" does not intend to kill Xu Qingfan just like that. The illusion that appeared in Xu Qingfan's mind under the control of "Sun" before was not "Sun's" real intention.

In any case, after Xu Qingfan sat cross-legged and closed his eyes in meditation, there was no danger for the time being, because the danger was still lurking, waiting for the critical moment, leaping up and attacking, and completely throwing Xu Qingfan into the abyss, and those "beast mad monks" who kept attacking Xu Qingfan looked fierce, but in comparison, they were just mosquitoes and flies flying around.

At this time, "Ri" was showing his magical powers, with his left eye burning red and his right eye cold and white. Although the first target was Master Bo Guangyan, he did not attack Bo Guangyan directly, but began to control the "beast mad monks" who were besieging Bo Guangyan. *****

At the same time, he also divided his mind into three parts. He stared at Xu Qingfan in the distance, waiting for Xu Qingfan to resist the "beast madness" at the most critical moment, and then he would make a key attack, not only turning Xu Qingfan into a "beast mad monk", but also completely controlling him.

Compared with ordinary immortals, "beast mad monks" are far superior in terms of total amount of spiritual energy, sensitivity of the six senses, and self-recovery ability. But for "Sun", it is easier to control.

"Sun"'s magical power is to control human emotions and guide human thoughts. When dealing with ordinary cultivators, it is necessary to carefully investigate the psychological flaws of this cultivator, and carefully find what he needs to control in the thousands of thoughts and emotions in the cultivator's heart. The "beast mad cultivator" is only crazy in emotion, and only has killing in mind, which is undoubtedly much easier to deal with. This is one of the reasons why he and Feng Qingtian can easily control all the "beast mad cultivators" in this valley.

I saw that when "Sun" looked around with his strange eyes, all the "beast mad cultivators" he saw suddenly roared wildly, and the huge sound kept echoing in the belly of the mountain, causing the top four walls of the mountain to shake constantly, and the stones and soil shook off, making people worry whether it would collapse.

In just one look around, nearly two hundred "beast mad cultivators" who were besieging Bo Guangyan were all controlled by him. The blood in the eyes of these "beast mad cultivators" at the fingertips was even more intense. They began to attack Bo Guangyan more frantically, but although the attack became more frantic, it also became more organized.

Originally, these "beast mad monks" only knew how to attack Master Bo Guangyan with their minions in close range, so although there were many of them, Master Bo Guangyan could easily deal with them, and occasionally they relied on their instincts to attack Bo Guangyan with Taoist magic. Because the motive was too obvious. Bo Guangyan easily dodged them, but instead injured and killed many "beast mad monks" who were besieging Bo Guangyan. Or two "beast mad monks" used fire magic and water magic, and before they attacked Bo Guangyan, their power had been exhausted, wasting their spiritual energy. *****

But after "Sun" controlled all these "beast mad monks", the situation changed drastically.

I saw that these "beast mad monks" no longer swarmed and attacked Bo Guangyan, but split into two halves. The fast ones with strong close-range attack ability kept attacking Bo Guangyan in turn, not letting him rest for a moment, while the remaining half retreated to a distance, constantly using various Taoist magics to harass and attack. Various Taoist magics complemented each other, and the five elements were mutually generated, which made Bo Guangyan exhausted and flustered, and constantly compressed the space for him to escape and dodge.

In this way, the "beast mad monks" who originally only knew how to kill and had no reason at all, became like an army in just one look of "Ri". The ability of "Ri" is terrible. If "Ri" had not been a clean freak and hated the dirtiness of the "beast mad monks", with his ability, he could completely rely on the "beast mad monks" to cause a huge blood wave in the world of cultivation.

On the other side, after fighting for a long time with Bohui who had turned into a "beast mad monk", Bo Guangyan had made up his mind to kill Bohui after seeing Bohui's crazy bloodthirstiness and his humble and low-key appearance. But just when he wanted to do it, the "" character seal in the palm of his hand had just taken shape, and before he had time to attack, he felt the pressure around him surge, and he, who had been able to move freely among the "beast mad monks", suddenly found it difficult to move.

From all directions, every moment, there were a lot of attacks rushing towards him, in the sky and on the ground, in the east, west, south and north, there was actually no direction for him to hide and dodge.

In desperation, Master Bo Guangyan sighed slightly, but gave up the idea of ​​getting rid of Bohui who had turned into a "beast mad monk" immediately. He waved the "" character seal in his hand casually, and it suddenly grew countless times larger after leaving his hand, and attacked the left side of his body with a force of ten thousand kilograms.

On the left side of his body, the attacking Taoist magic was vulnerable to the power of the "" character seal, and dispersed at once, giving Bo Guangyan plenty of space to dodge. ^^^^After dispersing the attacking Taoist magic, the "" character seal continued to move forward, and attacked the "beast mad monks" who followed the Taoist magic and attacked him closely with great pressure. As a result, those "beast mad monks" who were rushing towards him were unable to dodge in time, and were killed or injured by the "" character seal one after another, causing the death or injury of seven or eight "beast mad monks" in an instant. The power of this attack can be seen.

And Master Bo Guangyan followed this "" character seal and dodged the Taoist magic attacks from other directions. Then the speed suddenly increased, and he dodged the "beast mad monks" who were chasing him. With one strike and one escape, he flashed outside the seemingly tight encirclement of those "beast mad monks".

However, Bo Guangyan was originally surrounded by the "Beast Crazy Monks". In addition to dealing with Bo Hui's attacks, he also killed other "Beast Crazy Monks" at will. But this time, the "Beast Crazy Monks" suddenly became well-behaved.

In the secret battle with "Sun", although Bo Guangyan's cultivation was not as shocking as "Sun", it was still absolutely impressive. It made "Sun" who was hiding and secretly controlling not far away appreciate it with his eyes. Even more so, he nodded slightly to express his appreciation.

At the same time, Master Bo Guangyan looked at the group of "beast-crazy monks" who were about to surround him again with horrified eyes. He didn't know why these "beast-crazed monks" suddenly acted so well.

Could it be another move by the previous master who affected the mind? The sudden changes in these "bestiality monks" indeed seemed to be controlled by others. But he controlled so many "beast-mad monks" at one go. Isn't it too incredible?

After realizing that there might be another master who is good at controlling the mind lurking in the belly of the mountain, Bo Guangyan seemed to be dealing with the "Beast Maniac Monk" with all his strength on the surface, but in fact he had separated at least half of his mind in the belly of the mountain. search. Looking for the mysterious master who is good at controlling the mind, but found nothing. And this time when the mysterious master controlled these "bestiality monks", Master Bo Guangyan didn't notice at all.

"This mysterious master has repeatedly used tricks to plot against me, but he never used his full strength. What does he mean? Isn't he afraid that I will know his existence? These two tricks are to tell me of his existence. Let me be clear. I was on guard but got nothing, and he was just playing tricks on me? If there is such a master lurking in the mountain, is there someone in the Ciyun Temple team who is also dealing with it? "

Thinking of this, Bo Guangyan was horrified, but even more worried. After Bo Hui had turned into a "bestiality monk", he was even more unwilling to have any accidents happen to others in the "Ciyun Temple" team. after all. Those people are all elites of "Ciyun Temple".

While Bo Guangyan was thinking secretly, those "beast-mad monks" had already rushed not far in front of him. He wanted to surround him again, but it was his junior brother Bo Hui! !

In fact, "Ri" really doesn't care whether Bo Guangyan or Xu Qingfan realizes his existence, and he also likes that although Bo Guangyan knows his existence, he can only be attacked and played by him again and again in various ways. There was nothing he could do, but Bo Guangyan's position in his heart was much more important than Bo Guangyan thought. The Buddhist Kung Fu practiced by Bo Guangyan was of great benefit to "Ri". "Ri" really wanted to compete with Bo Guangyan and use his true magical power.

And this time, controlling the attack of the "Beast Maniac Monk" is not just to play with Bo Guangyan, but to observe Bo Guangyan, understand Bo Guangyan better, and know his flaws and advantages. Only in this way can one be good at controlling people's hearts. Only with the "sun" can we remain invincible in the next battle.

Although the two elders of "Heaven" and "Earth" once said that "Sun" is the most powerful and terrifying among all the earth masters below the Mahayana stage in the world, only "Sun" himself knows that using people's hearts to attack others is a double-edged sword. , it is equally dangerous to use it or to be attacked. If you are not careful, you will get backlash. However, the backlash from the human heart is ten thousand times more dangerous than the backlash from the spiritual energy in the body, so every time he makes up his mind to actually use his magical power to attack. Every time, he will be cautious, and he will first observe the opponent's mental flaws and advantages in advance, and then take action only after he is fully confident.

Although he is arrogant, he is cautious in his actions. Although he is indifferent, he has a pair of eyes that are good at observation and a brain that is good at summarizing. Coupled with his unique magical power, such a "Sun" is undoubtedly extremely terrifying.

"Interesting, it's really a rare test subject."

Watching Bo Guangyan keep wandering around under the pursuit of the "Beast Maniac Monk", sometimes turning back to fight back at those "Beast Maniac Monk", after a fight, the "Beast Maniac Monk" was under the control of "Sun", Not only failed to surround Bo Guangyan again, but Bo Guangyan suffered more than one-third casualties while fighting and retreating.

Although most of the "Beast Madness Monks" left in the mountain are those who have cultivated below the pill formation stage, being able to do this is considered rare.

However, "Ri" could also tell Bo Guangyan's thoughts and mood at this time through the way Bo Guangyan subconsciously showed mercy to Bo Hui every time he fought back, as well as the anxious look on his face and the way he looked towards the exit from time to time. , and the flaw in his heart.

After coming to the conclusion, the smile on the corner of "Ri"'s mouth became more and more unpredictable.

But just when "Ri" was about to make another move, a trace of surprise suddenly appeared on his expression, and he turned his head to look at Xu Qingfan's position.

At this time, black and white mist was billowing around Xu Qingfan, and the changing light gave people an unfathomable feeling.

"This Xu Qingfan can actually suppress the beast madness that is eroding his body?"

After closing his eyes for a moment to detect Xu Qingfan's situation, "Ri" suddenly opened his eyes and stared closely at Xu Qingfan's position. His eyes were even more surprised and he murmured to himself.

You know, even he would be helpless once bitten by the "Beast Maniac Monk".

ps: two chapters in one. In addition, there is a 3,000-word chapter before 11 o'clock. Chapter 4 will be uploaded around 7:30 tomorrow morning.

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