Self-Discipline! Sven Scum At Naval Headquarters

Chapter 163 Kozuki Oden? Waste In Waste! [Two Changes For Automatic]

"Just press them to death and let them know what the surname of this country is!"

"Kill chickens and intimidate monkeys!"

"Only when it hurts, they know that the royal family is serious!"


At this remark, Ikalem was directly shocked.

This means is not only cruel, it is simply an uncompromising means.

It was fierce and black.

"It can't be completely fine after checking this circle!"

"[Dancing powder] must be there, even if it is not found out, it must be there, if it doesn't work, plant a few of the fiercest nobles who dance, and then severely punish!"

"The punishment is so strong that people dare not take risks!"

"Raiding the family, Zhulian, Ling Chi... In short, it has to be made public

"In this way, even if the supply chain is not found, in a short period of time, those people are scared, and [dancing powder] does not dare to circulate indiscriminately, giving the major oases the opportunity to ease the rainfall!"

Bai Ye's words sounded to Ikalem stunned.

He really couldn't figure out how a Marine could be such a grandmaster for such a thing.

It feels like Bai Ye has done this kind of thing countless times, and it is simply handy.

Ikalem was a little worried and couldn't make up his mind, after all, the king was not there for the time being.

"Inspector Bai Ye!"

"At present, the royal capital is already very turbulent, will it arouse public anger like you?"

"Public outrage? Stop talking nonsense!"

Bai Ye smoked his cigar and smiled.

"The people involved in this are all people in the supply chain of transportation materials!"

"In this desert country, the importance of overseas materials is self-evident, and controlling this route is either rich or expensive except for foreigners!"

"Does this have anything to do with civilians half a dime?"

"No matter how bad it is, if there are really Fang Ping people involved, it is not a pity to die... Knowing that this matter is lost, he has to squeeze in for money, this kind of person, no matter how much he kills, it is not enough!"

Bai Ye shook the soot on his cigar and laughed.

"At that time, when the time comes to attack those nobles who jump fiercely, shake out all the things that they can provoke the people's indignation, how to fill the righteous indignation, how to rectify the difficult book, how to send the common indignation of the commoners!"

"Even if not, wouldn't it be nice to hire a few actors?" Give some money, there are a lot of civilians willing to help! When the time comes, one cry, two troubles and three hangings, and the whole king must be allowed to come and watch!

"This wave directly dominates the direction of public opinion and firmly controls this public opinion, who still dare to jump out and sing the opposite tune?"

"At that time, it was the iron wolf, one knife and one accurate!"

"Doing this, not only will it not arouse the anger of the people, the royal family will kill these blood-sucking aristocratic tumors, but it will also greatly strengthen the deterrent power of the royal family!"

"And then raided the nobles' homes, got money, distributed food and water, slapped a candy] The commoners will still complain? Are you panicking when you're full?"

"This can also be called a thing?"

Bai Ye snorted coldly.

In fact, these are the basic operations of a qualified ruler.

Even if Bai Ye doesn't come here, the royal family of Alabasta can do just that.

However, it is clear that the royal family of Alabasta is ruthless and does not have such a compulsion at all.

As far as Bai Ye knows, Princess Vivi's father, the king of Alabasta, did indeed love the people like a son, but unfortunately, he was a soft egg.

If the royal family is weak, it deserves to be bullied.

But if the royal family can be tougher, in the future, it will not be taken advantage of by Crocodile, and the face will not be enlarged.

As a hindrance of a Shichibukai, Crocodile did not even use force to suppress it, provoking civil unrest in Alabasta, and even a large number of rebel armies appeared.

This first pot must be given to the king, and the second pot can be the turn of Crocodile.

A [dancing powder] incident strangled the king, and the funny thing is that the royal family did not even come up with countermeasures, and was completely pinched by Crocodile.

And Crocodile, the [Shichibukai], knows to win people's hearts in person in order to create his own momentum.

You a king don't know to pour dirty water on him?

A pirate, what is the black history?

Can't turn over black history, won't you get a stolen money?

That's how Crocodile can be called a "national hero."

Bai Ye expressed incomprehension.

It's ridiculous, ridiculous.

"Then what next~||?"

Although Bai Ye's methods are a little chilling.

However, there is still a possibility.

Coupled with Bai Ye's status as inspector general, he may speak better than the king, which is equivalent to Admiral of Headquarters.


Bai Ye smiled.

"Let's do this well before I say it!"

"Control logistics, check materials, raid homes, and then kill chickens and monkeys, and get out the [dancing powder] that can be seen and touched!"

"Let the people know that this matter was made out by [dancing powder], and it was someone else who got it out to get rid of the label of [incompetence] of the royal family!"

"In this process, the more decisive and iron-blooded the royal family's means, the more the people can trust the royal family, don't be indecisive like a girl!"

Saying that, Bai Ye patted Gion next to him in a daze and smiled.

"Gion, you go to assist the king's army and put this matter into place!"

"If someone resists, you directly suppress it by force, don't care what bullshit reason the other party has, directly cripple the other party, throw it into the interrogation room, and detain the charge of rebellion, and he must recruit all those who should not be recruited!"

"If you can do it, don't talk, the actions of the king's army are the most artistic language!" Now, you represent [justice]!"

Hearing this, Gion hesitated.

However, remembering the group of deceived civilians before, ignorant and pitiful, Gion nodded immediately.

"Bai Ye, I see!"

"Indeed, I was a little naïve under the protection of Sister Tsuru before..."

"I need to reflect on it too!"

Gion recalled that if she had been the one who handled all this, the mission would have failed when she had just entered the throne and was blocked by those civilians.

With her idealized thinking, she simply can't handle this kind of thing.

Thinking, indeed, needs to be transformed.

The world does not turn according to her understanding of [justice].

There was darkness and blood, and she couldn't see a lot of it, but that didn't mean they didn't exist.

Hearing this, Bai Ye touched Gion's head and smiled.

"This is just good!"

Soon, after everything was settled in the Marine House.

Gion left with a group of Marine and followed Ikalem.

And Bai Ye also has to think about it.

Where is the old conspiracy of Crocodile hiding now?

The whole of Alabasta is a big desert.

Crocodile is Sand-Sand Fruit.

In this country, his ability has been strengthened to the maximum, it is simply like a fish in water, he wants to hide, it is really difficult to find.

Just as Bai Ye was thinking about it, he found that Yamato had been staring at him.

Seeing this, Bai Ye raised his eyebrows.

"What's wrong?"

"Is there something on my face?"

Hearing this, Yamato shook his head.

Since following Bai Ye, she has not been very talkative, so she has followed Bai Ye silently, and now, she seems to have something to say.

"How, what do you want to say?"

Yamato hesitated, but finally spoke.

"I think..."

"As a ruler, you shouldn't be like this..."

"The royal family of this country should be like Kozuki Oden, love the people like a son, and be a good royal family!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye did not speak at the first time, but silently took out the cigar.

At the same time, Bai Ye beckoned to Yamato.

Yamato sensibly lit a cigarette for him.

Then, he gently spat out a mouthful of Bai Ye and slapped it on Yamato's face.


"I repeat, don't put that name in front of me!"

"The royal family of this country can barely be regarded as a ruler.

Where did Kozuki Oden? where did the cat and dog come out, also worthy of the royal family!? Do you want to laugh me to death?"

"Kozuki Oden is a typical waste scumbag, a loser who ends up with nothing, what is there to brag about?"

Hear here.

Finally, Yamato's face, who had not changed her expression all the time, finally changed.

She glared at Bai Ye fiercely and hurriedly spoke.

“ Bai Ye!”

"Now, take back your words immediately, I won't allow you to insult Kozuki Oden like that!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye smiled, smoked his cigar, and spoke.

"How? Am I wrong?"

"Wrong, all wrong!"

At this moment, Yamato was extremely excited, and her anger could be seen in her trembling eyes.

"When I was eight years old, I witnessed the greatest end of Kozuki Oden's life, in [Execution of the Kettle], he was alone in the oil pot for an hour to protect his retainers!"

"In the end, he assisted his retainers to escape, and there is no doubt that he is the greatest samurai of [Wanokuni], and I will not allow you to insult him like this!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye shook the cigar in his hand and smiled contemptuously.

"Isn't that stupid enough?"

"Where is this stupid!"

Yamato was so excited that his voice trembled.

"So, what's the point of him carrying it in the oil pan for an hour? In the end, his retainers were not hunted down by your dad Kaido!"

"Is he playing with it in an oil pot?"

"In that case, why didn't he jump out and resist at the beginning, he himself is running away with his retainers, maybe he can kill a bloody way out!"

"Or do you think that's smart? This is the greatest martial arts area!?"

"Awesome! It's really amazing, long insight. ”

Bai Ye suddenly clapped his hands and said quickly, however, the mockery in his words was revealed.

However, Yamato, who heard this, got stuck on the spot.


Does this seem to make some sense!?

"No, it's not..."

Yamato quickly retorted.

"Kozuki Oden and my bastard dad made an agreement to let someone go as long as he carried him for an hour!"

"Do you believe it?"

Bai Ye touched his chin.

On the body... Do you believe it?"


"You have only been teased and danced naked by your father for several years, and you still believe that the other party will open the net to you?"

"That's waste! And it's waste within waste!".

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