Self-Discipline! Sven Scum At Naval Headquarters

Chapter 164 Yamatovs Bai Ye! [Three Changes For Automatic]

"You have only been teased and danced naked by your father for several years, and you still believe that the other party will open the net to you?"

"That's waste! And it's waste of waste!"

Bai Ye took a deep breath of the cigar and slowly spit it out, accompanied by the smoke of the white eyes, Bai Ye continued to speak.

"When will a strong person rely on his life on the promises of others?"

"Moreover, it is still when you know that the other party is a pirate who will not fulfill his promises at all!"

"Isn't that stupid enough?"

"No, it's certainly not like that!"

Yamato didn't believe it, and quickly shook his head to refute, frantically looking for a justification for Kozuki Oden.

"Kozuki Oden was arrested by my bastard dad at the time, how could he resist?"

Hearing this, Bai Ye smiled even happier.

"Come, I'll come and wisp with you!"

"First, Kozuki Oden is not a capable person, right? In other words, Seastone can't lock him!"

"Second, he carried it in the oil pot for an hour, and I have every reason to believe that he had enough physique to fight Haki at that time!"

"Your dad put him in jail and didn't even confiscate his knife!"

"So, why didn't he resist?"

This, this...

Yamato is stuck again.

Under the shocked expression, it was a sign of the vacillation in her heart at this moment.


The Kozuki Oden she pursues is definitely not like this!

"He's trying to open [Wanokuni]!"

"That's right, he knows his fate, all for twenty years later, in order to open [Wanokuni]!"

"In this way, he entrusted everything to his retainers, and he died like a hero!"

930 "Fart!"

Bai Ye shook the cigar in his hand and spoke calmly.

"You're just farting!"

"What a bullshit fate!"

"This kind of reason, you are also willing to say it and talk to me?"

"A man who has walked all over this sea with One Piece Roger and the world's strongest Whitebeard, even to the end of the sea! Will you actually succumb to a mere fate!?"

"It's the funniest joke I've ever heard!"

"Let me tell you what is the quality of a truly strong person!"

"What a shit fate, it's all fart, Laozi believes, only knives and fists in the hand!"

"But anyone who has great courage, then kill until twenty years later, come and see if this fate is true!"

"If he is not capable, he will talk about what fate is, entrust the future to others, and make it seem how clever he is."

Bai Ye calmly recounts Kozuki Oden's stupidity.

Yamato's body was constantly shaking, and she wanted to refute it, but she found that she couldn't find a real reason.

Seeing this, Bai Ye pushed his gold wire glasses and spoke again.

"Come on! Let me tell you how ridiculous Kozuki Oden's life is!"

"First of all, as the lord of a country, he is a loser, and the duty of the lord of a country is to govern the country, but as a result, he left everything behind, ran away with Whitebeard, and did not settle anything, and as a result, Kurozumi took advantage of the void and became the [Wanokuni] general!"

"Second, he knew that [Wanokuni] was in trouble, and the people of the Roger Pirates also offered to help him, but he refused on the spot... Of course, there is nothing to say about this, after all, at that time, he was already known as the invincible Kozuki Oden, and it is a good thing that the strong have self-(baaf) faith in themselves!"

However, when it became clear that he was threatened by Kaido, his first reaction was not to shake people for help, nor to find a way to solve it, but to dance naked, which was simply brainless. M

Hearing this, Yamato seemed to have caught something and quickly retorted.

"No, it was because [Wanokuni] many people were taken hostage by my bastard father and the big snake, if he didn't do this, many people would have died!"

"Don't be naïve!"

Bai Ye looked at Yamato calmly and spoke.

"Who do you think your dad is? It's a pirate, Kaido is not a pirate playing a family, that's going to die!"

"To seize power, how can there be any reason for the undead? Sacrifice was inevitable, and at that time, if Kozuki Oden was a little reckless, with the credit of his Kozuki family in Wanokuni at that time

Combine with the Roger Pirates and Whitebeard to take down your Kaido daddy and snake on the spot with minimal sacrifice! And then [Wanokuni] the world is peaceful.

"The result? Instead, he chose to believe Kaido and the big snake's mouth full of train cannons, ruined the credit of the [Kozuki] family to nothing, and received the title of "His Highness a Fool"

It's apt!"

"In a word, if the head of a country will affect the fate of the entire country because of some hostages, whether it is hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands, then it is better to change people as soon as possible! Such a country will end sooner or later!"

At the moment, Yamato was already a little broken.

Bai Ye's words constantly stimulated her brain.

She felt like she was spinning, and she even felt a little headache.

Stop reading it!

Master Bai Ye, please stop reading it.

However, Bai Ye did not intend to stop at all and continued to speak lightly.

"The funniest thing is that Kozuki Oden really danced naked for five years!"

"Five years, five whole years, he actually didn't do anything, just danced... Do you know how much you can do in five years?"

"Forget it, I can't talk about his stupidity at all, and, five years later, after he learned that he was deceived, he still didn't know how much disadvantage he had."

"Then, the family did not settle down, and there was not much statistics on how much combat power they had, and with a full of anger, he rushed up with a few super soldiers to fight Kaido..."

"Yamato, let me ask you, how brainy are you to think that such a guy is the greatest samurai of [Wanokuni]?"

"Is there no samurai [Wanokuni] left? Or is the other samurai of Wanokuni, Kozuki Oden, still going to be stupid?"

"If stupidity can give an award, then Kozuki Oden will definitely win the jackpot!"


No way!

Bai Ye's words deeply stimulated Yamato's heart.

At this moment, she felt that the worldview she had built up in the past ten years was collapsing.

The collapse of faith is the most terrible.

Yamato has lacked fatherly love since he was a child, and he has not been cared for by anyone, and for the first time, he feels that he is being paid attention to, and it is actually three samurai who are imprisoned by his father!

So, in Kozuki Oden, a samurai, she got the only solace.

Since then, she has been proud to call herself "Kozuki Oden", even at the cost of fighting her father.


At this moment, the image of Kozuki Oden standing proudly in her heart instantly disintegrated, collapsed in an instant, and turned into ruins.

Her faith was distorted.

Her faith was belittled by Bai Ye as worthless.

The scariest thing is.

She couldn't find any loopholes, and she couldn't find a reason to refute day and night.

"Nope! Impossible!"

"I will never admit it!"

At this moment, Yamato glared at Bai Ye viciously, and the killing intent in that look was terrifying.

However, Bai Ye was unmoved, just calmly extinguished his cigar and said calmly.

"If you can't stand up in words, do you plan to resort to force against me??"

"It's ridiculous, this is the [samurai spirit] that you have believed in and insisted on for decades? This is the so-called continuation of the will of Kozuki Oden?"

"That's ridiculous, isn't it?"

Speaking, Bai Ye raised his chin, then pointed outside and spoke.


Row out!"

"Yamato, no, Kozuki Oden, today, I'm going to make you can't reason with me, and you can't beat me!"

"Just today, I'm going to make Kozuki Oden the ridiculous name... Lost in this sea forever!"

Hearing this, hearing this, Yamato was instantly full of battle.

In an instant, from those eyes, a terrifying impact instantly bloomed and swept out.

In an instant, everyone on the scene could not withstand the impact, their eyes turned white, and they fell to the ground at the same time.

She nodded fiercely, calmly carried her mace, and released the battle intent, making her like a terrifying Asura God Buddha.


"Today, I, Kozuki Oden, am blocking the last glory of the samurai spirit, and I want to change your opinion of Kozuki Oden!"

"Don't laugh at the dead!"

"You have already lost reasoning, you can't even refute me, my opinion of Kozuki Oden will never change!"

Bai Ye spoke calmly.

"Today, there are only two endings!"

"Either you die, or... The name Kozuki Oden, gone forever!"

Hearing this, Yamato nodded fiercely.


The two immediately went out to find a place, above the dashing desert, there was a strong wind blowing.

The hot sun makes the desert scaldy.

In such bad weather, Bai Ye and Yamato looked at each other.

The earth-shattering momentum between each other seemed to form a substantial impact, as terrifying as the Asura God Buddha!

At this time, Bai Ye raised his hand, and with a ripple of gold, the tattered notebook of Japan was taken out by Bai Ye.

Seeing the notebook, Yamato was stunned for a moment.

"If you win me!"

"The notebook will be returned to you!"

Seeing this, Yamato nodded.


After that, the mace in Yamato's hand was horizontal, and with the cover of pitch black [armed color], Yamato disappeared and rushed towards Bai Ye at a very fast speed.

The pitch-black lightning turned into a strong impact and bombarded Bai Ye.

"Thunder Eight Trigrams!"

Seeing this, Bai Ye did not dodge, just calmly watched all this, and before the attack fell, he even elegantly lit himself a cigar.

And then


In the golden ripples, Bai Ye took out a golden tai knife and calmly blocked Yamato's blow.


The huge impact caused the desert behind Bai Ye to collapse instantly, and the storm formed by the aftermath directly set off the wind and turned into a sandstorm.

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