Self-Discipline! Sven Scum At Naval Headquarters

Chapter 165 Faith Collapses! Howling Yamato! [Four Changes To Ask For Automatic]

Seeing this scene, Yamato's pupils suddenly froze.


"It's so easy to hit me so easily..."

Hearing this, Bai Ye smiled.

"What's so surprising?"

"Your Haki does seem to be better than me, at least to the point of flow... However, the physical aspect is far from each other!

"You don't even take out the form of the phantom beast species, do you want to face me head-on?"

After speaking, Bai Ye stepped out in an instant.

In an instant, a shocking knife soared into the sky~.

The terrifying sword pressure made Yamato's face change greatly, and he quickly raised his mace to resist.


The huge impact pushed Yamato tens of meters away before slowly stopping.

"So heavy!"

"Do you still have time to sigh?"

When the words fell, Bai Ye's figure had already descended, and the golden Tai Dao, slashing from above and below, fell instantly.

"Xiaoliu - heavy chopping!"

Yamato's face changed drastically, and he quickly raised the mace in his hand to resist.


The weight of this knife is beyond Yamato's imagination.


The huge force directly knelt her legs on the ground, and the desert instantly made him first, a huge impact, making the surrounding sand and dust dance.

Bai Ye's knife slashed at Yamato's shoulder, and red blood flowed out.

If it weren't for the mace's resistance, this knife would be enough to cut off Yamato's arm!

At this moment, Yamato's face completely changed.

So strong.

This is not powerful in the general sense at all.

One photo, just two moves, she was completely suppressed by Bai Ye, and she was powerless to resist.

The other party's Haki was obviously inferior to him, but in terms of swordsmanship and physique, he dealt a dimensionality reduction blow to her.

It's terrible!

If she continues to fight like this, she will die.

Moreover, Bai Ye did not intend to keep his hands, it seems that he really intends to cut her!

The next moment, Yamato gritted his teeth, and his body instantly changed, turning into a silver wolf!

This is Yamato's Devil Fruit ability.

She is a dog fruit fruit - phantom beast species - Demon fruit power, which can be transformed into the legendary phantom beast wolf god - Oguchi true god.

After turning into a big mouth true god, Yamato jumped up, instantly out of Bai Ye's attack range, and then his body changed instantly.

Transformed into a human-beast form, the silver hair flowing like a waterfall and the momentum of the fangs Yamato have undergone a shocking change.

The next moment.

She aimed at Bai Ye, took a deep breath, and exhaled instantly.

"No Waiter Ice Tooth!"

The violent freezing gas turned into a terrifying dragon scroll and descended towards Bai Ye, and even the desert and air seemed to be frozen.


Bai Ye instantly raised his hand and slashed, and in the case of Xiaoyaoliu swordsmanship, Bai Ye's random sword had an astonishing and terrifying impact.

This knife directly cut off Yamato's frozen air dragon scroll.

Seeing this scene, Yamato was not surprised, but took advantage of Bai Ye's knife to launch a pursuit.

The mace in his hand wrapped around the freezing gas and smashed it down on Bai Ye's head from top to bottom.

"Ice Zhu Slash!"

This instantaneous pressure made this desert turbulent, and the storm that rose into the sky swept through the wilderness within the visible range in an instant.

A huge sand city envelops the two and engulfs them in it.


The deadly sandstorm did not affect Bai Ye and Yamato.

Bai Ye also used his tai knife to block Yamato's blow.

Click, click, click——

At this moment, Yamato's mace and Bai Ye's knife did not collide together.

The flowing [Armed Colors] Haki collide with each other and cancel each other out.

However, with just one blink of a word, he disappeared and eventually fell heavily, and Bai Ye was repelled.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye smiled.

"So, is this the flow of [Armed Color] Haki... I have a bit of a thumbs!"

Fighting is the best training and sublimation.

Originally, Bai Ye's Haki was facing a breakthrough, and now he is fighting with Yamato, coupled with a hundredfold increase in feedback, so that his understanding of Armament Haki has instantly reached a higher level!

The next moment, Bai Ye grinned and instantly retracted the knife.

And then -

Yamato's face changed!

At this moment, he seemed to see Bai Ye transformed into a demon, with a shocking aura and momentum.

This knife will be unprecedented horror!

"Escape the mysterious righteousness - silence - cross the red dust!"

One knife!

In an instant, heaven and earth fell silent!

Countless winds and sand disappeared in an instant at this moment.

Yamato's face changed drastically, and there was no hesitation at all.

Countless frozen gases turned into her strongest armor covering her surface, coupled with the blessing of [Armed Color] Haki.

"Mirror Mountain!"

She can't dodge this knife, she must resist it!

One knife!

Just this knife!

Extinguish all the wind and sand and stones!

A knife extinguishes the wind and sand, and the desert has no gods.

Under one sword, the gods are annihilated!


Behind Yamato, the entire desert was split in two, and the terrible ravine continued until the end of the desert, and even the sky was cut open.

And then—


The frozen armor on Yamato's body shattered and shattered in an instant.

And at the moment when Yamato's [Mirror Mountain] collapsed, Bai Ye's body had arrived.

At this moment, Bai Ye's waving fist seemed to Bai Ye to be as insurmountable as a heavenly graben!

Can't win!

At this moment, Yamato seemed to recognize this fact clearly in Bai Ye's fist!

It is not that the simple inability to win in terms of strength, but the gap in faith is more pure.

In his previous defense with Kozuki Oden, Yamato completely lost to Bai Ye.

This made the image of Kozuki Oden, which has supported Yamato all the way for decades, collapse with a bang!

Right now, it's already crumbling!

And Bai Ye's punch will completely smash it!

"Farewell, Kozuki Oden!"

Bai Ye looked at Yamato calmly.

At this moment, Bai Ye's downward gaze had never made Yamato feel so frightened and terrifying.

This punch hit not only herself, but also her faith!

This punch is strong because of the harmony!

At the same time, the [Armed Color] flowing on Bai Ye's fist did not touch her!


The next moment.

The impact of this punch broke out instantly!

Yamato was knocked to the ground on the spot, and the huge aftermath instantly exploded in the middle of the desert, forming a terrifying crater!

And right now, Yamato is lying in it.

She looked up to the sky and sighed, staring blankly at the cloudless sky.

At this moment, her eyes were quite empty, and she could not see any trace of her existence.

And Bai Ye, standing next to Yamato at the moment, did not mend the knife, did not leave, but calmly touched the cigar, lit it, and took a dashing sip.


And then

Bai Ye took out the tattered diary and threw it casually on Yamato's body.

"Take the diary and get out!"

"I don't want it to dirty my treasure trove!"

"Using you against Kaido, compared to Kozuki Oden, is downwind, and the circle can't afford to lose that person!"

After speaking, Bai Ye turned around and left without looking back!

·0 Ask for flowers...

Reasoning is lost, and the battle is lost!

Bai Ye, on the other hand, didn't even intend to promise.

The fall of the diary, as if it was the last pity for her, became the last straw that broke Yamato's psyche.

Suddenly, her empty eyes regained their highlights, and then... There were tears left in large drops.

She wiped it with her hand, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop it!

Immediately after, there was a cry.

"I'm sorry! It's true... I'm really sorry!"

As if venting decades of dissatisfaction and grievances, Yamato kept crying and apologizing.

It's just that no one knows who she's apologizing to!

Her own dad Kaido, or Kozuki Oden, or Bai Ye who crushed her heart?

Bai Ye left calmly and did not look back.

Bai Ye, who shuttles between beautiful young ladies, believes that the man who makes women cry is the kind of scum that cannot be forgiven.

However, at this moment, no matter how sad Yamato cried, he felt no sympathy.

Just feel pathetic!

"Only sigh that the world is bitter, who knows that the infatuation is the most ruthless. The west wind is not the southeast lane, and from then on Tianya has no origin!"

"From today on, there will be no Kozuki Oden in this sea!"

Bai Ye left, looked at the time, and couldn't help but frown.

"Counting the time spent fighting Yamato, it's not enough for my self-discipline plan..."

Bai Ye regretted it a little, he had known that he would fight with Yamato for a while and strengthen his [armed color], this self-discipline time was completely insufficient.

However, the atmosphere was there, and Bai Ye was embarrassed to drag it on.

"Forget it!"

Bai Ye shook his head and looked at the desert in front of him.

"I've practiced boxing in the sea, I haven't practiced in the desert yet, today's self-discipline training, just you!"

The next moment, Bai Ye took a deep breath, drilled the desert like the sea, and then threw a punch.


With the explosion of the desert, the whole wilderness trembled!

Two hours later.

Bai Ye walked out of the desert with a grim face, and quickly took out some clean water from the [King's Treasure] and cleaned himself.

"Hey, the environment of this desert is too harsh..."

There is no feeling of practicing boxing in the sea at all.


There is one thing to say, the resistance to practicing boxing in the desert is much more moderate than that of the sea!

After two hours, Bai Ye even felt that the muscles in his arm were a little sore.

"This intensity is very good!"

Bai Ye nodded!


Must practice!

He didn't plan to stay in this desert where birds don't poop for long, so, in a limited time, he had to increase the intensity of his training!

Thinking like this, Bai Ye hurried away and returned to the Marine Mansion.

However, as soon as he entered the door, he found a person kneeling at the door, as if he had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing this person, Bai Ye was stunned for a moment.

"Yamato, what are you doing back?"

Hearing this, Yamato smiled.

For a moment, please Yamato, Bai Ye inexplicably feels

Unlike the puppet-like Yamato before, she is more like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl now.

"I'm going to follow you!"

"I'm not saying, you're free, you can get out!"

Bai Ye waved his hand.

Hearing this, Yamato looked embarrassed and subconsciously spoke.

"But! I have nowhere to go!"

PS: Is it good to ask for a flower? Is it good to ask for a review ticket?.

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